S ALADS ARE NOT LISTED AMONG THE RECIPES FOUND IN GRANDMOTHER’S old-fashioned cookbook. This fact is not too surprising, since the idea of having a salad with every dinner is a twentieth-century innovation.

It should be noted, however, that many of the foods we use in salads were a part of the diet of our great-grandparents. Those dishes of former days, although not called salads, consisted of lettuce, onions and radishes in late spring; cole slaw during the summer; endive, turnip slaw, and celery during crisp autumn days; and dandelion and water cress in early spring. In the absence of beautiful salad plates, these were served in fancy glass dishes, and were just another of the tasty foods arranged on Grandmother’s table.

In winter the old wooden cabbage barrel, buried beneath the ground, provided slaw as long as the supply lasted. When it had been emptied, there was found a good substitute for salads in the row of pickles and relishes on the shelf in the cellar. Grandmother had made cucumber, beet, and green tomato pickle on those days before the first frost came to wilt her garden. These served to whet the appetites of her family members until spring came.

Most interesting is this bit of helpful advice found written among a list of home remedies in a quaint old recipe book: “At this season of the year [spring] too much cannot be said in favor of onions. Whether raw or cooked they are especially good, both medicinally and as a skin beautifier.”

Salads have become so popular during the last few decades that we find almost every type of food being used in our newest recipes. We not only use vegetables and fruits, but we mix these together with a host of other foods in a way that would have horrified Grandmother!

One soon learns that she need not always follow a recipe in making a salad, but that she can be creative.


Chicken Salad

3  cups diced, cooked chicken

1½  cups diced celery

3  hard-cooked eggs

3  sweet pickles, chopped

1  teaspoon salt

⅛  teaspoon pepper

⅔  cup mayonnaise

3  tablespoons cream

Cut the cooked chicken in ½ inch pieces.

Chop celery and pickles and add to chicken.

Chop eggs, coarse, and add to mixture.

Add seasoning.

Add cream to mayonnaise; when smooth, mix with chicken.

Serve on lettuce.

Serves 8.

SADIE EASH, Davidsville, Pa.; Mrs. P. R. KENNEL, Sheckley, Neb.

Chicken Relish Mold

1  cup cooked chicken

¾  cup celery, sliced thin

¾  cup chopped carrots

¼  cup diced sweet pickle

2  tablespoons minced onion

½  teaspoon salt

1  package lemon-flavored gelatin

2  cups hot water

Dissolve gelatin in hot water.

Add salt and minced onion.

Chill; when slightly thickened, add chopped chicken and vegetables.

Pour into mold and chill until firm.

Unmold and garnish with mayonnaise and parsley.

Serves 6 to 8.


Crab Meat Salad

1  cup flaked crab meat

⅔  cup diced celery

6  small tomatoes

1  teaspoon salt


Combine crab meat, diced celery and tomatoes that have been peeled, chilled and quartered.

Add mayonnaise enough to moisten well.

Serve on lettuce and garnish with hard-cooked eggs or parsley.

Serves 6.


Salmon Salad

2  cups flaked salmon

½  cup minced celery

½  cup shredded cabbage

½  teaspoon salt

⅛  teaspoon paprika


Flake salmon and add vegetables and seasoning.

Moisten with mayonnaise.

Serve on lettuce, garnish with hard-cooked eggs if desired.

Serves 6.

EDITH KEFFER, Waterloo, Ont., Can.

Tuna Fish Salad

1  cup tuna fish

1  cup shredded cabbage

1  cup cooked peas

½  cup diced celery

½  teaspoon salt

1  minced green pepper

1  large carrot, diced

1  tablespoon minced onion


Flake the tuna fish and add chopped vegetables and seasoning.

Toss together and mix with mayonnaise or salad dressing.

Serve on lettuce.

Serves 6.

MRS. RACHEL POWELL, South English, Iowa

Deviled Eggs

4  hard-cooked eggs

½  teaspoon salt

⅛  teaspoon pepper

¼  teaspoon mustard

2  teaspoons vinegar

1  tablespoon mayonnaise

1  tablespoon cream

Cut eggs in half lengthwise.

Remove yolks and mash until smooth.

Add other ingredients and mix well.

Refill the whites and garnish with paprika or parsley.

Serves 4.

MRS. SAMUEL RAMER, Versailles, Mo.

Egg Pinwheel Salad

4  hard-cooked eggs

4  small tomatoes

1  cup salad dressing

Water cress, parsley or green


Cut eggs in eighths lengthwise.

Peel tomatoes and chill.

Cut in eighths lengthwise.

Arrange egg and tomato slices alternately on a round platter to resemble a pinwheel.

Place salad dressing in center and garnish with greens.

Serves 4.

MRS. A. E. REESOR, Markham, Ont., Can.


Bean Salad

3  cups cooked navy or string beans

4  hard-cooked eggs

1  medium-sized onion

1  large sour pickle, chopped

2  tablespoons vinegar

1½  teaspoons salt

⅔  cup salad dressing

Chop eggs, onion and pickle.

If green string beans are used, cut in 1 inch lengths.

Add beans and seasoning.

Mix together and add salad dressing.

Serves 8.

MRS. L. P. SHOWALTER, Broadway, Va.

Kidney Bean Salad

2½  cups canned kidney beans, drained

¼  cup chopped celery

2  hard-cooked eggs

1  medium-sized onion, minced

½  teaspoon salt

2  tablespoons sugar

2  tablespoons vinegar

¼  cup salad dressing

2  tablespoons cream

Chop eggs and combine with celery and onion.

Add beans that have been drained.

Mix ingredients together and chill.

Add cream to salad dressing and blend well through mixed vegetables.

Arrange on lettuce as desired.

Serves 6.

MRS. AARON GERIG, Woodburn, Ind.

Beet Salad

6  small beets, cooked

1  medium-sized onion, diced

1½  cups shredded cabbage


1  egg, beaten

2  teaspoons sugar

1  teaspoon mustard

1  teaspoon salt

1  tablespoon flour

¼  cup vinegar

1  cup sour cream

Cook beets, peel and dice.

Mix with onion and cabbage.

Mix together the ingredients for the dressing. See directions for Cooked Salad Dressing (page 197).

Cook until thickened; then pour sauce over the vegetables.

Stir until well blended.

Serves 6.


Beet and Apple Salad

2  cups cooked beets, diced

2  cups raw diced apple

2  hard-cooked eggs

½  cup salad dressing

¼  cup chopped nuts


Mix together lightly the diced apples, beets and eggs.

Add salad dressing and garnish with chopped nuts and parsley.

Serves 6.

MRS. M. T. BRACKBILL, Harrisonburg, Va.

Cabbage Salad (I)

1  small head of cabbage

1  cup drained pineapple cubes

1  dozen marshmallows

2  tablespoons sugar

½  teaspoon salt

4  tablespoons mayonnaise

Chop cabbage and add pineapple.

Cut marshmallows in small pieces and add to cabbage mixture.

Add sugar and salt to mayonnaise and mix with salad.

Serves 6.

THE MENNONITE HOME, Maugansville, Md.

Cabbage Salad (II)

1  quart chopped cabbage

1  cup ground peanuts

½  teaspoon salt

2  eggs

2  tablespoons butter

4  tablespoons sugar

4  tablespoons cream

½  cup vinegar

Chop cabbage and add ground peanuts.

Make a cooked dressing with the remaining ingredients. See directions for Cooked Salad Dressing (page 197).

When thickened, remove dressing from heat and cool.

Pour it over cabbage and peanut mixture.

Serves 6.


Cole Slaw

4  cups finely shredded cabbage

¼  cup sour cream

¼  cup vinegar

3  tablespoons sugar

1  teaspoon salt

⅛  teaspoon mustard

Chop or shred the cabbage.

Mix together the sugar, salt, mustard, vinegar and sour cream.

Pour over cabbage and mix well.

Garnish with green pepper rings.

Serves 6.


Carrot Salad

1  small head of lettuce

4  medium-sized carrots

½  cup raisins

¼  cup American cheese grated or cream chopped nuts

¾  teaspoon salt

½  cup vinegar

½  cup sugar

1  cup sour cream

Chop the lettuce into small pieces.

Grate carrots.

Mix together and add raisins.

Make a dressing with the sugar, salt, vinegar and sour cream.

Pour dressing over the salad mixture.

Serves 6.


Cucumber Salad


1  quart thick sour milk or buttermilk

4  medium-sized cucumbers

1  tablespoon salt

2  tablespoons vinegar

Pare and slice cucumbers into thin rings.

Sprinkle with 1½ teaspoons salt and let stand 3 minutes.

Beat sour milk with an egg beater until smooth.

Add vinegar and remaining salt.

Drain cucumbers and add to milk.

This is rather thin and is eaten with a spoon.

MRS. JOHN A. WARKENTIN, Mountain Lake, Minn.

Dandelion Salad

4  cups chopped dandelion

3  hard-cooked eggs

3  slices bacon


l½  tablespoons flour

1  teaspoon salt

1  egg

2 tablespoons sugar

¼  cup vinegar

2 cups milk or water

Wash and chop dandelion.

Cut bacon in pieces and fry until crisp.

Remove bacon from drippings.

To make dressing, mix together the dry ingredients, add egg, vinegar and water. Stir until well blended.

Cook in bacon drippings until thickened and cool slightly.

Pour dressing over dandelion and mix lightly. Garnish with sliced or chopped eggs and the crisp bacon.

Serves 6.

MRS. J. IRVIN LEHMAN, Chambersburg, Pa.; AUNT LINA RESSLER, Scottdale, Pa.

Endive Salad

1  head of endive, well bleached

2  hard-cooked eggs

3  slices bacon

2  teaspoons sugar

1 ½ teaspoons flour

1  teaspoon salt

4  teaspoons vinegar

¾  cup cream

Wash and chop the endive.

Chop bacon and fry until crisp.

Remove from drippings.

Mix salt, sugar, and flour; add vinegar and cream. Stir until well blended.

Cook sauce in 2 tablespoons bacon drippings until thickened.

Pour hot mixture over endive and mix together lightly.

Garnish with eggs and bacon.

Serves 6.

EDITH KEFFER, Waterloo, Ont., Can.

Fresh Garden or Spring Salad

1  medium-sized head of lettuce

2  cups coarsely diced tomatoes

1  cup sliced cucumbers

1  small onion, grated

¼  cup sliced radishes

French dressing

Chop vegetables and toss together lightly.

Chill and moisten with French dressing just before serving.

Serves 6.

MRS. CARL HARTMAN, Waynesboro, Va.

Lettuce Salad

1  head of lettuce

1  onion, minced

½  cup grated cheese

1  teaspoon salt

2½  tablespoons sugar

½  cup salad dressing

1  teaspoon mustard

2  tablespoons cream

2  tablespoons vinegar

Wash lettuce and chop coarsely.

Add minced onion and chopped or grated cheese.

Mix together salt, sugar, mustard, and cream. Add vinegar and salad dressing and stir until smooth.

Pour over the lettuce and mix lightly.

Serves 6.


Pea Salad

2½  cups cooked peas

2  tablespoons chopped onion

4  tablespoons cream cheese

4  tablespoons chopped sweet pickles

1  small head of lettuce

½  teaspoon salt

½  cup salad dressing

3  tablespoons cream

Cut cheese and pickles in small pieces.

Add onion.

Mix with drained peas.

Add cream and salt to salad dressing.

Pour over vegetables and mix lightly.

Serve on lettuce leaves.

Serves 6.

MRS. AAL SCHLEGEL, Shickley, Neb.

Potato Salad

8  medium-sized potatoes

4  hard-cooked eggs

1  medium-sized onion

2  small carrots, ground

1  cup celery, diced

1½  teaspoons salt


1  tablespoon flour

2  eggs

½  cup sugar

½  cup vinegar

1  teaspoon mustard

1½  cups water

2  tablespoons butter

Cook potatoes in jackets until soft.

Cool and peel.

Dice potatoes, eggs, onion and celery.

Grate carrots.

To make dressing, mix together the dry ingredients, add eggs, vinegar and water.

Melt butter in saucepan and add dressing.

Cook until thickened.

Cool and pour over potato mixture and mix lightly.

If desired, ½ cup of sandwich spread or mayonnaise may be added to dressing before it is poured over vegetables.

Serves 8 to 10.

MRS. RICHARD DANNER, Hanover, Pa.; MRS. G. P. SHOWALTER, Broadway, Va.

German Potato Salad

6  frankfurters, cooked and chopped

4  cups hot diced potatoes

½  cup chopped celery

1  medium-sized onion, chopped

1  tablespoon chopped parsley

1½  teaspoons salt

1  tablespoon flour

2  tablespoons fat

⅓  cup sugar

⅓  cup vinegar

¼  teaspoon pepper

⅔  cup water

Fry chopped onion in hot fat until light brown.

Add flour and blend.

Then add sugar, salt, vinegar and water.

Bring to a boil, stirring constantly.

Pour dressing over the diced potatoes and chopped frankfurters.

Sprinkle with pepper and serve hot.

Serves 8.

MRS. E. KERMIT STYER, Souderton, Pa.

Spinach Salad

4  cups chopped spinach

1  medium-sized onion

3  hard-cooked eggs

1  teaspoon salt

⅔  cup salad dressing

2  tablespoons cream

2  tablespoons sugar

2  tablespoons vinegar

Wash and chop spinach.

Dice onion and 1 hard-cooked egg and add to spinach.

Mix salt, sugar, cream and vinegar to the salad dressing.

Pour over the spinach.

Slice remaining 2 eggs and garnish salad.

Serves 6.

MRS. D. N. REESOR, Markham, Ont., Can.

Sunshine Salad

1  cup shredded cabbage

1  cup grated carrots

1  cup chopped apples

1  teaspoon minced onion or green pepper

2  tablespoons lemon juice

3  tablespoons orange juice

2  teaspoons sugar

½  teaspoon salt

Mix together lightly the shredded cabbage, grated carrots, chopped apples and minced onion or green pepper.

Place in a bowl and chill in refrigerator.

Mix together the salt, sugar and fruit juices.

Pour over the salad ingredients and serve.

Serves 6.

ETHEL CHARLES, Lancaster, Pa.

Tomato Salad

6  medium-sized tomatoes

1  small onion

1  cup chopped celery

2  tablespoons chopped parsley

1  teaspoon salt


Skin tomatoes and dice in a bowl.

Add minced onion and chopped celery.

Mix lightly and add mayonnaise and seasoning.

Garnish with chopped parsley.

Serves 6.

LENA KREIDER, Palmyra, Mo.

Tomato, Celery and Cabbage Salad

1  cup diced tomatoes

1  cup chopped celery

1  cup chopped cabbage

3  hard-cooked eggs

Olives or small pickles

French dressing or mayonnaise

Mix together lightly the chopped vegetables.

Add mayonnaise or French dressing and serve on lettuce.

Garnish with olives or pickles, and hard-cooked eggs cut in lengthwise pieces.

Serves 6.

MRS. D. B. BETZNER, Kitchener, Ont., Can.

Turnip Slaw

6  medium-sized turnips

⅔  cup sour cream

2  tablespoons vinegar

2  tablespoons sugar

1  teaspoon salt

2  tablespoons minced parsley

Pare and grate raw turnips.

Pour over them a dressing made by combining the sugar, salt, vinegar and cream.

Garnish with parsley.

Serves 6.

ANNA M. MILLER, Denbigh, Va.


Angel Salad

1  cup marshmallows, chopped

3  bananas or 1 pound white grapes

1  cup pineapple

½  cup crushed peanuts

½  cup whipping cream

⅔  cup pineapple juice

1  egg

2  tablespoons sugar

1  tablespoon cornstarch

Chop the marshmallows, bananas or grapes and pineapple.

Mix the marshmallows and fruit; then add the crushed nuts.

Make a cooked dressing of the egg, sugar, cornstarch and pineapple juice.

Cool dressing and add the whipped cream.

Combine dressing with salad mixture and serve on lettuce.

Serves 6.


Apple Salad

8  apples (Delicious preferred)

2  bananas

½  cup chopped celery

½  cup raisins

¼  cup coconut

½  cup peanuts

½  cup walnuts

Juice of ½ lemon (optional)

Dice apples, do not pare them.

Place them in weak salt water while other ingredients are prepared or add lemon juice and mix thoroughly. This keeps fruit from turning dark.

Drain and add chopped celery, bananas, raisins, coconut and nuts.

Make one of the two following salad dressings and pour over the apple mixture.

Serves 6-8.


  1. Make a cooked dressing of the following:

    1  cup water

    1  teaspoon vinegar

    ¼  teaspoon salt

    1  cup sugar

    1  tablespoon cornstarch

    ¼  cup cream

    1  teaspoon vanilla

  2. An uncooked dressing may be made as follows:

    ¼  cup peanut butter

    ¼  cup cream

    ½  cup sugar

    ½  cup mayonnaise

MRS. MAHLON BLOSSER, Harrisonburg, Va.

Apple and Vegetable Salad

2  cups diced apples

½  cup shredded carrots

½  cup diced celery

½  cup chopped peanuts


3  eggs

½  cup sugar

1  tablespoon flour

1  tablespoon butter

¼  cup vinegar

½  cup cream

Mix apples and chopped vegetables together.

Cook dressing until it thickens.

Add cream and allow to cool.

Pour dressing over salad mixture and serve.

Serves 6.

MRS. J. R. LANDIS, Seville, Ohio

Avocado Pear Salad

2  avocado pears

3  hard-cooked eggs

2  slices bread, toasted

1  head lettuce

1  head garlic

French dressing

Remove skin from the pears and chop in ½ inch pieces.

Chop eggs and lettuce, coarse.

Cut toasted bread into ½ inch cubes.

Rub the salad bowl with garlic.

Toss together lightly the lettuce, egg, bread and avocado pear.

Add French dressing.

Serves 6.

Banana Salad

6  bananas

½  cup nut meats

1  cup chopped marshmallows


2  cups water

1  tablespoon cornstarch

1  tablespoon vinegar

1  cup sugar

2  egg yolks

⅛  teaspoon salt

Mix together the ingredients for the dressing and cook until thickened.

When cold, add the chopped bananas, nuts and marshmallows.

Mix together.

Serve on lettuce.

Serves 6.


Candlestick Salad

4  slices pineapple

2  bananas

Maraschino cherries

Place a pineapple ring on lettuce.

Cut banana in half crosswise and stand one-half in an upright position in center of pineapple.

Make a cut in the tip of the banana and insert ½ of a cherry.

Serve with mayonnaise.

Serves 4.


Christmas Salad

4  slices pineapple

½  cup Philadelphia cream cheese

Cranberry jelly

English walnuts

Place a pineapple ring on shredded lettuce.

On the pineapple put a heaping teaspoon of cream cheese.

Flatten out the cheese; on it place a star of cranberry jelly.

Place a small dot of cheese on top; in the center of it add half of an English walnut.

Serves 4.


Cranberry-Orange Relish

4  cups cranberries

2  oranges

3  apples

2  cups sugar

Wash berries and grind through food chopper.

Wash and core apples and chop very fine.

Peel oranges and remove seeds.

Grind rind and oranges through chopper.

Mix ingredients together and add sugar.

Let stand in refrigerator for 12 to 24 hours before serving.

Serves 8.

MRS. SAM REDGER, Greensburg, Kan. MRS. HENRY LAMBERTSON, Pocomoke City, Md.

Foamy Salad

2  cups shredded cabbage

3  bananas, diced

1  cup crushed pineapple

1  cup sweet cherries

1  cup chopped nuts

1  cup marshmallows, chopped

1  cup mayonnaise

1  cup whipping cream

Combine cabbage, fruits, nuts and marshmallows.

Whip the cream and add to mayonnaise.

Pour dressing over salad mixture and blend.

Let stand in refrigerator 1 hour before serving.

Serves 6 to 8.

MRS. WALTER SHANK, North Lima, Ohio

Fruit Salad (I)

3  oranges

3  bananas

1  cup chopped pineapple

2  cups peaches or pears (canned or fresh)

1  cup California grapes

¼  cup chopped walnuts

Peel the oranges and separate into sections. Remove seeds and skin surrounding each section.

Cut grapes in half lengthwise and remove seeds.

Chop bananas and peaches or pears in ½ inch cubes.

Mix all ingredients and serve with favorite salad dressing or use as an appetizer or dessert.

Serves 6.

Fruit Salad with Sweet Dressing (II)

3  oranges

3  apples

2  cups chopped pineapple

1  pound Malaga grapes


½  cup sugar

1  egg

1  tablespoon cornstarch

1½  tablespoons butter

1  cup milk

1  cup whipped cream

Peel and dice oranges and apples.

Cut grapes in half lengthwise and remove seeds.

Chop the pineapple and add to other fruits.

Combine and cook together the ingredients for the dressing.

Cool and add whipped cream.

Pour cold dressing over fruit.

Serves 6.

MRS. RALPH WINGARD, Johnstown, Pa.

White Fruit Salad (III)

1  cup chopped pineapple

1  cup white grapes

1  cup canned pears

12  marshmallows

½  cup chopped nuts

Juice of 1 lemon

1  cup whipping cream

⅛  teaspoon salt

Chop the pineapple, pears and marshmallows.

Split grapes in half lengthwise and remove seeds.

Mix fruit together and drain well.

Add nuts.

Add lemon juice and salt to whipped cream.

Mix together and chill for 6 to 8 hours before serving.

This salad is often used as a dessert.

Serves 6.


Heavenly Salad

1  pound white grapes

One No. 2 can of pineapple (about 2¼ cups)

1  pound marshmallows, chopped

1  cup chopped nuts

2  cups whipping cream


3  egg yolks

½  teaspoon dry mustard

¼  teaspoon salt

Juice of 2 lemons

Split grapes in half lengthwise and remove seeds.

Add chopped pineapple and marshmallows.

Mix egg yolks, mustard, salt and lemon juice and cook until thickened. Cool.

Add whipped cream.

Pour dressing over fruit and mix lightly.

Let stand in the refrigerator overnight.

Add nuts just before serving.

Serve on lettuce or as a dessert.

Serves 8.

MRS. EMANUEL LAUVER, Mechanicsburg, Pa.; MRS. WARD SHANK, Sterling, Ill.

MRS. LEROY HOSTETLER, Bellefontaine, Ohio

Pear and Pineapple Salad

3  cups canned pears

1  cup pineapple

½  cup raisins

½  head lettuce shredded

½  cup mayonnaise

½  cup cream

Chop the pears and pineapple.

Mix together and add raisins and shredded lettuce.

Mix mayonnaise and cream.

Pour dressing over salad mixture.

Serves 6.

MRS. AMANDA BOLEY, Hartville, Ohio

Pineapple and Cheese Salad (I)

1  cup pineapple chunks

2  packages Philadelphia cream cheese

½  cup chopped nuts


3  tablespoons top milk

Drain pineapple.

Add chopped nuts.

Add top milk to cheese to soften it.

Add cheese and mix together.

Serve on lettuce.

Serves 4.


Pineapple and Cheese Salad (II)

2  cups crushed pineapple

1  cup grated cheese

1  cup chopped nuts



1  cup pineapple juice

4  tablespoons sugar

1  tablespoon cornstarch

½  teaspoon salt

1  egg

Mix pineapple, grated cheese and nuts together.

Mix ingredients for dressing and cook until thickened.

Cool dressing and pour over salad mixture.

Serve on lettuce.

Serves 6.

MRS. DOUGLAS ALLEN, Harrisonburg, Va.

Pineapple Salad

2  cups pineapple chunks

1  cup California grapes

1  cup chopped marshmallows

1  apple, diced

1  banana, diced

2  cups shredded cabbage


½  cup sugar

1½  tablespoons cornstarch

2  eggs, separated

1  tablespoon vinegar

1  tablespoon butter

1  cup pineapple juice

Split grapes in half lengthwise and remove seeds.

Add chopped apple, banana, marshmallows and pineapple.

Mix together and add shredded cabbage.

Mix ingredients for dressing, reserving egg whites, and cook until thickened.

Chill and then add stiffly beaten egg whites.

Pour over salad mixture and blend together.

Serves 6 to 8.

MRS. JOHN R. VANPELT, Columbiana, Ohio

Pineapple Salad

4  slices pineapple or

4  large peach halves, canned or fresh

1  cup whipped cream


Arrange lettuce on a large platter or individual plates if preferred.

Place pineapple rings or peach halves on lettuce.

Top with whipped cream and arrange strawberries around the salad.

Serves 4.

MRS. D. B. BETZNER, Kitchener, Ont., Can.

Sunshine Salad

4  slices pineapple

4  apricot halves

4  teaspoons cream cheese

4  maraschino cherries

French dressing


Nuts (optional)

Place pineapple rings on lettuce.

Put apricot halves on top with the opening up.

Add a teaspoon of cream cheese to each.

Garnish with a cherry or chopped nuts.

Serve with French dressing.

Serves 4.

MRS. ROBERT NACE, Souderton, Pa.


Apricot, Pineapple Mold

2  packages orange gelatin

1  cup puréed apricots

1  cup crushed pineapple

2  cups hot water

For garnishing:

4  pineapple rings

8  apricot halves

8  maraschino cherries

Dissolve gelatin in hot water.

Chill until it begins to congeal.

Add crushed pineapple and puréed apricots.

Do not drain fruits.

Pour into mold and allow to set.

Unmold on salad plate and garnish around edge of platter with pineapple rings, apricot halves and red cherries.

To do this, cut pineapple slices in half and arrange in scallops around edge of mold.

Turn apricot halves up, add a little mayonnaise and top each with a red cherry.

Place these between pineapple slices.

Very delicious and attractive.

Serves 6.


Cardinal Salad

1  package lemon gelatin

1  cup boiling water

¾  cup beet juice

3  tablespoons vinegar

½  teaspoon salt

2  onions, grated

1  tablespoon horse-radish

¾  cup diced celery

1  cup diced cooked beets

Dissolve gelatin in beet juice and add boiling water. Cool.

Dice beets, add grated onion and chopped celery.

Season with salt, vinegar and horse-radish.

When gelatin begins to thicken, add vegetables and mix.

Unmold on lettuce.

Serves 6.

MRS. LEWIS H. REESOR, St. Marys, Ont., Can.

Carrot and Pineapple Salad

1  package lemon gelatin

1  cup pineapple juice

1  cup boiling water

1  cup crushed pineapple

1½  cups ground raw carrots

½  cup chopped nuts

Dissolve gelatin in hot water and add pineapple juice. Chill.

When this begins to thicken, add other ingredients.

Pour mixture into a mold and chill until set.

Unmold on lettuce.

Serve with mayonnaise.

Serves 6.

ANNA LEHMAN, Boswell, Pa.

Cherry Salad

2  cups large Bing cherries

1  cup cherry juice

1  cup sugar

English walnuts

2  tablespoons plain gelatin

1  cup orange juice

1  tablespoon lemon juice

Drain cherries.

Fill each cherry with a walnut half.

Place cherries in individual molds, filling each ½ full.

Dissolve sugar in cherry juice and bring to a boil. Remove from heat.

Soak gelatin in orange and lemon juice.

When dissolved, add to hot cherry juice.

When juice has cooled, pour over the cherries and allow to set.

Unmold on lettuce.

Serves 6.

MRS. HARRY FRANK, East Petersburg, Pa.

Cottage Cheese and Pineapple Salad

1  package lemon or lime gelatin

1  cup hot water

1  cup pineapple juice

1  cup crushed pineapple

¼  teaspoon salt

1  cup cottage cheese

½  cup chopped nuts

Strips of green and red pepper

Dissolve gelatin in hot water and add pineapple juice.

Chill until liquid begins to congeal.

Combine drained pineapple, cheese, nuts and salt and fold into gelatin mixture.

Pour into mold and chill until firm.

Unmold on lettuce and garnish with mayonnaise and strips of pepper.

Serves 6.

MRS. LYDIA BURTON, Detroit, Mich.; MRS. ARTHUR EBERSOLE, Birch Tree, Mo.

Cranberry Salad

½  pound cranberries

3  apples

1½  cups sugar

2  oranges or ½ cup crushed pineapple

¼  cup chopped walnuts

1  package cherry or strawberry gelatin

1  cup hot water

1 cup cold water

Wash and grind cranberries through food chopper.

Pare and core apples and chop very fine.

Add chopped oranges, nuts and sugar.

Dissolve gelatin in hot water.

Add cold water.

When cool, add salad mixture.

Pour into mold and allow to congeal.

Unmold on lettuce.

Serves 6.

MABEL GEISER, Seville, Ohio; MARY E. SUTER, Harrisonburg, Va.

MRS. LEVI C. SCHROCK, Kalona, Iowa

Crown Fruit Salad

1  tablespoon plain gelatin

2  tablespoons cold water

1  cup fruit juice

2  cups canned peaches or pears

1  orange

½  cup maraschino cherries

½  cup cream

½  cup mayonnaise

Soak gelatin in cold water.

Bring fruit juice to a boil and pour slowly over the gelatin. Cool.

Add cream to mayonnaise and stir until smooth.

Add mayonnaise to fruit juice and gelatin.

Blend well.

Cut peaches or pears into slices and maraschino cherries into halves.

When mixture begins to congeal, add fruit and cherries.

Pour into a mold and chill until firm.

Unmold on lettuce and garnish with clusters of grapes, bananas or slices of canned fruit.

Serves 6.


Ginger Ale Salad

1  package lemon gelatin

⅓  cup hot water

1½  cups ginger ale

2  oranges

1  large grapefruit

½  cup diced celery

Dissolve gelatin in hot water.

Add ginger ale and chill.

Peel oranges and grapefruit and remove sections with a sharp knife.

Add diced celery and fruit to gelatin when it begins to thicken.

Pour into mold and chill until firm.

Unmold on lettuce and serve with mayonnaise.

Serves 6.

NAOMI GROFF, Lancaster, Pa.

Golden Glow Salad

1  package orange gelatin

1  cup boiling water

1  teaspoon lemon juice or vinegar

1  cup pineapple juice

1  cup grated carrots

1  cup crushed pineapple

¼  teaspoon salt

¼  cup maraschino cherries

Rind of 1 orange, ground

Dissolve gelatin in boiling water.

Add pineapple and lemon juice and chill until slightly thickened.

Combine drained pineapple, grated carrots, cherries, orange rind and salt with gelatin.

Pour into mold and chill until firm.

Unmold on lettuce and serve with the following dressing:

¼  cup pineapple juice

¼  cup lemon juice

2  eggs

¼  cup sugar

½  cup whipped cream

Combine eggs, juices and sugar and cook in top of double boiler until thick.

Add whipped cream just before serving.

Serves 6 to 8.

MRS. HOWARD STEVANUS, Waterloo, Ont., Can.

New Manhattan Salad

1  package lemon gelatin

1  cup boiling water

1  cup cold water

2  tablespoons vinegar

1  cup tart apples, chopped

1  cup English walnuts

1  cup chopped celery

¼  teaspoon salt

Dissolve gelatin in hot water.

Add cold water, salt and vinegar.

When slightly congealed, add the apples, nuts and celery.

Pour into mold and chill until firm.

Serve on lettuce.

Serves 6.


⅔  cup condensed milk

¼  cup vinegar or lemon juice

1  egg yolk

½  teaspoon salt

1  teaspoon dry mustard

Combine ingredients and beat with a rotary beater until thick.

This makes 1¼ cups.

Use desired amount with salad.

MRS. LEIDY HUNSICKER, Blooming Glen, Pa.

Perfection Salad

2  tablespoons plain gelatin

½  cup cold water

½  cup vinegar

Juice of 1 lemon

2  cups boiling water

½  cup sugar

1  teaspoon salt

1½  cups diced celery

1½  cups shredded cabbage

3  pimientos, chopped

Soak gelatin in cold water.

Add hot water, vinegar, lemon juice, salt and sugar.

When jelly begins to thicken, add chopped vegetables.

Pour into mold and chill until firm.

Unmold on lettuce and garnish with mayonnaise.

Serves 6.

MRS. NOAH D. LEHMAN, Orrville, Ohio

Pineapple-Cheese Salad

1  package lemon gelatin

1  cup hot water

1  cup pineapple juice

1  cup crushed pineapple

¼  cup maraschino cherries

1  package Philadelphia cream cheese (8 ounces)

Dissolve gelatin in hot water.

Add pineapple juice and chill.

Mix to cheese 2 tablespoons cherry juice or cream.

When smooth, combine cheese with pineapple and chopped cherries.

When gelatin begins to thicken, add salad mixture.

Pour into mold and chill until firm.

Unmold on lettuce and garnish with mayonnaise and olives.

Serves 4 to 6.

MRS. DAVID MISHLER, Johnstown, Pa.

Whipped Pineapple Salad

1  package lemon gelatin

1  cup hot water

1  cup cold water

1  cup Crushed pineapple

1  cup grated cheese

1  cup whipping cream

Dissolve gelatin in hot water.

Add cold water and chill.

When jelly begins to thicken, whip it until light.

Add whipped cream, pineapple and cheese.

Pour into a mold and chill until firm.

Unmold and garnish as desired.

Serves 6.

MRS. CECIL SCHMIDT, Greensburg, Kan.

Sweetheart Salad

2  cups crushed pineapple

½  cup sugar

1½  tablespoons plain gelatin

¼  cup cold water

6  ounces Philadelphia cream cheese

2  tablespoons lemon juice

2  tablespoons cherry juice

1  cup whipping cream

12  maraschino cherries

Dissolve gelatin in cold water.

Add pineapple to sugar. Bring to boiling point and add gelatin.

Stir until gelatin is dissolved.

Add lemon and cherry juice. Cool.

Mash cream cheese and add chopped cherries.

Combine with pineapple mixture, adding a small amount at a time.

Chill until slightly thickened.

Whip cream and blend with salad mixture.

Mold and chill.

Serves 8.

MRS. EPHRAIM LANDIS, Blooming Glen, Pa.; MRS. ROBERT NACE, Souderton, Pa.

Jellied Tomato Salad

1  quart stewed tomatoes

2  tablespoons gelatin

½  cup cold water

2  tablespoons celery leaves

1  small onion

2  tablespoons sugar

½  teaspoon salt

⅛  teaspoon pepper

Cook tomatoes with seasoning. Strain.

Dissolve gelatin in cold water and add to hot tomato juice.

Pour into individual molds and chill until firm.

Unmold on lettuce and garnish with mayonnaise.

This salad may also be molded in a flat pan and cut in any desired shape.

Serves 8.

MRS. LEWIS H. REESOR, Markham, Ont., Can.

Vegetable and Fruit Mold

1  package lemon gelatin

1  cup boiling water

1  cup cold water

1  cup grated carrots

1  cup diced celery

1  cup grated cabbage

1  cup diced apples

½  cup chopped nuts

Dissolve gelatin in hot water.

Add cold water and chill.

When gelatin begins to thicken, add grated carrots and cabbage, diced celery and apples.

Add chopped nuts and mix well.

Pour into mold and chill until firm.

Unmold on lettuce.

Serve with mayonnaise.

Serves 6.

MRS. JACOB F. KOLB, Spring City, Pa.; EDITH KEFFER, Waterloo, Ont., Can.


Macaroni Salad

3  cups cooked macaroni

2  hard-cooked eggs

1  cup chopped celery

1  onion

½  head lettuce, shredded


½  cup sugar

½  cup vinegar

½  cup water

1  teaspoon salt

½  teaspoon dry mustard

1  tablespoon flour

2  eggs

Combine macaroni, chopped eggs and vegetables.

To make dressing, combine sugar, salt, mustard and flour. Add eggs and vinegar and mix well. Add water and stir until smooth. Cook until thickened.

Cool dressing slightly and pour over salad mixture.

Mix and serve.

Serves 8.

MRS. LABAN WADEL, Shippensburg, Pa.

MARY ELIZABETH LUTZ, Elizabethtown, Pa.

Cracker Salad


18  soda crackers

1½  cups tomato juice

1  cup chopped celery

¼  cup chopped olives or sour pickles

½  cup mayonnaise

Crush crackers, breaking each into 4 or 5 pieces.

Add chopped celery and olives or pickles.

Season tomato juice with salt, sugar and pepper.

Pour juice over cracker mixture.

Add mayonnaise and mix slightly.

Serves 6.

MRS. AMOS K. MAST, Cochranville, Pa.; MARY SHANK, Atglen, Pa.


Cooked Salad Dressing (I)

½  cup sugar

½  cup vinegar

½  cup water

1  egg or 2 yolks

1  tablespoon cornstarch or flour

1  teaspoon dry mustard

1  teaspoon salt

1  tablespoon butter

Mix sugar, salt, cornstarch and mustard.

Add egg and beat well.

Add water and vinegar.

Cook in the top of a double boiler until thickened.

Add butter and serve on potato salad, lettuce or cabbage.

Makes 1½ cups.

MRS. SIMON P. KRAYBILL, Elizabethtown, Pa.; MRS. E. S. HALLMAN, Tuleta, Texas

Cooked Dressing with Sour Cream (II)

1½  tablespoons flour

1  teaspoon salt

½  teaspoon mustard

1  egg

3  tablespoons vinegar

2  tablespoons sugar

1  cup sour cream

Mix sugar, flour, salt and mustard.

Add the egg and vinegar and mix well.

Add the sour cream and cook until dressing thickens.

Stir constantly.

Makes l¼ cups.

MRS. EMILY KAUFFMAN, Westover, Md.; IDA MAE STECKLY, Oakdale, Iowa

Cooked Salad Dressing with Evaporated Milk (III)

2  eggs, beaten

1  teaspoon mustard

1  teaspoon salt

1  cup sugar

⅔  cup vinegar

⅓  cup water

1  cup evaporated milk

Mix together the sugar, salt and mustard.

Add the beaten eggs and mix well.

Add vinegar and water and cook to a smooth paste.

Cool and add evaporated milk. Beat.

Makes 2 cups.

MRS. ANDREW K. STONER, Bainbridge, Pa.

Cooked Mayonnaise

2  egg yolks

2  tablespoons vinegar

2  tablespoons lemon juice

½  teaspoon mustard

½  teaspoon sugar

1  teaspoon salt

1  cup salad oil

1  tablespoon butter

⅓  cup flour

1½  cups water

Put the first 7 ingredients together in a mixing bowl, but do not stir.

Make a white sauce of the butter, flour and water.

Pour hot sauce into first mixture and beat with a rotary egg beater until thick and creamy.

This keeps in the refrigerator indefinitely.

Makes 2 cups.

ANNA HORST, Blue Ball, Pa.

French Dressing

1  cup salad oil

1  cup vinegar

2  tablespoons sugar

1  teaspoon salt

1  teaspoon dry mustard

1  teaspoon grated onion

1  tablespoon Worcestershire sauce

1  cup catsup or condensed tomato soup

Mix sugar, salt, mustard and Worcestershire sauce together.

Add grated onion and catsup or tomato soup.

Add vinegar and pour on the oil slowly.

Place dressing in a bottle and keep in refrigerator.

Shake vigorously before using to blend ingredients.

Makes 1 pint dressing.

MRS. RUFUS BEACHY, Mylo, N. D.; ELVA GOOD, Manheim, Pa.

Fruit Salad Dressing

½  cup lemon or orange juice

½  cup pineapple juice

2  eggs

l½  tablespoons flour

½  cup sugar

1  cup whipping cream

½  cup walnuts (optional)

Combine juices and stir slowly into sugar and flour mixture.

Cook in a double boiler until it thickens.

Add beaten eggs and cook 1 minute longer; remove from heat and cool.

Fold in whipped cream.

Makes 2½ cups dressing.



2  egg yolks

1  teaspoon salt

¼  teaspoon paprika

2  teaspoons sugar

½  teaspoon dry mustard

2  cups salad oil

4  tablespoons vinegar or lemon juice

Mix dry ingredients and moisten with vinegar or lemon juice.

Add mixture to beaten egg yolks.

Mix thoroughly and add the oil gradually, drop by drop at first.

Beat vigorously between additions of oil.

The mixture should become thick and smooth.

Makes approximately 3 cups dressing.


Extender for Preceding Recipe

3  tablespoons cornstarch

¼  cup vinegar

1  cup boiling water

1  teaspoon salt

2  tablespoons sugar

Mix sugar and salt with the cornstarch.

Then add vinegar and boiling water.

Cook until thickened to a smooth paste.

Beat into the mayonnaise as soon as removed from the stove.

MRS. LOU J. MILLER, Wellman, Iowa

Variations may be made by adding tomato catsup, chopped pickles, sweet peppers or hard-cooked eggs to mayonnaise.

Two-Minute Mayonnaise

1  egg, unbeaten

2  tablespoons sugar

1¼  teaspoons salt

¼  teaspoon mustard

¼  teaspoon paprika

¾  cup salad oil

¼  cup lemon juice or vinegar or a mixture of both

4  tablespoons cornstarch

¼  cup cold water

1  cup boiling water

Place unbeaten egg in a bowl.

Add sugar, salt, mustard, paprika, oil and lemon juice or vinegar.

Do not beat.

Combine cornstarch and cold water and stir to a smooth paste.

Pour paste slowly into boiling water, stirring constantly, and cook until clear.

Add thickened mixture to ingredients in the bowl and beat with a rotary or electric beater until light.

For variation, add 1 cup of pineapple juice in place of the water in the cornstarch mixture.

One cup of whipped cream may also be blended into the mayonnaise with good results.

MRS. PAUL BENDER, Goshen, Ind.

Poppy Seed or Celery Seed Dressing

1  cup salad oil

⅓  cup vinegar

½  cup sugar

½  teaspoon poppy seed or celery seed

1  tablespoon grated onion

1  teaspoon dry mustard

1  teaspoon salt

Mix mustard, salt and sugar.

Add other ingredients and pour into a pint jar.

Keep in refrigerator and shake well before using.

Excellent served on grapefruit or orange slices.

Makes 1½ cups.