a man who had fallen among thieves (1926) 130
a salesman is an it that stinks Excuse (1944) 147
a total stranger one black day (1958) 165
a wind has blown the rain away and blown (1923) 27
a Woman/ of bronze (1983) 140
all ignorance toboggans into know (1944) 99
all in green went my love riding (1923) 111
all nearness pauses,while a star can grow (1958) 174
along the brittle treacherous bright streets (1926) 66
anyone lived in a pretty how town (1940) 109
as freedom is a breakfastfood (1940) 11
as if as (1935) 44
at the head of this street a gasping organ is waving moth-eaten (1923) 7
being to timelessness as it’s to time, (1958) 71
(b/ eLl/ s?/ bE (1935) 48
between the breasts (1925) 95
beyond the brittle towns asleep (1935) 25
beyond the stolid iron pond (1983) 24
birds((1935) 47
brIght(1935) 170
Buffalo Bill ’s (1923) 57
but the other (1923) 127
chérie/ the very,picturesque,last Day (1983) 65
conceive a man,should he have anything (1935) 103
death(having lost)put on his universe (1935) 115
don’t get me wrong oblivion (1983) 116
dying is fine)but Death (1950) 105
enter no(silence is the blood whose flesh (1963) 172
F is for foetus(a (1950) 146
(“fire stop thief help murder save the world” (1944) 160
flotsam and jetsam (1940) 154
for prodigal read generous (1958) 172
from spiralling ecstatically this (1958) 169
goodby Betty,don’t remember me (1923) 88
hate blows a bubble of despair into (1940) 70
here is little Effie’s head (1925) 112
how (1944) 40
i am a little church(no great cathedral) (1958) 167
i like my body when it is with your (1925) 82
i sing of Olaf glad and big (1931) 142
i thank You God for most this amazing (1950) 167
i was sitting in mcsorleys. Outside it was New York and beautifully snowing. (1925) 131
if everything happens that can’t be done (1944) 10
if there are any heavens my mother will(all by herself)have (1931) 53
in (1950) 19
in heavenly realms of hellas dwelt (1963) 120
in Just- (1923) 3
in making Marjorie god hurried (1925) 94
in time of daffodils(who know (1958) 177
into the strenuous briefness (1923) xix
it is so long since my heart has been with yours (1926) 68
it is winter a moon in the afternoon (1926) 168
it’s over a(see just (1944) 118
Jehovah buried,Satan dead, (1935) 161
“kitty”. sixteen,5′I″,white,prostitute. (1923) 91
kumrads die because they’re told) 0935) 150
l(a (1958) 39
let us suspect,chérie,this not very big (1983) 122
life is more true than reason will deceive (1944) 181
little joe gould has lost his teeth and doesn’t know where (1935) 57
little ladies more (1925) 89
logeorge/ lo/ wellifitisn’t eddy how’s the boy (1983) 128
look (1983) 80
maggie and millie and molly and may (1958) 6
may my heart always be open to little (1938) 26
mouse)Won (1935) 28
mr. smith (1983) 37
my father moved through dooms of love (1940) 54
my girl’s tall with long hard eyes (1925) 75
my love is building a building (1923) 64
my sweet old etcetera (1926) 141
n (1963) 41
n w (1983) 78
nearer:breath of my breath:take not thy tingling (1925) 93
“next to of course god america i (1926) 142
no man,if men are gods;but if gods must (1944) 166
now comes the good rain farmers pray for(and (1958) 27
now does our world descend (1963) 173
Now i lay(with everywhere around) (1963) 178
n(o)w/ the (1938) 42
now two old ladies sit peacefully knitting, (1983) 121
now winging selves sing sweetly,while ghosts(there (1983) 22
o by the by (1944) 9
O Distinct (1923) 63
O It’s Nice To Get Up In,the slipshod mucous kiss (1925) 75
O sweet spontaneous (1923) 18
O the sun comes up-up-up in the opening (1963) 5
(of Ever-Ever Land i speak (1938) 149
of my (1925) 34
old age sticks (1958) 171
one (1963) 179
one(Floatingly)arrive (1944) 110
one’s not half two. It’s two are halves of one: (1944) 69
Paris;this April sunset completely utters; (1925) 134
Picasso (1925) 35
pity this busy monster,manunkind, (1944) 158
plato told (1944) 145
(ponder,darling,these busted statues (1926) 76
rain or hail (1944) 58
red-rag and pink-flag (1940) 150
r-p-o-p-h-e-s-s-a-g-r (1935) 42
s((1983) 39
sh estiffl (1935) 45
she being Brand (1926) 77
silently, if,out of not knowable (1963) 70
since feeling is first (1926) 99
SNO (1925) 23
so many selves(so many fiends and gods (1950) 165
sometimes i am alive because with (1983) 81
somewhere i have never travelled,gladly beyond (1931) 65
sonnet entitled how to run the world) (1935) 104
Space being(don’t forget to remember)Curved (1931) 159
Spring is like a perhaps hand (1925) 20
spring omnipotent goddess thou dost (1923) 17
stinging (1923) 135
suppose (1925) 117
THANKSGIVING (1956) (1958) 151
that melancholy (1958) 133
the Cambridge ladies who live in furnished souls (1923) 53
the dirty colours of her kiss have just (1925) 93
the hills (1925) 24
the hours rise up putting off stars and it is (1925) 126
the Noster was a ship of swank (1940) 110
the poem her belly marched through me as (1925) 91
the skinny voice (1925) 129
the sky (1983) 38
the sky a silver (1923) 21
the trick of finding what you didn’t lose (1963) 100
the way to hump a cow is not (1940) 148
the wind is a Lady with (1925) 114
there are so many tictoc (1983) 101
“think of it:not so long ago (1983) 79
Tumbling-hair/ picker of buttercups/ violets (1923) 119
twentyseven bums give a prostitute the once (1925) 87
wanta (1983) 87
what does little Ernest croon (1935) 154
what if a much of a which of a wind (1944) 12
what is (1963) 174
what time is it?it is by every star (1963) 101
when faces called flowers float out of the ground (1950) 13
when god lets my body be (1923) 29
when life is quite through with (1925) 176
when serpents bargain for the right to squirm (1950) 158
when you rang at Dick Mid’s Place (1923) 92
wherelings whenlings (1940) 102
who are you,little i (1963) 3
who sharpens every dull (1950) 4
who were so dark of heart they might not speak, (1950) 8
writhe and (1923) 36
yes is a pleasant country: (1944) 67
ygUDuh (1944) 144
you shall above all things be glad and young. (1938) 67
your homecoming will be my homecoming—(1963) 68