accountant, using an, 88–89
accounts, individual retirement, 104–107
administrative goals, 49
non-compete, 76–77
non-disclosure, 76–77
one-page, 61
alternative revenue ideas, 172–177
annual tax return, filing, 94
attitude, importance of, 19–20, 24–25
audits, 95
bartering services, 64–65
baseline hourly rate, 51
blocks, creative, 189–190
blogging, 175
book, writing a, 173–174
bookkeeper, hiring a, 21
boundaries, setting, 155–166
branching out, success and, 172
brand umbrella, 41
brand, personal, 40–44
branding principles, incorporating, 41
loyalty and, 42–44
the goal of, 42
budget, making a, 129–130
basics, learning about, 168–169
blueprinting, 46–49
lawyer, retaining a, 21
model, choosing a, 21–22
plans, making, 45–46
businesses on the side, 195–212
cease and desist letter, 83
certifications, 170
goals, 48–49
relationships, cultivating, 147–148
client’s vision, aligning your work with the, 26
breaking up with, 164–165
connecting with, 145–154
courting, 146–147
figuring out who are your, 113–114
low-balling, 58–59
code, tax, obtaining a, 123
cold-calling, generating leads by, 116–119
collateral, print marketing, 130–131
communication, rules of, 160
consistent, staying, 43
consultations, 158–159
client, 26
contract process, 159
building your own, 73–76
hiring a lawyer to create a, 72–73
leveraging your, 78
multiple projects for one, 77–78
using a client’s, 76–77
signatures and, 78–79
using, 71–72
copyright infringement, 80, 81–83
taking legal action for, 82–83
copyright, protecting your work with, 79–81
corporations, 38
CPA, hiring a, 21
creative blocks, 189–190
creative bricks, 189–190
creative differences, rising above, 150–152
creative edge,
finding your, 23
using your, 177
creative staffing firms, working for, 124–125
critic, taming your inner, 27
customer service skills, 146–147
customer service, 145
how to be attentive to, 25
positive, 26
the importance of, 24–25
deadlines, meeting, 149–150
deductibles, 96
deductions, tax, 97–99
deposit, asking for a, 160
depreciation, 99–100
development, networking for professional, 171–172
differences, creative, 150–152
disputes, resolving, 83–85
domain name, obtaining a, 44
Dun & Bradstreet Number, 123
editing process, 159
education, continuing, 167–168
ego, talent and your, 20
egomaniacs, 27–28
Electronic Federal Tax Payment System, 93
e-mail marketing, 131–132
e-mail, generating leads by, 119–121
enforcement, importance of, 160–161
enterprise, expanding your, 182–183
environment, work, 181–182
estimate, putting together an, 59–60
expanding your enterprise, 182–183
expenses, tracking, 90
experience, pricing and, 54–55
feast or famine, getting through, 184–186
dealing with bad, 152–153
incorporating, 19
fees, project, 51–53
financial goals, 47–48
setting, 29–30
financial income model, 91–92
full-time, transitioning to, 204–206
generating leads, 111
getting started, 21–22
goal setting, 187–188
administrative, 49
client, 48–49
devising professional, 21–22
financial, 47–48
general, 46–47
legal, 48
setting financial, 29–30
government, working for the, 122–123
health insurance, 107–108
help, hiring, 100–101
home office, moving from your, 183–184
hotlist, creating your, 115–116
hourly rate, baseline, 51
hourly rates, 51–53
individual retirement accounts, 104–107
industry organizations, 170–171
infringement, copyright, 80, 81–83
insurance, health, 107–108
internal processes, formulating your, 21–22
invoicing, 101–102
Roth, 106
self-directed, 105–106
SEP, 106
simple, 105
traditional, 105
jerks, working with, 152–153
job-hunting, 121–122
using a, 39
working with a, 70–71
lead generation, 111
cold-calling, 116–119
e-mailing, 119–121
goals, 48
issues, 85
legally, resolving disputes, 83–85
limited liability company, 38
low-balling clients, weeding out, 58–59
marketing goals, 47
creating your, 127–128
marketing toolbox, creating a, 130
creative edge and, 128
e-mail, 131–132
the importance of, 40
media relations, 135–136
media, social, 136–137
keeping track of, 31
the importance of, 29
moonlighting, 195–212
managing time when, 64
money and, 205–206
networking and, 204
pros and cons of, 197–199
taxes and, 205–206
naming your business, 39–40
networking events, 139
networking for professional development, 171–172
networking, 138–140
non-compete agreement, 76–77
non-disclosure agreement, 76–77
notification letter, 83
ORCA, registering in, 123
organizations, industry, 170–171
outside professionals, hiring, 65–66
partnerships, 38
payment, rules for, 160
payments, tracking, 90
perfectionism, downfalls of, 27
performance evaluation, getting a, 123
personal brand, 40–44
personality, branding and, 42
podcast, making a, 175–176
portfolio, creating a, 62–64
press release, how to write a, 134–135
experience and different, 54–55
setting, 160
talent and different, 54–55
principles, branding, 41
print marketing collateral, 130–131
procrastination, ending, 149–150
professional development, networking for, 171–172
professional goals, devising, 21–22
professionalism, talent and, 28
project fees, 51–53
promoting your rate, 58–59
proposal, questions to ask for a, 62
proposals, 60–62
proprietorship, sole, 38
prospecting, 111
public relations, 133–134
public speaking, 172–173
pushy, being too, 117–118
quarterly taxes, 92–93
questions, the importance of asking, 25
quote, putting together a, 59–60
raise, giving yourself a, 57–58
baseline hourly rate, 51
negotiating your, 56–57
promoting your, 58–59
determining your, 49–51
hourly, 51–53
reaching out, 192–193
receipts, saving, 88
recordkeeping, 101–102
referral, using a, 118
relations, media, 135–136
creative, 140–142
objective, 142
profile, 142
resumes, language in, 143
retirement, planning for, 103–107
revenue ideas, alternative, 172–177
revenue, importance of, 31
revision process, 159
advising the client of, 26, 27
setting a limit on, 155–156
rights, owning, 79
Roth IRA, 106
rules, setting, 157–158
S corporation, 38
scope creep, 60
scope of work, 158
self-directed IRA, 105–106
self-employment tax, 91
SEP IRA, 106
service, customer, 145
bartering, 64–65
trading, 64–65
side businesses, 195–212
signatures, contracts and, 78–79
simple IRA, 105
skills, customer service, 146–147
social media, 136–137
sole proprietorship, 38
Solo 401(k), 104
speaking, public, 172–173
talent, pricing differences for, 54–55
target market, determining your, 114
tax code,
obtaining a, 123
model, 91–92
tax return, 92
filing your, 94
tax software, hiring out vs., 88–89
taxes, quarterly, 92–93
teaching, 176–177
1099 form, 91
time, protecting your, 161–162
tone, setting the, 193–194
trading services, 64–65
traditional IRA, 105
travel log, keeping a, 102
Twitter, using, 137
Web site,
branding of your, 42
importance of your, 44–45
what to include on your, 45
work environment, thriving in your, 181–182
work, scope of, 158
worth, determining what you are, 49–51
zone, getting into the, 190–192