illness, disease and sgieocial hyne 270–1, 349
and Bleak House 271, 345, 347–8
and Dickens’s journalism 344
and Dombey and Son 271, 345, 346
and Great Expectations 344–5
and Little Dorrit 346
and Martin Chuzzlewit 345
and Nicholas Nickleby 344, 345
and Oliver Twist 345
and Our Mutual Friend 346
and public health reform 348–9
and The Old Curiosity Shop 345, 346
and The Pickwick Papers 344
cholera epidemics 271, 286, 343
infant mortality 343–4
medical professionals 344–5, 348
miasmatism 346
Public Health Act (1848) 235
public health reform 271, 344
sanitation and sanitary reform 343, 344, 347, 348–9
sickroom, the 346
smallpox 348
Illustrated London News 128, 148, 286, 287
illustrated novel, the 166–76
names of individual illustrators
and Bleak House 172–3
and David Copperfield 170
and Dickens 168–76
and Dombey and Son 170
and The Battle of Life 170
and The Mystery of Edwin Drood 166, 173–5
and The Old Curiosity Shop 166, 170, 172
and The Pickwick Papers 168, 172
Inchbald, Elizabeth 4
India 12, 195
1857 ‘Mutiny’ 208, 287–9, 298
industrialisation 92, 194–7, 248
and gender 351, 365
International Exhibition 150
Ireland 284
Dickens’s depictions of Irish immigrants 272
Irish immigration to Britain 271, 272
Irving, Henry 103
Irving, Washington 36, 101, 256
Is She His Wife? (play) 130
Isango/Portobello Productions 65
Italy 43, 204, 341
Dickens’s sojourn in 8, 37, 38, 206–8, 232
Risorgimento 43, 206–8
Jackson, Andrew 216
Jackson, John Hughlings 344
Jackson, T. A. 22, 51
Jackson, Tommy 240
Morant Bay uprising (1865) 289–90, 297
Dickens’s attitude towards 16
Eyre Defence League 16, 290
James, G. P. R. 160
James, Henry 53, 140, 279
Jeffrey, Francis 36
Jeffreys, Stephen 62
Jerrold, Douglas 112, 129, 240
Jerrold, William Blanchard 40, 155
John, Juliet 71
Johnson, Edgar 23, 232, 287
Johnson, Michael K. 72
Johnson, Pamela Hansford 359, 360
Johnson, Samuel 99
Jones, Lloyd
Mister Pip 83, 84, 85–7
Jones, Sir Horace 230
Jones-Evans, Eric 60
Jonson, Ben 253
Joyce, James 45
Kafka, Franz 45
Kaplan, Fred 25
Kay-Shuttleworth, Dr James 220, 225
Kean, Charles 27
Kean, Edmund 138
Keats, John 100, 213
Kemble, Charles 131
Kemble, Fanny 131
Kielland, Alexander 44, 47, 48, 49
Kingsley, Charles 290
Kinkaid, James 191
Kitton, F. G. 20
Knebworth 253
Knox, Robert 295–6, 299
Koch, Robert 346
Lamert, James 231
Lamplighter, The (play) 29
Lancaster, Joseph 221
Landon, Letitia 143
Landor, Walter Savage 36
Landseer, Edwin 166
Langbridge, Canon Frederick 60
Langley, Noel 71
Langton, Robert 20
Laurence, Samuel 155
law 199, 310–17
and Bleak House 316–17
and David Copperfield 315
and Oliver Twist 314–15
and The Pickwick Papers 314, 315
Bloody Code, the 312
Dickens’s interest in as a career 5, 311
legal professionals 311–13
trial scenes in Dickens’s fiction 311
Lawrence, D. H. 47, 48
Layard, Austen Henry 287
Leader 331
Lean, David 67, 68–71
Leavis, F. R. 52, 54–5
Leavis, Q. D. 55
Ledger, Sally 57, 240
Lee, Carol 190
Leech, John 153, 166, 170, 304
Leighton, Frederick 175
Lesage, Alain-René
Gil Blas 142
lesbianism 82
Miss Wade (Little Dorrit) 82, 362
Levenson, Michael 363
Lever, Charles 166
Levin, Bernard 61
Lewes, George Henry 41, 102, 141, 143, 332
Ranthorpe 143, 144
Lewis, Sarah 366
Ley, J. W. T. 21
Life of Our Lord, The 187, 188, 323–4
Lindsay, Jack 23
Linnaeus, Carl 293
Linton, Eliza Lynn 367, 371
Little Dorrit 9, 12, 39, 52, 54, 78, 96, 141, 152, 162, 196–7, 198, 201, 205, 206, 207–8, 223, 232, 233, 237, 238, 241, 249, 257–8, 266, 277–8, 287, 318, 322, 341, 342, 346, 350, 354, 362
Little Nell (play) 64
Liverpool and Manchester Railway 339
Lloyd, Edward 32, 33, 109, 112
Lloyd, Frederick 70
Lombroso, Cesare 308
London 227–33
and Bleak House 229–30, 231
and Dombey and Son 228, 233
and Great Expectations 233
and Little Dorrit 233
and Martin Chuzzlewit 233
bridges 228
cemeteries 229
‘Dickensian’ London 231–3
employment, types of 230–1
housing 229
Metropolitan Board of Works (estd 1855) 227, 228
Metropolitan Police (estd 1829) 227
population and growth 194, 227–8, 268
prisons 232
public buildings 228
railways and stations 228–9
roads 228
sewerage system 228
London and Westminster Review 36
London City Corporation 93
London City Mission 93, 113
London to Birmingham railway 340
London University 220
Long, Edward 293, 296
Lord Liverpool’s administration (1812–27) 110
Lorimer, Douglas 293
Lowe, Robert 220
Lowell factory 215
Lowenthal, David 79
Ludwig, Otto 45, 47
Lukàcs György 159, 161–2
Lunn, H. K. (‘Hugh Kingsmill’) 21
Lyell, Sir Charles 290, 330
Lyttelton, Spencer 273
Mackenzie, Dr R. Shelton 19
Maclise, Daniel 7, 103, 153, 155, 166
Maconochie, Captain Alexander 306
MacPike, Loralee 44
Macready, William Charles 7, 101, 103, 125–6, 154, 172, 211
Macrone, John 158
Malthus, Thomas 360
Dickens’s attacks on Malthusian population theory 181–2, 248
Manchester School 237, 238, 245
Mandler, Peter 296
Mann, Thomas 140
Mannings, execution of 305, 312
Marcus, Sharon 362
Marcus, Steven 45, 54, 359–60
Margolyes, Miriam 64, 72
Marryat, Captain Frederick 212
Marsden, Gordon 75
Marsh, Joss Lutz 361
Marshalsea prison 4, 19, 301, 343
and Little Dorrit 82, 301
Martin Chuzzlewit 8, 35, 37, 53, 63, 198, 201, 211, 213, 214, 216–17, 233, 273, 277, 285, 313, 340, 344, 345, 362, 363, 370
Martineau, Harriet 175, 201, 212, 262
Martin-Harvey, Sir John 60
Marx, Karl 248, 250, 276
Marxism 22, 23, 162, 240, 276
masculinities. See gender
masochism 44
Mason, Michael 360
Mason, Robert Hindry 155
Masson, David 40
Master Humphrey’s Clock 9, 113, 170, 340
Mathews, Charles 6
Matrimonial Causes Act (1857) 360
Maurice, Frederick Denison 366
Maurier, George du 171
Maxwell, James Clerk 330
Maxwell, Richard 161
Mayall, John 106, 155
Mayhew, Henry 93, 198, 199, 230, 231
Mechanics’ Institutes 220
melodrama 27, 29, 31, 39, 63, 112, 128, 129, 133, 316
and A Christmas Carol 137
and Barnaby Rudge 137–8
and Great Expectations 135
and literary criticism 133, 136
and Nicholas Nickleby 135
and Oliver Twist 135–6, 138
and Sketches by Boz 135
and ‘The Amusements of the People’ 133
and The Old Curiosity Shop 136
audiences 133–4
Dickens’s melodramatic aesthetics 134–8
historical genesis of 133–4
Menke, Richard 208
mesmerism 23, 85, 326, 344
Methodism 321
Metropolitan Sanitary Association 347
middle classes, the 260–8
and A Tale of Two Cities 264
and art 148–9
and Chartism 241
and Dombey and Son 265–6
and domesticity 75, 262, 265–6
and Great Expectations 264–5
and popular culture 92
and the franchise 235
and the ‘Gospel of work’ 197
and the suburbs 229
and the theatre 28, 126–7, 128
and work 262
definitions of 260–2
Miles, William Augustus 302
Mill, John Stuart 16, 212, 244, 249, 261, 290, 297, 365–6
Millais, Sir John Everett 152, 153, 155, 175
Dickens’s hostile response to Christ in the House of his Parents 154
Miller, D. A. 55–6
Miller, J. Hillis 53, 55, 170
Miller, Thomas 143
Mills, John 69
Mines Act (1842) 196, 235
Mirror of Parliament 252, 311
modern life painting 149
modernism 44, 46
Molloy, Charles 311
Moncrieff, William Thomas 30, 31, 125, 128, 130
Monroe, Marilyn 101
Monthly Magazine
Dickens’s contributions to
‘A Dinner at Poplar Walk’ 5
Moody, Ron 60
Moore, Grace 298
Moretti, Franco 146, 243
Morley, Henry 155, 190, 274, 286
Morning Chronicle 6, 180, 312, 314
Dickens’s contributions to 29
‘The Streets – Morning’ 232
‘The Streets – Night’ 232
Morris, R. J. 261, 262
Mortimer, John 62
Mrs Lirriper (short stories) 16
Murray, John 206
music halls 63, 93–4, 95, 99
musical adaptations of Dickens’s work 33, 60–1, 66
Mystery of Charles Dickens, The (play) 64
Mystery of Edwin Drood, The 17, 22, 96, 166, 173–5, 184, 199, 221, 223, 272, 273, 290, 308, 313, 370, 371
Napoleon Bonaparte 99, 100
Napoleon III 106, 208, 285
Napoleonic wars 3, 93, 110, 159, 203, 205, 268, 341
national identity 74, 75, 83, 298
National Portrait Gallery 155
National Society 220
natural history 164, 327
natural theology 326
Nature 329
Nelson, Admiral Horatio 100
neo-Victorian 81
and Dickens 82–3
and Fingersmith 81–2
and Jack Maggs 83–7
and Mister Pip 83–7
and The French Lieutenant’s Woman 81
neurology 344
New Criticism 53, 54
New Journalism 103
New Zealand 284
Newcastle Commission 220
Newgate novels 160, 224, 307, 314
Newsom, Robert 26
newspaper and periodical market 109–15
and A Christmas Carol 113
and All the Year Round 114–15
and Dickens 112–15
and Household Words 114
and Master Humphrey’s Clock 113
government interference and taxation 110
hierarchies 112
mass market, development of 112
monthlies 112
publication figures 111
quarterlies 111
Sketches by Boz 113
unstamped press 110
newspaper and periodical press
and gender 352, 367
reviews of Dickens’s works 35–41
Nicholas Nickleby 7, 29, 30, 120, 125–6, 129, 130, 135, 143, 149, 186–7, 190, 197, 222, 224, 237, 239, 256, 277, 279, 320, 338, 344, 345, 355
Nicholson, Renton 32
Nightingale, Florence 262
Nisbet, Ada 44
No Thoroughfare (play) 29, 131
Nonconformism 220, 321
and Dickens 318–19
Northern Star 109, 240
See also Chartism
Northwest Passage 298
Norton v. Melbourne (trial) 314
nostalgia 75, 79
Nunn, Trevor 61, 66
nurses and nursing 345, 362–3, 370
O’Connell, Daniel 36
object relations theory 368–9
Observer 361
Old Bailey 310, 312, 313
Old Curiosity Shop, The 7, 36, 44, 77, 95, 129, 136, 166, 170, 172, 175, 198, 221, 222–3, 224, 240, 265, 270, 322, 337, 341, 345, 346, 362
Oliver, Edna May 67
Oliver Twist 7, 18, 28, 29, 36, 78, 135–6, 138, 143, 168, 190, 191, 194, 198, 221–2, 224, 225, 232, 239, 248, 263, 270, 271, 285, 297, 302, 305–6, 307, 313, 314–15, 344, 345, 354, 361, 368
Once a Week 104
Orwell, George 51–2
Osborn, Emily 149
Our Mutual Friend 15, 16, 40, 53, 56, 96, 151, 191, 198, 204, 206, 222, 224, 225, 230, 248, 258–9, 273, 274, 297–8, 320, 324, 341, 346, 352–3, 358, 363, 370, 371
Our Ocean Highways 342
Owen, Richard 327, 329, 330
Oxford Movement 320
Paine, Thomas 219
Palmer, John 134, 336
Palmer, William 316
Pant, Dhundu (‘Nana Sahib’) 288
pantomime 4, 125, 128–9
Papal Aggression 321
Paris International Exhibition 154
Pasteur, Louis 346
paternalism 215, 262
Patmore, Coventry
‘Angel in the House’ 352
Patten, Robert L. 25, 166, 171
Patti, Adelina 99
Pauw, Abbéorneille de 213
Pelayo, Marcelino Mendez y 46
Pemberton, Thomas Edgar 227
Pennington, Michael 64
Penny Magazine 112
Pentonville prison 303
Petch, Simon 371
Phelps, Samuel 128
Phillips, Charles 314
Phillips, Samuel 38
phrenology 308, 326, 344
Pickford, Mary 98, 101
Pickwick Papers, The 7, 37, 51, 74, 95, 96, 102, 118, 120, 125, 158, 168, 170, 172, 178, 179, 236, 256, 285, 301, 314, 315, 318, 319, 324, 334–5, 337, 338, 340, 344, 363
Pictures from Italy 78, 113, 152, 154–5, 205, 206–8, 320, 341
Pixérécourt, Guilbert de 133
plagiarisms of Dickens’s works 32, 33
Playfair, Nigel 60
political economy 180, 181, 225, 238, 239, 243–50
and Dickens 243, 245–50
and Dombey and Son 246
and Hard Times 247–8
and Oliver Twist 248
and Our Mutual Friend 248
and societal connections 244
and the ‘invisible hand’ 245
politics 235–42
and Bleak House 236
and Hard Times 237, 238, 242
and Sketches by Boz 237
and The Old Curiosity Shop 240
and The Pickwick Papers 236
Chartism and working-class radicalism 241
Parliamentary politics 236–8, 257
political parties 235–6
radicalism 239–40
Tories and Toryism 238–9
Poor Laws 190
Amendment Act (1834) 110, 215, 222, 227, 235, 239, 248, 274
Poovey, Mary 56
Pope, Alexander 99
Pope-Hennessy, Dame Una 23
popular culture 91–7, 169, 196
agricultural entertainments 91
and A Christmas Carol 96
and All the Year Round 95–6
and Hard Times 95
and Household Words 94–5, 96, 97
cross-class entertainments 92
erosion of 92–3
music halls 93–4
organised sport 94
urban entertainments 91–2
pornography 82
Porter, Roy 228
Portsmouth 3, 268
Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood 152
Prest, Thomas Peckett 32
Preston lock-out (1853–54) 194, 241
Prichard, James 293–4, 295
Prison Discipline Society 302
prison fever (typhus) 343
Prisoners’ Counsel Act (1836) 313
Proctor, Richard Anthony 330
Prospective Review 40
prostitution 44, 65, 127, 181, 231, 360–1
Proust, Marcel 45
psychoanalysis 136, 359–60, 368–9
psychology 136
Punch 128, 148, 240, 304
Quarterly Review 37, 111
queer theory 189–90, 361–4
race 292–9
and American Notes for General Circulation 298
and Bleak House 297
and Darwinism 295
and Dombey and Son 297
and Oliver Twist 297
and Our Mutual Friend 297–8
and slavery 293
and the Indian ‘Mutiny’ (1857) 298
and the Morant Bay uprising (1865) 297
and ‘The Noble Savage’ 298
biological determinism 295–7
monogenesis and polygenesis 293–5
shifting meanings of 292–3
radicalism 112, 239–40, 328
railways. See transport
Rainhill trials 339
Rathbone, Basil 67
Raynal, Abbé Guillaume Thomas François 213
Reade, Charles 129, 162–3, 166
Griffith Gaunt 172
Reading Gaol 303
realism 45, 46, 51, 153, 155, 161, 162, 317
Redgrave, Richard 149
Rees, Roger 61
Great Reform Act (1832) 215, 220, 235, 252
Second Reform Act (1867) 217, 235
religion 318–24
names of individual sects
and A Tale of Two Cities 321, 324
and Bleak House 319, 322–3, 324
and David Copperfield 322, 324
and Great Expectations 323
and Little Dorrit 322
and Our Mutual Friend 320
and The Old Curiosity Shop 322
and The Pickwick Papers 319
Reynolds, G. W. M. 32, 112, 114
Pickwick Abroad, or the Tour in France 32, 33
Reynolds, Sir Joshua 99
Ricardo, David 244
Ridley, James. See Tales of the Genii
Robertson, Thomas William 129, 130
Robinson, Geoffrey 64
Robinson, George Wharton 21, 64
Robson, Catherine 188, 191
Rochester 3, 9, 15, 103
Rockingham Castle 253
Rojek, Chris 99
Romano, Giulio 154
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel 152
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 99, 133
Royal Academy 149
Royal Literary Fund. See authorship and professional writing
Royal Shakespeare Company 61, 62, 66
Royal Society 327
Rubin, Leon 61
Rumpus Theatre Company 63
Ruskin, John 16, 76, 102, 151–2, 209, 290, 297
‘Of Queens’ Gardens’ 200, 262, 351–2, 366
Unto This Last 250, 276
Russell, Lord John 254
Russell, Lord William 314
Russell, William Howard 287, 289
Dickens’s influence on Russian authors 46, 318
Russian stage productions of Dickens’s works 65
Russian translations of Dickens’s works 45, 46
Sabbatarianism 93, 95, 319
Sabbath Observances Bill 319
sadism 44, 360, 362
Sadleir, John 278
Sala, George Augustus Henry 40, 43, 103, 104, 233, 367
Saltykov-Shchedrin, Mikhail 46
Sam Weller, or the Pickwickians (play) 30, 31
Sanders, Andrew 231
Santayana, George 140
Saturday Review, The 39–40
Schad, John 324
Scheffer, Ary 155
Schickel, Richard 101
science 261, 326–34
and Bleak House 332
and crime 308
and culture 326–7, 332–3
and Dickens 330–2
and print culture 329–30
and society 329
and spontaneous combustion 332
and women 327–8
Science-Gossip 326
Scott, Sir Walter 28, 37, 118, 119, 158–62
The Heart of Mid-Lothian 158, 159, 161
Waverley novels 158, 160, 161, 167
Scottish Enlightenment 159
Searle, G. R. 246
Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky 56, 362, 370
See also homosociality
Selznick, David O. 67
sentiment and sentimentality 39, 41, 189, 311, 323, 343
See also affect
and children and childhood 36, 190, 192
Sesame Street 362
Seth, Roshan 72
sexology 363
sexuality 44, 194, 354, 358–64
and A Tale of Two Cities 363
and Bleak House 361
and David Copperfield 360, 370
and discourse 360, 361, 363
and Dombey and Son 359
and Great Expectations 361, 363
and Little Dorrit 362
and Martin Chuzzlewit 362, 363
and Oliver Twist 361
and Our Mutual Friend 358, 363
and psychoanalysis 359–60
and The Old Curiosity Shop 362
and The Pickwick Papers 363
Dickens and sexual repression 358–60
sexual double standard 361
Seymour, Robert 166, 179
Shadow, The 114
Shaffner, Randolph 143–4
Shaftesbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, 7th Earl of 102, 224
Shared Experience (theatre company) 62
Shaw, George Bernard 49, 240
Shelley, Percy Bysshe 100
Sheppard, Jack 307
Siddons, Sarah 99
Signalman, The (short story) 340
Sim, Alastair 71
Sketches by Boz 7, 29, 37, 78, 113, 232, 341, 350
‘A Christmas Dinner’ (chapter 2 of ‘Characters’) 178
‘A Visit to Newgate’ 305, 307, 313
‘Astley’s’ 95
‘Criminal Courts’ 313
‘Early Coaches’ 339
‘Gin-Shops’ 270
‘Greenwich Fair’ 135
‘Hackney-coach Stands’ 341
‘Miss Evans and “The Eagle”’ 95, 198
‘Omnibuses’ 341
‘Our Next-Door Neighbour’ 270
‘Pauper Schoolmaster’ 221
‘Private Theatrics’ 125
‘Sentiment’ 237
‘Steam Excursion’ 341
‘The Great Winglebury Duel’ 29
‘The Last Cab-driver, and the First Omnibus Cad’ 341
‘The Streets – Night’ 95
Slater, Michael 54
slavery 8, 217, 298
Abolition Act (1833) 235
Smiles, Samuel 197, 198, 367
Self-Help 145
Smith, Adam 246, 249
Wealth of Nations 214, 245
Smith, Albert 28, 30, 100, 103
Smith, Dr Thomas Southwood 344, 347
Smith, Grahame 25, 114, 137
Smith, Sydney 36, 214
Smollett, Tobias 4
The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle 4, 142
The Adventures of Roderick Random 4, 142
The Expedition of Humphry Clinker 142, 198
Snape, Sam 64
socialism 248, 307, 308
Society for Promoting Due Observance of the Lord’s Day 319
Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge 220, 328
Society of Artists, Birmingham 152
Society of British Artists 149
Society of Painters in Water Colours 149
Solomon, Rebecca 149
Sontag, Susan 345
South Africa 65, 72, 190
Soweto uprisings (1976) 190
Dickens’s influence on Spanish authors 46
Spectator, The 39
Spencer, Herbert 261, 295, 297
Spielhagen, Friedrich 45
spiritualism 326, 328
spontaneous combustion 278, 332, 344
St Deiniol’s library 74
stage adaptations of Dickens’s work
nineteenth-century 27–35
A Christmas Carol 28
A Tale of Two Cities 30
Barnaby Rudge 31
Bleak House 31
Hard Times 30, 31–2
Little Dorrit 30
Martin Chuzzlewit 30, 31
Nicholas Nickleby 27, 30, 31, 130
Oliver Twist 28, 30, 31, 130
The Battle of Life 30
‘The Bloomsbury Christening’ 30
The Chimes 31
The Cricket on the Hearth 28, 30, 31
The Old Curiosity Shop 31
The Pickwick Papers 30, 31, 175
twentieth- and twenty-first-century 66
A Christmas Carol 59, 62, 63, 64–5
A Tale of Two Cities 60, 61, 66
Bleak House 62
David Copperfield 59
Great Expectations 60, 61, 62, 63
Hard Times 61, 62
Nicholas Nickleby 60, 61–2
Oliver Twist 33, 59, 60, 63
Sketches by Boz 63
The Black Veil 63
The Mystery of Edwin Drood 59, 60, 63
The Pickwick Papers 60
The Signalman 63
Stanfield, Clarkson 14, 153, 166
Staplehurst train crash (1865) 15, 340
Steig, Michael 171
Stepan, Nancy 294, 295
Stephen, Leslie 20
Stephen, Sir James Fitzjames 39–40, 316
Stephenson, George and Robert 339
Sterling, John 143
Sterne, Lawrence 141
Tristram Shandy 362
Stevenson, Lionel 44
Stevenson, Robert Louis 279
Stewart, Garrett 55
Stewart, Patrick 64
Stirling, Edward 27, 28, 30, 130, 175
Stone, Frank 153, 166
Stone, Marcus 16, 153, 166
Storey, Gladys 22
Stowe, Harriet Beecher
Uncle Tom’s Cabin 28
Strange Gentleman, The (play) 7, 29, 130
Straus, Ralph 21
Street, G. E. 228
Strutt, Joseph 97
Suez Canal 342
Sullivan, Francis 70
Summerson, Sir John 227
Sunday Under Three Heads 95, 319, 321
Sussman, Herbert 369
Sweet, Matthew 360
Switzerland 8
tableau vivant 63, 134, 175
Taine, Hippolyte 40
Tale of Two Cities, A 11, 39, 51, 163–4, 198, 204, 208–9, 236, 239, 240, 242, 252, 254, 257, 264, 266, 272, 279–83, 289, 312, 320, 321, 324, 338, 363, 368, 371
serialisation in All the Year Round 115, 208
Tales of the Genii 4
Talfourd, Thomas 120
Tavistock House 12
Taylor, Henry 289
Taylor, Tom 30, 129
television adaptations of Dickens’s work 72, 73, 78
temperance movement 93, 319
Tempos Difíceis (film) 72
Tenniel, John 166
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord 100, 255, 297
ten-pound note, Dickens’s image on 74, 103
Ternan, Ellen 11, 12, 13, 15, 17, 22, 23–4, 29, 64, 131, 203, 359
Ternan, Frances 12
Ternan, Maria 12
Thackeray, William Makepeace 7, 14, 38, 45, 49, 99, 100, 113, 117, 143, 166, 170
Pendennis 99, 122, 143
Vanity Fair 162, 170, 172
theatre 27–35, 125–33
and Bleak House 127
and David Copperfield 127
and Great Expectations 128
and Nicholas Nickleby 125–6, 129, 130
and Sketches by Boz 125
and The Old Curiosity Shop 129
audiences 27, 28, 29, 30, 126–7
Lord Chamberlain’s licensing of plays 27, 128
Theatre Regulation Act (1843) 27, 126, 134
Theatrical Licensing Act (1737) 27, 134
Theatrical Times 128
thing theory 53, 76–7, 355
Threlfall, David 61
Tid-Bits 98
Times, The 38, 40, 61, 287, 304
Tolstoy, Leo 44, 318
Childhood, Boyhood, Youth 46
Tomahawk 327
Tomalin, Claire 24, 64
Toole, J. L. 100, 101, 103
Tooting baby farm scandal 347
Tothill Fields Prison 303
touch 362–3, 370
Townsend, Chauncey Hare 14
and A Tale of Two Cities 338
and Barnaby Rudge 338
and David Copperfield 337
and Dickens’s journalism 340–1
and Dombey and Son 340
and Little Dorrit 342
and Nicholas Nickleby 338
and Sketches by Boz 341
and The Old Curiosity Shop 337
and The Pickwick Papers 334–5, 337, 338
Cheap Trains Act (1864) 229
railways 92, 126, 194, 195, 199, 203, 334, 339–41
revolution in Dickens’s lifetime 334
road engineering and improvements 339
roads 334
ships and boats 203, 334, 342
stage coaches and coaching inns 334–9
Tree, Herbert Beerbohm 59
Tristan, Flora 307
Trollope, Anthony 40, 166, 237, 261, 278
The Way We Live Now 277
Trollope, Frances 143, 212
True Sun 252
Turgenev, Ivan 47
Turner, J. M. W.
The Fighting Temeraire 341
Twain, Mark 101
uncanny, the 371
Underhill, Dr Edward Bean 289–90
Unitarianism 8, 321, 323–4
Urania Cottage 7–8, 16, 23, 285, 306, 360
urban migration and mobility 91, 92, 194, 268–76
and A Tale of Two Cities 272
and Bleak House 271
and Dombey and Son 269, 271
and domesticity 351
and Oliver Twist 270
and Sketches by Box 270
and the Irish 272
and The Mystery of Edwin Drood 272
and The Old Curiosity Shop 270
rural depopulation 268–9
urban deprivation 78, 92, 189, 194, 270–1, 343
utilitarianism 93, 181, 196, 238, 239, 247
Vallance, Rosalind 233
Vestiges of Creation 331
Victoria and Albert Museum 104, 151, 228
Victoria, Queen 18, 74, 255, 351, 365–6
Village Coquettes, The (play) 7, 29, 130
Virgil 269
visual culture 148–58
and A Christmas Carol 151
and Bleak House 148, 156
and Little Dorrit 152
and Our Mutual Friend 151
and Pictures from Italy 154–5
Dickens and 154–5
photography 155–6
psychology of perception 151
Vvedensky, Irinarkh 45, 46
Wall, Max 72
Walpole, Hugh 44, 189
Walsh, Kevin 80
Ward, Edward Matthew 155
Warren’s Blacking 4–5, 19, 24, 41, 142, 194, 195, 219
Warwick Castle 152
Waterloo Directory of English Newspapers and Periodicals, 1800–1900 110
Waters, Sarah
Fingersmith 81–2
Watson, Hon. Mrs Richard (Lavinia) 253
Watson, Hon. Richard 253
Weeks, Jeffrey 360
Weller, Mary 4
Welsh, Alexander 54
West, Dr Charles 191
Westminster Review 329, 332
Whewell, William 326
Whig reforms (1830s) 110, 111
Whistler, James A. McNeill 149
Whittington, Dick 271
Wilde, Oscar 41, 98, 189, 252, 301, 308
An Ideal Husband 278
Williams, Bransby 63, 102
Williams, Emlyn 64
Williams, John 32
Williams, Raymond 236
Williams, Samuel 166
Williams, Vanessa 71
Wills, Lieutenant-Colonel the Reverend Freeman 60
Wills, William Henry 15, 114, 155
Wilson, Angus 25, 188
Wilson, Edmund 22, 52
Wizard of Oz, The 71
Women in Dickens, The (play) 64
Wood, Reverend John G. 330
Woodvine, John 61
Woolner, Thomas 155
Wordsworth, William 99, 101, 118, 120, 269
work 194–203, 262, 371
See also gender, domesticity
and Bleak House 199–201
and David Copperfield 195–6, 197, 201
and Dickens’s journalism 196, 198
and Dombey and Son 195, 199, 201
and domestic labour 201
and Great Expectations 195
and Hard Times 195, 196, 197–8, 201
and Little Dorrit 196–7
and Nicholas Nickleby 197
and the ‘self-made man’ 195
and women 199–201
child labour 196
Dickens’s attitudes towards 197–8
Dickens’s depictions of clerks 199, 263
‘Gospel of Work’ 197–8
World, The 100
Wright, Elizabeth 46
Wright, Thomas 21
Yates, Edmund 14, 100, 101, 103
Young, Roland 67
Zola, Éile François 46
Zweig, Stefan 45, 47