
We hope this workbook has given you some extra knowledge and skills to equip you on your lifelong Gender Quest. We bet that you will end up having some amazingly wonderful experiences on your quest as well as some hard times. Any good quest has all of the above. Think of Luke Skywalker in Star Wars, or Harry Potter, or Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games, or whomever your favorite hero or heroine is. On each of their quests there were days they were doubtful or desperate and days they were confident and triumphant. They never knew where the road would eventually lead them, and yet they kept going forward a day at a time. We join you on this lifelong journey—following our own individual quests through the ups and downs of life, wondering where we will find ourselves in the end, and occasionally looking back in amazement at where we’ve been. We hope you will remember we are by your side, and we are glad to know you are walking alongside us too!

by Arlene Lev