Grain-Free Breads and Crackers to Make You “Challah”

By now I think we’ve established our love for all things starch. It’s like asking the question, “Why on this night do we recline?” I’m pretty sure it’s so you can cram more carby matzo balls in, am I right? Or more Challah on Friday nights. Or more marble rye at the deli. Bread equals comfort, and after all the suffering, we deserve more bread! But when traditional, wheat-based breads can cause our people even more suffering, we need to ask a new question. Why do I torture myself? Oy vey! So for you we wrote this chapter filled with all of your favorites—five bagel variations, two Matzo recipes, Challah, Bialys, Rye Bread and even Pita Bread. We say kvetch less, enjoy more! And you can quote your bubbe on that one!

Note: You’ll notice that for some of these recipes, the primary measurements for certain ingredients are listed in metric weights. This is for greater precision; however, if you don’t have a metric scale, traditional U.S. measurements are included for you as well.