Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.
acacia trees, 204
Accipiter gentilis, 164–66
acorns, 24–25. See also oak trees
Adams, Billy, 90
Adams, Butchie, 90
Adams, Floyd, xii, 90, 92, 93–94
Adams, Jimmy, 90
adelgids, 73
Adonis, 104
aesthetics, 267–74
Africa, tree diversity, 202
African flower scarabs, 104
African wild dogs, 205, 207–10
American chestnut, 18–31
backcross breeding, 27
germination, 24–25
shade tolerance, 29–31
American crows, 138–40
American Museum of Natural History, New York, 181–82
amino acids, 65, 250–51, 253–54
anemones (plants), 103–4
Angraecum sesquipedale, 57–59
Animal Behaviour (journal), 50, 144
antennae, 118
Apis cerana, 89
Aramidopsis plateni, 181–82
Archbold, Richard, 182
Arctic bumblebees, 75–83
reproductive strategy, 78–82
Arctic willows, 77
arnica, 82
Asian chestnut, 19
Asian honeybees, 89
Asian ladybird beetles, 73
athletes, 219–24
The Auk (bird journal), 144
auklets, 259
Australopithecus, 214
baboons, 274
balsam fir, 38
Bannister, Roger, 219
barn swallows, 263
bats, 118
Beamon, Bob, 219
The Beatles, 275
beauty, 267–74
bee-eaters, 213
bee-lining, 90–98
beech trees, 16, 17, 21, 30, 33
beechnut seeds, 12
bees. See also bumblebees; honeybees
deceived by orchids, 103
interdependence with flowers, 236–37
fireflies, 233
flight mechanism, 114–15
mating, 108–10
sudden movement, 243
whirligig beetles, 116–22
winter survival, 72
Beloperone californica, 58
Berkoff, David, 223
Betula alleghaniensis, 10–11
biological thermodynamics, 59–60, 191, 196
birch trees, 277
sap-lick, 162
seed production, 29
yellow birch, 10–17
“Birches” (Frost), 37
birds. See also specific birds
egg colors, 255–66
leks, 232
migration, 224
Bishop, K. David, 182
black bindweed, 251–52
black-headed gulls, 257
blackbirds, 263
blackish nightjar, 181
blood iris, 247
blowflies, 107, 113. See also maggots
Bombus affinis, 83–84
Bombus hyperboreus, 78
Bombus polaris, 77, 78, 79, 81, 82
Bombus terricola, 84
Boston, Ralph, 219
bramblings, 260
Brewer, Lawrence, 20
broad-winged hawk, 165
brown-headed cowbirds, 154, 261–64
bullfrogs, 230
Alaska, 82–83
brood care, 80–81
Canadian Arctic, 75–82
coevolution, 100–101
in food chain, 156–57
as keystone animals, 83
population decline, 83–84
reproductive strategy, 78–82
bunchberry, 271–72
burying beetles. See Nicrophorus tomentosus
Bushmen (San), 218
buttercups, 105
butterflies, 72. See also caterpillars
California quail eggs, 262
camouflage, 257–58
Caprimulgus, 178–83
Carabus. See ground beetles
caribou, 236
Carmel orchids, 103
carmine bee-eaters, 213
competition for, 107–11
carrion crows, 257
Castanea dentata. See American chestnut
Castanea mollissima, 27
Castanea sativa, 20
Arctic regions, 78
communal webs, 47
preying on aphids, 68
water conservation, 49–50
Catocala, 51–52
Chaplin, Susan, 168
cheetahs, 224
chestnut. See American chestnut
chickadees, 52, 52n, 72, 168, 199
chickens, 256
chimney swifts, 11
Chinese chestnut, 27
chipmunks, 199
Chlorocebus aethiops, 274
chlorophyll, 276–77
Chuparosa flowers, 58
cicadas, 61
Cicindelidae, 4
climate change, 83–84
climax species, 18
cluster flies, 71–72
Coe, Sebastian, 223
humans, 197–98
kinglets, 167–77
Coleoptera, 108
Collar, N. J., 178
collared nightjar, 181
collembolans (springtails), 170–71, 243
Collins, Scott, 52n
colobus monkeys, 231
colonial weaverbirds, 265–66
Colophospermum mopane, 202–5
common jewelweed, 243
common morning glories, 247–48, 252
common ravens. See ravens
Comp, James Raymond, 19–20
Compositae, 104
conifers. See also specific trees
and ice and snow, 35–37
leaves, 35–36
permanent shade, 14
consciousness, animal, 134–35
Coriolis effect, 248–49
Cornus canadensis, 271–72
corvids, 24–25
Corvus corax. See ravens
crown anemones, 103–4
Cuculiinae, 196
Dafni, Amots, 105–6
daisies, 104
Darwin, Charles
The Descent of Man, 267
egg coloration, 256
natural selection, 235
orchid studies, 57–59
prey species’ coloration, 68
Sprengel’s influence on, 100
daylight, 275–78
deer, feeding on conifers, 40
The Descent of Man (Darwin), 267
desert cicadas, 61
desert poppy, 104–5
diabolical nightjars, 178–83
Diamond, Jared M., 182
Diaporthe parasitica, 19–20
dirt, 3–9
divergence, 270
donkeys, 270
downy woodpeckers, 168
ducks, 257–58
Duman, Jack, 76
eastern pee-wees, 255
eastern phoebes, 151–55
ecological succession, 205–6
Edwards, Will, 248–49
egg color, 255–66
El Guerrouj, Hicham, 219
Ellesmere Island, Canada, 75–82
emperor moths, 203
energetics. See thermodynamics
European chestnut, 20
European gold crest, 173–74
European redstarts, 260
Eurostopodus, 180
convergence, 105–6
plant twist, 249–51
Fabaceae, 248
Fagaceae, 21
fall webworms, 47
fireflies, 233
flickers, 256
flies, 103, 107, 110, 111, 113
coevolution, 100–102
interdependence with bees, 236–37
reproduction, 99–100
flying squirrels, 199
Fosbury, Dick, 223
four-horned sphinx moth caterpillars, 48
Friedmann, Herbert, 262
Frost, Robert, 37
garden warblers, 264
gardening, 6–9
Geometridae, 62
Gerschler, Woldemar, 223
gibbons, 231
global warming, 83–84
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 100, 267–68
golden-crowned kinglets, 169, 170, 171, 176
“Golden Fleece Award,” 83
Gonimbrasia belina, 203
Gorteria diffusa, 104
goshawks, 164–66
green-bottle blowflies, 107, 113
green lacewings, 73–74
Greene, Maurice, 220
Griffin, Donald R., 118, 134–35
Gwinner, Eberhard, 129
Gynaephora moth caterpillars, 78
Gyrinidae, 116–22
hairy woodpeckers, 168
handedness, 252–54
Harbig, Rudolf, 223
Hatt, Robert T., 189–90
Hebard, Frederick, 27
Heinrich, Gerd (father), xii, 3, 4, 178–79, 181–82, 270–71
Heinrich, Hildegarde (mother), xii, 3, 4, 164
Heinrich, Marianne (sister), 3
Heinrich, Ulla (sister), 3
Heinrichia calligyna, 270–71
Heinrich’s nightjar, 178–83
hobblebush, 271–72
holly trees, 35
hominids, 214–18
bee-lining, 90–98
cooperative feeding, 132–33
disease die-offs, 97–98
honey collection by humans, 92–94
honey-making process, 87
swarming, 94–96
hornets, 89
horses, 270
hot-bloodedness, 60–63
howler monkeys, 231
ancestors, 214–18
athletes, 219–24
cold-weather survival, 197–98
evolution, 220–24
sexual selection, 273–74
species interdependence, 237–38
synchronous behavior, 233–34
thermoregulation, 61
Hypoviridae, 20
ice damage to trees, 32–37
Impatiens capensis, 243
diabolical nightjars, 178–83
thrushes, 270–71
indri, 231
insects. See also specific insects
antennae, 118
communal signals, 232–33
courting signals, 272
sudden movement, 243
insulation, 198
intelligence, animal, 134–44
interdependence, 235–38
Io moth caterpillars, 47
Ipomoea purpurea. See morning glories
Iridaceae, 248
Iris atrofusca, 240
Iris pseudacorus. See yellow iris
Iris sanguina, 247
Iris versicolor. See blue flag iris
behavior, 239–45
petal twists, 246–54
sudden movements, 243–45
Itasca, Lake, Minnesota, 116–22
jackdaws, 102
Jacobs, Lucia, 195
jewelweed, 243
Jordan, Karl, 58
Judaean Desert, 101, 103–6, 240
jumping spiders, 243
Kendeigh, Charles, 168
Khwai River, Botswana, 203, 207–8, 211
kingbirds, 263
kingfishers, 255
brood parasitism, 262
calls, 174–75
cold-weather survival, 167–77
diet, 170–71
habitat, 169
size, 169
thermoregulation, 169–72
Köhler, Wolfgang, 135
kudu, 218
Kukal, Olga, 78
Kukila (journal), 178
Lack, David, 256
ladybird (ladybug) beetles, 73, 121
lampyrid beetles, 233
larch, 36
Laufkäfer (ground beetles), 4–6, 5
Layne, James N., 190
leks, 232
lesser whitethroat, 264
Lewis, Carl, 219
lichens, 76
light, 275–78
Lindauer, Martin, 95–96
Linnaeus, Carolus, 165
lobster traps, 259
locoweed. See jimsonweed
loons, 256
Lopez, Barry, 147
Lore Lindu National Park, Indonesia, 178, 179, 182–83
Lovell, Maine, 30–31
Luci light, 276
Lucy (australopithecine), 214
lupines, 103
Lycaon pictus. See African wild dogs
Lydiard, Arthur, 223
MacLaren, William, 219
Madagascar, moths, 57–59
mallards, 257–58
synchronicity, 229–31
Mandrill baboons, 274
Manduca sexta. See tobacco sphinx moth caterpillar
mantid shrimp, 243
maple syrup, 191
maple trees
Marklevitz, M. Patrick, 179–80
Marshall, Stephen A., 107
Matobo National Park, Zimbabwe, 217
Merkel, Hermann, 19
migration, 224
mites, 110–11
Mojave Desert, California, 48, 48–49
mopane trees, 202–5
Moremi Game Reserve, Botswana
ecological balance, 201–6
safari, 207–15
moths. See also caterpillars
body temperature regulation, 60–62
emperor moths, 203
winter-active, 196
mourning clock butterflies, 72
mules, 270
Munduu, Ras, 207, 209, 210, 212–14
murres, 258–60
muscle contractions
slow movement, 243
sudden movements, 243
Museum of Natural History, Berlin, 181–82, 270–71
musicians, synchronicity, 233–34
National Enquirer, 83
National Geographic School Bulletin, 97
Natural History of Flies (Oldroyd), 71
natural selection, 235. See also sexual selection
Navajo, 218
Nessus sphinx moths, 56–57
Netiv HaLamed-Heh, Israel, 102–3
New York Zoological Park, 19
Nicrophorus tomentosus, 108–15, 109, 113
nightjars, 178–83
nightshade vines, 248
noctuids, 61–62
Northern Farm (Beston), 9
northern flying squirrels, 199
northern kinglets. See kinglets
northern swallowtail caterpillars, 55
nuthatches, 168
oak trees, 26, 33, 277. See also acorns
Okavango Delta, Botswana
elephants, 201–6
safari, 207–15
Oldroyd, Harold, 71
Ophrys carmeli, 103
“Oriental Bird Images” (website), 180
osmeteria, 54–55
Outside magazine, 224
owlet moths, 61–62
Paddock, Charles, 220
Pagels, John F., 171
Paiute, 218
Palmgren, Pontus, 169
Papaver asiaticus, 104–5
Papaveraceae, 105
Papilio canadensis, 45–47, 53, 53–55
Parus atricapillus. See chickadees
pee-wees, 255
Peromyscus, 111–12
Phaseolus coccineus, 247
Photinus carolinus, 233
photosynthesis, 276–77
pictographs, 216–17
pileated woodpeckers, 168
plant behavior, 239–45
plants, twist direction, 246–54
Ploceus capitatus, 265
Poincaré, Henri, 98
Pollenia rudis, 71–72
aesthetics, 271–72
plant behavior, 239–40
plant deception, 103
Polygonum convolvulus, 251–52
Powell, Mike, 219
Pratt, Mike, 8
prehistoric rock art, 216–17
Prociphilus tessellatus, 64–68, 65
pronghorn antelope, 218
Proxmire, William, 83
ptarmigans, 258
purple saxifrage, 77
quail eggs, 262
rails (birds), 181–82
ravens, 150
aesthetic for the new, 273
association with predators, 128
calls, 129–30
egg color, 264
intelligence, 134–44
suet-eating behavior, 137–38
red crown anemones, 103–4
red oaks, 26
red spruce, 36
feeding on conifers, 40
memory, 195
red-winged blackbird, 263
redstarts, 260
Reed, Chester A., 259
Rensch, Bernhard, 264
rescue animals, 159
rhizomes, 245
rock art, 216–17
rock ptarmigans, 258
rodents, courting signals, 272
Rothschild, Lionel Walter, 58
Rothstein, Stephen I., 263, 264–65
ruby-crowned kinglet, 169, 262
safaris, 207–15
San (Bushmen), 218
sand beetles, 4
sarcophagid (flesh) flies, 71, 107
satanic nightjars, 178–83
scarab beetles, 104, 105–6, 115
scarlet runner beans, 247
scarlet tanagers, 255
Science, 101
seasonal affective disorder, 200
Seeley, Thomas, 96–98
selective breeding, 220
Sewall, Charlie, 96–97
sexton beetles, 108–15, 109, 113
Shmida, Avishai, 101–3, 105, 240
short-tailed shrews, 112–13
shrubs, shedding leaves, 35
siamang gibbons, 231
Silphidae, 108
Smith, Christopher, 191
Snell, Peter, 223
The Snoring Bird (Heinrich), 178–79
snow buntings, 79
snow fleas (springtails), 170–71, 243
soil, 3–9
Solanaceae, 248
species interdependence, 235–38
Spencer, Herbert, xv
sphinx moth caterpillars, 48, 48–51, 144
Sphyrapicus varius, 157–63, 162, 231
spiders, 243
sporting events, 219–24
spotted sandpipers, 262
spotted towhees, 262
Sprengel, Christian Konrad, 99–100, 267–68
feeding on conifers, 40
memory, 195
starlings, 165–66
Stolarz, Maria, 249
Stomatopoda, 243
Stresemann, Erwin, 181–82, 270–71
sugar maples
sunshine, 275–78
survival of the fittest, 235, 268
swallows, 263
swallowtail caterpillars, 45–47, 53, 53–55
swifts, 11
swimming, 222–23
synchronicity, 227–34
animal vocalizations, 227–31
enhancing power, 231–32
group identity, 234
humans, 233–34
insects, 232–33
transferring information, 232
syrphid flies, 103
tamarack, 36
Tamiasciurus hudsonicus. See red squirrels
tanagers, 255
thermodynamics, 59–60, 191, 196
kinglets, 169–72
thrushes, 270–71
Thurber, Welles, 26–27
tiger beetles, 4
tiger swallowtail caterpillars, 45–47, 53, 53–55
Tinbergen, Niko, 257
tobacco sphinx moth caterpillars, 48, 48–50, 144
torpor, 172
towhee eggs, 262
track and field events, 219–24
trees. See also specific trees
ice damage, 32–37
species diversity in Africa, 202
stored sunlight, 276
twist direction, 248
The Trees in My Forest (Heinrich), 29
Trinidad white-tailed nightjar, 180–81
Tschantz, Beat, 259–60
turkeys, 227–29
underwing moth caterpillars, 51–52
U.S. Forest Service, 19–20
Venus flytrap, 239
vervet monkeys, 274
Vespa simillima, 89
Viburnum lantanoides, 271–72
village weavers, 265
vines, twist direction, 247–48
viruses, 20
voles, 136–37
vultures, 213–14
wagtail eggs, 260
Walden (Thoreau), 8
Wallace, Alfred Russel, 268
Walton, M. A., 190
warm-bloodedness, 60–63
wave mechanics, 120–21
weaverbirds, 265–66
Weld, Maine, 233–34
Wexford Soil Conservation District (Michigan), 19–20
whirligig beetles, 116–22
white birch trees, 33, 34, 277
white-lined sphinx moths, 58, 60
white oaks, 26
white pine trees, 36
whitethroat, 264
wilderness experiences, value of, 149–50
Williams, Willie, 220
willow ptarmigan eggs, 258
willows, 77
Wilson Bulletin, 177
winter, 32–37. See also cold-weather survival
Winter Ecology course, 197–200
winter solstice, 38
Winter World (Heinrich), 167, 176
wood, 276
woodchucks, 199
woodcocks, 269
woodpeckers, 168, 231, 255, 258. See also sapsuckers
woolly adelgids, 73
woolly alder aphids, 64–68, 65
Xanthopan morganii praedicta, 58
yellow-bellied sapsuckers, 157–63, 162, 231
yellow warblers, 263
Yong Ding Li, 178
zebras, 209