
The photo gallery is indexed as p1, p2, p3, and so on.

A-2 camera system, 53, 63

Abel, Rudolph, 116

Acheson, Dean, 138, 171, 219

Addison’s disease, 66, 96, 108

Adenauer, Konrad, 99

aerial reconnaissance, 29–31, 47, 48, 49

low-level, 183–184

nighttime, 238, 261

suspension of, 286

aerial refueling, 115

Alaska, 113, 221–225

algal, 84

Amagiri (destroyer), 19, 21, 27

Anderson, Elizabeth, 9

Anderson, George, 160, 162, 189, 197, 274

Anderson, James, 114, 292

Anderson, Jane, 82, 175, 180, 205, 249, 287, 291, p3

Anderson, Rudy, calls with, 114, 227

mistaken death report and, 114–115

Anderson, Jim, 82

Anderson, Peggy, 9

Anderson, Robyn, 292

Anderson, Rudolf, Jr., “Rudy,” 5, 75–76, 79, 131, 180, 204, 265, p3, p8

accident, 11–12

awards, 287

calls with Anderson, Jane, 114, 227

childhood, 9–11

CIA U-2s and, 127, 128, 152, 153

in Korea, 29–31, 48

after Korean War, 32–34

mistaken death report, 114–115

October 15 mission, 134–135, 141

October 18 mission, 156–157

October 20 to 22 missions, 172

October 27 mission, 227–230, 247

radar targeting, 232

reactions to death of, 253

return of body, 291

shooting down of, 249–250, 252, 258, 270

Soviet radar tracking, 230–232

US Air Force enlistment, 12

Anderson, Rudolf, Sr., 10

Anderson, Tripp, 82, 292

antiaircraft guns, 214, 258


Area 51, 60, 81

base built at, 55–56

Arkhipov, Vasili, 276–277

Army Air Corps, 35

Army Air Force, 39, 47–48

Army Air Service, 29

Article 360, 85

AT-6 Texan, 36, 38

Atlas missiles, 177

Atomic Energy Commission, 55, 116

aurora borealis, 223–224

B camera, 90

B-17 Flying Fortress, 39

B-24 Liberator, 66

B-47 bombers, 177, 212

B-52 bombers, 50

B-59 (submarine), 275–277, 285

B-88 (submarine), 277

Baker, James, 53

Bald Mountain, 55

Ball, George, 138, 156, 273

ballistic missiles, 123, 125–126

intercontinental-range, 153–154, 254

JFK speech on, 173–176

medium-range, 132, 137, 140, 153, 210, 213, 254

See also specific missiles

Banes, Cuba, 2, 194, 248, 249

Barnes, James, 128, 152

Barter Island, 222–225

Bartlett, Charles, 198–199, 200

Bartlett, Martha, 199

Batista, Fulgencio, 101, 111

Batlin, Alexander, 59

Bay of Pigs, 103–104, 111–112, 125, 144, 218

Berkley, George, 166

Berlin, 91, 110–111, 154, 163, 176, 195, 196

Berlin Blockade, 91

Bikini Lagoon, 48

bird strikes, 216

Bison bombers, 63

Bissell, Daniel, 49

Bissell, Richard

Area 51 development, 55–56

Cuba and, 101–104

firing of, 116

pilot recruitment, 58–59, 72

Powers, F., shoot-down and, 89, 90

Soviet Union overflights and, 62–64

U-2 development and, 49–51, 53, 56–58

U-2 operations bases, 61–62

weather squadron cover and, 81

Blanton, Thomas, 277


Bohlen, Charles, 138

Bolshakov, Georgi, 198–199

Boy Scouts, 10

Brantigham, Henry, “Hank,” 18


Britton, William, 215

Brown, Buddy, 128, 149–152, 172, 229, 251, 288–289

Brugioni, Dino, 269

Bucharest (Soviet ship), 201

Buckley, George, 108

Bulganin, Nikolai, 61

Bull, George, 149, 150, 151

Bundy, McGeorge, 130, 155, 156

Cuba overflights opinion, 119, 120

on end of crisis, 284

ExComm meetings and, 138, 142, 143, 146, 197, 256, 257, 286

informing president of missiles, 133–134, 137, 139

on Khrushchev, N., proposal response, 256–257, 263–264

C-47 Globemaster, 73, 244

C-54, 244

cameras, 47, 53, 90

Campbell, John, 115–116

Carey, Howard, 78

Carter, Marshall, 122, 124, 133, 140, 145

Cassini, Oleg, 199

Castro, Fidel, 126, 173, 176, 262

Anderson, Rudy, shoot-down and, 280

antiaircraft gun orders, 214

Khrushchev, N., and, 111–112, 123, 198, 212, 231

overflights frustrating, 198, 231

plans for overthrow of, 102–104

reaction to missile agreement, 285

revolution lead by, 101–102

strike fears of, 212

Castro, Raul, 126

Cayo Coco, 229

celestial navigation, 221–224, 233

Chamberlain, Neville, 161, 162

Cherokee Nation, 9

Chukotka Peninsula, 233

Churchill, Pamela, 67

Churchill, Winston, 106

CIA, 7, 89

Area 51 and, 55–56

Castro, F., overthrow plan, 102–104

Contingency Reserve Fund, 50

JFK reorganizing, 116

pilot recruitment by, 58–60

Powers, F., and, 116

reorganization of, 116, 119

San Cristobal overflight mission and, 123–124

Technical Services Division, 59

U-2s operated by, 124, 127–128, 131, 152, 153

See also National Photographic Interpretation Center

Civil Air Patrol, 16

civil defense, 179

Civil War, 10

Clemson University, 11–12

Cline, Ray, 133, 166

Coffee, Gerald, 184, 203

Cohn, Roy, 97

Compton, Keith, 152

Connolly, John, 96

Constable, Robert, 215

Contingency Reserve Fund, 50

Corbett, Francis, 33

Corbett, Jane, 33–34

Corbett, Lilla Mae, 33

Corbett, William, 33

CORONA satellites, 119

Corrigan, Douglas, “Wrong Way,” 15

Crabbe, Lionel, 61

Cronkite, Walter, 179

Cuba, 101, 111, p5

Crusader overflights, 185–186, 203, 213–216, 271

JFK speech on, 173–176

naval blockade of, 154, 156

ports, 121

SAM sites on, 117–121

Soviet missiles in, 125–126

Soviets and, 117, 121, 122, 123

U-2 overflights, 117–121, 123–124, 129–130, 134–135, 143–144, 149, 151–153, 229–231

US attack plans for, 212–213

See also specific locations

curare, 84

Curtiss Robin, 15

Danilevich, Grigory, 230, 248

The Dark Side of Camelot (Hersh), 102

David Clark Company, 76

de Gaulle, Charles, 90, 99, 106–108, 171

DEFCON 2. See Defense Condition 2

DEFCON 3. See Defense Condition 3

Defense Atomic Support Agency, 113, 221

Defense Condition 2 (DEFCON 2), 193, 235, 236

Defense Condition 3 (DEFCON 3), 177

Democratic National Committee, 96

Democratic National Convention, 204

Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, 29

deniability, 59

Dennis, Robert, 215

Depew, Robert J., 31

depth charges, 195, 275, 276

Dillon, C. Douglas, 138, 258, 261, 263

Dobrynin, Anatoly, 120

JFK meeting with, 155

on missile withdrawal, 286

naval blockade and, 191, 285

RFK delivering ultimatum to, 267, 269–270

Turkey missile removal offer and, 262, 263

Douglas DC4, 222, 233

Dragon Lady. See U-2

duck and cover drills, 182

Dulles, Allen, 47, 49, 50, 56, 101–103, 116

East Germany, 110–111

Eastman Kodak, 47

Ecker, William, 183–184, 185, 189–190, 216

Eden, Anthony, 61, 62

Edwards, India, 96

Edwards Air Force Base, 57, 114, 127, 128

Eielson Air Force Base, 113, 222, 224, 234–235, 244, 265

Eisenhower, Dwight, 68, 95, 97, 99, 107, 286

Castro, F., and, 101–102

on JFK and Cuba, 169

McCone and, 116, 168

overflights suspended by, 64

Powers, F., and, 89–91, 118

Soviet Union overflights and, 84

U-2 development and, 50, 56, 58, 62

U-2 program secrecy and, 62, 83

Evans, Reginald, 27

Executive Committee of National Security Council (ExComm), 164, 238, 286

composition of, 137–138

Congress briefing by, 170–171

meeting on blockade, 194–197

missile intelligence presented to, 139–142

naval blockade planning by, 168–170

October 16 meetings, 139–144, 145–147

October 18 meeting, 154

October 20 meetings, 165–166

October 27 meetings, 254–264, 270–271, 273

October 28 meeting, 284–286

on ship inspections, 201–202

F3D Skynight, 121

F8U Crusader reconnaissance aircraft, 118–119, 121

See also RF8 Crusader

F-80 Shooting Star, 40, 42–44, 52

F-86 Sabre, 30

F-100 Super Sabre, 50, 70

F-102, 235–236, 241, 243–244

fallout shelters, 179

Ferguson Passage, 24, 25, 26

Fighter Gunnery School, 41

Fomin, Alexander, 216–217

Foreign Relations Committee, 64–65, 105

4028th Strategic Reconnaissance Weather Squadron, 81

Four-Power Summit Conference, 90–91

Foxtrot-class submarines, 275

France, 99

McCone in, 120

NATO and, 106–107

French-Indian War, 9

FROG missiles, 203, 211

Fulbright, J. William, 119, 170

Galena Air Force Base, 235

GAR-11 air-to-air missiles, 236

Garbuz, Leonid, 231, 247–248

Gasa, Biuku, 26, 27

Geary, Leo, 59

Geneva Convention, 184

Germany, 110–111, 195

GI Bill, 37

Gilpatric, Roswell, 138, 156

Glenrock Airport, 15–16, 37

Goering, Hermann, 59

Gomu Island, 27

Grace, Frank, 78

Grant, Ulysses, 160

Graybeal, Sydney, 140, 141

Great Depression, 13

Grechko, Stepan, 231, 247–248

Greece, US missiles in, 144

Greensboro, North Carolina, 13

Greenville, North Carolina, 12

Greenville, South Carolina, 9–12

Greenville Army Base, 10

Grissom, Virgil, “Gus,” 39, 40

Gromyko, Andrey, 155

Groom Lake, 55, 73, 76

Grozny (Soviet ship), 202, 209, 215, 238, 240, 280, 285

Guantánamo, 126, 163

Guevara, Ernesto, “Che,” 126

Gunean Mill, 12

The Guns of August (Tuchman), 164

gust control, 52

Harriman, Averell, 107

Havana, Cuba, 2

Hayes, Rutherford, 139

Hepburn, Audrey, 282

Herman, Roger, 149–151, 190, 228

Hersh, Seymour, 102

Hewitt, John, 184

Heyser, Richard, “Steve,” 75, 79, 137, 140, 141, 172, 229, 251, 292

CIA U-2s and, 127–128, 131, 152, 153

first Cuba mission, 129–135

JFK speech reaction, 175

October 18 mission, 156–157

October 23 mission, 190

High Altitude Sampling Program, 221

Hill, Clint, 181

Hilsman, Roger, 239–240

Hitler, Adolf, 161

Homestead Air Force Base, 252, 288

Hoover, Herbert, 286

hotlines, 293–294

House Armed Services Committee, 170

IL-28 bombers, 176

Intelligence and Research Office, 239

intercontinental-range ballistic missiles (IRBMs), 153–154, 254

intermediate-range missiles, 203

IRBMs. See intercontinental-range ballistic missiles

Italy, US missiles in, 169

ITEK, 119

J-3 Piper Cub, 15–16

Jacobson, Max, 108, 109

JFK. See Kennedy, John F.

Johns, R. L., 274

Johnson, Alexis, 156

Johnson, Clarence, “Kelly,” 50–52, 55, 57, 58

Johnson, Lyndon, 95, 96, 138, 261

on naval blockade, 168

Johnson, U. Alexis, 138

Joint Chiefs of Staff, 143, 176, 187, 254

JFK meeting with, 159–163

Khrushchev, N., message reactions, 284–285

naval blockade preparations and, 168

October 16 meeting, 145

October 17 meeting, 153

strikes planned by, 145, 146

Jupiter missiles, 169, 285

K-8 air base, 31

K-19 (submarine), 277

K-38 camera, 53

Kasolo Island, 23

Kauflin, James, 184

Keating, Kenneth, 122, 123

Kennedy, Caroline, 98, 181

Kennedy, Ethel, 199

Kennedy, Jacqueline, 98, 105, 199, 268

on bomb shelters, 181

Kennedy, John, Jr., 98, 181

Kennedy, John F., “Jack” (JFK), 105, 137, 153, 179, 192, 284, p3, p4, p6, p8

Anderson, Rudy, death and, 254, 259

on boarding Soviet ships, 190–191

on bomb shelters, 181

Castro, F., and, 102–104

Congress briefing by, 170–171

de Gaulle and, 106–108

Dobrynin and Gromyko meeting with, 155

Dulles and, 116

ExComm convened by, 139, 140–144, 145–147

at ExComm meeting on blockade, 194–197

health issues, 66–68, 95–96, 108–109

inaugural address, 99

Joint Chiefs of Staff meeting with, 159–163

Khrushchev, N., meeting with, 64–65, 107–112

Khrushchev, N., message to, 283–284

LeMay and, 161–163

letter to Anderson, Jane, 287

Maultsby, Chuck, incident and, 240

on missiles in Turkey, 255–256

naval blockade and, 209–210

naval blockade enacted by, 194, p7

naval blockade planning, 168–170

negotiating style of, 267–268, 274

at October 18 ExComm meeting, 154–156

October 20 ExComm meeting, 166

planning for U-2 shoot down, 186–188

presidential campaign debates, 91–92

religion and, 97

return to white house, 165–166

SAM worries, 169

on ships exempt from blockade, 201–202

speech on Cuba missile bases by, 173–176

on Stevenson, 209

swearing in as president, 95

U-2 tour, 289

on world peace, 294

in World War II, 17–28

Kennedy, Joseph, Jr., 66, 254

Kennedy, Joseph, Sr., 64–68, 162

Kennedy, Robert (RFK), 104, 108, 122

Anderson, Rudy, death and, 258

blockade idea and, 163–164

Bolshakov and, 198, 199

on Congress briefing, 171

Dobrynin meeting with, 120, 191, 262–263, 267, 269–270, 285, 286

ExComm and, 138–143, 154, 156, 194, 256, 262, 263, 281–284

on Khrushchev, N., letter, 219

on McCone, 120

on nuclear war plans, 181–182

on pressure of crisis, 165

SGA and, 123

Kennedy, Robert, Jr., 181–182

Kennedy, Rose, 67, 240

Kern, Charlie, 203–204

Key West, Florida, 183

Khrushchev, Nikita, 174, 176, 192, 209, 238, 255, 283, p6

Berlin and, 196

Bolshakov and, 198–199

Bundy on response to proposal by, 256–257, 263–264

Castro, F., and, 111–112, 123, 198, 212, 231

on Cuba missiles, 117, 125, 126, 134, 137, 144, 177–178

at Four-Power Summit Conference, 90–91

health of, 105–106

JFK meeting with, 64–65, 105, 107–112

Joint Chiefs reaction to message from, 284–285

letter to JFK, 217–219

message about blockade, 199

message to JFK from, 283–284

on missile capabilities, 62, 99

naval quarantine protest, 188

Rusk on bargaining objectives of, 142

tactical nuclear weapon authorization by, 162

on U-2 overflights, 89–91, 118

understanding of crisis, 253, 267–268

United Kingdom visit, 61

United States visit by, 64–65

Khrushchev, Sergei, 182

Anderson, Rudy, death and, 253

Kimovsk (Soviet ship), 194–195, 197

Kindley Air Force Base, 215

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 32

Kirksey, Andrew Jackson, 19, 20, 28, 98, 139, 254

Kirksey, Kloye, 98

Koch, Bob, 189

Kolombangara Island, 17–18, 22

Korean War, 29–31, 43–46, 48

Kuchel, Thomas, 170

Kumana, Eroni, 26, 27

Kunu-ri, North Korea, 43

Lakenheath Royal Air Force Base, 61, 62

Land, Edwin H., 48, 49

Laos, 112

Laughlin Air Force Base, 81, 92, 127, 149, 151, 152, 172, 173, 180, 205, 265, 266, 267, 288

Ledford, Jack, 123

Leghorn, Richard, 47, 48, 53, 60, 72, 90, 93, 119

LeMay, Curtis, 160, 177, 184, 187, 260, 292

CIA U-2s and, 124, 152

Dulles opinion of, 56

Ecker debriefed by, 190

ExComm and, 138

Khrushchev, N., message reaction, 284–285

strikes advocated by, 161–163, 252, 274, 284

Leorava Island, 23, 24

LeVier, Tony, 57–58

Lindbergh, Charles, 13

Lockheed, 50, 51

Lovelace Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 72

Lovett, Robert, 155

low-level reconnaissance flights, 183–184

L-pills, 59, 83–84

Luna missile, 211–212

Lundahl, Arthur, 132–133, 137, 139–141, 154, 166–167

Macmillan, Harold, 90, 99, 171

Maguire, John, 20, 21

March Air Force Base, 73

Mariel Naval Port, 126

Marney, Harold, 19, 20, 28, 139, 254

Marshall Islands, 48

Marshall Plan, 49

Martin, Edwin, 138, 156

Martinez, Tony, 172, 173, 227, 251

Marucla (cargo ship), 209, 210–211

Maslennikov, Ivan, 276

Mauer, Edman, 20, 22

Maultsby, Cecelia Lash, 12–14

Maultsby, Charles, “Chuck,” 12–16, 29, 35–46, 79, 92, 239, 293, p1, p2

Alaska assignment, 113–114, 221–225, 233–238, 240–245, 265–267

CIA recruiting, 72–73

joining Thunderbirds, 69–71

Power debriefing, 265–266

Maultsby, Charles Wayne, II, “Chuckie,” 37, 45, 293, p2

Maultsby, Isaac Wayne, 12, 14, 37

Maultsby, Jeanne, 37, 40, 45, 69, 70, 113, 180, 244, 267

Maultsby, Shawn, 70, p2

May Day, 85, 87, 133

McCarthy, Joe, 97

McCloy, John, 211

McCone, John, 133, 140, 188

Anderson, Rudy, awards and, 287

appointment to CIA, 116

Congress briefed by, 170, 171

Cuba overflights and, 122–124

on ExComm, 138, 154, 166–167, 194–195, 197, 209–211

honeymoon, 120, 122

Johnson, L., briefed by, 168

Kennedys and, 119, 120

on SAM launches, 216

McCoy Air Force Base, 1, 4, 127–129, 131, 134, 151–152, 156, 172, 173, 176, 204, 228–229

McDermott, Edward, 268

McIlmoyle, Jerry, 173, 229, p1

Anderson, Rudy, death and, 251–252

blockade announcement reaction, 175

CIA U-2s and, 127, 128

JFK and, 288–290

October 19 mission, 159

October 25 mission, 1–7, 228

SAMs fired at, 3–7, 216, 231–232, 247, 248, 251–252, 258, 285

U-2 training, 75–77, 79

McIlmoyle, Patty, 175

McMahon, Patrick, “Pappy,” 19–20, 22, 23, 25, 28, 97–98

McNamara, Robert, 133, 156, 165, p8

Anderson, Rudy, awards and, 287

Anderson, Rudy, shoot-down and, 252, 258

antiaircraft fire retaliation recommendation, 259–260, 271

on B-59 submarine standoff, 277

Crusader overflights and, 213

ExComm and, 138, 141, 142, 146, 186–187, 194–196, 202–203, 209–210, 281

Joint Chiefs meeting with, 159–160, 239, 285

Maultsby, Chuck, incident and, 240

night reconnaissance mission proposal, 238

ship boarding plans and, 209–210

on ship inspections, 202

on Soviet submarines, 273, 277

statement on U-2 shoot-down, 279

strike preparations by, 177, 261

submarine signaling requested by, 274

on U-2 loss plans, 186–187

medium-range ballistic missile (MRBM), 132, 137, 140, 153, 210, 213, 254

Mendes-France, Pierre, 106

MGR. See missile guidance radar

MI-6, 61

MiG Alley, 30, 43

MiG-15, 30, 48

MiG-17, 48

MiG-21, 118

Milford, Lee, 11

missile guidance radar (MGR), 231–232

Model 14 Super Electra, 51

Moody Air Force Base, 30, 32

Mount Weather, 181, 269

Mozgovoi, Alexander, 275, 276

MRBM. See medium-range ballistic missile

NASA. See National Aeronautics and Space Administration

National Advisory Committee on Aeronautics, 81

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 89, 92

National Photographic Interpretation Center (NPIC), 118, 131, 132, 141, 153, 167, 177, 190, 269

National Security Council, 137, 166

NATO. See North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Nauru Island, 25, 26, 27

Naval Air Station Boca Chica, 183

naval blockade, 154, 156, 163, 165

boarding plans to enforce, 191

ExComm planning for, 168–170

JFK speech announcing, 173–176

Khrushchev, N., message about, 199

Khrushchev N., protesting, 188

preparations for, 167–168

ships exempt from, 201–202

start of, 176–177, 193–194

submarines and, 273–274

Nellis, William Harrell, 41

Nellis Air Force Base, 41, 69–71

Neustadt, Richard, 179

Nitze, Paul, 138, 259

Nixon, Richard, 68, 95, 97, 98, 120

presidential campaign debates, 91–92

Norfolk, Virginia, 14–15, 35

North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 29, 48, 110, 144, 238, 262, 281, 293

France and, 106–107

North Korea. See Democratic People’s Republic of Korea

Northrop Aeronautical Institute, 37

NPIC. See National Photographic Interpretation Center

nuclear football, 267–268

nuclear weapons, 47–49, 110

tactical, 162, 178

See also intercontinental-range ballistic missiles; medium-range ballistic missile

nuclear-sampling missions, 221–225

O’Donnell, Kenny, 109, 138

Offutt Air Force Base, 234, 265

Okinawa, 41–42

Olasana Island, 25–28

Olmstead Air Force Base, 180

Open Skies plan, 90

Operation Anadyr, 125

Operation Big Switch, 46

Operation Crossroads, 48

Operation Grand Slam, 84

Operation Mongoose, 123

Operation Scabbards, 212

Orlov, Vadim, 275–276

Overstreet, Carl, 62

P-51 Mustang, 39

Papoose Mountain range, 55

Paradise Ranch. See Area 51

Paris, France, 106

patrol torpedo boats (PT boats), 17, 28, 65–66

Pearis, Richard, 9

Pearl Harbor, 164, 277

Peck, Gregory, 282

Penkovsky, Oleg, 132, 171

Perdue, Ed, 266

Perkin, Richard, 53

Perkin-Elmer, 53

Phouma, Souvanna, 112

physiological support team (PST), 4, 228

Pinar del Río, 151

Pittman, Steuart, 191

Pliyev, Issa, 231, 235, 248

Polaris nuclear missile submarines, 177, 256

Polaroid, 48

Poltava (Soviet ship), 194, 197, p6

potassium cyanide, 59

Powell, E. A., 149

Powell, Marlene, 288

Power, Thomas, 235, 265, 266, 291

Powers, Dave, 109, 138, 167, 270, 282

Powers, Francis Gary, 84–87, 89–90, 92, 93, 97, 101, 116, 118, 171, 198

pressure suits, 76–78

Project 3, 49

Project OILSTONE, 56–57

PST. See physiological support team

Psychological Support Center, 6

PT boats. See patrol torpedo boats

PT-109, 18–22, 27, 97–98, p3

PT-157, 18

PT-159, 17–18

Qualls, James, 149, 150, 151

quarantine. See naval blockade

R-14 missiles, 197

Radio Moscow, 238, 283, 285

RAF. See Royal Air Force

the Ranch. See Area 51

Rasmussen, Holt, 215

Raypenko, Alexy, 249

RB-26, 30

RB-47, 48, 121, 215, 232

Reagan, Ronald, 7

Red Scare, 97

Rendova Island, 25–28

Republic of Korea, 29

Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC), 11

Resolute Desk, 139

Revolutionary War, 10

RF8 Crusader, 183–184

Cuba overflights with, 185–186, 198, 203, 213–216, 271

RF-80, 30

RF-86, 29–30, 31

RFK. See Kennedy, Robert

Ribicoff, Abe, 96, 153

Riley, Tad, 184, 186, 214

Ritland, Osmund, 55

Robinson, Robby, 70–71

Roman Holiday (film), 282

Roosevelt, Franklin, 108, 160, 176

Rose, Wilburn S., “Billy,” 78

Ross, Barney, 19, 24, 25, 26, 27

Ross, Robert, 30–31

Rostow, Walter, 138

ROTC. See Reserve Officers’ Training Corps

Royal Air Force (RAF), 61, 75

Rusk, Dean, 109, 133, 155, 198

end of crisis and, 283

on evacuation plans, 269

ExComm and, 138, 141, 142, 145, 188, 195, 197, 217, 219

on Khrushchev, N., bargaining objectives, 142

Maultsby, Chuck, incident and, 239

overflights plans and, 119, 120

on Turkey missiles, 264

Russell, Bertrand, 198

Russell, Richard, 170

SA-2 missiles, 118, 123

SAC. See Strategic Air Command

Sakhalin Island, 118

Salinger, Pierre, 165–166, 211, 269, 291

SAMs. See surface-to-air missile

San Cristobal, 123–124, 127–130, 132–133, 147, 185–186, 206–207, 213, 254, p5

Santiago Bay, 194

SAR. See search-and-rescue

Savitsky, Valentin Grigorievic, 275–277

Scali, John, 216–217

Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 96, 156, 268

Schmarr, Daniel, 190

Schmarr, Kay, 190

search-and-rescue (SAR), 222

secrecy, 82–83, 114

Semipalatinsk test site, 84

Senate Armed Services Select Committee, 116

SGA. See Special Group Augmented

Shell Oil, 52

Shoup, David, 160, 162

Sidey, Hugh, 112

Skunk Works, 50–52

Smathers, George, 104

Smith, Bromley, 166–167

Smith, Dale, 131

Snyder, Howard, 95

Sorensen, Theodore, 138, 142, 145, 155, 156, 165, 171, 179, 201, 262

South Korea. See Republic of Korea

Soviet Union

Anderson, Rudy, tracked by, 230–232

back-channel proposal from, 216–217

Cuba and, 117, 121, 122, 123

Cuba missile bases, 125–126

JFK speech and, 173–176

overflights of, 62–64, 84

ships withdrawn by, 178, 194

Special Group Augmented (SGA), 123–124

Spicer, Henry Russell, 39–40, 45

spy satellites, 119

SS4 missile, 132

Stalin, Joseph, 61, 108

Standard Oil, 102

Stevenson, Adlai, 68, 144–145, 190, 211

JFK on, 209

UN and, 204–207

Stockman, Hervey, 63

Strategic Air Command (SAC), 60, 92, 131, 138, 141, 149, 150, 186, 190, 193, 227, 236, 239, 251, 252, 279

blockade and strike preparations, 168

CIA U-2s loaned to, 128

Maultsby, Chuck, incident and, 234–235, 265–266

U-2 program oversight and, 56

Sublette, Richard, 11

submarines, 194–195, 273, 275–277, 285

Polaris nuclear missile, 177, 256

signaling to, 274

Supreme Court, 269

surface-to-air missile (SAM), 123, 127, 129, 132, 152, 157, 159, 169, 171, 186, 198, 214, 228

Anderson, Rudy, shot down by, 249–250

authority to fire, 247–248

Crusaders and, 215

installation in Cuba of, 117–121

McIlmoyle, J., fired on with, 3–7, 216, 231–232, 247, 248, 251–252, 258, 285

planning to attack sites, 187

U-2s and, 216

tactical nuclear weapons, 162, 178

Taiwan, 75

Taylor, Maxwell, 138, 156, 160–161, 167, 188, 189, 195, 197, 285, p8

air strike recommendation by, 257

antiaircraft fire retaliation recommendation, 259–260

on Guantánamo, 163

on invasion plans, 153

on limited strike plans, 146

on missile site strikes, 143, 216

on surveillance, 258

on Turkey missiles, 142

Technical Services Division, 59

Thirteen Days (Kennedy, Robert), 164, 194

Thirty-Eighth Parallel, 29, 30, 46

Thom, Lenny, 27

Thompson, Llewellyn, 99, 107, 111, 138, 155, 255

A Thousand Days (Schlesinger), 268

Thunderbirds, 70–71, p1

Titan missiles, 177

Tokyo Express convoy, 17–18

Truman, Harry, 160, 168, 286

Tuchman, Barbara, 164

Turkey, US missiles in, 142, 144, 169, 255–256, 261–264, 285

Twining, Nathan, 56

Tyuratam Cosmodrome, 85

U Thant, 204–205, 209–210, 211, 217, 280


Castro, F., and shoot-down of, 280

Castro, F., overthrow plan preparations with, 103–104

Congress briefing and, 170

criticism of program, 91–92

Cuba overflights, 117–121, 123–124, 129–130, 134–135, 143–144, 149, 151–153, 229–231

development of, 50–53

in England, 61, 62

flight testing, 57–58

JFKf tour of, 289

pilot training, 61, 76

planning for shooting down of, 186–188

pressure suits for flying, 76–78

SAM worries, 169, 216

Soviets tracking, 63–64

UFO sightings and, 71–72

USAF and, 56–57

U-2C, 124, 127–128

U-3A, 266

UFO sightings, 71–72

UN Security Council, 205–207

United Nations, 190, 211

Stevenson at, 204–207

US Air Force (USAF), 29

San Cristobal overflight mission and, 123–124

U-2 and, 56–57

US Navy, 56

USAF. See US Air Force

USS Beale, 276

USS Cony, 276

USS Enterprise, 193

USS Essex, 193, 195, 197

USS Gearing, 201

USS Independence, 193

USS Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr., 193, 210–211

USS Lowry, 286

USS Murray, 276

USS Pierce, 209, 210

USS Randolph, 275

USS Saratoga, 184, 203

Valdosta, Georgia, 32

VFP-62 reconnaissance organization, 143, 183

Vienna, Austria, 105–106, 108–112, 218, p6

Vietnam, 293

Vinson, Carl, 170

Virginia Military Institute, 37

Vito, Carmine, 63, 83–84

Wana Wana Island, 27

Warfield, Thomas, 18

Warren, Earl, 95, 269

Washington Post, 168

weather squadron, 81

West Berlin, 91, 176

West Germany, 195

Wheeler, Earle, 160

Whilhemy, Christopher, “Bruce,” 184, 185, 189

White, John, 127

White House, recording system, 140

Williams Air Force Base, 39, 40

Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, 71

XF-104 Starfighter, 50, 57

Yalta Conference, 108

Yalu River, 43

Yellow Sea, 30, 31

Yesin, Victor, 280

Yucatán Channel, 129

Yucatán Peninsula, 159

Yucca Flats, Nevada, 173

Yuri Gagarin (Soviet ship), 194–195

Zinser, Gerry, 21

Zorin, Valerian, 205–207, 211