

List of Illustrations  viii

List of Abbreviations  ix

List of Contributors  xiii


1 Introduction
Paul R. Brass (editor) 1


Part I Colonialism, Nationalism, and Independence in South Asia: India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka  25


2 India and Pakistan
Ian Talbot 27

3 Sri Lanka’s Independence: Shadows over a Colonial Graft
Nira Wickramasinghe 41


Part II Political Change, Political Parties, and the Issue of Unitary vs Federal Forms of Government  53


4 Political Change, Political Structure, and the Indian State since Independence
John Harriss 55

5 State-level Politics, Coalitions, and Rapid System Change in India
Virginia Van Dyke 67

6 Pakistan’s Politics and its Economy
Shahid Javed Burki 83

7 Party Overinstitutionalization, Contestation, and Democratic Degradation in Bangladesh
Harry Blair 98

8 Politics and Governance in Post-independence Sri Lanka
Neil DeVotta 118

9 Nepal:Trajectories of Democracy and Restructuring of the State
Krishna Hachhethu and
David N. Gellner 131

10 The Old and the New Federalism in Independent India
Lloyd I. Rudolph and
Susanne Hoeber Rudolph 147


Part III The Judiciary  163


11 India’s Judiciary: Imperium in Imperio?
Shylashri Shankar 165

12 Balancing Act: Prudence, Impunity, and Pakistan’s Jurisprudence
Paula R. Newberg 177

13 Confronting Constitutional Curtailments: Attempts to Rebuild Independence of the Judiciary in Bangladesh
Sara Hossain 191

14 Executive Sovereignty:The Judiciary in Sri Lanka
Shylashri Shankar 203


Part IV Pluralism and National Integration: Language Issues  211


15 Politics of Language in India
E. Annamalai 213

16 Language Problems and Politics in Pakistan
Tariq Rahman 232


Part V Crises of National Unity  247


17 Crises of National Unity in India: Punjab, Kashmir, and the Northeast
Gurharpal Singh 249

18 Communal and Caste Politics and Conflicts in India
Steven I.Wilkinson 262

19 Ethnic and Islamic Militancy in Pakistan
Mohammad Waseem 274

20 Ethnic Conflict and the Civil War in Sri Lanka Jayadeva Uyangoda  291


Part VI Political Economy  303


21 The Political Economy of Development in India since Independence Stuart Corbridge  305

22 The Political Economy of Agrarian Change in India Jan Breman  321

23 Economic Development and Sociopolitical Change in Sri Lanka since Independence W. D. Lakshman  337


Part VII Comparative Chapters  349


24 The Militaries of South Asia Stephen P. Cohen  351

25 Corruption and the Criminalization of Politics in South Asia Stanley A. Kochanek  364

26 Radical and Violent Political Movements Sumanta Banerjee  382

27 International Politics of South Asia Vernon Hewitt  399


Glossary  419

Bibliography  423

Index  451