
Acknowledgments  vii

1    Governance and the Uses of Race      1

Ian Whitmarsh and David S. Jones


2    What's the Use of Race in Presenting Forensic DNA Evidence in Court?      27

Jonathan Kahn

3    Forensic DNA Phenotyping: Reinforcing Race in Law Enforcement      49

Pamela Sankar

4    Beyond Inclusion, Beyond Difference: The Biopolitics of Health      63

Steven Epstein


5    Arguments against the Use of Racialized Categories as Genetic Variables in Biomedical Research: What Are They, and Why Are They Being Ignored?      91

Simon M. Outram and George T. H. Ellison

6    From Self-Identity to Genotype: The Past, Present, and Future of Ethnic Categories in Postgenomic Science      125

Richard Tutton, Andrew Smart, Richard Ashcroft, Paul Martin, and George T. H. Ellison

7    The Genomics of Difference and the Politics of Race in Canada      147

Amy Hinterberger

8    Race and Ancestry: Operationalizing Populations in Human Genetic Variation Studies      169

Joan H. Fujimura, Ramya Rajagopalan, Pilar N. Ossorio, and Kjell A. Doksum


9    Use of Racial and Ethnic Identity in Medical Evaluations and Treatments      187

Jay S. Kaufman and Richard S. Cooper

10    What's the Use of Culture?: Health Disparities and the Development of Culturally Competent Health Care      207

Angela C. Jenks

11    The Science and Epidemiology of Racism and Health: Racial/Ethnic Categories, Biological Expressions of Racism, and the Embodiment of Inequality—an Ecosocial Perspective      225

Nancy Krieger

Looking Forward

12    Race and the New Biocitizen      259

Dorothy Roberts

About the Contributors      277

Index      281