Catherine Rosenau supported us through some grueling writing weekends with food, encouragement and making sure we took breaks. She is indeed the wind beneath Doug’s wings and has our heartfelt gratitude for her many contributions.
Jim and Carolyn are grateful to Coleman, Chanda, Sara, Jeff, and Scott, who put up with their parents in this process and are such a blessing to our home.
Carolyn expresses appreciation to her Women’s Bible Study who had the courage to share their experiences and their prayers; to Dale Philp and Sue Allinson who laughed and cried with her; and to her “Daddy” whose love was unconditional, whose prayers were life changing, and who she misses so much.
With a special bond and deep appreciation, we thank our baby boomer friends and sex therapy colleagues: Sue Townsend, Debbie Neel, Ellen Fox, Vickie George, Phil Drake, Lauren Spooner, and Sandy Myers. As the “Maturity Rocks!” gang, you gave such great suggestions and editing help for this book.
A hearty thanks goes to Christopher McCluskey who allowed the inclusion of his Lovemaking Cycle and to his colleagues in the organization Sexual Wholeness, Michael Sytsma and Debra Taylor, who helped create the chapter on desire and did valuable editing.
We would also like to thank Dr. Stephen Lippman and Dr. Mitesh Kothari, an endocrinologist and OB-GYN who’ve helped make this journey easier; Dr. Gary Oliver, Dr. Howard Eyrich, and Dr. Bill Hines, colleagues and teachers who believed and encouraged.
We appreciate Alan Tiegreen for creating the illustrations for the book.
Thank you, Thomas Nelson, for making this book possible.Your motivation and skilled assistance, especially Pete Nikolai and our editors, Beth Ann Patton and Elizabeth Kea, helped create this needed addition to the baby boomer library.