Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.


“Account, The,” 531

“Admission,” 488

“After the Dissolve,” 902

“After Yesterday,” 442

“Alternatives,” 519

“America,” xlv

“Analysis Mines and Leaves to Heal,” 853

“Anxiety,” 120

“Apologia pro Vita Sua,” 417

“Appearances,” 733

“April,” 512

“Arc, The,” 810

“Arc Inside And Out, The,” 642

“Arm’s Length Renders One,” 970

“Ars Poetica,” 757

“As for Fame I’ve Had It,” 927

“At Dawn in 1098,” 8

“Attention,” 450

“Attenuations,” 763

“Auto Mobile,” 455

“Autumn Song,” 485

“Back Country,” 504

“Ballad,” 745

“Banking,” 481

“Batsto,” 57

“Bay Bank,” 510

“Bearing Mercy,” 525

“Bees Stopped,” 445

“[Behind the I],” 22

“Belief,” 377

“Blue Skies,” 1024

“Body Politic,” 417

“Bonus,” 731

“Bookish Bookseller,” xxvi, xxxii

Bosh and Flapdoodle, xxv, xxxii, xxxvi, xxxvii, xliv, xlv, xlvi, xlvii

“Bourn,” 67

“Breaks,” 514

“Bridge,” 45

Briefings: Poems Small and Easy, xxxvi, xxxvii, 441

“Briefings,” xliv

“Brooks & Other Notions,” 448

“But If the Way Will,” 856

“Butterflyweed,” 107

“Camels,” 1024

“Cardinal, Slanted Watershed, The,” 981

“Cascadilla Falls,” 425

“Catalyst,” 105

“Catch,” 1029

“Celestial,” 527

“Center,” 441

“Certainty,” 755

“Chaos Staggered Up the Hill,” 500

“Chasm,” 525

“Choice,” 416

“Christmas Eve,” 506

“Christmas Eve Morning,” 851

“Circles,” 458

“Circling,” 752

“City Limits, The,” 498

“Civics,” 456

“Clarity,” 398

“Classic,” 399

“Clearing,” 530

“Clearing the Dark Symbiosis,” 588

“Cleavage,” 567

“Close-Up,” 60

“Cloud Strays Rounded Up,” 932

“Cold Didn’t Keep the Stuff,” 883

Collected Poems 1951–1971, xxvi, xxxii, xxxvi, 499

“Come Prima,” 503

“Coming To,” 528

“Coming to Sumer,” 15

“Communication,” 508

“Composing,” 367

“Concentrations,” 70

“Concerning the Exclusions of the Object,” 491

“Configurations,” xxxix, 108

“Confirmers, The,” 487

“Conserving the Magnitude of Uselessness,” 400

“Considering the Variety,” 1009

“Consignee,” 369

“Constant, The,” 352

“Contingency,” 354

“Convergence,” 475

“Coon Song,” 97

“Correction,” 528

Corsons Inlet, xxxvi, xxxviii, 89

“Corsons Inlet,” 91

“Cougar,” 449

“Countering,” 483

“Course Discourse,” 758

“Coward,” 754

“Crevice,” 480

“Crippled Angel, A,” 26

“Crying Out,” 754

“Cunit,” 953

“Currencies,” 731

“Cut The Grass,” 489

“Dark Day, Warm and Windy,” 908

“Dark Song,” 102

“Dawn Clear,” 840

“Day,” 594

“6 DEC:,” 141

“7 DEC:,” 145

“8 DEC:,” 151

“9 DEC:,” 156

“10 DEC:,” 164

“11 DEC:,” 174

“12 DEC:,” 188

“13 DEC:,” 196

“14 DEC:,” 196

“15 DEC:,” 210

“16 DEC:,” 212

“17 DEC,” 216

“18 DEC:,” 224

“19 DEC,” 230

“20 DEC:,” 232

“21 DEC:,” 235

“22 DEC:,” 236

“23 DEC:,” 239

“26 DEC:,” 242

“27 DEC:,” 252

“28 DEC:,” 258

“30 DEC:,” 269

“31 DEC:,” 280

“Definitions,” 515

“Delaware Water Gap,” 593

“Delight,” 735

“Design,” 756

“Devising,” 521

“Discoverer,” 385

Diversifications, 724

“Dominion,” 467

“Double Exposure,” 730

“Doubling the Nerve,” 466

“Doxology,” 29

“Drip Drip,” 1000

“Driving Through,” 138

“Dropping Eyelids Among the Aerial Ash,” 27

“Drought,” 537

“Dull Lull,” 921

“Dunes,” 95

“Dung Ball, Round Graveyard,” 873

“Dying in a Mirthful Place,” 12

“Early Morning in Early April,” 486

“Early October,” 793

“Early Woods,” 1025

“8:45 A.M.—Doorbell Rings: Wife,” 821

“80-Proof,” 760

“Elegy for a Jet Pilot,” 482

“Emerson,” 732

“Emplacement,” 522

“Empty,” 391

“Enough,” 1026

“Enterprise,” 1020

“Eolith,” 500

“Epiphany,” 128

“Equinox,” 538

“Essay On Poetics,” 540

“Eternal City, The,” 596

“Even,” 529

“Event,” 443

“Exotic,” 479

Expressions of Sea Level, xxvi, xxxv, xxxviii, 34

“Expressions of Sea Level,” 51

“Extremes and Moderations,” 574

“Eyesight,” 640

“Facing,” 751

“Fall,” 393

“Fall, The,” 511

“Fall Creek,” 510

“Famine,” 1029

“Father,” 460

“February Beach,” 370

“Figuring,” xliii, xliv

“Finishing Up,” xxv, xxxii, 1

“First Carolina Said-Song,” 382

“First Morning in a Few, The,” 866

“Fix,” 753

“Flaw, The,” 755

“Flock of My Days, A,” 942

“Foot-Washing, The,” 363

“For Doyle Fosso,” 1028

“Forecast for Today (Winter’s Firstday),” 844

“For Harold Bloom,” 645

“For Louise and Tom Gossett,” 1021

“Fortitude,” 1030

“41 Morning, Still Cloudy, A,” 910

“Four Motions for the Pea Vines,” 121

“Full,” 727

“Fundamental Constant,” 742

“Further On,” 405

“Gain,” 473

Garbage, xxxvi, xxxvii, xlii

“Garden,” 462

“Gardening,” 1024

“Generation Gap,” 1028

“Ghosts,” 1031

“Gilgamesh Was Very Lascivious,” 18

Glare, xxxiii, xlii

“Glass,” 113

“Glass Globe,” 752

“Golden Mean, The,” 83

“Grace Abounding,” 597

“Grass Miracles, The,” 19

“Grassy Sound,” 68

“Gravelly Run,” 139

“Ground Tide,” 572

“Guide,” 50

“Guitar Recitativos,” 412

“Halfway,” 357

“Handle,” 1023

“Hard Fist,” 818

“Hard Lard,” 815

“Hardweed Path Going,” xxxviii, 64

“Have You Seen the Severe Waters,” 792

“Having Been Interstellar,” 14

“Having to Do with Birth,” 761

“Heat,” 514

“He Held Radical Light,” 457

“Height,” 348

“Help,” 420

“Hen Pheasants Streak out of the, The,” 838

“[here a month of snow],” 896

“Here I Sit, Fifty in the,” 787

“Here & Now,” 496

“He Said,” 535

“Heterodoxy with Ennui,” 29

“Hibernaculum,” xli, xlii, 598

“Hieroglyphic Gathered, the Books, The,” 800

Highgate Road, xxv, 1020

“High & Low,” 444

“High Surreal,” 569

“Hippie Hop,” 462

“History,” 738

“Holding On,” 386

“Holly,” 423

“Hope’s Okay,” 406

“Hosts,” 479

“Hymn,” 37

“Hymn II,” 125

“Hymn III,” 126

“Hymn IV,” 463

“Hymn V,” 501

“I Assume the World is Curious About Me,” 16

“I Broke a Sheaf of Light,” 5

“I Came in a Dark Woods Upon,” 20

“I Came Upon a Plateau,” 27

“I Cannot Re-wind the Brook,” 1007

“I Come in from the Snowy World,” 846

“Identity,” 77

“If Anything Will Level with You Water Will,” 401

“If Walking Through Birdy Trees,” 1017

“If You Were Standing Under the Elm and,” 842

“I Knew,” 1007

“I Look Up Guff and Find the First,” 915

“Image,” 538

Image for Longing, An, xxxii, xxxiii, xxxv

“Imaginary Number,” 1030

“Imagined Land, The,” 532

“Imago,” 737

“Immediacy,” 1025

“Imperialist,” 737

“Impulse,” 419

“I’m the Type,” 972

“I’m Unwilling,” 958

“Increment,” 445

“Insouciance,” 724

“In Strasbourg in 1349,” 3

“Interference,” 358

“Interval,” 394

“In the Old,” 842

“In the Wind My Rescue Is,” 24

“Involved,” 488

“I See Downhill a Patch,” 875

“[I should have stayed longer idle],” 25

“I Struck a Diminished Seventh,” 17

“It Does Not Rain in,” 963

“Ithaca, N.Y.,” 368

“It’s April 1,” 957

“It’s a Wonder the Body,” 955

“It’s Half an Hour Later Before,” 936

“It Snowed All Night Snow,” 998

“It’s So Dry the Brook, Down,” 976

“Ivy, a Winding),” 795

“I Went Out to the Sun,” 6

“I Woke Up at 6 and It Was,” 940

“I Wonder If Pagan Is,” 984

“1 JAN:,” 292

“2 JAN:,” 297

“3 JAN:,” 305

“4 JAN:,” 308

“5 JAN:,” 310

“6 JAN:,” 312

“7 JAN:,” 316

“8 JAN:,” 324

“9 JAN:,” 331

“10 JAN:,” 339

“Jersey Cedars,” 63

“Joshua Tree,” 349

“Juice,” 741

“Jungle Knot,” 101

“Kind,” 348

“King Of Ice, The,” 533

“Landscape with Figures,” 351

“Laser,” 414

“Late Romantic,” 566

“Left,” 641

“Levitation,” 493

“Libation,” 134

“Life in the Boondocks,” 407

“Light Falls Shadow and Beam Through the Limbo,” 833

“Lightning,” 728

“Light Orders,” 738

“Like Fifty,” 909

“Limit, The,” 490

“Limp Lump,” 762

“Lines,” 96

“Lion::Mouse,” 513

“Locus,” 458

“Loft,” 464

“Lofty,” 1029

“Lollapalooza: 22 February,” 565

“Lonely Splendor,” 534

“Lonesome Valley,” 592

“Look for My White Self,” 453

“Looking Over The Acreage,” 472

“Loss,” 106

“Louise,” 760

“Love Song,” 421

“Love Song (2),” 421

“Make, The,” 741

“Makers, The,” 492

“Making,” 467

“Making Change,” xlivn6

“Making It,” 743

“Making Waves,” 530

“Mansion,” 59

“March Song,” 139

“Mark, The,” 464

“Marriage, The,” 729

“Mays Landing,” 380

“Mean,” 481

“Meanings,” 1022

“Measure,” 734

“Mechanics,” 441

“Mechanism,” 45

“Mediation,” 516

“Medicine for Tight Spots,” 447

“Medium,” 494

“Meeting the Opposition,” 733

“Metaphysic,” 740

“Meteorology,” 478

“Mid-August,” 588

“Miltonic (Miltownic) Isn’t, The,” 966

“Mind,” 762

“Mirrorment,” 528

“Misfit, The,” xxxix, 132

“Miss,” 527

“Mission,” 489

“Mist Curtains Lower and Dissolve,” 834

“Modality,” 1022

“Moment,” 90

“Monday,” 495

“Money,” 510

“Morning Glory,” 114

“Motion,” 130

“Motion for Motion,” 75

“Mountain Liar,” 61

“Mountain Talk,” 419

“Mule Song,” 422

“Muse,” 376

“My,” 786

“My Dice Are Crystal,” 14

“My Father, I Hollow for You,” 1006

“My Father Used to Bring Banana,” 791

“My Father Used to Tell of an,” 968

“My Neighbor Shakes Feed along,” 878

“My Structure Is, Like the,” 988

“Narrows,” 725

“Natives,” 1028

“Nature As Waterfalls,” 879

“Needs,” 420

“Nelly Myers,” xxxviii, 42

“Next Day, The,” 573

“No Matter,” 974

Northfield Poems, xxxvi, 348

“North Jersey,” 476

“North Street,” 1026

“No Tirement Like Retirement,” 830

“Nucleus,” 84

“Numbers, The,” 389

“Object,” 571

“Obtrusion,” 759

“Ocean City,” 524

“Off,” 473

“Offset,” 418

Ommateum with Doxology, xxv, xxxii, xxxv, xxxvii, xxxviii, 2

“One at One with His Desire,” 917

“One Composing,” 23

“One Desires the Cutting,” 983

“One Loves,” 965

“One:Many,” 354

“One More Time,” 536

“One Must Recall as One Mourns the Dead,” 784

“One Thing and Another,” 1027

“One Trains Hard for,” 1013

“On Garbage,” xliin3

“On ‘Motion Which Disestablishes Organizes Everything,’“ xliv

“On ‘The Damned,’“ xliii

“On This Day Noteworthily Warm,” 986

“On Walks I Go a Long Way Along,” 1012

“Open,” 127

“Orientale,” 379

“Orthodoxy with Achievement,” 30

“Outside-the-Household Hint,” 739

“Paradise,” 764

“Paradox with Variety,” 31

“Passage,” 373

“Path,” 516

“Peak,” 374

“Peracute Lucidity,” 444

“Perfect Journey Is, The,” 895

“Periphery,” 397

“Phase,” 598

“Photosynthesis,” 529

“Pieces of My Voice, The,” 499

“Play,” 477

“Plexus,” 526

“Plunder,” 563

“Pluralist,” 495

“Poem,” 737

“Poetics,” 465

“Poetry Is the Smallest,” 848

“Portrait,” 100

“Positions,” 520

“Possibility Along a Line of Difference,” 424

“Pray without Ceasing,” 766

“Precursors,” 590

“Prescriptive Stalls as, The,” 897

“Prodigal,” xxxix, 129

“Produce and Fuctifry,” 913

“Project,” 475

“Prospecting,” 62

“Put-Down Come On, The,” 497

“Quilted Spreads,” 868

“Quince Bush, The,” 484

“Raft,” 34

“Rage Spells More of My Words Right,” 985

“Reading,” 1026

Really Short Poems of A. R. Ammons, The, xxvi

“Reassessing,” 520

“Recording,” 1025

“Recovery,” 365

“Rectitude,” 570

“Reflective,” 351

“Release,” 1022

“Renovating,” 521

“Requiem,” 47

“Resort,” 103

“Return,” 451

“Reversal,” 486

“Reward,” 517

“Right On,” 570

“Risks and Possibilities,” 38

“Ritual for Eating the World,” 137

“River,” 73

“Rocking,” 756

“Rome Zoo,” 522

“Round,” 468

“Runoff,” 403

“Run-Through, The,” 496

“Russet Gold,” 539

“Saliences,” 358

“Salt Flats,” 726

“Sap Is Gone Out of the Trees, The,” 3

“Satisfaction,” 764

“Satyr Formalist,” 565

“Saying,” 471

“Schooling,” 567

“Scope,” 744

“Script,” 422

“Second Carolina Said-Song,” 383

Selected Longer Poems, xxvi

Selected Poems, xxvi, xxxii

“Self,” 1027

“Self-Portrait,” 372

“Self-Portraits,” 730

“Self-Projection,” 739

“Separations,” 752

“September Drift,” 456

Set in Motion: Essays, Interviews, and Dialogues, xxxivn2, xlii, xliin3, xliv

“Seventeen Morning &, A,” 861

“Shall Will Be Used Properly or Will Shall,” 825

“Sharp Lookout,” 569

“Ship,” 476

“Shore Fog,” 478

“Shoreless Tide, The,” 596

“Shuffling,” 1020

“Sift, Sprinkling, or Veil, A,” 904

“Sight Can Go Quickly, Aerial, Where,” 979

“Sight Unseen,” 749

“Significances,” 1021

“Silver,” 69

“Single Fact, A,” 963

“Sitting Down, Looking Up,” 377

Six-Piece Suite, xxv

“Sky Clabbered Up with, The,” 962

“Small Song,” 423

“Snow,” 996

“Snowed Last Night a Lot But Warmed Up,” 854

“Snow Is Fine-Sightless Today the Ground, The,” 835

“Snow Log,” 396

“Snow of the,” 895

Snow Poems, The, xxv, xxvii, xxxii, xlii, xliv, 782

“Snow Showed a Full Range,” 974

“Snow Whirl,” 517

“Soaker,” 1036

“So I Said I Am Ezra,” 2

“Some Fluffy, Long-Swaggly Catkins,” 1003

“Some Months Ago,” 5

“Some Nights I Go Out to Piss,” 987

“Song,” 378

“Sorting,” 573

“Spaceship,” 567

“Space Travel,” 568

“Speechlessness,” 1023

“Sphere,” 381

Sphere: The Form of a Motion, xxvi, xxxii, xlii, 645

“Spiel,” 408

“Spindle,” 119

“Spinejacking,” 477

“Spread It Thin,” 907

“Spring Coming,” 523

“Spring’s Old Hat Is Older,” 946

“Spring Song,” 502

“Square,” 485

“Staking Claim,” 594

“Stemless Flower, The,” 736

“Still,” 81

“Stomach is Quite, The,” 877

“Storm,” 446

“Strait, The,” 114

“Street Song,” 96

“Structureless Rage, Perhaps,” 904

“Sumerian,” 461

“Summer Session,” 426

“Sun Climbs Daily Higher, The,” 860

“Swan Ritual, The,” 535

“Swipe,” 763

“Symmetry of Thought, A,” 385

Tape for the Turn of the Year, xxxvi, xl, xli, 141

“Teeth Out,” 886

“Tell What Will Not Tell Direct,” 905

“Temperature Fell, The,” 946

“Temperature Rose 15 Degrees over, The,” 923

“Terminations,” 741

“Terminus,” 503

“Terrain,” 40

“Terror of,” 795

“Thaw,” 135

“Then One,” 405

“There! The Light of Human Reason!,” 812

“These Days Most,” 981

“They Say It Snowed,” 1018

“Things Change, the Shit Shifts,” 784

“This Black Rich Country,” 450

“This Bright Day,” 453

“This Is,” 867

“This Poem Concerns,” 937

“Those in Ledge Fright Seek,” 855

“Three,” 527

“Three Travelogues,” 746

“Tight,” 469

“Timing,” 518

“Today Was Like Vomiting,” 956

“Today Will Beat Anything,” 978

“Tooling Up,” 460

“Tossup,” 526

“Touching Down,” 523

“Transaction,” 404

“Transcendence,” 724

“Transducer,” 481

“Transfer,” 494

“Translating,” 572

“Trap,” 362

“Treaties,” 474

“Treeful of Cleavage Flared Branching, A,” 21

“Triphammer Bridge,” 564

“Triplet,” 756

“Trouble Making Trouble,” 518

“Turning” (1951), 11

“Turning” (1973), 763

“Turning a Moment to Say So Long,” 10

“Tussock,” 740

“Two Motions,” 365

“Two Possibilities,” 446

“Uh, Philosophy,” 387

“Unbroken,” 392

“Undersea,” 454

“Unifying Principle, The,” 402

“Unmirroring Peak, The,” 765

“Unsaid,” 54

“Up,” 442

“Upland,” 386

Uplands, xxxvi, 396

“Uppermost,” 727

“Upright,” 104

“Utensil,” 511

“Variable Cloudiness Windy,” 1011

“Viable,” 590

“Village, Town, City—Highway, Road, Path,” 533

“Virtu,” 415

“Visit,” 89

“Wagons,” 455

“Watch, The,” 133

“Way to Go,” 395

“WCW,” 470

“Weather,” 754

“Weight,” 744

“Whaleboat Struck, The,” 9

“What This Mode of Motion Said,” 79

“When in Early,” 807

“When I Set Fire to the Reed Patch,” 19

“When I Think of ‘The Poet,” 887

“When One Is a Child One Lives,” 929

“When Rahman Rides,” 12

“Whole Half, The,” 509

“Whose Timeless Reach,” 136

“Wide Land, The,” 134

“Will Firinger Be Kissed: Will,” 1015

“Wind Coming Down From, The,” 393

“Wind Picks Up Slick, The,” 881

“Windy Trees,” 529

“Winter Saint,” 531

“Winter Scene,” 91

“With Ropes of Hemp,” 13

“Woodsroad, The,” 470

“Word Cries Out, The,” 939

“Words of Comfort,” 782

“Working Still,” 459

“Working with Tools,” 466

“World,” 106

“You Can,” 951

“You Can’t Get It Right,” 889

“You Can’t Imitate,” 943

“Your Full-Service Mover, Madam,” 805

“You Think of the Sun That It,” 990

“Yucca Moth, The,” 120

“Zone,” 374