Activating Energy Flow, 11
Balance, 9
Bubble Meditation, 12
Chakra Assessment exercise, 9
Chakra system
balancing, 9
healing through, 7
Chi. See Energy (in body)
Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
embodiment exercise, 138
essential oil/herbs correspondences, 137, 147
gemstones correspondences, 137, 142
goddess correspondence, 137, 141
overview of, 136
planet correspondence, 137, 151
tarot card correspondence, 137, 150
Despacho de la Madre, 29
Earth Star Chakra (Vasundhara)
embodiment exercise, 18
essential oil/herbs correspondences, 19, 26
gemstone correspondences, 19, 22
goddesses correspondences, 19, 21
overview of, 16
tarot card correspondence, 19, 30
Embodiment exercises
Activating Energy Flow, 11
Bubble Meditation, 12
Chakra Assessment, 9
Crown Chakra Induction, 138
Earth Star Chakra Induction, 18
Heart Chakra Induction, 88
Root Chakra Induction, 37
Sacral Chakra Induction, 56
Sensing Ancestral Imprints, 7
Solar Plexus Chakra Induction, 72
Soul Star Chakra Induction, 156
Third Eye Chakra Induction, 120
Throat Chakra Induction, 104
Zipper Meditation, 12
Energy (in body)
about, 6
aligning, 11
assessing, 9
effects, 4
movement, 8
Essential oil/herbs correspondences
Etheric body, 7
Full Moon Incense Blend for Power and Manifestation, 81
Gemstones correspondences
Goddesses correspondences
Heart Chakra (Anahata)
embodiment exercise, 88
essential oil/herbs correspondences, 89, 95
gemstones correspondences, 89, 92
goddesses correspondences, 89, 91
overview of, 86
tarot card correspondence, 89, 98
Love’s Kiss Perfume to Honor the Sacred Union, 97
Nadi, 8
Offering to the Mother, 29
Oracle Anointing Blend, 131
Peace of Mind Mist, 149
The Peace of Truth Incense Blend, 113
Personal energy flow (PEF), 9
Planet correspondences
Prana. See Energy (in body)
Root Chakra (Muladhara)
embodiment exercise, 37
essential oil/herbs correspondences, 36, 47
gemstones correspondences, 36, 42
goddesses correspondences, 36, 41
overview of, 34
rune card correspondence, 36, 50
tarot card correspondence, 36, 50
Rune correspondences
Sacral Chakra (Svadisthana)
embodiment exercise, 56
essential oil/herbs correspondences, 57, 62
gemstones correspondences, 57, 60
goddesses correspondences, 57, 59
overview of, 54
planet correspondences, 57, 67
tarot card correspondence, 57, 66
Sacred Protection Herb and Resin Mandala, 49
Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
embodiment exercise, 72
essential oil/herbs correspondences, 73, 79
gemstones correspondences, 73, 76
goddesses correspondences, 73, 75
overview of, 70
tarot card correspondence, 73, 82
Soul Star Chakra (Sutara)
embodiment exercise, 156
essential oil/herbs correspondences, 157, 164
gemstones correspondences, 157, 160
goddesses correspondences, 157, 159
overview of, 154
planet correspondences, 157, 169
rune correspondences, 157, 169
tarot cards correspondences, 157, 168
Soul Star Ritual Bath Altar, 167
Subtle body, 7
Sushumna, 8
Tarot cards correspondences
Third Eye Chakra (Anja)
embodiment exercise, 120
essential oil/herbs correspondences, 121, 129
gemstones correspondences, 121, 124
goddesses correspondences, 121, 123
overview of, 118
planet correspondence, 121, 133
tarot card correspondence, 121, 132
Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
embodiment exercise, 104
essential oil/herbs correspondences, 105, 111
gemstones correspondences, 105, 108
goddesses correspondences, 105, 107
overview of, 102
planet correspondence, 105, 115
tarot cards correspondences, 105, 114
Upanashads, 5
Vedas, 5
Yuletide Simmering Herbal Blend for Sensuality, Inspiration, and Creativity, 65