“We are on the precipice of a revolution in diagnosis and treatment of individuals based on their unique biochemistry, physiology, systems biology, and all of the dynamic interactions within their metabolic system. This is a functional medicine approach, not our present dysfunctional medicine approach. Dr. Bland has forged from iron a masterpiece of gold with his years of experience, research, and teaching that will be destined to enlighten the medical field for those who will listen and change. The actual will prove the possible.”
Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, Vanderbilt University Medical School
Author of What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Hypertension and What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Heart Disease
“Dr. Bland is a remarkable visionary who sees the greatest potential in human life through the intricate interaction between genetics and the environment. His words will inspire people to empowerment and transformation in a time of broken health-care models and undeniable despair. He is ushering us into the medicine we’ve all been waiting for—moving us from the frantic chaos of revolution into a network of evolution in how we think about our health.”
Nutritionist and Author
“No one has done more to advance nutritional medicine throughout the world than Dr. Jeff Bland. He has served not only as a teacher but also as an inspiration to so many doctors who realized the old disease diagnosis and treatment model failed most of their patients. Readers will find wisdom and hope in this excellent book.”
Founder, Bastyr University
Co-author of Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine
Editor in Chief of Integrative Medicine: A Clinician’s Journal
“Dr. Jeff Bland, the most significant medical educator of our generation, has authored one of the most important books on health and disease in this decade. I am recommending it to all my patients, family, and colleagues. Dr. Bland presents innovative proposals, all supported by scientific research, to win the battle against chronic disease.”
Diplomate, American Board of Family Practice
Diplomate, American Board of Obesity Medicine
Fellow, American Academy of Family Physicians
Fellow, American Society of Bariatric Physicians
“Dr. Jeff Bland has been teaching a better way of delivering health care to doctors for the last thirty years. He now shares his brilliance and wisdom with the general public. Essential reading for all those interested in their health.”
Founder and Director of Eleven-Eleven Wellness Center
“A tour de force that could have been written only by this visionary scientist, The Disease Delusion will radically transform not just how you think about ‘disease’ and human health, but how society thinks about them, and indeed how our health-care system approaches them.”
Executive Director
Certification Board for Nutrition Specialists
“Required reading for medical students, physicians, health-care professionals, and patients. This is the Magna Carta of health care penned by the father of the functional medicine movement, who has enlightened and inspired so many to take back their health.”
Author ofThe Inside Tract: Your Good Gut Guide to Great Digestive Health
“Dr. Bland is at the forefront of a burgeoning revolution called functional medicine. In this book, he clearly explains the mythical causes of chronic illness and presents lifestyle management as the key ingredient to a long and healthy life.”
President, Institute for Fitness and Health
“Dr. Jeffrey Bland has written the definitive functional medicine guide for both our society as a whole and individuals who want to understand this paradigm-changing twenty-first-century medical approach to treating chronic illness. This is a treatment program for patients and a training manual for doctors and health professionals.”
Founder and Director of Blum Center for Health
Author of The Immune System Recovery Plan: A Doctor’s 4-Step Program to Treat Autoimmune Disease
“Jeff Bland identifies the fundamental error of modern medicine, the simplistic belief that illness results from contracting a disease. He provides a radically different explanation for illness that leads to a personal, individualized prescription for restoring and maintaining health. Epigenetics—the influence of nutrition, environment, and stress on the way our genes are expressed—is at the cutting edge of medical research on the causes of illness, and Jeff Bland is a master at explaining its impact.”
Director of the Foundation for Integrated Medicine
Author of Power Healing and The Fat Resistance Diet
“No one weaves together the science of the human body and the philosophical understanding of human beings like Jeff Bland. He brings into focus the reasons that our drug-oriented approach to health care not only is not healthy but does not accomplish its stated goals. He tells a compelling story that to reverse the trend of negative effects on our genes we don’t need to change our genes, we need to reverse the lifestyle and environmental effects of the last century (or maybe half century) on our biology.”
Director of True North, Gynecology/Women’s Health Care
“As a doctor trained in ‘old medicine’ and intrigued by ‘new medicine,’ I recommend The Disease Delusion as a must-read to everyone in the health-care world who is struggling with why our patients are suffering and dying from preventable and recoverable illnesses that seem perplexingly impervious to modern medicine.”
Chairman of Functional Medicine, Cancer Treatment Centers of America
“A new paradigm shift is taking root, sprouting up with more healthy people through the functional medicine paradigm. Self-management is now ‘king’ more than ever before, as elucidated in this outstanding book of science, statistics, and evidence.”
Founder, Sports Activity Medicine
Personal Physician
“The Disease Delusion provides a brilliant blueprint for changing the way we deal with our modern chronic disease epidemic, coming from the ultimately authoritative source—the founder of functional medicine, Dr. Jeffrey Bland.”
Director, the Integrative Medicine Consortium Center for Health and Healing
“The Disease Delusion establishes a practical, evidence-based foundation for functional medicine through the pioneering work of Dr. Jeff Bland, whose insights and true genius have always been a source of great respect and admiration to me. This is a requisite book for both professionals and the general public seeking optimal health and well-being.”
Clinical Professor of Medicine and Professor of Public Health, University of Arizona
“The Disease Delusion provides critical insight into our understanding of the genesis of diseases and promises to provide us with completely new approaches for preventing and treating human pathological conditions in the twenty-first century.”
Professor of Epigenetics at the Department of Sport and Exercise Sciences, University of Bedfordshire, Bedford, UK, and a Senior Scientist at McArdle Laboratory for Cancer Research, University of Wisconsin
“Dr. Bland illustrates the fallacy of the pharmaceutical reductionist approach to treat the symptoms of chronic disease, while offering can-do nutritional and lifestyle strategies to treat the causes.”
Esperion Therapeutics, Inc. (co-discoverer of Lipitor)
“We live in the best of times, we live in the worst of times—we are living longer, but we are not living healthier. Dr. Bland presents us with a unique and much-needed new lens for viewing the rising tide of chronic disease that is flummoxing our current health-care system. But more than this, his book presents us with an elegant system for stemming this flood of disease and enabling us to live lives that are vital and healthy.”
President of the Institute for Integrative Health
“Dr. Jeff Bland—a global visionary and champion for personalized lifestyle medicine, the expert of all experts and one of the world’s leading authorities on health and chronic disease—has just written the ultimate book, sharing his biological breakthrough secrets, drawing on his knowledge and synthesis of the latest scientific evidence, which is changing the management of chronic illness forever. This book is an absolute must-have for anyone interested in understanding how to, once and for all, win the battle, conquer chronic disease, and achieve true health.”
Integrative Medicine Nutritionist and Author
“Dr. Bland has spent his career searching for solutions based on the functional nature of medicine. In The Disease Delusion, he brilliantly lays the groundwork for new solutions, ones that appreciate the complexity of the human state, the intricacies of our genetic network, and the importance of our individual experiences.”
Director of Pain Management, Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine
“Jeff Bland is legendary for his big-picture thinking. He has an uncanny knack for making sense of complex disease processes and developing innovative approaches that are light-years ahead. For more than thirty years he has warned of the coming pandemic of chronic disease and the need for an integrated, systems biology approach. In this book he shows how functional medicine offers us the opportunity to thrive and flourish—not just managing existing disease but restoring health and preventing future disease. Finally we have an effective, scientifically sound approach to achieving vibrant health in this era of chronic disease.”
The Family Medicine Residency Program
Tallahassee Memorial Healthcare
“Jeff Bland has explained how medicine has advanced from a focus on antibiotics treating bacteria and drugs treating symptoms to a focus on health and living a healthy life free of chronic disease. What I especially appreciate is that Jeff has done it using language that someone from the world of business, not science, can clearly understand.”
President, Venture Capital and Private Equity
Wade Capital Corporation
“Dr. Bland offers us amazing insight into the health-care challenges facing the world today. Recognizing the limits of reductionist thinking, he calls for a revolution in how we approach health and chronic disease. By breaking out of the silo of disease naming and focusing on health from a systems medicine approach, Dr. Bland offers solutions for individual and global health challenges that will sustain not only the individual but the planet.”
President the American Board of Integrative and Holistic Medicine
“Genomics begot systems biology and then systems medicine. But the true value of genomics will be in ‘systems wellness,’ and Jeff Bland is its most prominent creator. Read this book to see how medicine will finally enter the twenty-first century.”
Samueli Institute, President and CEO