The index that appeared in the print version of this title does not match the pages in your e-book. Please use the search function on your e-reading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.
- AA. See Alcoholics Anonymous
- Abbey of Gethsemani
- ACT UP. See AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power
- activism. See also specific activists; specific organizations
- violence against women
- activist burnout
- addiction
- Recovery Café helping battle
- forces beyond our control impacting
- transition toward
- agents of change
- Agler, Ellen
- AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP)
- AIDS crisis
- Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
- Allison, Dorothy
- amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
- Angelou, Maya
- anger
- energy of, harnessing the
- perspective on, broadening
- usefulness of
- apartheid
- art
- suffering in relation to
- Arts & Understanding
- asylum-seeking
- authenticity
- awakening
- of thoughts
- Bajacu’ Boricua
- Baldwin, James
- Banaji, Mahzarin
- Barkan, Ady
- Bastard Out of Carolina (Allison)
- Bateson, Gregory
- Be More America
- Begley, Sharon
- bell hooks Institute
- benevolent contagion
- Bergman, Ingrid
- bias
- tendency toward
- black people
- Bodhi, Bhikkhu
- Boorstein, Sylvia
- Boyce, Barry
- breath
- gathering our energy and
- Brewer, Jud
- Brooklyn
- Buddha
- on justice, fairness, and generosity
- gladdening the mind technique of
- Buddhist Global Relief
- Burks, Ruth Coker
- Capehart, Jonathan
- care
- self
- Caring Across Generations
- Cash, Rosanne
- Catholicism
- Center for Green Schools
- Center for Investigating Healthy Minds
- Center for Transformative Change
- Chanthawong, Eakapol
- CHASRS. See Chicago Health, Aging, and Social Relation Study
- Chavez, Cesar
- Chavkin, Rachel
- Chemaly, Soraya
- Chen, Cher Weixia
- Chicago Health, Aging, and Social Relation Study (CHASRS)
- Cleveland, Ohio
- Cleveland Clinic
- Coleman, Mark
- colonialism
- compassion
- understanding of interconnection and
- visualization on living with
- conformity
- contraction and expansion
- courage
- COVID-19
- creativity
- Crow, Jenna
- Cutler, Ken
- Cutler, Sharon
- Dalai Lama
- meditation study participation
- on 9/11
- Daniels, Joel
- Dass, Ram
- Daumal, René
- Davidson, Richie
- Davis, Susan
- Davis, Viola
- death
- DeChristopher, Tim
- Democratic Republic of the Congo
- depression
- DeSteno, David
- disenfranchisement
- Doering, Sarah
- double bind theory
- Dutt, Mallika
- Eggers, Dave
- Einstein, Albert
- Eiseley, Loren
- Eliot, T. S.
- Emory University
- emotions. See also anger; fear; grief; joy
- being with difficult thoughts and
- Cleveland Clinic video on
- excellence, engagement, and
- END Fund
- energy
- practice of gathering our
- environmental awareness/activism
- equanimity
- for crossing the flood of suffering
- representation of
- expansion and contraction
- Fast Food Forward
- Fast Food Justice
- fast-food workers
- fatigue
- fear
- loneliness from
- Fences
- Fischer, Norman
- Fisher, Carrie
- Fitzgerald, Emmett
- Flamboyan Arts Fund
- Ford, Erica
- forgiveness
- Frazier, Ken
- Fredrickson, Barbara
- Freedom Fund
- Freeman, Jonathan
- Gadsby, Hannah
- Gandhi, Mahatma
- Ganz, Marshall
- Garrison Institute
- gaslighting
- George Mason University School of Integrative Studies
- gladdening the mind technique
- Goldstein, Joseph
- González, Andrés. See also Holistic Life Foundation
- goodness, measuring
- Google
- Gorski, Paul C.
- Green Belt Movement
- Greenpeace
- grief. See also pain/suffering
- freedom to express
- guilt
- Gupta, Anurag
- Guttenberg, Fred
- Gutter, Rachel
- Hadestown
- Halifax, Joan
- Hanh, Thich Nhat
- Havel, Václav
- health issues
- of violence
- Hernández, Daisy
- Highlander Folk School/Research and Education Center
- Hiroshima (Japan)
- Holistic Life Foundation (HLF)
- self-care taught at
- Holocaust
- homelessness
- Recovery Café helping battle
- reflection on
- hooks, bell
- on social action
- Horton, Myles
- Hurricane Andrew
- Hurricane Maria
- ICE detention centers
- identity
- intersectionality in relation to
- lovingkindness practice regarding
- stories influencing
- India
- Insight Meditation Society (IMS)
- vision for
- institutionalization
- intentions
- interconnectedness
- intersectionality leading to
- teamwork and
- intersectionality
- Iowa
- Iraq
- Israel
- Jamail, Dahr
- Japan
- Jerusalem
- Jeste, Dilip
- Jim Crow laws
- Jones, Sarah
- joy
- refusal of
- Judt, Tony
- Kaiser Family Foundation
- Kaufman, Sari
- King, Martin Luther, Jr.
- Kink, Michael
- Klimecki, Olga
- Kornfield, Jack
- Krukiel, May
- Kumanyika, Chenjerai
- Latinx
- Lazarus, Emma
- LGBTQ people
- LIFE Camp
- loneliness
- self
- lovingkindness practice
- role of
- Luagoviña, Francisco Genkoji (“Paco”)
- Maathai, Wangari
- Macy, Joanna
- Magee, Rhonda
- Mandela, Nelson
- Mann, Sam
- March for Our Lives
- Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. See Parkland, Florida
- marriage equality
- mass shootings
- Maxson, Rose Lee
- McCourt, Malachy
- meditation
- as transportable tranquility
- Merck
- Merck, Friedrike
- Merton, Thomas
- #mettaminute
- Miami University, Ohio
- Mindful magazine
- mindfulness
- teachers
- Miranda, Lin-Manuel
- misogyny
- Moayed, Arian
- Moyers, Bill
- Mumford, George
- Murthy, Vivek
- National Basketball Association
- National Domestic Workers Alliance
- network looking
- New York City
- subway visualization
- New York Times
- New York University
- Nichtern, Ethan
- 9/11
- Nobel Peace Prize
- Noe, Killian
- Noguera, Pedro
- North African ethnicity
- North Star
- Northeastern University
- Notes of a Native Son (Baldwin)
- Nottage, Lynn
- Novick, Samantha
- opioid epidemic
- Orthodox Jewish family
- Owens, Lama Rod
- pain/suffering
- loneliness in relation to
- meditation study regarding
- recognition and acknowledgment of
- sculpting the
- Pandita, Sayadaw U
- Papa John’s Pizza
- Parkland, Florida
- Parkland City Commission
- A People’s History of the United States (Zinn)
- perspective
- reality and
- Poo, Ai-Jen
- post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- poverty
- environmental depletion in relation to
- understanding roots of
- power
- water contemplation for summoning
- presence
- PTSD. See post-traumatic stress disorder
- Puerto Rico
- purpose, sense of
- racism
- radical acts
- radical practice
- radical thinking
- Ralph Bunche Plaza
- Reagon, Bernice Johnson
- reconciliation
- Recovery Café
- resentment
- resilience
- need for
- Ricard, Matthieu
- Rilke, Rainer Maria
- Salbi, Zainab
- Sales, Ruby
- salvation
- sampajanna
- sati
- Satyarthi, Kailash
- schizophrenia
- Schrijver, Iris
- Schrijver, Karel
- Seattle
- self, embodied
- self-care
- self-indulgence compared to
- support for, lack of
- self-exploration
- self-love
- self-protection
- self-worth
- punishment of
- sex trade
- sexual abuse/assault
- shame
- shock of witnessing
- Silver, Diane
- Singer, Tania
- Sivaraksa, Sulak
- skillful action
- slavery, modern
- Smith, Ali. See also Holistic Life Foundation
- Smith, Atman. See also Holistic Life Foundation
- Smith, Rodney
- social action. See also activism
- Solnit, Rebecca
- Solomon, Marc
- Solutions Journalism
- spectrum of depletion
- Statue of Liberty
- stories. See also specific stories
- negative and positive news
- stress relief patterns
- stress response
- Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
- suffering. See pain/suffering
- survivor guilt
- system entrepreneur
- systems change approach
- teamwork
- Thoreau, Henry David
- thoughts
- being with difficult emotions and
- Thurman, Howard
- Thurman, Robert
- Tibbetts, Rob
- Tippett, Krista
- tranquility, transportable
- tree contemplation
- Truthout
- Tutu, Desmond
- Twain, Mark
- Twitter
- Solutions Journalism on
- Tygielski, Shelly
- United Nations
- United States
- culture of disconnection in
- University of Maryland
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Upaya Zen Center
- upekkha
- Upworthy
- Van Gogh, Vincent
- Vexler, Dan
- vicarious trauma exercise
- violence
- against women
- Walker, Shantel
- Washington Post
- water
- love in relation to
- Waterwell
- widow’s walk
- williams, angel Kyodo
- Wisdom 2.0
- Wolfson, Evan
- Women for Women International
- Women’s Leadership Center at Omega Institute
- World War II
- Wright, Robert
- Yad Vashem
- Yale University
- You Got to Move
- Yountz, Heather
- youth arts
- Zinn, Howard