Fire Barriers and Fire Partitions
Smoke Barriers and Smoke Partitions
Gypsum Board Partition Systems
Fire Walls
A fire wall is a wall that forms a required separation to restrict the spread of fire through a building, and extends continuously from the foundation to or through the roof. A fire wall is used to divide a single building into smaller units, each of which may be considered as a separate building when calculating allowable heights and areas under the building code. A fire wall must either meet a noncombustible roof structure at the top or extend through and above the roof by a specified minimum distance, 30 inches (760 mm) in the case of the International Building Code (IBC). In this code, a fire wall must also extend horizontally at least 18 inches (450 mm) beyond the exterior walls of the building unless these exterior walls meet certain fire resistance and combustibility requirements. Except in buildings of Type V construction, a fire wall must be framed with noncombustible materials such as steel studs, concrete, or masonry. A fire wall must also have sufficient structural stability during a building fire to allow collapse of the construction on either side without itself collapsing.
Openings in fire walls are restricted in size and aggregate area and must be closed with fire doors or fire-rated glass. The required fire resistance ratings for fire walls under the International Building Code are defined in Figure 1.7.
Shaft Walls
A shaft wall is used to enclose vertical openings that extend through multiple floors of a building, such as for elevators, exit stairs, or vertical runs of ductwork, conduits, or pipes. In the International Building Code, a shaft wall connecting four or more floors must have a fire resistance rating of 2 hours or, if connecting fewer floors, a rating of 1 hour. Walls for elevator shafts must be able to withstand the air pressure and suction loads placed on them by the movements of the elevator cars within the shaft, and should be designed to prevent the noise of the elevator machinery from reaching other areas of the building.
Fire Barriers and Fire Partitions
Fire-rated walls are also used to restrict the spread of fire and smoke within a single building. Depending on the type of separation, the International Building Code requires such walls to be constructed as either fire barriers or fire partitions. Unlike fire walls, these wall types do not necessarily extend from foundation to roof. A fire barrier must extend vertically from the top of one floor slab to the underside of the next. Fire barriers are used to separate different occupancies, and to limit the extent of fire areas (areas bounded by fire-resistant construction, the size and location within the building of which are related to automatic sprinkler requirements). Requirements for a fire partition are less stringent than for fire barriers. For example, in some cases, a fire partition may terminate at the underside of a suspended ceiling. Fire partitions are used to enclose corridors and to separate tenant spaces in mall buildings or dwelling units in hotels, dormitories, and other multidwelling unit buildings.
Openings in fire barriers and partitions are restricted in size and must be closed with fire doors or fire-rated glass. Required fire resistance ratings for the various types of fire barriers and partitions according to the International Building Code are listed in Figures 22.6 and 22.7.
The structural elements that support fire barriers and fire partitions must have a fire resistance rating at least as great as that of the wall being supported. For example, in a building of Type IIB construction, the structure as a whole is permitted to be unprotected. However, columns, bearing walls, and portions of the structure that support a 1-hour rated corridor wall must themselves also be protected with at least a 1-hour fire resistance rating.
Smoke Barriers and Smoke Partitions
In certain institutional occupancies such as hospitals and prisons, where occupants are unable to leave the building in case of fire, special partitions called smoke barriers are required. This type of wall divides floors of buildings in such a way that occupants may take refuge in case of fire by moving to the side of the smoke barrier that is away from the fire, without having to exit the building. A smoke barrier is a 1-hour rated partition that is continuous from one side of the building to the other and from the top of a floor slab to the bottom of the slab on the floor above. It must be sealed at all edges. Penetrations for air ducts must be protected with dampers that close automatically if smoke is detected in the air. Other penetrations, such as those for pipes and conduits, must be sealed as well. Doors through smoke barriers are necessary to allow movement of people in case of fire. They must be close fitting, without grilles or louvers, and must close automatically.
A smoke partition is a wall constructed—like a smoke barrier—to resist the passage of smoke, but without any fire resistance rating. For example, when walls for corridors and elevator lobbies need not be fire-rated, they are constructed as smoke partitions.
Other Nonbearing Partitions
Many of the partitions in a building neither bear a structural load nor are required as fire separation walls. These may be made of any material that meets the combustibility provisions of the building code for the selected type of construction, as explained in the next section.
Partition Framing
Partitions that will be finished in plaster or gypsum board are usually framed with wood or metal studs. Framing with wood studs is permitted by the building code only in buildings of certain combustible construction types, including Types III and V. Partitions in buildings of Type I or Type II (noncombustible) construction must be framed with light gauge metal studs. Partitions in Type IV, Heavy Timber construction, must either be framed with metal studs or constructed with wood members assembled into solid, laminated partitions as specified in the code. With certain limitations, fire-retardant-treated wood is also permitted for partition framing in Types I, II, and IV construction.
Metal partition framing is directly analogous to wood light framing, but constructed of light gauge steel studs and tracks made of galvanized steel sheet metal, usually from 0.018 to 0.030 inches (0.45–0.75 mm) thick (Figures 23.1 and 23.2). Light gauge steel members and framing methods are detailed in Chapter 12. Because of its noncombustibility, metal partition framing is permitted in all building code construction types.
Nonloadbearing partitions must be isolated from movements in the surrounding building structure that could otherwise cause distortion of the partition framing or stresses in partition finishes. Resilient sealant joints may be required where partition ends meet structural walls, columns, or curtain wall framing. Where partition tops abut structural framing or slabs above, deflection tracks isolate the partition from movement in those elements (Figure 23.2b ).
If plaster or gypsum board surfaces are to be applied over a masonry wall, they may be spaced away from the wall with either wood or metal furring strips (Figures 23.3, 23.4, and 23.5). Furring allows the installation of a flat wall finish over an irregular masonry surface, and provides a concealed space between the finish and the masonry for installing plumbing, wiring, and thermal insulation.
Plaster is a generic term that refers to any of a number of cement-like substances that are applied to a surface in paste form and then harden into a solid material. Plaster may be applied directly to a masonry surface or, more generally, to any of a group of plaster bases known collectively as lath (rhymes with “math”). Plastering began in prehistoric times with the smearing of mud over masonry walls or over a mesh of woven sticks and vines to create a construction known as wattle and daub, the wattle being the mesh and the daub the mud. The early Egyptians and Mesopotamians developed finer, more durable plasters based on gypsum and lime. Portland cement plasters evolved in the 19th century. It is from these latter three materials—gypsum, lime, and portland cement—that the plasters used in buildings today are prepared.
Gypsum Plaster
Gypsum is an abundant mineral in nature, a crystalline hydrous calcium sulfate. It is quarried, crushed, dried, ground to a fine powder, and heated to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (175°C) in a process known as calcining to drive off about three-quarters of its water of hydration. The calcined gypsum, ground to a fine white powder, is known as plaster of Paris. When plaster of Paris is mixed with water, it rehydrates and recrystallizes rapidly to return to its original solid state. As it hardens, it gives off heat and expands slightly.
Gypsum is a major component of interior finish materials in most buildings. It has but one major disadvantage—its solubility in water. Among its advantages are that it is durable and light in weight compared to many other materials. It resists the passage of sound better than most materials. It has a very fine grain, is easily worked in either its wet or dry state, and can be fashioned into surfaces that range from smooth to heavily textured. Above all, it is inexpensive, and it is highly resistant to the passage of fire.
When a gypsum building component is subjected to the intense heat of a fire, a thin surface layer is calcined and gradually disintegrates. In the process, it absorbs considerable heat and gives off steam, both of which cool the fire (Figure 23.6). Layer by layer, the fire works its way through the gypsum, but the process is slow. The uncalcined gypsum never reaches a temperature more than a few degrees above the boiling point of water, so areas behind the gypsum component are well protected from the fire's heat. Any required degree of fire resistance can be created by increasing the thickness of the gypsum as necessary. The fire resistance of gypsum can also be increased by adding lightweight aggregates to reduce its thermal conductivity and by adding reinforcing fibers to retain the calcined gypsum in place as a fire barrier.
For use in construction, calcined gypsum is carefully formulated with various admixtures to control its setting time and other properties. Gypsum plaster is made by mixing the appropriate dry plaster formulation with water and an aggregate, either fine sand or a lightweight aggregate such as perlite or vermiculite. Because of its expansion during setting, gypsum plaster, unlike portland cement plaster, is not prone to shrinkage cracking as it dries.
Gypsum plasters are manufactured in accordance with ASTM C28 and fall into two general categories: base-coat plasters, used for the underlying preparatory coats of a plaster application (as explained later), and finish-coat plasters. Base-coat plasters are provided either mill-mixed, also called ready-mixed, with aggregate added at the manufacturing plant; or neat, for use with aggregate added at the job site. The more common base-coat gypsum plasters are:
Finish-coat plasters are typically a blend of gypsum plaster and lime. The lime provides superior workability and finishing qualities, while the gypsum provides greater hardness and strength and prevents shrinkage cracking. (For more information about the manufacture of lime and its use in plasters, see Chapter 8.) Common finish-coat plasters include:
Retarders and accelerators can also be added to plaster mixes on the job site to adjust the setting time to job site temperature and humidity conditions.
Portland Cement Plaster
Portland cement–lime plaster, also known as stucco, is similar to masonry mortar. It is used where the plaster is likely to be subjected to moisture, as on exterior wall surfaces or in commercial kitchens, industrial plants, and shower rooms. Because freshly mixed stucco is not as buttery and smooth as gypsum and lime plasters, it is not as easy to apply and finish. It shrinks slightly during curing, so it should be installed with frequent control joints to regulate cracking.
Plaster can be applied either by machine or by hand. Machine application is essentially a spraying process (Figure 23.7). Hand application is done with two very simple tools: a hawk in one hand to hold a small quantity of plaster ready for use and a trowel in the other hand to lift the plaster from the hawk, apply it to the surface, and smooth it into place (Figures 23.8, 23.16, and 23.20). Plaster is transferred from the hawk to the trowel with a quick, practiced motion of both hands, and the trowel is moved up the wall or across the ceiling to spread the plaster, much as one uses a table knife to spread soft butter. After a surface is covered with plaster, it is leveled by drawing a straightedge called a darby across it, after which the trowel is used again to smooth the surface.
Historically, the most common form of lath consisted of thin strips of wood nailed to wood framing with small spaces left between the strips to allow keying of the plaster. Most lath today is made of either expanded metal or preformed gypsum boards. The skilled tradesperson who applies lath and trim accessories is known as a lather.
Expanded metal lath is made from thin sheets of steel that are slit and stretched in such a way as to produce a mesh of diamond-shaped openings (Figure 23.9). It is applied to light gauge steel studs with self-drilling, self-tapping screws or to wood studs with large-headed lathing nails. Lath used with portland cement stucco, and likely to be used in a damp exposure, is galvanized to deter corrosion.
Gypsum lath is made in gypsum board sheets (see discussion later in this section), usually 16 by 48 inches (406 × 1220 mm) and 3/8 inch (9 .5 mm ) thick. It consists of sheets of hardened gypsum plaster faced with outer layers of a special absorbent paper to which fresh plaster readily adheres and inner layers of water-resistant paper to protect the gypsum core. Gypsum lath is attached to steel or wood studs with screws (Figure 2 3.10). Gypsum lath cannot be used as a base for gauged gypsum-lime finish plasters or portland cement stucco, as these materials will not bond adequately to the paper facing.
Veneer plaster base (gypsum veneer base ) is a paper-faced gypsum board that comes in sheets 4 feet (1220 mm) wide, 8 to 14 feet (2440–427 0 mm) long, and ½ to 5/8 inch (13–16 mm) thick. It is screwed to wood or steel studs, or nailed to wood studs, and used as a base specifically for the application of gypsum veneer plaster (discussed later in this section).
Various lathing trim accessories, most frequently made of galvanized steel, are used at the edges of a plaster surface to make a neat, durable edge or corner (Figure 23.11). These are installed by the lather at the same time as the lath. In very long or tall plaster surfaces, metal control joint accessories are mounted over seams in the lath at predetermined intervals to control cracking. Trim accessories are also designed to act as lines that gauge the proper thickness and plane of plaster surfaces. A straightedge may be run across them to level the wet plaster. In this role, the trim accessories are known collectively as grounds. Trim accessories are made in several different thicknesses to match the required plaster thicknesses over the different types of lath.
In lathing I was pleased to be able to send home each nail with a single blow of the hammer, and it was my ambition to transfer the plaster from the board to the wall neatly and rapidly. . . . I admired anew the economy and convenience of plastering, which so effectually shuts out the cold and takes a handsome finish. . . . I had the previous winter made a small quantity of lime by burning the shells of the Unio fluviatilis, which our river affords.
—Henry David Thoreau, Walden, 1854
Trim accessories are also produced as extrusions of plastic or aluminum. The aluminum accessories and some of the plastic ones are designed for improved precision and appearance when used in innovative details for bases, edges, and shadow lines in plaster walls.
Plaster Systems
Plaster over Expanded Metal Lath
Plaster is applied over expanded metal lath in three coats (Figure 23.12). The first, called the scratch coat, is troweled on rather roughly and cannot be made completely flat because the uncoated lath moves in and out considerably under the pressure of the trowel (see the chapter opening photograph). This first coat is scratched while still wet, using a notched darby, a broom, or a special rake, to create a rough surface to which the second coat can bond mechanically (Figure 23.13).
After the scratch coat has hardened, it works together with the lath as a rigid base for the second application of plaster, which is called the brown coat. The purpose of the brown coat is to build strength and thickness and to present a level surface for the application of the third or finish coat. The level surface is produced by drawing a long straightedge across the surfaces of the grounds (the edge beads, corner beads, and control joints) to strike off the wet plaster. On large, uninterrupted plaster surfaces, plaster screeds, intermittent spots or strips of plaster, are leveled up to the grounds in advance of brown coat plastering to serve as intermediate reference points for setting the thickness of the plaster during the striking-off operation. Base-coat plasters are used for scratch coats and brown coats.
The finish coat is a very thin application of finish-coat plaster, about 1/16 inch (1.5 mm) thick. It may be troweled smooth or worked into any desired texture ( Figures 23.14 and 23.15). The total thickness of the plaster that results from this three-coat process, as measured from the face of the lath, is about 5/8 inch (16 m m). Three-coat work over metal lath is the premium-quality plaster system, extremely strong and resistant to fire. The only disadvantage of three-coat plaster work is its cost, which can be attributed largely to the labor involved in applying the lath and the three separate coats of plaster.
Plaster over Gypsum Lath
The best plaster work over gypsum lath is applied in three coats, but gypsum lath is sufficiently rigid that if it is firmly mounted to the studs, only a brown coat and a finish coat need be applied. The elimination of the scratch coat has obvious economic advantages. Even with three coats of plaster, gypsum lath is often less expensive than metal lath because the gypsum in the lath replaces much of the plaster that would otherwise have to be mixed and applied by hand in the scratch coat. The total thickness of plaster applied over gypsum lath is ½ inch (13 mm).
Plaster Direct-Applied to Masonry
Where plaster is applied directly over brick, concrete masonry, or poured concrete walls, the walls should be dampened thoroughly in advance of plastering to prevent premature dehydration of the plaster. A bonding agent may have to be applied to some smooth masonry surfaces to ensure good adhesion of the plaster. The number of coats of plaster required to cover a wall is determined by the degree of unevenness of the masonry surface. For the best work, three coats totaling 5/8 inch (16 mm) should be applied, but for many walls two coats will suffice (Figure 23.16).
Veneer Plaster
Veneer plaster is the least expensive of the gypsum plaster systems and is competitive in price with gypsum board finishes in many regions. The veneer base and accessories create a very flat surface that can be finished with a layer of a specially formulated dense gypsum plaster (manufactured to a separate standard, ASTM C587) that is applied in one or, occasionally, two coats usually no more than 1/6 to 1/8 inch (2 –3 mm ) in total thickness (Figures 23.17–23.20). A typical single-coat application is applied in a “double-back” process in which a thin coat is followed immediately by a second “skim” coat that is finish-troweled to the desired texture. The plaster veneer hardens and dries so rapidly that it may be painted the following day. A two-coat application of veneer plaster can also be directly applied to surface of sitecast concrete or concrete masonry walls.
Stucco (portland cement-lime plaster) is applied over galvanized metal lath, using accessories of galvanized steel, or in wet areas or exterior applications, of solid zinc or plastic, which are less prone to corrosion. Whereas gypsum plaster expands during hardening, portland cement stucco shrinks and is prone to cracking as it dries. Stucco walls are therefore provided with control joints at regular intervals to channel the shrinkage into predetermined lines rather than allowing it to occur randomly. The curing reaction in stucco is the same as that of concrete and is very slow relative to that of gypsum plaster. Stucco must be kept moist for a week before it is allowed to dry in order to attain maximum hardness and strength through full hydration of its portland cement binder.
In exterior applications over metal or wood studs, stucco may be applied over sheathing or without sheathing. Over sheathing, two layers of asphalt-saturated building felt or building paper are first applied as an air and moisture barrier. Then a self-furring metal lath, which is formed with “dimples” that hold the lath away from the surface of the wall a fraction of an inch to allow the stucco to key to the lath, is attached with nails or screws (Figure 23.9b ). If no sheathing is used, the wall is laced tightly with strands of line wire a few inches apart and paperbacked metal lath is attached to the line wire, after which stucco is applied to encase the building in a thin layer of what amounts to reinforced concrete.
In exterior applications, where stucco is exposed to wind-driven rain, a thin, tangled filament matting may be inserted directly behind the plaster and lath, to create a drainage space and lessen the risk of water penetration further into the wall assembly.
Stucco is usually applied in three coats over metal lath, with a total thickness of 7/8 inch (22 mm), or in two coats when applied directly to the surface of concrete or concrete masonry, with a thickness of 3/8 to ½ inch (10 mm). It is applied either with a hawk and trowel or by spraying (Figure 6.33). In exterior work, pigments or dyes may be added to give an integral color, and rough textures are frequently used.
Plaster Partition Systems
Types of plaster partitions are detailed in Figures 23.21 and 23.22. These diagrams show some of the ways in which the various trim accessories are used and the precautions taken to isolate the partitions from structural or thermal movements in the frame of the building. For larger, heavier doors, or for doors that are heavily used, the door opening is made stronger and stiffer by framing the jambs with double studs and/or using studs made from thicker sheet metal. As illustrated in Figure 23.21, door frames may also be grouted, either fully or only spot-grouted at the jamb anchors. Although this can strengthen the door-partition assembly, it adds cost and care must be taken to use proper grouting materials and methods to avoid trapping moisture in the door frame and causing corrosion.
Gypsum Board
Gypsum board is a prefabricated plaster sheet material that is manufactured in widths of 4 feet (1220 mm) and lengths of 8 to 14 feet (2440–4 270 mm ). It is also known as gypsum wallboard, plasterboard, and drywall. (The term “sheetrock” is a registered trademark of one manufacturer of gypsum board and should not be used in a generic sense.)
Gypsum board is the least expensive of all interior finishing materials for walls and ceilings. For this reason alone, it has found wide acceptance throughout North America as a substitute for plaster in buildings of every type. It retains the fire-resistive characteristics of gypsum plaster, but it is installed with less labor by less skilled workers than lathers and plasterers. And because it is installed largely in the form of dry materials, it eliminates some of the construction delay that may be associated with the curing and drying of plaster.
The core of gypsum board is formulated as a slurry of calcined gypsum, starch, water, pregenerated foam to reduce the density of the mixture, and various additives. This slurry is sandwiched between special paper faces and passed between sets of rollers to reduce it to the desired thickness. Within 2 or 3 minutes, the core material has hardened and bonded to the paper faces. The board is cut to length and heated to drive off residual moisture, then bundled for shipping (Figure 23.23).
Types of Gypsum Board
Gypsum board is produced in a variety of types suitable to a wide range of requirements:
Most gypsum board product types are manufactured in conformance with ASTM standard C1396. Some related products, such as fiber-cement backing board or glass matt–faced gypsum board, are manufactured to separate standards.
Gypsum board is manufactured with a variety of edge profiles along its longer sides. The most common by far is the tapered edge, which permits sheets to be joined with a flush, invisible seam by means of subsequent joint finishing operations. Rounded and beveled edges are useful in predecorated panels, and tongue-and-groove edges serve to join coreboard panels in concealed locations. The edges of the shorter ends of gypsum board panels are not tapered or shaped, as the individual panels are cut from longer continuous sheets during manufacturing.
Many different thicknesses of board are produced:
Installing Gypsum Board
Hanging the Board
Gypsum board may be installed over either wood or light gauge steel studs, using self-drilling, self-tapping screws to fasten to steel and either screws or nails to fasten to wood (Figure 23.24). Wood studs can be troublesome with gypsum, as they usually shrink somewhat after the board is installed, causing nails to loosen slightly and “pop” through the finished surface of the board (Figure 23.25). Nail popping can be minimized by using fully dried framing lumber, ring-shank nails that have extra gripping power in the wood, and the shortest nail that will do the job. Screws have less of a tendency to pop than nails. When screws or nails are driven into gypsum board, their heads are driven to a level slightly below the surface of the board but not enough to tear the paper surface.
To minimize the length of joints that must be finished and to create the stiffest wall possible, gypsum board is usually installed with the long dimension of the boards horizontal. The longest possible boards are used to minimize end joints between boards, which are difficult to finish because the ends are not tapered. Gypsum board is cut rapidly and easily by scoring one paper face with a utility knife, snapping the brittle core along the score line with a blow from the heel of the hand, and cutting the other paper face along the fold created by the snapped core (Figure 23.26). A large metal T-square is used to make straight cuts that are perpendicular to the edges of the board. Notches, irregular cuts, and holes for electric boxes are made with a small hand saw or small electric router.
When two or more layers of gypsum board are installed on a surface, the joints between layers are staggered to create a stiffer wall, and a mastic adhesive is often used to join the layers to one another. Adhesive is also sometimes used between the studs and the gypsum board in single-layer installations to make a stronger joint.
Gypsum board can be curved when a design requires it. For gentle curves, the board can be bent into place dry (Figure 23.27). For somewhat sharper curves, the paper faces are moistened to decrease the stiffness of the board before it is installed. When the paper dries, the board is as stiff as before. Special high-flex ¼-inch (6.5-mm) board is available that can be bent dry to even smaller radii (Figure 23.28).
Metal trim accessories are required at exposed edges and external corners to protect the brittle board and present a neat edge (Figure 23.29). These are similar to lathing accessories for plaster.
Finishing the Joints and Fastener Holes
Joints and holes in gypsum board are finished to create the appearance of a monolithic surface almost indistinguishable from plaster. The finishing process is based on the use of a joint compound that resembles a smooth, sticky plaster. For most purposes, a drying-type joint compound is used; this is a mixture of marble dust, binder, and admixtures, furnished either as a dry powder to be mixed with water or as a premixed paste. In some high-production commercial work, setting compounds that cure rapidly by chemical reaction are used to minimize the waiting time between applications. Joint compounds of different weights and strengths may be used for different stages of the joint finishing process, or a single all-purpose compound may be used for all steps.
The finishing of a joint between panels of gypsum board begins with the troweling of a layer of joint compound into the tapered edge joint and the bedding of a paper reinforcing tape in the compound (Figures 23.30 –23.33). Compound is also troweled over the nail or screw holes. After drying (usually overnight), a second layer of compound is applied to the joint to bring it level with the face of the board and to fill the space left by the slight drying shrinkage of the joint compound. When this second coat is dry, the joints are lightly sanded before a very thin final coat is applied to fill any remaining voids. The final coat is feathered out (tapered down to zero thickness) to create an invisible edge. Before painting, the wall is again sanded lightly to remove any roughness or ridges. If the finishing is done properly, the painted or papered wall will show no signs at all that it is made of discrete panels of material.
Gypsum board has a smooth surface finish, but where desired, spray-on textures or textured paints can be applied to give a rougher surface. In residential work, many gypsum board contractors prefer to texture ceilings; the texture conceals the minor irregularities in workmanship that are likely to occur because of the difficulty of working in the overhead position.
Standardized gypsum board finish levels have been developed by the Gypsum Association and are also specified in ASTM C840. These enable the designer to specify quickly and simply the minimum level of finish that is acceptable for any project or portion of a project.
Gypsum Board Partition Systems
Gypsum board partition assemblies have been designed and tested with fire resistance ratings of up to 4 hours and sound transmission performance of up to at least STC 69. Notice in these details how provisions are made to prevent the gypsum panels from being subjected to structural loadings caused by movements in the loadbearing frame of the building—structural deflections, concrete creep, moisture expansion, and temperature expansion and contraction. Notice also the use of sealant to eliminate sound transmission around the edges of the partitions and sound attenuation blankets to reduce the passage of sound through the partition itself (Figures 23.34 and 23.35).
Demountable partition systems of gypsum board use concealed mechanical fasteners that can be disassembled and reassembled easily without damage to the panels (Figure 23.36). These systems are used in buildings where partitions must be rearranged at frequent intervals.
Gypsum Shaft Wall Systems
Walls around elevator shafts, stairways, and mechanical chases can be made of any masonry, lath and plaster, or gypsum panel assembly that meets fire resistance and structural requirements . However, gypsum shaft wall systems are lighter in weight, installed dry, and built entirely from the floor outside the shaft, with no need to erect scaffolding inside. Depending on the requirements for fire resistance rating, air pressure resistance, acoustic performance, and floor-to-ceiling height, a variety of designs may be used. Figure 23.37 shows representative shaft wall details, and Figure 22.1 shows a shaft wall being installed.
A century or more ago, interior partitions were often made of common brick masonry plastered on both sides. These had excellent acoustic properties and fire resistance ratings but were labor intensive and heavy. Partition systems of hollow clay tile and hollow gypsum tile (Figure 23.38) were developed to meet these objections and continued to be used extensively until the 1950s. Both have now become obsolete in North America, replaced by plaster, gypsum board, and concrete masonry, although they are still frequently encountered in the restoration of older buildings.
Concrete masonry partitions may be plastered or faced with gypsum board but are more often left exposed, either painted or unpainted. Several types of lightweight aggregate may be used to reduce the dead weight of the masonry units. Decorative concrete masonry units, as described in Chapter 9, may also be used. Electrical wiring is relatively difficult to conceal in concrete masonry partitions; the electrician and the mason must coordinate their work, or the wiring must be mounted on the surface of the wall after the mason has finished.
Glazed structural clay tiles make very durable partitions, especially in areas with heavy wear, moisture problems, or strict sanitation requirements (Figure 23.39). The ceramic glazes are nonfading and virtually indestructible.
The vast majority of gypsum board partitions are finished with several coats of paint. For more information about paints and coatings, see the Chapter 6 sidebar, “Painting.”
Ceramic tile facings are often added to walls for reasons of appearance, durability, sanitation, or moisture resistance. In a thickset or mortar bed application, tile is applied to a base of portland cement mortar (Figure 23.40).
Lower-cost tile wall facings eliminate the mortar base and are thin-set onto tile backing boards, also called backer boards, most frequently made of fiber-reinforced lightweight cement or glass-matt-faced water-resistant gypsum board, similar to the floor tile assembly illustrated in Figure 24.28. Cement backer board is the more water resistant, but is more difficult to cut and handle than lighter-weight gypsum backer board.
Tiles are bonded to the backer board with a variety of compounds, the most common of which are dry-set mortar, latex/polymer modified portland cement mortar, and organic adhesive. Dry-set mortar is a mix of cement, fine sand, and water retention compounds that allow the thin mortar layer to cure properly. Latex/polymer modified portland cement mortar is similar to dry-set mortar, but with additives that improve the cured mortar's freeze-thaw resistance, flexibility, and adhesion. Organic adhesives are various proprietary synthetic polymer adhesives used for light-duty applications. After the tiles have become fully adhered, a cementitious grout of any desired color is wiped into the tile joints with a rubber-faced trowel. Thin-set compounds and grouts formulated with epoxies or furan resins (colorless, highly volatile solvents distilled from wood) may be used for tiling applications where greater strength, impact resistance, or chemical resistance is required.
In showers, steam rooms, and other wet locations, a tile waterproofing membrane is added to the assembly to prevent water from seeping through the tile and into the wall behind. Either liquid-applied or flexible sheet membranes may be used, usually positioned beneath the mortar bed in a thickset application or over the backer board when tile is thin-set.
Facings of granite, limestone, marble, or slate are sometimes used in public areas of major buildings. One method of mounting is shown in Figure 23.41.
Wood wainscoting and paneling is applied over gypsum wallboard, to gain the acoustic and fire-resistance benefits of the gypsum panels. In noncombustible buildings, wood finishes such as these are subject to the fire and smoke criteria discussed in Chapter 22.
1. What are the major types of interior walls and partitions in a larger building, such as a hospital, classroom building, apartment building, or office building? How do these types differ from one another?
2. Why is gypsum used so much in interior finishes?
3. Name the coats of plaster used over expanded metal lath and explain the role of each.
4. Under what circumstances would you specify the use of portland cement plaster? Keenes cement plaster? Veneer plaster?
5. Describe step by step how the joints between sheets of gypsum board are made invisible.
1. Determine the construction of a number of partitions in the places where you live and work. What materials are used? What accessories? Why were these chosen for their particular situations? Sketch a detail of each partition.
2. Sketch typical details showing how the various metal lath trim accessories are used in a plaster wall.
3. Repeat Exercise 2 for gypsum board trim accessories.
4. What type of gypsum wall finish system would you specify for a major art museum? For a low-cost rental office building? Outline a complete specification of wall and partition construction for a building you are presently working on.
Gypsum Association. GA-600, Fire Resistance Design Manual. Washington, DC, Author, updated regularly.
Fire resistance ratings and STCs are given in this booklet for a large number of wall and ceiling assemblies that use either gypsum plaster or gypsum board. This and many other useful resources are also available for free download from the Gypsum Association's web site.
Marble Institute of America. Dimension Stone Design Manual. Cleveland, OH, Author, updated regularly.
This binder provides comprehensive guidance on the design, specification, and installation of all types of stone wall facing.
Pegg, Brian, and W. D. Stagg. Plastering: An Encyclopedia (4th ed.). Oxford, Blackwell Publishing/New York, Crown Publishers, 2007.
Techniques of ornamental plastering are covered in complete detail in this 276-page reference work.
Portland Cement Association. Portland Cement Plaster (Stucco) Manual. Skokie, IL, Author, updated regularly.
A complete, illustrated guide to stucco.
Tile Council of North America, Inc. TCNA Handbook for Ceramic, Glass, and Stone Tile Installation. Anderson, SC, Author, updated regularly.
This is the definitive standard for ceramic tile installation materials and methods. More than 100 methods of installation for floors and walls, both interior and exterior, are illustrated and specified. Guidelines for selecting appropriate installation methods based on project requirements are also included.
USG Company. Gypsum Construction Handbook. Chicago, Author, revised regularly.
This manual represents manufacturers' literature at its best—close to 600 well-illustrated pages crammed with every important fact about gypsum wallboard, gypsum plaster, and associated products. Available for purchase or as a free download from the USG web site.
USG Company. SA100—Fire-Resistant Assemblies. Chicago, Author, revised regularly.
Though limited to this company's products, this brochure provides an extensive and easy-to-use listing of fire-rated and acoustically rated wall and ceiling assemblies. Along with many other useful technical documents, it is available for free download from the USG web site.
Interior Walls and Partitions
Author's supplementary web site: www.ianosbackfill.com/23_interior_walls_and_partitions
Dietrich Metal Framing: www.dietrichindustries.com
Drywallrecyling.org: www.drywallrecycling.org
Georgia-Pacific: www.gp.com/build/
Gypsum Association: www.gypsum.org
Marble Institute of America: www.marble-institute.com
National Gypsum: www.nationalgypsum.com
Portland Cement Association: www.cement.org
Tile Council of North America (TCNA): www.tcnatile.com
USG: www.usg.com