UPLANDS (1970)

for Mona and Vida


Snow Log

Especially the fallen tree

the snow picks

out in the woods to show:

the snow means nothing by that,

5no special emphasis: actually

snow picks nothing out:

but was it a failure, is it,

snow’s responsible for

that the brittle upright black

10shrubs and small trees

set off what caught the snow

in special light:

or there’s some intention

behind the snow snow’s too shallow

15to reckon with: I take it on myself:

especially the fallen tree

the snow picks

out in the woods to show.

1969 (1970)


Certain presuppositions are altered

by height: the inversion to

sky-well a peak

in a desert makes: the welling


5from clouds down the boulder fountains:

it is always a

surprise out west there—

the blue ranges loose and aglide

with heat and then come close

10on slopes leaning up into green:

a number of other phenomena might

be summoned—

take the Alleghenies for example,

some quality in the air

15of summit stones lying free and loose

out among the shrub trees: every

exigency seems prepared for that might

roll, bound, or give flight

to stone: that is, the stones are

20prepared: they are round and ready.

1969 (1969)


One day I complained about the periphery

that it was thickets hard to get around in

or get around for

an older man: it’s like keeping charts

5of symptoms, every reality a symptom

where the ailment’s not nailed down:

much knowledge, precise enough,

but so multiple it says this man is alive

or isn’t: it’s like all of a body answering

10all of pharmacopoeia, a too

adequate relationship:

so I complained and said maybe I’d brush


deeper and see what was pushing all this

periphery, so difficult to make any sense

15out of, out:

with me, decision brings its own

hesitation: a symptom, no doubt, but open

and meaningless enough without paradigm:

but hesitation

20can be all right, too: I came on a spruce

thicket full of elk, gushy snow-weed,

nine species of lichen, four pure white

rocks and

several swatches of verbena near bloom.

1969 (1969)


After the event the rockslide


in a still diversity of completion,

grain and fissure,



force of upheaval,

whether rain slippage,

ice crawl, root

10explosion or

stream erosive undercut:

well I said it is a pity:

one swath of sight will never

be the same: nonetheless,


shambles has

relieved a bind, a taut of twist,

revealing streaks &

scores of knowledge

20now obvious and quiet.

1969 (1970)


I sat by a stream in a

perfect—except for willows—


and the mountain that

5was around,

scraggly with brush &



I see you’re scribbling again:

10accustomed to mountains,

their cumbersome intrusions,

I said

well, yes, but in a fashion very

like the water here

15uncapturable and vanishing:

but that

said the mountain does not

excuse the stance

or diction

20and next if you’re not careful

you’ll be

arriving at ways

water survives its motions.

1969 (1969)

Conserving the Magnitude of Uselessness

Spits of glitter in lowgrade ore,

precious stones too poorly surrounded for harvest,

to all things not worth the work

of having,

5brush oak on a sharp slope, for example,

the balk tonnage of woods-lodged boulders,

the irreparable desert,

drowned river mouths, lost shores where

the winged and light-footed go,

10take creosote bush that possesses

ground nothing else will have,

to all things and for all things

crusty or billowy with indifference,

for example, incalculable, irremovable water

15or fluvio-glacial deposits

larch or dwarf aspen in the least breeze sometimes shiver in—

suddenly the salvation of waste betides,

the peerlessly unsettled seas that shape the continents,

take the gales wasting and in waste over

20Antarctica and the sundry high shoals of ice,

for the inexcusable (the worthless abundant) the

merely tiresome, the obviously unimprovable,

to these and for these and for their undiminishment

the poets will yelp and hoot forever


rank as weeds themselves and just as abandoned:

nothing useful is of lasting value:

dry wind only is still talking among the oldest stones.

1969 (1970)

If Anything Will Level with You Water Will

Streams shed out of mountains in a white rust

(such the abomination of height)

slow then into upland basins or high marsh

and slowing drop loose composed figurations

5on big river bottoms

or give the first upward turn from plains:

that’s for modern streams: if sediment’s

lithified it

may have to be considered ancient, the result of

10a pressing, perhaps lengthy, induration:

old streams from which the water’s

vanished are interesting, I mean that

kind of tale,

water, like spirit, jostling hard stuff around

15to make speech into one of its realest expressions:

water certainly is interesting (as is spirit) and

small rock, a glacial silt, just as much so:

but most pleasurable (magma & migma) is

rock itself in a bound slurp or spill

20or overthrust into very recent times:

there waterlike stone, those heated seekings &

goings, cools to exact concentration, I

mean the telling’s unmediated:

the present allows the reading of much

25old material: but none of it need be read:

it says itself (and

said itself) so to speak perfectly in itself.

1969 (1970)

The Unifying Principle

Ramshackles, archipelagoes, loose constellations

are less fierce, subsidiary centers, with the

attenuations of interstices, roughing the salience,

jarring the outbreak of too insistent commonalty:

5a board, for example, not surrendering the rectitude

of its corners, the island of the oaks an

admonishment to pines, underfigurings (as of the Bear)

that take identity on: this motion is against

the grinding oneness of seas, hallows distinction

10into the specific: but less lovely, too, for how

is the mass to be amassed, by what sanction

neighbor touch neighbor, island bear resemblance,

how are distinction’s hard lines to be dissolved

(and preserved): what may all the people turn to,

15the old letters, the shaped, characteristic peak

generations of minds have deflected and kept:

a particular tread that sometimes unweaves, taking

more shape on, into dance: much must be

tolerated as out of timbre, out of step, as being not

20in its time or mood (the hiatus of the unconcerned)

and much room provided for the wretched to find caves

to ponder way off in: what then can lift the people

and only when they choose to rise or what can make

them want to rise, though business prevents: the

25unifying principle will be a

phrase shared, an old cedar long known, general

wind-shapes in a usual sand: those objects single,


single enough to be uninterfering, multiple by

the piling on of shared sight, touch, saying:

30when it’s found the people live the small wraths of ease.

1969 (1970)


By the highway the stream downslope

could hardly clear itself

through rubbish and slime but by

that resistance gained a cutting

5depth equal to its breadth

and so had means to muscle into

ripples and spill over angled


and so went on down in a long

10curve, responsively slow to the

sizable ridge it


and farther on down, quiet and clear,

never tipping enough to break sound,

15slowed into marshy landrise and burst

into a bog of lupine and mirrored:

that was a place! what a place!

the soggy small marsh, nutgrass and swordweed!

1969 (1970)


I attended the burial of all my rosy feelings:

I performed the rites, simple and decisive:

the long box took the spilling of gray ground in

with little evidence of note: I traded slow

5work for the usual grief: the services were private:

there was little cause for show, though no cause not

to show: it went indifferently, with an appropriate

gravity and lack of noise: the ceremonies of the self

seem always to occur at a distance from the ruins of men

10where there is nothing really much to expect, no arms,

no embraces: the day was all right: certain occasions

outweigh the weather: the woods just to the left

were average woods: well, I turned around finally from

the process, the surface smoothed into a kind of seal,

15and tried to notice what might be thought to remain:

everything was there, the sun, the breeze, the woods

(as I said), the little mound of troublesome tufts of

grass: but the trees were upright shadows, the breeze

was as against a shade, the woods stirred gray

20as deep water: I looked around for what was left,

the tools, and took them up and went away, leaving

all my treasures where they might never again disturb

me, increase or craze: decision quietens:

shadows are bodiless shapes, yet they have a song.

1969 (1970)

Then One

When the circumstance takes

on a salience, as a

crushing pressure, then one,

addled by the possible closures,

5the tangles that might

snap taut in a loop

or other unfigurable construct,

then one

pores on drift-logs far at sea

10where room can wear drifts out

winds change

and few places show one can’t


from and then one thinks finally

15with tight appreciation

of nothingness

or if not that far of

things that loosen or come apart.

1969 (1970)

Further On

Up this high and far north

it’s shale and woodsless snow:

small willows and alder brush


mark out melt streams on the

5opposite slope and the wind talks

as much as it can before freeze

takes the gleeful, glimmering

tongues away: whips and sticks

will scream and screech then

10all winter over the deaf heights,

the wind lifting its saying out

to the essential yell of the

lost and gone: it’s summer now:

elk graze the high meadows:

15marshgrass heads high as a moose’s

ears: lichen, a wintery weed,

fills out for the brittle sleep:

waterbirds plunder the shallows.

1969 (1970)

Hope’s Okay

The undergrowth’s a conveyance of butterflies

(flusters of clustering) so buoyant and delightful,

filling into a floating impression, diversity’s

diversion breaking out into under-piny seas

5point by point to the mind’s nodes and needs:

let’s see, though, said the fire through the undergrowth,

what all this makes into, what difference can

survive it: so I waded through the puffy disgust

and could not help feeling despair of

10many a gray, smoke-worming twig, scaly as if alive:

much that was here I said is lost and if I stoop

to ask bright thoughts of roots

do not think I ask for better than was here

or that hope with me rises one leaf higher than

15the former growth (higher to an ashless fire) or

that despair came any closer than ash to being total.

1969 (1969)

Life in the Boondocks

Untouched grandeur in the hinterlands:

large-lobed ladies laughing in brook

water, a clear, scrubbed ruddiness lofted

to cones and conifers: frost blurs

5the morning elk there and squirrels

chitter with the dawn, numb seed: clarity,

the eagle dips into scary nothingness,

off a bluff over canyon heights: trout

plunder their way up, thrashing the shallows

10white: ladies come out in the gold-true sun

and loll easy as white boulders

in the immediate radiance by wind-chilling

streams: I have been there so

often, so often and held the women, squeezed,

15tickled, nuzzled their rose-paint luxury:

so many afternoons listened to the rocky

drone of bees over spring-water weed-bloom,

snow-water violets, and distant moss turf.

1969 (1970)


I feel sure you will be pleased

with our product: it is

a coil spring comes wintrily into

as house plants

5react first to the longer light:

but begin all

enterprise with celebration: measures

on the sand by

fluttering rush, sail, heart spun in

10a resonance between

departure, grief and adventure of

change, the hurry and detail,

sudden calamity

of shoving off, moorless into a hunk of

15time that may

round back to greet its other edge:


(nothing is so phony as an incomplete

obscurity—it needs spelling

20into its deepest outing,

surrounding into its biggest bulging:

when it gets aglitter

it grows black: what to make of a

hinted thing

25where the mind’s not traveled

but a botch: but spelled out any

spiel can pick enough surfage up

to drum a sea loose)

I just ate a green banana: it is in

30me now mushed and gushy: there is

nothing small enough to conjure clarity with:

take the bathroom spider wintered thin:

so thin

bleached out against walls

35life seems in him a brown taint that

lacking might make him water or crisp:

he spun an open-ended house

(safety, closed up to perfection,

traps, he knows)

40in the ceilingwall sharp


(well then I will take a mere


a drift

45as of earth into light, the chorus

dancing to the right,

left, a multimedial parlance:

well I will take just the angle

the waves come out of the sea, say,

50the way they break down their length

in a continuous moving roar:

I don’t care how many drops of

water there are

or how totally they are water or how

55the ocean is nothing (figuratively

speaking) else: I identify waves,

they have an

action, many actions: I’ve seen them

come straight in, crest first in

60the middle, break outward both ways

and leave behind

a pyramid of foam: I’ve never

seen a drop of water do that:)

at night he rides down to the white


and hums in a drop of water’s

uptight edge: I try to think

of what he eats

so winter skinny, such a bugless

70winter: maybe those tiny book lice

leave learning

scoot ceilings sometimes and suffer

the usual

confrontation with reality:

75or I think dandruff scales soaked in


drift dripping proteins loose that

drunk skirl spiders into hallelujahs

of darkening:

80from the state of distress a pill can

remove you: meanwhile the blue


is perilously unaffected:

it’s monsterless here:


bayberry in a green sweep, breeze


indifferent as lace:

swipes, swatches, smears, luminous

90samplers: what is

the existence in the argument of what

the argument

is about: precise but unspecified,

hunted out, turned from, disguised,


order, strict,

is the shadow of flight:

I mean because of the lusterless


100the wing has rein: fact

is the port of

extreme navigation:


where footprints

disappear at the edge of melting snow

105hesitation breaks mindfully into itself:

the fairgrounds

(hill meadows, aslant

triangular sweepclosings of heights,

scrub fringes, yangs of woods,

110lovely sumac and sassafras, golden

clumps of grass

rising to a wind line, commas,

the pheasant’s tail, long,

perfect for disappearance in

115winter weeds, clumpy printwork

of rabbits

over hedge-kept floats of snow . . .

I don’t know what all there is

but there’s more than plenty and

120that’s just it there’s too much

except for, there’d be too much

except for the outgrowth of soothing


sporting goods

125nip and tuck



scrimps &



Guitar Recitativos


I know you love me, baby

I know it by the way you carry on around here certain times of the day & night

I can make the distinction between the willing and the unrefusable

That’s not what I’m talking about

5That’s not what I need

What I mean is could you just peel me a few of those grapes over there

I want to lie here cool and accumulate . . .

Oh about half a bunch

That’s what I need

10—flick out those little seed—

Just drop’em in here one at a time

I’m not going anyplace, baby, not today

Relax—sneak the skin off a few of those grapes for me, will you?


Baby, you been stomping round on my toes so long

15They breaking out in black and blue hyacinths,

Well-knit forget-me-nots

Geraniums are flopping out over the tops of my shoes

tendril leaves coming out along the edges of my shoelaces

Gladioli are steering out of the small of my back

20strumming their cool stalks up my spine

Zinnias radiating from the crock of my neck

and petunias swinging down bells from my earlobes

All this stomping around on me you been doing, baby,

I’m gonna break out in a colorful reaction

25I’m gonna wade right through you

with the thorns of all these big red roses


I can tell you what I think of your beauty, baby,

You have it, it’s keen and fast, there’s this

glittery sword whipping about your head all day

30and, baby, you make people snap—you condescend

and a surprised little heart splatters or you turn your

cold head away and a tiny freeze kills a few

cells in some man’s brain—I mean, baby, you

may be kind but your beauty sweetie is such

35many a man would run himself through for

hating your guts every minute that he died for you


I’m tired of the you-and-me thing

I am for more research into the nature of the amorous bond

the discovery of catalysts for speeding-up, wearing out, and getting it over


40or for slowing it down to allow long intervals of looseness

Baby, there are times when the mixture becomes immiscible

and other times we get so stirred up I can’t tell

whether I’m you or me

and then I have this fear of a surprising reaction in which

45we both turn into something else

powdery or gaseous or slightly metallic

What I mean is this whole relationship is, lacking further

knowledge, risky: while there’s still time, why

don’t you get yourself together and I’ll

50get myself together and then we’ll sort of shy out

of each other’s gravitational field, unstring the

electromagnetism and then sort of just drop this

whole orientation baby


You come in and I turn on:

55freon purrs and the

refrigerator breaks out with hives of ice

The Westinghouse portable electric fan flushes

my papers all over the room

The waffle-iron whacks down sizzling imaginary waffles

60One paper glues itself and billows to the back of the fan

my nerves nervous as newspapers

I tell you you are a walking calamity

And when you sit down there is hardly less activity

The alarm clock breaks out raging its held cry

65and the oven in the kitchen sets itself for broil

I mean the gas-jet in the incinerator bloops on

and frankly the mechanisms in my legs—I hope you

never find out—jerk:

Oh, beauty, beauty is so disturbingly nice.

1967 (1968)


An image comes

and the mind’s light, confused

as that on surf

or ocean shelves,

5gathers up,

parallelizes, focuses

and in a rigid beam illuminates the image:

the head seeks in itself

fragments of left-over light

10to cast a new


any direction,

to strike and fix

a random, contradicting image:

15but any found image falls

back to darkness or

the lesser beams splinter and

go out:

the mind tries to

20dream of diversity, of mountain

rapids shattered with sound and light,

of wind fracturing brush or

bursting out of order against a mountain

range: but the focused beam

25folds all energy in:

the image glares filling all space:

the head falls and

hangs and cannot wake itself.

1964 (1967)


Make a motion

the wind said and

the mountain

strained hard



even quiver:

so the wind curved and shook the poplars:

a slope

10pebble loosened

and struck

down sharp goings:

the mountain

stunned at being

15moved nearly

broke with grief


and the wind

whirled up the valley

over the stream

20and trees

utterly unlost

in emptiness.

1965 (1967)


Idling through the mean space dozing,

blurred by indirection, I came upon a

stairwell and steadied a moment to

think against the stem:

5upward turned golden steps

and downward dark steps entered the dark:

unused to other than even ground I

spurned the airless heights though bright

and the rigor to lift an immaterial soul

10and sank

sliding in a smooth rail whirl and fell

asleep in the inundating dark

but waking said god abhors me

but went on down obeying at least

15the universal law of gravity:

millenniums later waking in a lightened air

I shivered in high purity

and still descending grappled with

the god that

20rolls up circles of our linear

sight in crippling disciplines

tighter than any climb.


Body Politic

Out for stars he

took some


and we all

5wondered if he might be

damned to such sinister

& successful enterprise:

we took and

unfolded him: he

10turned out

pliant and warm

& messy in

some minor way: then, not

having come to

15much, we

lit into his stars which

declaring nothing dark

held white and high

and brought us down.

1967 (1967)

Apologia pro Vita Sua

I started picking up the stones

throwing them into one place

and by sunrise I was going far away

for the large ones

5always turning to see never lost

the cairn’s height

lengthening my radial reach:

the sun watched with deep concentration

and the heap through the hours grew

10and became by nightfall

distinguishable from all the miles around

of slate and sand:


during the night the wind falling

turned earthward its lofty freedom and speed

15and the sharp blistering sound muffled

toward dawn and the blanket was

drawn up over a breathless face:

even so you can see in full dawn

the ground there lifts

20a foreign thing desertless in origin.

1956 (1958)


Losing information he

rose gaining


till at total

5loss gain was


extreme & invisible:

the eye

seeing nothing

10lost its



(that is a mere motion)

fanned out

15into failing swirls

slowed &

became continuum.

1967 (1969)

Mountain Talk

I was going along a dusty highroad

when the mountain

across the way

turned me to its silence:

5oh I said how come

I don’t know your

massive symmetry and rest:

nevertheless, said the mountain,

would you want

10to be

lodged here with

a changeless prospect, risen

to an unalterable view:

so I went on

15counting my numberless fingers.

1964 (1970)


If a rock on the slope

loosens tonight

will it be because


5unearthed another grain

or a root

arched for room


will a tree or rock

10be right

there, or two rocks or trees,

to hold the

flashed decision back?



I want something suited to my special needs

I want chrome hubcaps, pin-on attachments

and year round use year after year

I want a workhorse with smooth uniform cut,

5dozer blade and snow blade & deluxe steering


I want something to mow, throw snow, tow, and sow with

I want precision reel blades

I want a console-styled dashboard

10I want an easy spintype recoil starter

I want combination bevel and spur gears, 14

gauge stamped steel housing and

washable foam element air cleaner

I want a pivoting front axle and extrawide turf tires

15I want an inch of foam rubber inside a vinyl


and especially if it’s not too much, if I

can deserve it, even if I can’t pay for it

I want to mow while riding.

1968 (1968)


From the inlet

surf a father

pulls in a crab—

a wonderful machinery


not a fish: kicks

it off the line &

up the beach

where three daughters

10and two sons take

turns bringing cups

of water

to keep alive, to

watch work, the sanded

15& disjeweled.

1968 (1969)

Love Song

Like the hills under dusk you

fall away from the light:

you deepen: the green

light darkens

5and you are nearly lost:

only so much light as

stars keep

manifests your face:

the total night in

10myself raves

for the light along your lips.

1966 (1967)

Love Song (2)

Rings of birch bark

stand in the woods

still circling the nearly

vanished log: after

5we go to pass

through log and star

this white song will

hug us together in the

woods of some lover’s head.

1966 (1967)

Mule Song

Silver will lie where she lies

sun-out, whatever turning the world does,

longeared in her ashen, earless,

floating world:

5indifferent to sores and greenage colic,

where oats need not

come to,

bleached by crystals of her trembling time:

beyond all brunt of seasons, blind

10forever to all blinds,

inhabited by

brooks still she may wraith over broken

fields after winter

or roll in the rye-green fields:

15old mule, no defense but a mule’s against

disease, large-ribbed,

flat-toothed, sold to a stranger, shot by a

stranger’s hand,

not my hand she nuzzled the seasoning-salt from.

1958 (1969)


The blackbird takes out

from the thicket down there

uphill toward

the house, shoots

5through a vacancy in the

elm tree & bolts

over the house:

some circling leaves waving


10size, direction, and speed.

1968 (1969)


The hollybush flowers

small whites (become of

course berries)

four tiny petals


back and four

anthers stuck out:

the pistil low &


10wasp-bees (those small

wasps or

bees) come around

with a glee too

fine to hear: when

15the wind dies

at dusk, silence,


puts a robe

slightly thinner

20than sight over

all the flowers

so darkness &

the terrible stars

will not hurt them.

1968 (1968)

Small Song

The reeds give

way to the

wind and give

the wind away


Possibility Along a Line of Difference

At the crustal


I went down and


5on the gravel bottom,

head below gully rims

tufted with

clumpgrass and

through-free roots:

10prairie flatness crazed

by that difference,

I grew

excited with

the stream’s image left

15in dust

and farther down

in confined rambling


found a puddle

20green, iridescent

with a visitation of daub-singing wasps,

sat down and watched

tilted shadow untilting

fill the trough,

25imagined cloudbursts


scattered pillars of rain,

buffalo at night routed

by lightning,


falling back,

wobble-kneed calves

tumbling, gully-caught;

coyote, crisp-footed

35on the gravel,

loping up the difference.

1959 (1969)

Cascadilla Falls

I went down by Cascadilla

Falls this

evening, the

stream below the falls,

5and picked up a

handsized stone

kidney-shaped, testicular, and

thought all its motions into it,

the 800 mph earth spin,

10the 190-million-mile yearly

displacement around the sun,

the overriding



15of the galaxy with the 30,000

mph of where

the sun’s going:

thought all the interweaving


20into myself: dropped

the stone to dead rest:

the stream from other motions


rushing over it:


I turned


to the sky and stood still:


I do

30not know where I am going

that I can live my life

by this single creek.

1966 (1969)

Summer Session

Saliences are humming bee paths

in & out around

here, continuous if

unpredictable: they

5hang the air with cotton


and make a neighborhood:

we set out four tomato plants a while

ago: good soil

10where a row of winter-used cut wood was:

I’ve been out several times to see

but coming dark hinders me,

forcing faith up which


15spindly as high walloping


outlast the night:

earlier came a shower so


20not a coil spring in the glass pond

rang the periphery, for a minute:

walking home from class:

dogs yurping

out from hedge tunnels,

25jerking to snazzy, skidding halts,

an outrage about the legs,

hairy explosion with

central, floating teeth:

I hope snitching hairy little


will thread their eyelids and distending close off

the eyeballs of flagrant sight the way

summer closed up the

hedges to fill

35us with surprises:

in my yard’s more wordage than I

can read:

the jaybird gives a shit:

the earthworm hoe-split bleeds

40against a damp black clump:

the problem is


to keep shape and flow:

the day’s died

45& can’t be re-made:

in the dusk I can’t recover

the goldenbodied fly

that waited on a sunfield leaf:

well I can’t recover the light:

50in my head—on the

inside frontal wall—the fly waits

and then, as he did, darts upward at an

air-hung companion:

ghosts remain, essences out-skinnying

55light: essences

perceiving ghosts skinny skinny


reverence, which one cannot

withhold, is

60laid on lightly, with terror—as if

one were holding a dandelion back

into the sun:

all these shapes my bones

answer to

65are going to go on

consuming, the flowers, venations, vines,

the roots that know their


going to go on taking down and

70re-designing, are going to go on


with bunchers & shears

devouring sundry mud, flesh: but their

own shapes will, as will all shapes, break

75but will with all


cast design ahead where possible, hold

figuration in the cast seed:

shape & flow:

80we must not feel hostile:

the most perfect nothingness affords

the widest play,

the most perfect meaninglessness:

look up at dusk and see

85the bead fuzzy-buzzy bug

no darker than mist:

couldn’t get along

at all except against infinity:

swallow, bat dine

90in a rush—

never know what hit him

nothing hit him sent him to nothing:

but the temporary marvels!—

getting along against. . . .

95take it from there:

(to slink and dream with the interior singing

attention of snakes)

prolix as a dream, a stream, sameness

of going

100but diverse, colorful, sunlit

glints and glimmerings:

can motion alone then

hold you, strange person:

entertainments of flame and water,

105flame in water,

an honorable, ancient flame

removed in high burning: water

no less a metal of interest, subtly

obeying: sit down and be consoled:

110the death that reaches toward you has

been spared none:

be enchanted with the shrill hunger

of distant children:

do something:

115the boughs ripen:

birds falling out

around here like plums,

rolling around, tilting over, turbulent

somersaults, a wrestling with divinity,

120smooth & mostly belly:

the tail’s a mean instrument but


gives poise, as of

contrary knowledges:

125the cats frizzling with interest tone

down to pure motion: songs go

such way:

destruction of the world into the

guts: regeneration:

130the kill is a restless

matter: but

afterwards the fact’s

cool as satiation:

we just had lunch at the picnic table

135under the elm: chunks of cantaloupe,

peach slices, blueberries, all cool

colorings in a glass cup: hotdogs &


brilliant replenishment:

140icy destructions with the berry

burst, the teeth in a freshet

of cantaloupe juice:

the robin’s nest, way out on a pear

limb, nearly

145overhangs the table: some

worry, of course, a chirp or two:

distant approaches: above, the yellow

triangles of mouths:

up the stairs you go

150up the stairs you go

beddybye &

snoozy snooze

up the stairs you go

ho ho

155up the stairs you go

now the lawnmowers of reality are

whirring on the slopes of absent lawns

and sunday is in the world or part

of it: I look across the valley

160to the otherside big hills and realize

the whole thing’s rolling

tumbling in the smoothest quietest

lunge, our

bristlegreen rockship, our clamorous

165house wherein difference bites so

hard hardly

a man will admit the common nickelodean core

where metals twist in

slow drifts of warping


nevertheless into raw

space we turn, sun

feeding cosmic drift through,

expelling radiance of cosmic storm,

175and we are at an

incredible height going round


in the whole coming and going of man

we may not

180get around once:

at certain levels recurrence is not

a bore: we clip an arc:

buttered batter’s better bitter:

what do you know:

185Western Prong beat Old Dock:

stir up them little wasps and you

have a nest of hornets:

past 21

women suffer

190unbearably (!)

take bladder irritation: that headachy

backachy feeling:

that burning stitching itching gives them

the weewees, makes them need

195fast relaxing comfort: what women go


to make or lose a buck: in those

ample haunches

greased with sheer illumination’s light

200is a mess of bacterial bloomers: it’s

merciful to lust the eye’s

small-blind: cultures from average nipples:

knowledge is lovely

but some of it shivers

205into the blood stream

and undermines the

requirements of the moment: but

desire spills antiseptic gold celluloid

sheathes o’erall

210and pours pellucid lubricants

down the drains of microfloral


the clitoris rises above

surmountings, backs off, and

215takes a testy peck or so:

we went to the park & John swung on

the swings and swung:

little children, I told my wife,

these little children, some of them

220will live to say two thousand forty

maybe forty-five, fifty:

I said think of it by that time

we, you and I, will have been dead

so long

225worms yet will scoff at us:

it makes you think


what are

a few vaginal weeds in the teeth

230compared with the traipsing gluebellies of

candorous maggots: & other worms,

all their noise:

get down, yes:

enwarm to eradication the carnal

235longings: which are short:

what, then, is the organization of the

soul: scrambles to the peak,

squirts off, slumps back: the

long & short of it:

240ducks were there, spinning, sputtering

in the glass: popcorn, wiener rolls

floating in the circumstance: but do

they do do underwater:

if a scientist, I’d devise

245a test

and count the dropping abstractions off:

a glass tank with top

and a careful observer

could keep that duck in there

250till he had to: yes, but the

test’s wrong: suppose the observed’s

disturbed & would much have


to go out upon the ground & hunker up on

255a hunk of grass:

could turn to billets due


following a duck around au naturel


260could wobble a man’s weltanschauung:

scientific objectivity puts

radiance on

duckshit even: we used to save

coop chickenshit for choicest

265garden plants:

a powerful ingredient that

through the delicacies of floral


makes tasty gravy:


270friend of mine, brilliant

linguist, told me

a Southern Gentleman screwed

himself in the


275with a squirrel’s



got it hung in there’s how everybody

found out:

280doctor had to cut it loose:

let approved channels then be your


so you will not wind up in a fix

or fuxy fox, feel the fire asphaltic:


not go in for strange devices:

pins, strangulations or such:

practices that lead gradually away

from picnic tables,

290the trivial fluvial fumes of sunday braziers:

I’m not going to

delay my emergence:

I’m going to plop

a polyp:

295I’m going to pupate


I’m going to shoot for the wings:

I can’t tell you how many times with

stalled interior I’ve

300watched the spiders hatch & thrive:

I’m going to

get something off my chest—

incubus or poking heartflipper:

I’m 42:

305the rank & file has

o’errucked me & cloddled on:

I’m not going

any longer officially

to delay my emergence:

310I want the head of the matter to

move out of skinny closure:

I want a pumping, palpable turgidity:

I want the condition to take on flare:

I want manifestation silk-dry:

315I told this fellow:

I met him out under a soaking

elm tree:

I said you’re needy:

you’re so needy something’s rotten:

320I told him just because you have a

mailbox doesn’t mean anybody has

to put anything in it:

it’s your epidermal hole, nobody else’s:

I was getting so much pleasure out

325of soaking under the elm tree I

couldn’t get interested in the guy’s nasty cavity

and knew without looking I wasn’t

going to put anything in there:

too bad about the elms being in dutch:


seeing in a green yard a sailboat for sale:

worth a morning:

when you consider life

adds up

345to exactly nothing:

one day I’m

going to go

out & conjure

the clouds down:

350I’m going to try the cape on:

if they don’t

come right down

flubbing their responsive damp bellies over the


355I’m going to strip and shit:

as a writing teacher I tell them

revise the world:

they clip, trim, slice:

they bring it in:

360oh no I say you’ve just put it on


they lob, twist, crack:

oh no I say when they bring it in

you’ve killed it:


they bring in something new:

what’s the use, I throw up my hands,

we’re already two or three worlds


370down this drain, endless

ingestion, getting

bloated with world: anybody toss

an old memo in: it’s squirting

milk into treeping squabs:

375burning’s going on down


the whole world’s a few flakes:

it’s sedimentation through seas:

those in the heights need

380substantial bottoms: need the


things are leveling off: hate

wide, especially open, disparities:

equilibrium fills holes with hills:

385feed in a grocery list, somebody:

feed in how to fix a

telescope on, say, a comet: feed in a

few large pieces of legislation,

couple committee reports, some lab

390notes, triptickets, sailing schedules,

the dawns & dusks of planets,

contemplations of squirrels:

somewhere along the line the computer

is going to perpetrate a large announcement:

395then we’ll know why the


winding no scraps up into

windy transfigurations:

in our day

400comfort is sunrise at 5:25:

couple systems analysts: bushel of

female ticks, engorged: some dirty



405nightfeeders that dusk arouses:

cubic mile of infestation,

corruption, rust, pus, pus



410tank of wound weepage:

boxcar of love salt,

fill, siftings, winnowings, dregs,

curds, chips,

aerosols of eagerness, dozen black


a league of universal ivy stone:


much testament of need: 400

singing horses, a flask of

420wart-juice from the udders of the awry:

families with a lot of living to do:

should get turquoise, shaded coppertone,

or spanish avocado:

features for fun-loving families:

425discover for yourselves where

the problems are & amass

alternative strategies:

otherwise it’s D− & no pussy:

I scribble, baby, I mean

435I breeze on:

every mile a twist, I

should be back:

a smidgen slit of silence lets all


440the land’s turning tables

greased with the finest silence

money can buy, still, the wind, mine & its,

rattles over the ridges, splits

the cords of wood & gristle:

445to a cartographer

part of Pennsylvania’s a broken record:

curving grooves & ridges in

visual music:

day after day the camels of the rain

450bear their gray way by: the ditches

bend green grass in:

but then drought enlarges in rapids

the incidence of rocks:

but then flood, so salient, though

455with muscle swirls, could

scrape you across a single


splitting possibility like a paper shell:

it is, even after an 8-day rain,

460hard to know what to ask for:

a baby robin’s been out on the

lawn all day, all day wet and for

many days wet though only one

day out: maybe if it were

465dry he could get to a low branch at

least, some force from those fumbling

wings, airier dry:

here are the 18-year-old

seedbeds & the

47019-year-old fertilizers:

they have come for a summer session:

knowledge is to be my insemination:

I grant it them as one grants flesh

the large white needle:

475what shall I tell those who are


too tender for needles, the

splitting of iridescent tendons:

oh I tell them nothing can realize

480them, nothing ruin them

like the poundage of pure self:

with my trivia

I’ll dispense dignity, a sense of office,

formality they can define themselves against:

485the head is my sphere:

I’ll look significant as I deal with

mere wires of light, ghosts of

cells, working there.

1968 (1970)