1 Silence in phenomenology: Dream or nightmare?
Donna Orange
2 Encountering religious and spiritual silences
Colum Kenny
Silvia Bonacchi
4 The many forms of silence in music
Helga de la Motte-Haber
5 Silence in an age of distraction
Patrick Shen
Elsa Ronningstam
7 Varieties of silence in the analytic setting
Salman Akhtar
8 Silence as a manifestation of resistance
Aleksandar Dimitrijević
Jay Frankel
10 Winnicott’s capacity for silence in understanding and healing human nature
Margaret Boyle Spelman
11 Silence as a condition for analytic listening: Site, situation and process
Howard B. Levine
12 Silence and silencing of the traumatized
Aleksandar Dimitrijević
Introduction to Part III: Researching silence in (therapeutic) conversation
13 Measuring silence: The pausing inventory categorization system and a review of findings
Heidi M. Levitt and Zenobia Morrill
14 Pauses are conversations: What they tell us when we listen
Michael B. Buchholz
15 How to move on after silences: Addressing thought processes to restart conversation
Florian Dreyer and Michael M. Franzen These authors contributed equally to this work
16 The interaction order of silent moments in everyday life: Lapses as joint embodied achievements
Anna Vatanen
17 Speaking that silences: A single case multi-method analysis of a couple’s interview
Michael B. Buchholz, Oliver Ehmer, Christopher Mahlstedt, Stefan Pfänder, and Elke Schumann