BAAL (or Baals)

Deities of Canaanite polytheism, Judg 10:10–14

The male god of the Phoenicians and Canaanites; the counterpart of the female Ashtaroth, 2 Kin 23:5

Nature of the worship of, 1 Kin 18:26, 28; 19:18; Ps 106:28; Jer 7:9; 19:5; Hos 9:10; 13:1, 2

Worshiped by Israelites, Num 25:1–5; Judg 2:11–14; 3:7; 6:28–32; 1 Kin 16:31, 32; 2 Kin 21:3; Jer 11:13; Hos 2:8

Ahaz makes images to, 2 Chr 28:1–4

Overthrown by Elijah, 1 Kin 18:17–40

by Josiah, 2 Kin 23:4, 5

Denounced by prophets, Jer 19:4–6; Ezek 16:1, 2, 20, 21

Historic retrospect, Rom 11:4

BAAL PEOR (or Baal of Peor)

A Moabite god; worshiped by Israelites, Num 25:1–9


Site of David’s victory over the Philistines, 2 Sam 5:18–20

Same as Perazim, Is 28:21


A Philistine god at Ekron, 2 Kin 1:2

Ahaziah inquires of, 2 Kin 1:2, 6, 16

Also called Beelzebub, Matt 10:25; 12:24


A town also known as Kirjath Jearim, Josh 15:9, 10


Deities of Canaanite polytheism, Judg 10:10–14

Ensnare Israelites, Judg 2:11–14; 3:7

Ahaz makes images to, 2 Chr 28:1–4


A murderer of Ishbosheth, 2 Sam 4:1–12


Usurps throne of Israel; his evil reign; wars with Judah, 1 Kin 15:16–16:7


b is no different Eccl 10:11

“What does this b Acts 17:18


the profane and idle b 1 Tim 6:20


the b leaped in my Luke 1:44

You will find a B Luke 2:12

for he is a b Heb 5:13


A huge brick structure intended to magnify man and preserve the unity of the race, Gen 11:1–4

Objectives of, thwarted by God, Gen 11:5–9


Out of the mouth of b Ps 8:2

b shall rule over them Is 3:4

revealed them to b Matt 11:25

‘Out of the mouth of b Matt 21:16

a teacher of b Rom 2:20

as to carnal, as to b 1 Cor 3:1

as newborn b 1 Pet 2:2


Built by Nimrod; Tower of Babel, Gen 10:8–10; 11:1–9

Descriptions of, Is 13:19; 14:4; Jer 51:44; Dan 4:30

Jews carried captive to, 2 Kin 25:1–21; 2 Chr 36:5–21

Inhabitants of, described, Is 47:1, 9–13; Jer 50:35–38; Dan 5:1–3

Prophecies concerning, Is 13:1–22; Jer 21:1–7; 25:9–12; 27:5–8; 29:10; Jer 50:1–46; Dan 2:31–38; 7:2–4

The prophetic city, Rev 14:8; 16:19; 17:1–18:24


Jordan turned b Ps 114:3

but a rod is for the b Prov 10:13

for the fool’s b Prov 26:3

I gave My b to those Is 50:6

cast Me behind your b Ezek 23:35

found Him, bring b word Matt 2:8

plow, and looking b Luke 9:62

they drew b and fell John 18:6

I am sending him b Philem 12

of those who draw b Heb 10:39

someone turns him b James 5:19

inside and on the b Rev 5:1


b, haters of God Rom 1:30


b tongue an angry Prov 25:23


The b in heart will be Prov 14:14


b will rebuke you Jer 2:19

And I will heal your b Jer 3:22

b have increased Jer 5:6

for our b are many Jer 14:7


fell off the seat b 1 Sam 4:18

shadow ten degrees b 2 Kin 20:11


speak to you either b Gen 24:50

good for b or b for good Lev 27:10

b tree bears b fruit Matt 7:17


is sealed up in a b Job 14:17

wages to put into a b Hag 1:6

nor b for your Matt 10:10


b twelve cakes with it Lev 24:5


b unleavened cakes Ex 12:39

b unleavened bread 1 Sam 28:24


the butler and the b Gen 40:1


of bread from the b Jer 37:21


kindles it and b bread Is 44:15


Sent by Balak to curse Israel, Num 22:5–7; Josh 24:9

Hindered by talking donkey, Num 22:22–35; 2 Pet 2:16

Curse becomes a blessing, Deut 23:4, 5; Josh 24:10

Prophecies of, Num 23:7–10, 18–24; 24:3–9, 15–24

NT references to, 2 Pet 2:15, 16; Jude 11; Rev 2:14


A Moabite king, Num 22:4

Hires Balaam to curse Israel, Num 22–24


b is an abomination Prov 11:1

small dust on the b Is 40:15


falsifying the b Amos 8:5


shall not make any b Lev 21:5

every head shall be b Jer 48:37

completely b because Ezek 27:31


Go up, you b 2 Kin 2:23


a little b and a Gen 43:11

no b in Gilead Jer 8:22


A b of robbers takes Hos 7:1

with a golden b Rev 1:13


him, and b his wounds Luke 10:34


my money with the b Matt 25:27


we will set up our b Ps 20:5

They set up their b Ps 74:4

as an army with b Song 6:4


b that I have prepared Esth 5:4

companions make a b Job 41:6

lords, came to the b Dan 5:10


He brought me to the b Song 2:4


b shall be removed Amos 6:7


coming to his b Matt 3:7

b that I am baptized Matt 20:22

The b of John Matt 21:25

But I have a b Luke 12:50

said, “Into John’s b Acts 19:3

with Him through b Rom 6:4

Lord, one faith, one b Eph 4:5

buried with Him in b Col 2:12

now saves us—b 1 Pet 3:21


of the doctrine of b Heb 6:2


I indeed b you with Matt 3:11

“Why then do you b John 1:25

Himself did not b John 4:2

did not send me to b 1 Cor 1:17


“I need to be b Matt 3:14

b will be saved Mark 16:16

b more disciples John 4:1

be b with the Holy Spirit Acts 1:5

every one of you be b Acts 2:38

all his family were b Acts 16:33

believed and were b Acts 18:8

Arise and be b Acts 22:16

were b into Christ Rom 6:3

I thank God that I b 1 Cor 1:14

b the household 1 Cor 1:16

all were b into Moses 1 Cor 10:2

Spirit we were all b 1 Cor 12:13

who are b for the dead 1 Cor 15:29

as many of you as were b Gal 3:27


b them in the name of Matt 28:19

therefore I came b John 1:31

BAR-JESUS (or Elymas)

A Jewish false prophet, Acts 13:6–12


Surname of Simon (Peter), Matt 16:17


A murderer released in place of Jesus, Matt 27:16–26; Acts 3:14, 15


Defeats Jabin, Judg 4:1–24

A man of faith, Heb 11:32


nor uncircumcised, b Col 3:11


make yourselves b Is 32:11

The LORD has made b Is 52:10


a land of wheat and b Deut 8:8

loaf of b bread tumbled Judg 7:13

beginning of b harvest Ruth 1:22

who has five b loaves John 6:9

and three quarts of b Rev 6:6


seed still in the b Hag 2:19

the wheat into my b Matt 13:30

storehouse nor b Luke 12:24


A disciple from Cyprus; gives property, Acts 4:36, 37

Supports Paul, Acts 9:27

Ministers in Antioch, Acts 11:22–30

Travels with Paul, Acts 12:25; 13–15

Breaks with Paul over John Mark, Acts 15:36–39


b will be filled Prov 3:10

b are broken down Joel 1:17

reap nor gather into b Matt 6:26

I will pull down my b Luke 12:18


But Sarai was b Gen 11:30

b has borne seven 1 Sam 2:5

He grants the b Ps 113:9

“Sing, O b Is 54:1

‘Blessed are the b Luke 23:29

“Rejoice, O b Gal 4:27

you will be neither b 2 Pet 1:8


A fruitful land into b Ps 107:34


has strengthened the b Ps 147:13

bronze and cut the b Is 45:2

the earth with its b Jon 2:6


Nominated to replace Judas, Acts 1:23

Sent to Antioch, Acts 15:22


Called Nathanael, John 1:45, 46

One of the twelve apostles, Matt 10:3; Acts 1:13


Blind beggar healed by Jesus, Mark 10:46–52


Son of Neriah, Jer 32:12, 13

Jeremiah’s faithful friend and scribe, Jer 36:4–32


Supplies David with food, 2 Sam 17:27–29

Age restrains him from following David, 2 Sam 19:31–39


the elder, and the b Is 3:5

and the b things of 1 Cor 1:28


Conquered by Israel, Num 21:33–35

Assigned to Manasseh, Deut 3:13

Conquered by Hazael, king of Syria, 2 Kin 10:32, 33


poured water into a b John 13:5


Cursed shall be your b Deut 28:17

b had very good figs Jer 24:2

and put it under a b Matt 5:15

I was let down in a b 2 Cor 11:33


there were three white b Gen 40:16

and there were two b Jer 24:1

they took up twelve b Matt 14:20

took up seven large b Matt 15:37


My sword shall be b Is 34:5

to him, “He who is b John 13:10


Wife of Uriah, taken by David, 2 Sam 11

Her first child dies, 2 Sam 12:14–19

Bears Solomon, 2 Sam 12:24

Secures throne for Solomon, 1 Kin 1:15–31

Deceived by Adonijah, 1 Kin 2:13–25


To the moles and b Is 2:20


b is the LORD’s 1 Sam 17:47

out to God in the b 1 Chr 5:20

strength for the b Ps 18:39

The LORD mighty in b Ps 24:8

for the day of b Prov 21:31

the b to the strong Eccl 9:11

who turn back the b Is 28:6

A sound of b is in the Jer 50:22

prepare for b 1 Cor 14:8

became valiant in b Heb 11:34

gather them to the b Rev 16:14


greater than I can b Gen 4:13

whom Sarah shall b Gen 17:21

not b false witness Ex 20:16

from the paw of the b 1 Sam 17:37

they shall b you up in Ps 91:12

b a broken spirit Prov 18:14

be clean, you who b Is 52:11

b their iniquities Is 53:11

LORD could no longer b Jer 44:22

b deprived of her cubs Hos 13:8

lion, and a b met him Amos 5:19

He shall b the glory Zech 6:13

child, and b a Son Matt 1:23

A good tree cannot b Matt 7:18

how long shall I b Matt 17:17

by, to b His cross Mark 15:21

wife Elizabeth will b Luke 1:13

And whoever does not b Luke 14:27

in Me that does not b John 15:2

for he does not b Rom 13:4

are strong ought to b Rom 15:1

you may be able to b 1 Cor 10:13

B one another’s Gal 6:2

I b in my body the Gal 6:17

b the sins of many Heb 9:28

like the feet of a b Rev 13:2


the edges of your b Lev 19:27

I caught it by its b 1 Sam 17:35

took Amasa by the b 2 Sam 20:9

Running down on the b Ps 133:2


goes forth weeping, b Ps 126:6

And He, b His cross John 19:17

b with one another Col 3:13

the camp, b His reproach Heb 13:13


Every branch that b John 15:2

b all things 1 Cor 13:7

it is the Spirit who b 1 John 5:6


b has devoured him Gen 37:20

You preserve man and b Ps 36:6

I was like a b before Ps 73:22

to the b its food Ps 147:9

b touches the mountain Heb 12:20

And I saw a b rising Rev 13:1

Then I saw another b Rev 13:11

the mark of the b Rev 19:20


are we counted as b Job 18:3

The b go into dens Job 37:8

like the b that perish Ps 49:12

I have fought with b 1 Cor 15:32

like brute b Jude 10


I will b down his foes Ps 89:23

You shall b him with a Prov 23:14

b their swords into Is 2:4

you shall b in pieces Mic 4:13

spat in His face and b Matt 26:67

but b his breast Luke 18:13


and you will be b Mark 13:9

his will, shall be b Luke 12:47

Three times I was b 2 Cor 11:25

when you are b for your 1 Pet 2:20


but Rachel was b Gen 29:17

B in elevation Ps 48:2

has made everything b Eccl 3:11

my love, you are as b Song 6:4

of the LORD shall be b Is 4:2

How b upon the Is 52:7

indeed appear b Matt 23:27

begging alms at the B Acts 3:10

they saw he was a b Heb 11:23


b the humble with Ps 149:4

b the place of My Is 60:13


for glory and for b Ex 28:2

“The b of Israel is 2 Sam 1:19

To behold the b Ps 27:4

and b is passing Prov 31:30

see the King in His b Is 33:17

no b that we should Is 53:2

the one I called B Zech 11:7

Do not let your b 1 Pet 3:3

the incorruptible b 1 Pet 3:4


b a living being Gen 2:7

to the Jews I b 1 Cor 9:20

for I b like you Gal 4:12


house, if I make my b Job 17:13

I remember You on my b Ps 63:6

if I make my b in hell Ps 139:8

Also our b is green Song 1:16

b is too short to stretch Is 28:20

you have set your b Is 57:7

“Arise, take up your b Matt 9:6

be two men in one b Luke 17:34

and the b undefiled Heb 13:4


sing aloud on their b Ps 149:5

shall rest in their b Is 57:2

who lie on b of ivory Amos 6:4


Egypt, and for the b Is 7:18


Jesus accused of serving, Matt 10:25; 12:24–27


Angel meets Hagar there, Gen 16:7–14

Isaac dwells in, Gen 24:62


God appears there to Hagar, Gen 21:14–19

to Isaac, Gen 26:23–25

to Jacob, Gen 46:1–5

to Elijah, 1 Kin 19:3–7

Oaths sworn there by Abraham, Gen 21:31–33

by Isaac, Gen 26:26–33


do not worry b Mark 13:11

told you all things b Mark 13:23

not to meditate b Luke 21:14

when He testified b 1 Pet 1:11


I would b mercy of my Job 9:15

I am ashamed to b Luke 16:3

b you as sojourners 1 Pet 2:11


Then men b to call on Gen 4:26

since the world b Luke 1:70


b a scoffer does Prov 17:21

b a wise child will Prov 23:24

b a hundred children Eccl 6:3


and lifts the b 1 Sam 2:8

there was a certain b Luke 16:20


weak and b elements Gal 4:9


b God created the Gen 1:1

Though your b was Job 8:7

of the LORD is the b Ps 111:10

that God does from b Eccl 3:11

who made them at the b Matt 19:4

In the b was the Word John 1:1

This b of signs Jesus John 2:11

a murderer from the b John 8:44

with Me from the b John 15:27

the b, the firstborn Col 1:18

having neither b Heb 7:3

True Witness, the B Rev 3:14

and the Omega, the B Rev 21:6


I have b You Ps 2:7

heart, ‘Who has b Is 49:21

glory as of the only b John 1:14

Christ Jesus I have b 1 Cor 4:15

abundant mercy has b 1 Pet 1:3

loves him who is b 1 John 5:1


b unstable souls 2 Pet 2:14


Having b in the Spirit Gal 3:3

that He who has b Phil 1:6


to speak on God’s b Job 36:2

you on Christ’s b 2 Cor 5:20

has been granted on b Phil 1:29


I will b wisely in a Ps 101:2

does not b rudely 1 Cor 13:5


sent him, and b wisely 1 Sam 18:5

and blamelessly we b 1 Thess 2:10


of good b, hospitable 1 Tim 3:2

they be reverent in b Titus 2:3


he sent and had John b Matt 14:10

those who had been b Rev 20:4


Described, Job 40:15–24


the eyes to b the sun Eccl 11:7

B, you are fair Song 1:15

B, the virgin shall Is 7:14

Judah, “B your God Is 40:9

B the Lamb of God John 1:36

I am, that they may b John 17:24

to them, “B the Man John 19:5

B what manner of love 1 John 3:1


with unveiled face, b 2 Cor 3:18


man became a living b Gen 2:7

God while I have my b Ps 104:33

move and have our b Acts 17:28

who, b in the form of Phil 2:6


Patron god of Babylon, Is 46:1; Jer 50:2; 51:44


by the Spirit and b 2 Thess 2:13


B in the LORD your God 2 Chr 20:20

tears, “Lord, I b Mark 9:24

b that you receive Mark 11:24

because they did not b Mark 16:14

have no root, who b Luke 8:13

and slow of heart to b Luke 24:25

to those who b John 1:12

how will you b John 3:12

sent, Him you do not b John 5:38

we may see it and b John 6:30

to him, “Do you b John 9:35

this, that they may b John 11:42

you b in God John 14:1

written that you may b John 20:31

King Agrippa, do you b Acts 26:27

the Lord Jesus and b Rom 10:9

And how shall they b Rom 10:14

a wife who does not b 1 Cor 7:12

I spoke,” we also b 2 Cor 4:13

given to those who b Gal 3:22

Christ, not only to b Phil 1:29

comes to God must b Heb 11:6

b that there is one James 2:19

Even the demons b James 2:19

Beloved, do not b 1 John 4:1


And he b in the LORD Gen 15:6

b that I would see the Ps 27:13

Who has b our report Is 53:1

of that city b in Him John 4:39

seen Me, you have b John 20:29

who heard the word b Acts 4:4

of those who b were of Acts 4:32

Holy Spirit when you b Acts 19:2

“Abraham b God Rom 4:3

I know whom I have b 2 Tim 1:12


be an example to the b 1 Tim 4:12

are benefited are b 1 Tim 6:2


The simple b every Prov 14:15

He who b and is Mark 16:16

that whoever b in Him John 3:16

He who b in the Son John 3:36

with the heart one b Rom 10:10

b all things 1 Cor 13:7


you ask in prayer, b Matt 21:22

blessed with b Abraham Gal 3:9


On your b you shall go Gen 3:14

And Jonah was in the b Jon 1:17

three nights in the b Matt 12:40

whose god is their b Phil 3:19


To the Lord our God b Dan 9:9

My name, because you b Mark 9:41


“The b of the LORD Deut 33:12

so He gives His b Ps 127:2

of myrrh is my b Song 1:13

My b is mine Song 2:16

b more than another Song 5:9

Where has your b Song 6:1

leaning upon her b Song 8:5

a song of my B Is 5:1

for you are greatly b Dan 9:23

“This is My b Matt 3:17

election they are b Rom 11:28

us accepted in the B Eph 1:6

Luke the b physician Col 4:14

than a slave as a b Philem 16

“This is My b 2 Pet 1:17

our b brother Paul 2 Pet 3:15

the saints and the b Rev 20:9


King of Babylon; Daniel interprets his dream, Dan 5


with a leather b Matt 3:4

us, he took Paul’s b Acts 21:11


Daniel’s Babylonian name, Dan 1:7


Or who will b you Jer 15:5

for the dead, nor b Jer 22:10


Son of Lot; father of the Ammonites, Gen 19:38


Ben-Hadad I, king of Damascus; hired by Asa, king of Judah, to attack Baasha, king of Israel, 1 Kin 15:18–21

———Ben-Hadad II, king of Damascus; makes war on Ahab, king of Israel, 1 Kin 20

Falls in siege against Samaria, 2 Kin 6:24–33; 7:6–20

Killed by Hazael, 2 Kin 8:7–15

———Ben-Hadad III, king of Damascus; loses all Israelite conquests made by Hazael, his father, 2 Kin 13:3–25


Rachel’s name for Benjamin, Gen 35:16–18


The son of Jehoiada; a mighty man, 2 Sam 23:20–23

Faithful to David, 2 Sam 15:18; 20:23

Escorts Solomon to the throne, 1 Kin 1:38–40

Executes Adonijah, Joab and Shimei, 1 Kin 2:25, 29–34, 46

———A Pirathonite; another of David’s mighty men, 2 Sam 23:30

Divisional commander, 1 Chr 27:14


The wicked b their bow Ps 11:2


and on the earth b Deut 4:39

“You are from b John 8:23


them are called ‘b Luke 22:25


That I may see the b Ps 106:5

people who could not b Is 30:5

might have a second b 2 Cor 1:15


Jacob’s youngest son, Gen 35:16–20

Taken to Egypt against Jacob’s wishes, Gen 42–45

Jacob’s prophecy concerning, Gen 49:27

———Tribe of:

Families of, Num 26:38–41

Territory allotted to, Josh 18:11–28

Attacked by remaining tribes for condoning sin of Gibeah, Judg 20:12–48

Wives provided for remnant of, Judg 21:1–23

Tribe of Saul, 1 Sam 9:1, 2

of Paul, Phil 3:5


behold, this vine b Ezek 17:7


A city of Macedonia; visited by Paul, Acts 17:10–15


I will b them of Jer 15:7

no more shall you b Ezek 36:12

children, yet I will b Hos 9:12


Sister of Herod Agrippa II, Acts 25:13, 23

Hears Paul’s defense, Acts 26:1–30



A king of Babylon, 2 Kin 20:12–19


Return, we b You Ps 80:14

b you therefore Rom 12:1

of the Lord, b you to Eph 4:1


He leads me b the Ps 23:2

“Paul, you are b Acts 26:24

For if we are b 2 Cor 5:13


with the b ointments Amos 6:6

‘Bring out the b Luke 15:22

earnestly desire the b 1 Cor 12:31


LORD, that He may b Ex 32:29

b greater honor 1 Cor 12:23


love the Father has b 1 John 3:1


Twin towns of Ephraim, Josh 16:3, 5

Fortified by Solomon, 2 Chr 8:3–5

Prominent in battles, Josh 10:10–14; 1 Sam 13:18


Town near Pisgah, Deut 3:29

Moses buried near, Deut 34:6

Assigned to Reubenites, Josh 13:15, 20

BETH SHAN (or Beth Shean)

A town in Issachar, Josh 17:11–16

Saul’s corpse hung up at, 1 Sam 31:10–13; 2 Sam 21:12–14


Ark brought to, 1 Sam 6:12–19

Joash defeats Amaziah at, 2 Kin 14:11

Taken by Philistines, 2 Chr 28:18


A place beyond the Jordan where John baptized, John 1:28


A town on the Mt. of Olives, Luke 19:29

Home of Lazarus, John 11:1

Home of Simon, the leper, Matt 26:6

Jesus visits there, Mark 11:1, 11, 12

Scene of the Ascension, Luke 24:50, 51


Abram settles near, Gen 12:7, 8

Site of Abram’s altar, Gen 13:3, 4

Site of Jacob’s vision of the ladder, Gen 28:10–19

Jacob returns to, Gen 35:1–15

Samuel judges there, 1 Sam 7:15, 16

Site of worship and sacrifice, 1 Sam 10:3

Center of idolatry, 1 Kin 12:28–33

Josiah destroys altars of, 2 Kin 23:4, 15–20

Denounced by prophets, 1 Kin 13:1–10; Amos 7:10–13; Jer 48:13; Hos 10:15


Jerusalem pool, John 5:2–4


Originally called Ephrath, Gen 35:16

Rachel buried there, Gen 35:19

Home of Naomi and Boaz, Ruth 1:1, 19; 4:9–11

Home of David, 1 Sam 16:1–18

Predicted place of Messiah’s birth, Mic 5:2

Christ born there, Matt 2:1; Luke 2:4–7; John 7:42

Infants of, killed by Herod, Matt 2:16–18


Village near Bethany, Mark 11:1

Near Mt. of Olives, Matt 21:1


A city of Galilee, Mark 6:45

Home of Andrew, Peter and Philip, John 1:44; 12:21

Blind man healed there, Mark 8:22, 23

5,000 fed nearby, Luke 9:10–17

Unbelief of, denounced, Matt 11:21; Luke 10:13


the outcasts, do not b Is 16:3

you, one of you will b Matt 26:21

Now brother will b Mark 13:12


Man is about to be b Matt 17:22

in which He was b 1 Cor 11:23


See, My b is at Matt 26:46


“Judas, are you b Luke 22:48


who is the one who b John 21:20


“You shall b a wife Deut 28:30

“I will b you to Me Hos 2:19


to a virgin b to a man Luke 1:27

For I have b you to 2 Cor 11:2


b than sacrifice 1 Sam 15:22

It is b to trust in Ps 118:8

B is a little with the Prov 15:16

B is a dry morsel Prov 17:1

B is the poor who Prov 19:1

B to dwell in Prov 21:19

b is a neighbor Prov 27:10

B a handful with Eccl 4:6

Two are b than one Eccl 4:9

B a poor and wise Eccl 4:13

were the former days b Eccl 7:10

features appeared b Dan 1:15

For it is b to marry 1 Cor 7:9

Christ, which is far b Phil 1:23

b than the angels Heb 1:4

b things concerning Heb 6:9

b things than that Heb 12:24


A symbol of true Israel, Is 62:4, 5


B of false prophets Matt 7:15

b of evil workers Phil 3:2

B lest anyone cheat Col 2:8


b you that you should Gal 3:1


b what is written 1 Cor 4:6

b their ability 2 Cor 8:3

advanced in Judaism b Gal 1:14


Hur’s grandson, 1 Chr 2:20

Tabernacle builder, Ex 31:1–11; 35:30–35


One of Job’s friends, Job 2:11

Makes three speeches, Job 8:1–22; 18:1–21; 25:1–6


Rachel’s maid, Gen 29:29

The mother of Dan and Naphtali, Gen 30:1–8

Commits incest with Reuben, Gen 35:22


b have gone over me Ps 42:7

all Your b and Your Jon 2:3


b the cluster of the Job 38:31

b the wild ox in the Job 39:10

b them around your Prov 3:3

B them on your fingers Prov 7:3

B up the testimony Is 8:16

but He will b us up Hos 6:1

and whatever you b Matt 16:19

B him hand and foot Matt 22:13

b heavy burdens Matt 23:4


the blood of the b Lev 14:52

with him as with a b Job 41:5

soul, “Flee as a b Ps 11:1

has escaped as a b Ps 124:7

b hastens to the snare Prov 7:23

for a b of the air may Eccl 10:20

fly away like a b Hos 9:11

unclean and hated b Rev 18:2


b will eat your flesh Gen 40:19

b make their nests Ps 104:17

b caught in a snare Eccl 9:12

Look at the b Matt 6:26

“Foxes have holes and b Matt 8:20


heaven, who gives it b Job 38:29

makes the deer give b Ps 29:9

the day of one’s b Eccl 7:1

bring to the time of b Is 66:9

the deer also gave b Jer 14:5

Now the b of Jesus Matt 1:18

will rejoice at his b Luke 1:14

who was blind from b John 9:1

conceived, it gives b James 1:15


which was Pharaoh’s b Gen 40:20

b gave a feast for his Mark 6:21


“Sell me your b Gen 25:31

Esau despised his b Gen 25:34

according to his b Gen 43:33

of food sold his b Heb 12:16


the position of a b 1 Tim 3:1

b must be blameless Titus 1:7


and they b the people Num 21:6

be harnessed with b Ps 32:9


A serpent may b Eccl 10:11

But if you b and Gal 5:15


The Spirit keeps Paul from, Acts 16:7

Peter writes to Christians of, 1 Pet 1:1


the great house into b Amos 6:11

Indeed, we put b James 3:3


made their lives b Ex 1:14

b herbs they Ex 12:8

to those who are b Prov 31:6

who put b for sweet Is 5:20

and do not be b Col 3:19

But if you have b James 3:14

make your stomach b Rev 10:9


has dealt very b Ruth 1:20

And Hezekiah wept b 2 Kin 20:3

he went out and wept b Matt 26:75


man dies in the b Job 21:25

heart knows its own b Prov 14:10

all my years in the b Is 38:15

you are poisoned by b Acts 8:23

b springing up cause Heb 12:15


My skin grows b Job 30:30

wavy, and b as a raven Song 5:11

one hair white or b Matt 5:36

a b horse Rev 6:5

and the sun became b Rev 6:12


the heavens with b Is 50:3

whom is reserved the b Jude 13


The b with the tongs Is 44:12

I have created the b Is 54:16


went in after the b Judg 3:22

first the b Mark 4:28


that anyone should b 2 Cor 8:20

be holy and without b Eph 1:4


You shall be b Deut 18:13

and that man was b Job 1:1

when You speak, and b Ps 51:4

Let my heart be b Ps 119:80

end, that you may be b 1 Cor 1:8

which is in the law, b Phil 3:6

you holy, and b Col 1:22

your hearts b in 1 Thess 3:13

body be preserved b 1 Thess 5:23

bishop then must be b 1 Tim 3:2

deacons, being found b 1 Tim 3:10

without spot and b 2 Pet 3:14


b we behaved 1 Thess 2:10


b Your name forever Ps 74:10

compelled them to b Acts 26:11

may learn not to b 1 Tim 1:20

b that noble name James 2:7

God, to b His name Rev 13:6


a foolish people has b Ps 74:18

b continually every Is 52:5

who passed by b Him Matt 27:39

who were hanged b Luke 23:39

The name of God is b Rom 2:24

doctrine may not be b 1 Tim 6:1

On their part He is b 1 Pet 4:14

great heat, and they b Rev 16:9


I was formerly a b 1 Tim 1:13


boasters, proud, b 2 Tim 3:2


b the name of the LORD Lev 24:16

“This Man b Matt 9:3


false witness, b Matt 15:19

is this who speaks b Luke 5:21

great things and b Rev 13:5


but the b against Matt 12:31

“He has spoken b Matt 26:65

was full of names of b Rev 17:3


By the b of God they Job 4:9

for the b of the Is 25:4


“I b you with blight Amos 4:9


“What then is this b 1 Sam 15:14


shall be without b Ex 12:5

LORD, a ram without b Lev 6:6

be holy and without b Eph 5:27

as of a lamb without b 1 Pet 1:19


to the Lord what is b Mal 1:14


b those who b you Gen 12:3

You go unless You b Gen 32:26

“The LORD b you and Num 6:24

b the LORD at all Ps 34:1

b You while I live Ps 63:4

b His holy name Ps 103:1

b the house of Israel Ps 115:12

b those who fear the Ps 115:13

b you in the name of Ps 129:8

I will abundantly b Ps 132:15

b those who curse Luke 6:28

B those who persecute Rom 12:14

Being reviled, we b 1 Cor 4:12

With it we b our God James 3:9


And God b them Gen 1:22

the earth shall be b Gen 12:3

b be those who Gen 27:29

indeed he shall be b Gen 27:33

B is he who Num 24:9

B shall be the Deut 28:4

You have b the work of Job 1:10

B is the man who walks Ps 1:1

B is the man to whom Ps 32:2

B is the nation whose Ps 33:12

B is he who considers Ps 41:1

B are those who keep Ps 106:3

B is he who comes Ps 118:26

b who fears the LORD Ps 128:4

rise up and call her b Prov 31:28

will call you b Mal 3:12

B are the poor in Matt 5:3

B are those who mourn Matt 5:4

B are the meek Matt 5:5

B are those who hunger Matt 5:6

B are the merciful Matt 5:7

B are the pure in Matt 5:8

B are the peacemakers Matt 5:9

B are those who are Matt 5:10

B are you when they Matt 5:11

b is he who is Matt 11:6

b are your eyes Matt 13:16

B is He who comes Matt 21:9

hand, ‘Come, you b Matt 25:34

Jesus took bread, b Matt 26:26

b are you among women Luke 1:28

know these things, b John 13:17

B are those who have John 20:29

‘It is more b to give Acts 20:35

the Creator, who is b Rom 1:25

all, the eternally b Rom 9:5

B be the God and Eph 1:3

b God which was 1 Tim 1:11

the lesser is b Heb 7:7

this one will be b James 1:25

B is he who reads Rev 1:3

B are the dead who Rev 14:13

B is he who watches Rev 16:15

B are those who are Rev 19:9

B and holy is he who Rev 20:6

B is he who keeps the Rev 22:7

B are those who do His Rev 22:14


and you shall be a b Gen 12:2

I will command My b Lev 25:21

before you today a b Deut 11:26

The b of a perishing Job 29:13

Your b is upon Your Ps 3:8

The b of the LORD Prov 10:22

shall be showers of b Ezek 34:26

relent, and leave a b Joel 2:14

and you shall be a b Zech 8:13

the fullness of the b Rom 15:29

b which we bless 1 Cor 10:16

that the b of Abraham Gal 3:14

with every spiritual b Eph 1:3

cultivated, receives b Heb 6:7

to inherit the b Heb 12:17

honor and glory and b Rev 5:12


of the law, the b Josh 8:34

B are on the head of Prov 10:6


“I blasted you with b Amos 4:9

I struck you with b Hag 2:17


I was eyes to the b Job 29:15

B yourselves and be Is 29:9

To open b eyes Is 42:7

I will bring the b Is 42:16

b people who have eyes Is 43:8

His watchmen are b Is 56:10

They wandered b Lam 4:14

when you offer the b Mal 1:8

The b see Matt 11:5

b leads the b Matt 15:14

of sight to the b Luke 4:18

to Him, “Are we b John 9:40

miserable, poor, b Rev 3:17


b their eyes and John 12:40

and the rest were b Rom 11:7

of this age has b 2 Cor 4:4

the darkness has b 1 John 2:11


a bribe, for a bribe b Deut 16:19


of your brother’s b Gen 4:10

b shall be shed Gen 9:6

you are a husband of b Ex 4:25

b that makes atonement Lev 17:11

b sustains its life Lev 17:14

do not cover my b Job 16:18

is there in my b Ps 30:9

And condemn innocent b Ps 94:21

hands are full of b Is 1:15

also disclose her b Is 26:21

And the moon into b Joel 2:31

For this is My b Matt 26:28

called the Field of B Matt 27:8

“His b be on us and Matt 27:25

new covenant in My b Luke 22:20

were born, not of b John 1:13

b has eternal life John 6:54

b every nation of men Acts 17:26

with His own b Acts 20:28

propitiation by His b Rom 3:25

justified by His b Rom 5:9

through His b Eph 1:7

brought near by the b Eph 2:13

against flesh and b Eph 6:12

peace through the b Col 1:20

“This is the b Heb 9:20

are purified with b Heb 9:22

of b there is no Heb 9:22

the Holiest by the b Heb 10:19

sprinkling of the b 1 Pet 1:2

with the precious b 1 Pet 1:19

b of Jesus Christ His 1 John 1:7

our sins in His own b Rev 1:5

us to God by Your b Rev 5:9

them white in the b Rev 7:14

overcame him by the b Rev 12:11

a robe dipped in b Rev 19:13


me from the guilt of b Ps 51:14

the land is full of b Ezek 9:9

build up Zion with b Mic 3:10


The LORD abhors the b Ps 5:6

B and deceitful men Ps 55:23


Israel shall b and bud Is 27:6

and b as the rose Is 35:1

the fig tree may not b Hab 3:17


say that He would b 2 Kin 14:27

from my sins, and b Ps 51:9

and I will not b Rev 3:5


Let them be b out of Ps 69:28

I have b out Is 44:22

your sins may be b Acts 3:19


an east wind to b Ps 78:26

B upon my garden Song 4:16

with a very severe b Jer 14:17


B that hurt cleanse Prov 20:30

breath of the LORD b Is 40:7

The wind b where it John 3:8


Surname of James and John, Mark 3:17


puts on his armor b 1 Kin 20:11

soul shall make its b Ps 34:2

God we b all day long Ps 44:8

and make your b Rom 2:17

that we are your b 2 Cor 1:14

you, and not to b 2 Cor 10:16

that I also may b 2 Cor 11:16

lest anyone should b Eph 2:9

your hearts, do not b James 3:14


God, violent, proud, b Rom 1:30

lovers of money, b 2 Tim 3:2


b shall not stand Ps 5:5

I was envious of the b Ps 73:3


Where is b then Rom 3:27

should make my b 1 Cor 9:15

you, great is my b 2 Cor 7:4

All such b is evil James 4:16


Whoever falsely b Prov 25:14


A wealthy Bethlehemite, Ruth 2:1, 4–18

Husband of Ruth, Ruth 4:10–13

Ancestor of Christ, Matt 1:5

———Pillar of the temple, 1 Kin 7:21


valley of the dead b Jer 31:40

b a living sacrifice Rom 12:1

not know that your b 1 Cor 6:15

also celestial b 1 Cor 15:40

wives as their own b Eph 5:28

and chariots, and b Rev 18:13


b form like a dove Luke 3:22

b presence is weak 2 Cor 10:10

of the Godhead b Col 2:9

b exercise 1 Tim 4:8


b clings to the ground Ps 44:25

b is carved ivory Song 5:14

b was wet with the dew Dan 4:33

of the b is the eye Matt 6:22

those who kill the b Matt 10:28

this is My b Matt 26:26

and asked for the b Matt 27:58

around his naked b Mark 14:51

of the temple of His b John 2:21

deliver me from this b Rom 7:24

redemption of our b Rom 8:23

members in one b Rom 12:4

and the Lord for the b 1 Cor 6:13

against his own b 1 Cor 6:18

not know that your b 1 Cor 6:19

glorify God in your b 1 Cor 6:20

But I discipline my b 1 Cor 9:27

one bread and one b 1 Cor 10:17

b which is broken 1 Cor 11:24

be guilty of the b 1 Cor 11:27

For as the b is one 1 Cor 12:12

baptized into one b 1 Cor 12:13

b is not one member 1 Cor 12:14

are the b of Christ 1 Cor 12:27

though I give my b 1 Cor 13:3

It is sown a natural b 1 Cor 15:44

both to God in one b Eph 2:16

be magnified in my b Phil 1:20

in the b of His flesh Col 1:22

by putting off the b Col 2:11

and neglect of the b Col 2:23

were called in one b Col 3:15

b You have prepared Heb 10:5

the offering of the b Heb 10:10

For as the b without James 2:26

our sins in His own b 1 Pet 2:24


Job with painful b Job 2:7


the righteous are b Prov 28:1

whatever anyone is b 2 Cor 11:21

are much more b Phil 1:14


I may open my mouth b Eph 6:19

therefore come b Heb 4:16

So we may b say Heb 13:6


Great is my b of 2 Cor 7:4

in whom we have b Eph 3:12

but with all b Phil 1:20

standing and great b 1 Tim 3:13

brethren, having b Heb 10:19

that we may have b 1 John 4:17


bring you into the b Ezek 20:37

of the Spirit in the b Eph 4:3

love, which is the b Col 3:14


because of the b Ex 2:23

out of the house of b Ex 13:14

the spirit of b Rom 8:15

might bring us into b Gal 2:4

which gives birth to b Gal 4:24

again with a yoke of b Gal 5:1

lifetime subject to b Heb 2:15

he is brought into b 2 Pet 2:19


“Let us break Their b Ps 2:3


B, be obedient to Eph 6:5

Masters, give your b Col 4:1

for vice, but as b 1 Pet 2:16


“Cast out this b Gen 21:10

the one by a b Gal 4:22


“This is now b Gen 2:23

b clings to my skin Job 19:20

bonds came together, b Ezek 37:7


shall carry up my b Gen 50:25

which made all my b Job 4:14

His b are like beams Job 40:18

I can count all My b Ps 22:17

and my b waste away Ps 31:10

I kept silent, my b Ps 32:3

the wind, or how the b Eccl 11:5

say to them, ‘O dry b Ezek 37:4

b are the whole house Ezek 37:11

of dead men’s b Matt 23:27

b shall be broken John 19:36

concerning his b Heb 11:22


you will find in the b Ezra 4:15

distinctly from the b Neh 8:8

were inscribed in a b Job 19:23

“Search from the b Is 34:16

‘Write in a b for Jer 30:2

found written in the b Dan 12:1

so a b of remembrance Mal 3:16

are written in the b Gal 3:10

sprinkled both the b Heb 9:19

in the Lamb’s B Rev 21:27

the prophecy of this b Rev 22:18

the words of the b Rev 22:19


b there is no end Eccl 12:12

not contain the b John 21:25

magic brought their b Acts 19:19

God, and b were opened Rev 20:12


b which a watchman Job 27:18

of Zion is left as a b Is 1:8


and enlarge your b Ex 34:24

makes peace in your b Ps 147:14

and enlarge the b Matt 23:5


conceived and b Cain Gen 4:1

And to Sarah who b Is 51:2

b the sin of many Is 53:12

and He b them and Is 63:9

b our sicknesses Matt 8:17

who Himself b our sins 1 Pet 2:24

b a male Child who was Rev 12:5


“Every son who is b Ex 1:22

yet man is b to Job 5:7

“Man who is b Job 14:1

‘This one was b Ps 87:4

A time to be b Eccl 3:2

unto us a Child is b Is 9:6

Or shall a nation be b Is 66:8

b Jesus who is called Matt 1:16

For there is b Luke 2:11

unless one is b again John 3:3

That which is b John 3:6

For this cause I was b John 18:37

me also, as by one b 1 Cor 15:8

of the bondwoman was b Gal 4:23

having been b again 1 Pet 1:23

who loves is b of God 1 John 4:7

is the Christ is b 1 John 5:1

know that whoever is b 1 John 5:18


And as we have b 1 Cor 15:49


b is servant to the Prov 22:7

lender, so with the b Is 24:2


The wicked b and does Ps 37:21


man take fire to his b Prov 6:27

consolation of her b Is 66:11

angels to Abraham’s b Luke 16:22

Son, who is in the b John 1:18

leaning on Jesus’ b John 13:23


b shall be filled Jer 13:12


given the key to the b Rev 9:1

ascend out of the b Rev 17:8

the key to the b Rev 20:1


She sent out her b Ps 80:11


the hand of him who b Lev 25:28

not your Father, who b Deut 32:6

b the threshing floor 2 Sam 24:24

b the field from Jer 32:9

all that he had and b Matt 13:46

For you were b at a 1 Cor 6:20

denying the Lord who b 2 Pet 2:1


of the wicked have b Ps 119:61

b the waters in a Prov 30:4

not been closed or b Is 1:6

on earth will be b Matt 16:19

b hand and foot with John 11:44

And see, now I go b Acts 20:22

of Israel I am b Acts 28:20

who has a husband is b Rom 7:2

Are you b to a wife 1 Cor 7:27

Devil and Satan, and b Rev 20:2


b that they may not Ps 104:9


the miser said to be b Is 32:5

you into a b country Jer 2:7


Because He has dealt b Ps 13:6

and he who sows b 2 Cor 9:6


b remained in strength Gen 49:24

You shall not b Ex 23:24

to serve them and b Judg 2:19

b is renewed in my Job 29:20

will not trust in my b Ps 44:6

He breaks the b Ps 46:9

like a deceitful b Ps 78:57

let us worship and b Ps 95:6

B down Your heavens Ps 144:5

not save them by b Hos 1:7

who sat on it had a b Rev 6:2


stood all around and b Gen 37:7

b the heavens also 2 Sam 22:10

whose knees have not b 1 Kin 19:18

They have b down and Ps 20:8

And they b the knee Matt 27:29

men who have not b Rom 11:4


his hand in the b Prov 19:24

or the golden b Eccl 12:6

and poured out his b Rev 16:2


who drink wine from b Amos 6:6

a harp, and golden b Rev 5:8

Go and pour out the b Rev 16:1

who had the seven b Rev 21:9


“The b of the mighty 1 Sam 2:4


Judas had the money b John 13:29


Shall be full of b Zech 8:5


City of Edom, Gen 36:33

Destruction of, foretold, Amos 1:12

Figurative of Messiah’s victory, Is 63:1


not with b hair or 1 Tim 2:9


gather grapes from a b Luke 6:44


blossoms on one b Ex 25:33

b will not be green Job 15:32

from Israel, palm b Is 9:14

B shall grow out of Is 11:1

raise to David a B Jer 23:5

grow up to David a B Jer 33:15

forth My Servant the B Zech 3:8

whose name is the B Zech 6:12

b has already become Matt 24:32

b that bears fruit He John 15:2

b cannot bear fruit John 15:4

he is cast out as a b John 15:6


in the sun, and his b Job 8:16

and bring forth b Job 14:9

and cut down the b Is 18:5

and its b are broken Jer 11:16

His b shall spread Hos 14:6

vine, you are the b John 15:5

b were broken off Rom 11:17


become sounding b 1 Cor 13:1

feet were like fine b Rev 1:15


in the faith, be b 1 Cor 16:13


Heal its b Ps 60:2


face you shall eat b Gen 3:19

of Salem brought out b Gen 14:18

“Behold, I will rain b Ex 16:4

shall eat unleavened b Ex 23:15

not live by b alone Deut 8:3

lives, I do not have b 1 Kin 17:12

new wine, a land of b 2 Kin 18:32

that his life abhors b Job 33:20

people as they eat b Ps 14:4

Can He give b also Ps 78:20

up late, to eat the b Ps 127:2

her poor with b Ps 132:15

For they eat the b Prov 4:17

b eaten in secret is Prov 9:17

B gained by deceit is Prov 20:17

Go, eat your b with Eccl 9:7

Cast your b upon the Eccl 11:1

b will be given him Is 33:16

for what is not b Is 55:2

to share your b Is 58:7

We get our b at the Lam 5:9

who give me my b Hos 2:5

For their b shall be Hos 9:4

And lack of b in all Amos 4:6

these stones become b Matt 4:3

not live by b alone Matt 4:4

this day our daily b Matt 6:11

eating, Jesus took b Matt 26:26

no bag, no b Mark 6:8

is he who shall eat b Luke 14:15

gives you the true b John 6:32

I am the b of life John 6:48

having dipped the b John 13:26

b which we break 1 Cor 10:16

He was betrayed took b 1 Cor 11:23

as you eat this b 1 Cor 11:26

did we eat anyone’s b 2 Thess 3:8

and eat their own b 2 Thess 3:12


is as great as its b Rev 21:16


b their bones and Num 24:6

torment my soul, and b Job 19:2

They b up my path Job 30:13

B their teeth in their Ps 58:6

And now they b down Ps 74:6

b My statutes and do Ps 89:31

covenant I will not b Ps 89:34

Remember, do not b Jer 14:21

together to b bread Acts 20:7


in the b of bread Acts 2:42

b bread from house to Acts 2:46

weeping and b my heart Acts 21:13

dishonor God through b Rom 2:23


He b in pieces mighty Job 34:24

My soul b with longing Ps 119:20

Until the day b Song 2:17

Whoever therefore b Matt 5:19


back on Jesus’ b John 13:25


a b, an ephod Ex 28:4

righteousness as a b Is 59:17

having put on the b Eph 6:14


blessings of the b Gen 49:25

on My mother’s b Ps 22:9

doe, let her b satisfy Prov 5:19

Your two b are like Song 4:5

b which nursed You Luke 11:27

done, beat their b Luke 23:48


nostrils the b of life Gen 2:7

at the blast of the b 2 Sam 22:16

that there was no b 1 Kin 17:17

perish, and by the b Job 4:9

as long as my b Job 27:3

has made me, and the b Job 33:4

You take away their b Ps 104:29

Man is like a b Ps 144:4

everything that has b Ps 150:6

they all have one b Eccl 3:19

from it, who gives b Is 42:5

“Surely I will cause b Ezek 37:5

God who holds your b Dan 5:23

gives to all life, b Acts 17:25

consume with the b 2 Thess 2:8

power to give b Rev 13:15


me, and such as b Ps 27:12

winds, O breath, and b Ezek 37:9


He b on them John 20:22


indeed he b his last Job 14:10


presence of all his b Gen 16:12

be lifted above his b Deut 17:20

and you are all b Matt 23:8

least of these My b Matt 25:40

Go and tell My b Matt 28:10

firstborn among many b Rom 8:29

to judge between his b 1 Cor 6:5

thus sin against the b 1 Cor 8:12

over five hundred b 1 Cor 15:6

perils among false b 2 Cor 11:26

b secretly brought Gal 2:4

to be made like His b Heb 2:17

sincere love of the b 1 Pet 1:22

because we love the b 1 John 3:14

our lives for the b 1 John 3:16

does not receive the b 3 John 10

of your b the prophets Rev 22:9


you shall take no b Ex 23:8

b blinds the eyes Deut 16:19

b debases the heart Eccl 7:7


consume the tents of b Job 15:34


hand is full of b Ps 26:10

but he who hates b Prov 15:27

but he who receives b Prov 29:4

everyone loves b Is 1:23

the just and taking b Amos 5:12


people straw to make b Ex 5:7

incense on altars of b Is 65:3

Make strong the b Nah 3:14


“Come, let us make b Gen 11:3

b which they made Ex 5:8

deliver the quota of b Ex 5:18

b have fallen down Is 9:10


them on you as a b Is 49:18

He who has the b John 3:29

I will show you the b Rev 21:9

the Spirit and the b Rev 22:17


righteousness, as a b Is 61:10

and as the b rejoices Is 62:5

mourn as long as the b Matt 9:15

b will be taken away Matt 9:15

went out to meet the b Matt 25:1

b fast while the Mark 2:19

the friend of the b John 3:29


with bit and b Ps 32:9

b the whole body James 3:2


b shall come up the Is 55:13

longer be a pricking b Ezek 28:24

of them is like a b Mic 7:4


there shall come up b Is 5:6

their words, though b Ezek 2:6


Her Nazirites were b Lam 4:7

a light from heaven, b Acts 26:13


From the b before Him 2 Sam 22:13

and kings to the b Is 60:3

goes forth as b Is 62:1

very dark, with no b Amos 5:20

who being the b Heb 1:3


Then the LORD rained b Gen 19:24

b is scattered on his Job 18:15

fire, smoke, and b Rev 9:17

the lake of fire and b Rev 20:10


LORD your God will b Deut 30:3

b back his soul Job 33:30

for they b down Ps 55:3

Lord said, “I will b Ps 68:22

B forth your Is 41:21

b forth justice Is 42:3

b My righteousness Is 46:13

Though they b up their Hos 9:12

And she will b Matt 1:21

b no fruit to maturity Luke 8:14

b this Man’s blood Acts 5:28

Who shall b a charge Rom 8:33

b Christ down from Rom 10:6

b Christ up from the Rom 10:7

even so God will b 1 Thess 4:14


set me in a b place Ps 118:5

b is the way that Matt 7:13

their phylacteries b Matt 23:5


b them at the foot of Ex 32:19

b open the fountain Ps 74:15

covenant which they b Jer 31:32

He blessed and b Matt 14:19

b the flask and poured Mark 14:3

b the legs of the John 19:32


he has b My covenant Gen 17:14

I am like a b vessel Ps 31:12

their bows shall be b Ps 37:15

He has b his covenant Ps 55:20

heart the spirit is b Prov 15:13

b spirit dries the Prov 17:22

but who can bear a b Prov 18:14

in the staff of this b Is 36:6

heart within me is b Jer 23:9

is oppressed and b Hos 5:11

this stone will be b Matt 21:44

Scripture cannot be b John 10:35

is My body which is b 1 Cor 11:24


He heals the b and Ps 147:3


So Moses made a b Num 21:9

your head shall be b Deut 28:23

b serpent that Moses 2 Kin 18:4

Or is my flesh b Job 6:12

b as rotten wood Job 41:27

broken the gates of b Ps 107:16

b I will bring Is 60:17

b walls against the Jer 1:18

people a fortified b Jer 15:20

a third kingdom of b Dan 2:39

make your hooves b Mic 4:13

were mountains of b Zech 6:1


The b of evildoers Is 14:20

B of vipers Matt 12:34

hen gathers her b Luke 13:34


stones from the b 1 Sam 17:40

shall drink of the b Ps 110:7

disciples over the B John 18:1


good land, a land of b Deut 8:7

b that pass away Job 6:15

for the water b Ps 42:1


“Where is Abel your b Gen 4:9

he were my friend or b Ps 35:14

speak against your b Ps 50:20

and a b is born for Prov 17:17

b offended is harder Prov 18:19

has neither son nor b Eccl 4:8

and do not trust any b Jer 9:4

he pursued his b Amos 1:11

Was not Esau Jacob’s b Mal 1:2

b will deliver up Matt 10:21

how often shall my b Matt 18:21

“Teacher, tell my b Luke 12:13

b will rise again John 11:23

do you judge your b Rom 14:10

b goes to law against 1 Cor 6:6

shall the weak b 1 Cor 8:11

slave—a beloved b Philem 16

He who loves his b 1 John 2:10

and murdered his b 1 John 3:12

Whoever hates his b 1 John 3:15

b sinning a sin which 1 John 5:16

I, John, both your b Rev 1:9


the covenant of b Amos 1:9

I might break the b Zech 11:14

Love the b 1 Pet 2:17

experienced by your b 1 Pet 5:9


to one another with b Rom 12:10

b love continue Heb 13:1


Am I my b keeper Gen 4:9

at the speck in your b Matt 7:3


My b have dealt Job 6:15

a stranger to my b Ps 69:8

is My mother, or My b Mark 3:33

b are these who hear Luke 8:21

b did not believe John 7:5

love as b 1 Pet 3:8


He b out His people Ps 105:48

The king has b me into Song 1:4

to heaven, will be b Luke 10:15


He shall b your head Gen 3:15

LORD binds up the b Is 30:26

the LORD to b Him Is 53:10


b reed He will not Is 42:3

He was b for our Is 53:5

b reed He will not Matt 12:20


b men who are Ezek 21:31


be your shield and b Ps 91:4


it bring forth and b Is 55:10


of Satan to b me 2 Cor 12:7


b ourselves a city Gen 11:4

“Would you b a house 2 Sam 7:5

b a temple for the name 1 Kin 8:17

that the LORD will b 1 Chr 17:10

Solomon who shall b 1 Chr 28:6

able to b Him a temple 2 Chr 2:6

labor in vain who b Ps 127:1

down, and a time to b Eccl 3:3

house that you will b Is 66:1

I will b them and not Jer 24:6

Who b up Zion with Mic 3:10

b the desolate Mal 1:4

‘This man began to b Luke 14:30

What house will you b Acts 7:49

b you up and give you Acts 20:32

named, lest I should b Rom 15:20

For if I b again Gal 2:18


me, as a wise master b 1 Cor 3:10

foundations, whose b Heb 11:10


field, you are God’s b 1 Cor 3:9

destroyed, we have a b 2 Cor 5:1

in whom the whole b Eph 2:21

But you, beloved, b Jude 20


The LORD b up Ps 147:2

The wise woman b Prov 14:1

one take heed how he b 1 Cor 3:10


Wisdom has b her house Prov 9:1

my works great, I b Eccl 2:4

Babylon, that I have b Dan 4:30

to a wise man who b Matt 7:24

a foolish man who b Matt 7:26

work which he has b 1 Cor 3:14

having been b on the Eph 2:20

rooted and b up in Him Col 2:7

For every house is b Heb 3:4

stones, are being b 1 Pet 2:5


I will not take a b Ps 50:9

like an untrained b Jer 31:18


in the blood of b Is 1:11

For if the blood of b Heb 9:13


Mark well her b Ps 48:13

for walls and b Is 26:1


each man’s b of money Gen 42:35

A b of myrrh is my Song 1:13


You have laid the b Num 11:11

one knows his own b 2 Chr 6:29

so that I am a b Job 7:20

Cast your b on the Ps 55:22

the grasshopper is a b Eccl 12:5

in that day that his b Is 10:27

its reproach is a b Zeph 3:18

easy and My b is light Matt 11:30

as it may, I did not b 2 Cor 12:16

we might not be a b 1 Thess 2:9

on you no other b Rev 2:24


but you have b Me with Is 43:24


and looked at their b Ex 2:11

For they bind heavy b Matt 23:4

Bear one another’s b Gal 6:2


b task God has given Eccl 1:13

his life will be b Is 15:4

I myself was not b 2 Cor 12:13

commandments are not b 1 John 5:3


indeed he has no b Eccl 6:3

she did it for My b Matt 26:12

for the day of My b John 12:7

Stephen to his b Acts 8:2


and there will I be b Ruth 1:17

I saw the wicked b Eccl 8:10

away the body and b Matt 14:12

also died and was b Luke 16:22

Therefore we were b Rom 6:4

and that He was b 1 Cor 15:4

b with Him in baptism Col 2:12


the bush does not b Ex 3:3

that My wrath may b Ex 32:10

b their chariots Josh 11:6

both will b together Is 1:31

“Did not our heart b Luke 24:32

eat her flesh and b Rev 17:16


If anyone’s work is b 1 Cor 3:15

my body to be b 1 Cor 13:3

whose end is to be b Heb 6:8

be touched and that b Heb 12:18

are b outside the camp Heb 13:11

in it will be b 2 Pet 3:10

all green grass was b Rev 8:7


b torch that passed Gen 15:17

with severe b fever Deut 28:22

on his lips like a b Prov 16:27

b fire shut up in my Jer 20:9

b jealousy against the Ezek 36:5

plucked from the b Amos 4:11

a great mountain b Rev 8:8

fell from heaven, b Rev 8:10


lamb for a b offering Gen 22:7

delight in b offering Ps 51:16

b offerings are not Jer 6:20

Though you offer Me b Amos 5:22


it is ready to b Job 32:19

with doors, when it b Job 38:8

the new wine will b Luke 5:37

falling headlong, he b Acts 1:18


b your dead in the Gen 23:6

was no one to b them Ps 79:3

go and b my father Matt 8:21

and let the dead b Matt 8:22


from the midst of a b Ex 3:2

Him who dwelt in the b Deut 33:16

to him in the b Acts 7:35


in ships, who do b Ps 107:23

farm, another to his b Matt 22:5

about My Father’s b Luke 2:49


at all, but are b 2 Thess 3:11

but also gossips and b 1 Tim 5:13


b did not remember Gen 40:23


So he took b and milk Gen 18:8

were smoother than b Ps 55:21

of milk produces b Prov 30:33


in Egypt to b grain Gen 41:57

B the truth Prov 23:23

Yes, come, b wine and Is 55:1

that we may b the poor Amos 8:6

b food for all these Luke 9:18

B those things we John 13:29

rejoice, those who b 1 Cor 7:30

spend a year there, b James 4:13

I counsel you to b Rev 3:18

and that no one may b Rev 13:17


nothing,” cries the b Prov 20:14

as with the b Is 24:2

‘Let not the b Ezek 7:12


a field and b it Prov 31:16

has and b that field Matt 13:44

b their merchandise Rev 18:11


b generations Acts 14:16


But He has made me a b Job 17:6

You made us a b Ps 44:14