Symbolic name of Hosea’s son, Hos 1:8, 9


Symbolic name of Hosea’s daughter, Hos 1:6


shall bear his own l Gal 6:5


I l my life Job 7:16

l themselves for the Ezek 6:9


but a wicked man is l Prov 13:5


have here only five l Matt 14:17

He took the seven l Matt 15:36

lend me three l Luke 11:5

you ate of the l John 6:26


What the chewing l Joel 1:4

left, the swarming l Joel 1:4


as numerous as l Judg 7:12

He spoke, and l came Ps 105:34

the l have no king Prov 30:27

and his food was l Matt 3:4

waist, and he ate l Mark 1:6

out of the smoke l Rev 9:3


them in and l them Acts 10:23

children, if she has l 1 Tim 5:10


they speak l Ps 73:8


haughty, nor my eyes l Ps 131:1

Wisdom is too l Prov 24:7

l are their eyes Prov 30:13

and L One who Is 57:15


gird up the l of your 1 Pet 1:13


your days may be l Deut 5:16

who l for death Job 3:21

me the thing that I l Job 6:8

I l for Your salvation Ps 119:174

go around in l robes Mark 12:38

how greatly I l Phil 1:8


and gracious, l Ps 86:15

is love, joy, peace, l Gal 5:22

and gentleness, with l Eph 4:2

for all patience and l Col 1:11

might show all l 1 Tim 1:16

when once the Divine l 1 Pet 3:20

and consider that the l 2 Pet 3:15


Do not l behind you Gen 19:17

who has a haughty l Ps 101:5

A proud l Prov 6:17

that day a man will l Is 17:7

L upon Zion Is 33:20

L to Me Is 45:22

we l for light Is 59:9

we l for justice Is 59:11

l on Me whom they Zech 12:10

say to you, ‘L here Luke 17:23

of Israel could not l 2 Cor 3:7

while we do not l 2 Cor 4:18

Let each of you l Phil 2:4

L to yourselves 2 John 8


But when I l for good Job 30:26

They l to Him and were Ps 34:5

For He l down from the Ps 102:19

He l for justice Is 5:7

“We l for peace Jer 8:15

“You l for much Hag 1:9

the Lord turned and l Luke 22:61

for he l to the reward Heb 11:26


the plow, and l back Luke 9:62

l for the blessed hope Titus 2:13

l unto Jesus Heb 12:2

l carefully lest Heb 12:15

l for the mercy of Jude 21


Absalom for his good l 2 Sam 14:25

Then he l at men and Job 33:27

God l down from heaven Ps 53:2

The lofty l of man Is 2:11

to you that whoever l Matt 5:28


and the web from the l Judg 16:14

cuts me off from the l Is 38:12


l the armor of kings Is 45:1

and whatever you l Matt 16:19

said to them, “L him John 11:44


You have l my bonds Ps 116:16

the silver cord is l Eccl 12:6


L is my strength Ex 15:2

L is a man of war Ex 15:3

L our God, the L Deut 6:4

sacrifice to the L your God Deut 17:1

may know that the L 1 Kin 8:60

If the L is God 1 Kin 18:21

You alone are the L Neh 9:6

The L of hosts Ps 24:10

belongs to the L Ps 89:18

let us sing to the L Ps 95:1

L is the great God Ps 95:3

Gracious is the L Ps 116:5

L surrounds His people Ps 125:2

The L is righteous Ps 129:4

L is near to all who Ps 145:18

L is a God of justice Is 30:18

L Our Righteousness Jer 23:6

L has done marvelous Joel 2:21

L God is my strength Hab 3:19

“The L is one Zech 14:9

shall not tempt the L Matt 4:7

shall worship the L Matt 4:10

Son of Man is also L Mark 2:28

who is Christ the L Luke 2:11

why do you call Me ‘L Luke 6:46

L is risen indeed Luke 24:34

call Me Teacher and L John 13:13

He is L of all Acts 10:36

‘Who are You, L Acts 26:15

with your mouth the L Rom 10:9

Greek, for the same L Rom 10:12

say that Jesus is L 1 Cor 12:3

second Man is the L 1 Cor 15:47

the Spirit of the L 2 Cor 3:17

that Jesus Christ is L Phil 2:11

and deny the only L Jude 4

L God Omnipotent Rev 19:6


many gods and many l 1 Cor 8:5

nor as being l over 1 Pet 5:3

for He is Lord of l Rev 17:14


Gentiles exercise l Luke 22:25


gain, and a time to l Eccl 3:6

save his life will l Matt 16:25

reap if we do not l Gal 6:9

that we do not l 2 John 8


but if the salt l Matt 5:13

and l his own soul Matt 16:26

if she l one coin Luke 15:8

l his life will Luke 17:33


he will suffer l 1 Cor 3:15

count all things l Phil 3:8


are dry, our hope is l Ezek 37:11

save that which was l Matt 18:11

the one which is l Luke 15:4

my sheep which was l Luke 15:6

the piece which I l Luke 15:9

and none of them is l John 17:12

You gave Me I have l John 18:9


Abram’s nephew; accompanies him, Gen 11:27–12:5; 13:1

Separates from Abram, Gen 13:5–12

Rescued by Abram, Gen 14:12–16

Saved from Sodom for his hospitality, Gen 19:1–29

Tricked into committing incest, Gen 19:30–38


shall be divided by l Num 26:55

You maintain my l Ps 16:5

cast in your l among Prov 1:14

l is cast into the lap Prov 16:33


Disobedient, becomes pillar of salt, Gen 19:26

Event to be remembered, Luke 17:32


l causes contentions Prov 18:18

garments, casting l Mark 15:24

And they cast their l Acts 1:26


I cried out with a l Gen 39:14

Him with l cymbals Ps 150:5

cried out with a l Matt 27:46

I heard behind me a l Rev 1:10


l your neighbor as Lev 19:18

l the LORD your God Deut 6:5

your l to me was 2 Sam 1:26

How long will you l Ps 4:2

Oh, l the LORD Ps 31:23

l righteousness Ps 45:7

he has set his l Ps 91:14

Oh, how I l Your law Ps 119:97

peace have those who l Ps 119:165

preserves all who l Ps 145:20

us take our fill of l Prov 7:18

l covers all sins Prov 10:12

a time to l Eccl 3:8

People know neither l Eccl 9:1

l is better than wine Song 1:2

banner over me was l Song 2:4

stir up nor awaken l Song 3:5

I will give you my l Song 7:12

l is as strong as Song 8:6

waters cannot quench l Song 8:7

time was the time of l Ezek 16:8

backsliding, I will l Hos 14:4

do justly, to l mercy Mic 6:8

to you, l your enemies Matt 5:44

l those who l you Matt 5:46

which of them will l Luke 7:42

you do not have the l John 5:42

if you have l for one John 13:35

“If you l Me John 14:15

and My Father will l John 14:23

l one another as I John 15:12

l has no one than this John 15:13

l Me more than these John 21:15

of Jonah, do you l John 21:16

You know that I l John 21:16

because the l of God Rom 5:5

Let l be without Rom 12:9

to l one another Rom 13:8

L does no harm to a Rom 13:10

up, but l edifies 1 Cor 8:1

L suffers long and is 1 Cor 13:4

l does not envy 1 Cor 13:4

l does not parade 1 Cor 13:4

L never fails 1 Cor 13:8

greatest of these is l 1 Cor 13:13

For the l of Christ 2 Cor 5:14

and the God of l 2 Cor 13:11

of the Spirit is l Gal 5:22

Husbands, l your wives Eph 5:25

of the Son of His l Col 1:13

l your wives and do Col 3:19

the commandment is l 1 Tim 1:5

continue in faith, l 1 Tim 2:15

word, in conduct, in l 1 Tim 4:12

For the l of money is 1 Tim 6:10

l their husbands Titus 2:4

Let brotherly l Heb 13:1

having not seen you l 1 Pet 1:8

L the brotherhood 1 Pet 2:17

for “l will cover a 1 Pet 4:8

with a kiss of l 1 Pet 5:14

brotherly kindness l 2 Pet 1:7

loves the world, the l 1 John 2:15

we l the brethren 1 John 3:14

By this we know l 1 John 3:16

him, how does the l 1 John 3:17

Beloved, let us l 1 John 4:7

know God, for God is l 1 John 4:8

In this is l 1 John 4:10

If we l one another 1 John 4:12

L has been perfected 1 John 4:17

There is no fear in l 1 John 4:18

l Him because He first 1 John 4:19

who loves God must l 1 John 4:21

For this is the l 1 John 5:3

have left your first l Rev 2:4

and they did not l Rev 12:11


Because the LORD has l 1 Kin 10:9

L one and friend You Ps 88:18

“I have l you Mal 1:2

Yet Jacob I have l Mal 1:2

forgiven, for she l Luke 7:47

so l the world that John 3:16

“See how He l John 11:36

whom Jesus l John 13:23

“As the Father l John 15:9

l them as You have John 17:23

“Jacob I have l Rom 9:13

the Son of God, who l Gal 2:20

l the church and gave Eph 5:25

l righteousness Heb 1:9

God, but that He l 1 John 4:10

Beloved, if God so l 1 John 4:11

To Him who l us and Rev 1:5


l is Your tabernacle Ps 84:1

l woman who lacks Prov 11:22

he is altogether l Song 5:16

whatever things are l Phil 4:8


a l of what is good Titus 1:8


For men will be l 2 Tim 3:2


l righteousness Ps 33:5

life, and l many days Ps 34:12

A friend l at all Prov 17:17

He who l father or Matt 10:37

l his life will lose John 12:25

l Me will be loved John 14:21

l a cheerful giver 2 Cor 9:7

who l his wife l Eph 5:28

If anyone l the world 1 John 2:15

l God must love his 1 John 4:21

l him who is 1 John 5:1


apples, for I am l Song 2:5

you tell him I am l Song 5:8


not concealed Your l Ps 40:10

l is better than life Ps 63:3

to declare Your l Ps 92:2

l I have drawn Jer 31:3


He brings l and lifts 1 Sam 2:7

both l and high Ps 49:2

it l, He lays it l Is 26:5

and hill brought l Luke 3:5


made him a little l Ps 8:5

shall go into the l Ps 63:9

made him a little l Heb 2:7


and sets over it the l Dan 4:17


with all l and Eph 4:2

or conceit, but in l Phil 2:3


yet He regards the l Ps 138:6

for I am gentle and l Matt 11:29

He has regarded the l Luke 1:48

and exalted the l Luke 1:52

in presence am l 2 Cor 10:1

l body that it may be Phil 3:21

l brother glory James 1:9


or else he will be l Matt 6:24


Name applied to Satan, Is 14:12


“The beloved physician,” Col 4:14

Paul’s last companion, 2 Tim 4:11


because you are l Rev 3:16


from the same l Rom 9:21

you may be a new l 1 Cor 5:7


Do not l after her Prov 6:25

caught by their l Prov 11:6

looks at a woman to l Matt 5:28

not fulfill the l Gal 5:16

not in passion of l 1 Thess 4:5

You l and do not have James 4:2

the l of the flesh 1 John 2:16


to fulfill its l Rom 13:14

l which drown men 1 Tim 6:9

also youthful l 2 Tim 2:22

and worldly l Titus 2:12

to the former l 1 Pet 1:14

abstain from fleshly l 1 Pet 2:11

to their own ungodly l Jude 18


Awake, l and harp Ps 57:8

l I will praise You Ps 71:22

harp with the l Ps 81:2

ten strings, on the l Ps 92:3

Awake, l and harp Ps 108:2

Praise Him with the l Ps 150:3


L is not fitting Prov 19:10

l are in kings’ courts Luke 7:25

in pleasure and l James 5:5

the abundance of her l Rev 18:3


Aeneas healed at, Acts 9:32–35


Woman of Thyatira; Paul’s first European convert, Acts 16:14, 15, 40

———District of Asia Minor containing Ephesus, Smyrna, Thyatira, and Sardis, Rev 1:11


I hate and abhor l Ps 119:163

righteous man hates l Prov 13:5

not trust in these l Jer 7:4

in swaddling cloths, l Luke 2:12

saw the linen cloths l John 20:5

putting away l Eph 4:25

signs, and l wonders 2 Thess 2:9




Paul visits; is worshiped by people of and stoned by Jews, Acts 14:6–20

Home of Timothy, Acts 16:1, 2

MAACAH (or Maachah)

Small Syrian kingdom near Mt. Hermon, Deut 3:14

Not possessed by Israel, Josh 13:13

———David’s wife; mother of Absalom, 2 Sam 3:3

———Wife of Rehoboam; mother of King Abijah, 2 Chr 11:18–21

Makes idol; is deposed as queen mother, 1 Kin 15:13


Paul preaches in, Acts 16:9–17:14

Paul’s troubles in, 2 Cor 7:5

Churches of, generous, Rom 15:26; 2 Cor 8:1–5


Manasseh’s only son, Gen 50:23

Founder of the family of Machirites, Num 26:29

Conqueror of Gilead, Num 32:39, 40


Field containing a cave; bought by Abraham, Gen 23:9–18

Sarah and Abraham buried here, Gen 23:19; 25:9, 10

Isaac, Rebekah, Leah, and Jacob buried here, Gen 49:29–31


has a demon and is m John 10:20

he said, “I am not m Acts 26:25


m the stars also Gen 1:16

wife the LORD God m Gen 3:21

hear long ago how I m Is 37:26

things My hand has m Is 66:2

All things were m John 1:3


before them, m 1 Sam 21:13

wisdom and to know m Eccl 1:17

m is in their hearts Eccl 9:3




women who sew m Ezek 13:18

m brought their books Acts 19:19


m I cannot endure Job 31:23


So let Your name be m 2 Sam 7:26

“Let the LORD be m Ps 35:27

for You have m Your Ps 138:2

the Lord Jesus was m Acts 19:17

also Christ will be m Phil 1:20


“My soul m the Lord Luke 1:46


m the LORD with me Ps 34:3

m himself above every Dan 11:36


People among Japheth’s descendants, Gen 10:2

Associated with Gog, Ezek 38:2

Representatives of final enemies, Rev 20:8


Name given by Jacob to a sacred site, Gen 32:2

Becomes Ishbosheth’s capital, 2 Sam 2:8–29

David flees to, during Absalom’s rebellion, 2 Sam 17:24, 27


Symbolic name of Isaiah’s second son; prophetic of the fall of Damascus and Samaria, Is 8:1–4


Husband of Ruth; without child, Ruth 1:2–5


Both young men and m Ps 148:12

She has sent out her m Prov 9:3


“I am Ruth, your m Ruth 3:9

save the son of Your m Ps 86:16

“Behold the m Luke 1:38

lowly state of His m Luke 1:48


m shall lead her as Nah 2:7

m I will pour out My Acts 2:18


to enter into life m Mark 9:43

the poor and the m Luke 14:21


and m their cause 1 Kin 8:45


For You have m my Ps 9:4


with God is awesome m Job 37:22

splendor of Your m Ps 145:5

right hand of the M Heb 1:3

eyewitnesses of His m 2 Pet 1:16

wise, be glory and m Jude 25


“Let Us m man in Our Gen 1:26

let us m a name for Gen 11:4

m you a great nation Gen 12:2

“You shall not m Ex 20:4

m Our home with him John 14:23


where is God my M Job 35:10

man will look to his M Is 17:7

who strives with his M Is 45:9

M is your husband Is 54:5

has forgotten his M Hos 8:14

builder and m is God Heb 11:10


Prophet and writer, Mal 1:1


Son of King Saul, 1 Sam 14:49

Killed at Gilboa, 1 Sam 31:2


Servant of the high priest, John 18:10


in m be babes 1 Cor 14:20

pleasures, living in m Titus 3:3

laying aside all m 1 Pet 2:1


covetousness, m Rom 1:29


m a servant to his Prov 30:10


Paul’s shipwreck, Acts 28:1–8


Town or district near Hebron, Gen 23:19

Abram dwells by the oaks of, Gen 13:18


“Let Us make m Gen 1:26

“You are the m 2 Sam 12:7

“What is m Job 7:17

For an empty-headed m Job 11:12

“Are you the first m Job 15:7

m that You are mindful Ps 8:4

What can m do to me Ps 118:6

coming of the Son of M Matt 24:27

“Behold the M John 19:5

m is not from woman 1 Cor 11:8

since by m came death 1 Cor 15:21

though our outward m 2 Cor 4:16

in Himself one new m Eph 2:15

that the m of God may 2 Tim 3:17

is the number of a m Rev 13:18


Joseph’s firstborn son, Gen 41:50, 51

Adopted by Jacob, Gen 48:5, 6

Loses his birthright to Ephraim, Gen 48:13–20

———Tribe of:

Numbered, Num 1:34, 35

Half-tribe of, settle east of Jordan, Num 32:33–42; Deut 3:12–15

Help Joshua against Canaanites, Josh 1:12–18

Land assigned to western half-tribe, Josh 17:1–13

Eastern half-tribe builds altar, Josh 22:9–34

Some of, help David, 1 Chr 12:19–31

———Wicked king of Judah; son of Hezekiah, 2 Kin 21:1–18; 2 Chr 33:1–9

Captured and taken to Babylon; repents and is restored, 2 Chr 33:10–13

Removes idols and altars, 2 Chr 33:14–20


Will he bed by your m Job 39:9

and laid Him in a m Luke 2:7

the Babe lying in a m Luke 2:16


m Myself to him John 14:21

is it that You will m John 14:22


But the m of the 1 Cor 12:7

deceitfully, but by m 2 Cor 4:2


“I have m Your name John 17:6

God was m in the flesh 1 Tim 3:16

the life was m 1 John 1:2

the love of God was m 1 John 4:9


m are Your works Ps 104:24

the m wisdom of God Eph 3:10

good stewards of the m 1 Pet 4:10


of Israel ate m Ex 16:35

had rained down m Ps 78:24

Our fathers ate the m John 6:31

of the hidden m Rev 2:17


Is this the m of man 2 Sam 7:19

in an unworthy m 1 Cor 11:27

sorrowed in a godly m 2 Cor 7:11

as is the m of some Heb 10:25

what m of persons 2 Pet 3:11

Behold what m of love 1 John 3:1

m worthy of God 3 John 6


Danite; father of Samson, Judg 13:1–25


house are many m John 14:2


Then he took the m 2 Kin 2:14


Name chosen by Naomi, Ruth 1:20


First Israelite camp after passing through the Red Sea, Num 33:8, 9


people, when You m Ps 68:7

MARK (John)

Son of Mary of Jerusalem; travels with Barnabas and Saul, Acts 12:12, 25

Leaves Paul at Perga, Acts 13:13

Barnabas and Paul separate because of him, Acts 15:37–40

Later approved by Paul, Col 4:10; 2 Tim 4:11

Companion of Peter, 1 Pet 5:13

Author of the second Gospel, Mark 1:1


And the LORD set a m Gen 4:15

M the blameless man Ps 37:37

slave, to receive a m Rev 13:16

whoever receives the m Rev 14:11


is sold in the meat m 1 Cor 10:25


so His visage was m Is 52:14

he made of clay was m Jer 18:4


nor are given in m Matt 22:30

her in m does well 1 Cor 7:38

M is honorable among Heb 13:4

the m of the Lamb has Rev 19:7


“for I am m to you Jer 3:14

But he who is m 1 Cor 7:33

But she who is m 1 Cor 7:34


and of joints and m Heb 4:12


it is better not to m Matt 19:10

they neither m nor are Matt 22:30

let them m 1 Cor 7:9

forbidding to m 1 Tim 4:3

the younger widows m 1 Tim 5:14


and drinking, m Matt 24:38


Sister of Mary and Lazarus; loved by Jesus, John 11:1–5

Affirms her faith, John 11:19–28

Offers hospitality to Jesus, Luke 10:38; John 12:1, 2

Gently rebuked by Christ, Luke 10:39–42


m Stephen was shed Acts 22:20

was My faithful m Rev 2:13


the blood of the m Rev 17:6


Do not m at this John 5:28


Jesus heard it, He m Matt 8:10

And the multitudes m Matt 9:33

so that Pilate m Mark 15:5

And all the world m Rev 13:3

when I saw her, I m Rev 17:6


m things He did Ps 78:12

It is m in our eyes Ps 118:23

M are Your works Ps 139:14

of darkness into His m 1 Pet 2:9


people I will do m Ex 34:10


Mother of Christ, Matt 1:16

Visited by angel, Luke 1:26–38

Visits Elizabeth and offers praise, Luke 1:39–56

Gives birth to Jesus, Luke 2:6–20

Flees to Egypt, Matt 2:13–18

Visits Jerusalem with Jesus, Luke 2:41–52

Entrusted to John’s care, John 19:25–27

———Mother of James and Joses; present at crucifixion and burial, Matt 27:55–61

Sees the risen Lord; informs disciples, Matt 28:1–10

———Magdalene; delivered from seven demons; supports Christ’s ministry, Luke 8:2, 3

Present at crucifixion and burial, Matt 27:55–61

First to see the risen Lord, Mark 16:1–10; John 20:1–18

———Sister of Martha and Lazarus; loved by Jesus, John 11:1–5

Grieves for Lazarus, John 11:19, 20, 28–33

Anoints Jesus, Matt 26:6–13; John 12:1–8

Commended by Jesus, Luke 10:38–42

———Mark’s mother, Acts 12:12–17


First, at Rephidim, Israel just out of Egypt, Ex 17:1–7

Second, at Kadesh Barnea, 40 years later, Num 20:1–13


of Abraham his m Gen 24:9

a servant like his m Matt 10:25

greater than his m John 15:20

m builder I have laid 1 Cor 3:10

and useful for the M 2 Tim 2:21


m besides You have Is 26:13

can serve two m Luke 16:13

M, give your bondservants Col 4:1

who have believing m 1 Tim 6:2


King Zedekiah’s original name, 2 Kin 24:17


m is found in me Job 19:28

He who answers a m Prov 18:13


the weightier m Matt 23:23

judge the smallest m 1 Cor 6:2


Becomes Christ’s follower, Matt 9:9

Chosen as one of the Twelve, Matt 10:2, 3

Called Levi, the son of Alphaeus, Mark 2:14

Author of the first Gospel, Matt (title)


Chosen by lot to replace Judas, Acts 1:15–26


among those who are m 1 Cor 2:6

understanding be m 1 Cor 14:20

us, as many as are m Phil 3:15


What do you m Ex 12:26


‘What is the m Deut 6:20

if I do not know the m 1 Cor 14:11


but God m it for good Gen 50:20


a perfect and just m Deut 25:15

apportion the waters by m Job 28:25

and the short m Mic 6:10

give the Spirit by m John 3:34

to each one a m Rom 12:3

m the temple of God Rev 11:1


m the waters in the Is 40:12

you use, it will be m Matt 7:2

Then he m its wall Rev 21:17


your house differing m Deut 25:14

weights and diverse m Prov 20:10


the man’s hand was a m Ezek 40:5

behold, a man with a m Zech 2:1

m themselves by 2 Cor 10:12

given a reed like a m Rev 11:1


Can He provide m Ps 78:20

He also rained m Ps 78:27

good neither to eat m Rom 14:21

will never again eat m 1 Cor 8:13

is sold in the m 1 Cor 10:25


why should you m 2 Kin 14:10


Part of Medo-Persian Empire, Esth 1:19

Israel deported to, 2 Kin 17:6

Babylon falls to, Dan 5:30, 31

Daniel rises high in kingdom of, Dan 6:1–28

Cyrus, king of, allows Jews to return, 2 Chr 36:22, 23

Agents in Babylon’s fall, Is 13:17–19


a mediator does not m Gal 3:20


Nor is there any m Job 9:33

by the hand of a m Gal 3:19

is one God and one M 1 Tim 2:5

as He is also M Heb 8:6

to Jesus the M of the Heb 12:24


does good, like m Prov 17:22

their leaves for m Ezek 47:12


Isaac went out to m Gen 24:63

but you shall m Josh 1:8

M within your heart on Ps 4:4

I m within my heart Ps 77:6

I will m on Your Ps 119:15

Your heart will m Is 33:18

m beforehand on what Luke 21:14

m on these things Phil 4:8


in His law he m Ps 1:2


of my mouth and the m Ps 19:14

m be sweet to Him Ps 104:34

It is my m all the day Ps 119:97


Described as:

Sea, Gen 49:13

Great Sea, Josh 1:4; 9:1

Sea of the Philistines, Ex 23:31

Western Sea, Deut 11:24; Joel 2:20; Zech 14:8


a woman who is a m Lev 20:27

a woman who is a m 1 Sam 28:7


shall be like a m Is 29:4


“Seek those who are m Is 8:19


with equity for the m Is 11:4

Blessed are the m Matt 5:5


with you by the m 2 Cor 10:1

are done in the m James 3:13


For You m him with the Ps 21:3

prepare to m your God Amos 4:12

go out to m him Matt 25:6

m the Lord in the air 1 Thess 4:17


In the tabernacle of m Ex 27:21

burned up all the m Ps 74:8


City of Canaan; scene of battles, Judg 5:19–21; 2 Kin 23:29, 30

Fortified by Solomon, 1 Kin 9:15

Possible site of Armageddon, Rev 16:16


Priest and king of Salem, Gen 14:18–20

Type of Christ’s eternal priesthood, Heb 7:1–22


make sweet m Is 23:16

singing and making m Eph 5:19


You make his beauty m Ps 39:11

man’s heart will m Is 13:7

the elements will m 2 Pet 3:10


body is not one m 1 Cor 12:14

tongue is a little m James 3:5


you that one of your m Matt 5:29

do not present your m Rom 6:13

that your bodies are m 1 Cor 6:15

neighbor, for we are m Eph 4:25


and this is My m Ex 3:15

also be told as a m Matt 26:13

be told of as a m Mark 14:9


The m of him perishes Job 18:17

He may cut off the m Ps 109:15

The m of the righteous Prov 10:7

MEMPHIS (or Noph)

Ancient capital of Egypt, Hos 9:6

Prophesied against by Isaiah, Is 19:13

Jews flee to, Jer 44:1

Denounced by the prophets, Jer 46:19


m began to call on the Gen 4:26

saw the daughters of m Gen 6:2

you shall die like m Ps 82:7

the Egyptians are m Is 31:3

make you fishers of m Matt 4:19

goodwill toward m Luke 2:14

from heaven or from m Luke 20:4

Likewise also the m Rom 1:27

let no one boast in m 1 Cor 3:21

the Lord, and not to m Eph 6:7

between God and m 1 Tim 2:5


Cruel king of Israel, 2 Kin 15:14–18


And also on My m Joel 2:29

And on My m and on My Acts 2:18


I will make m of Your Ps 71:16

by You only we make m Is 26:13

You who make m of the Is 62:6

he was dying, made m Heb 11:22


Son of King Saul, 2 Sam 21:8

———Grandson of King Saul; crippled son of Jonathan, 2 Sam 4:4–6

Sought out and honored by David, 2 Sam 9:1–13

Accused by Ziba, 2 Sam 16:1–4

Later explains himself to David, 2 Sam 19:24–30

Spared by David, 2 Sam 21:7


King Saul’s eldest daughter, 1 Sam 14:49

Saul promises her to David, but gives her to Adriel, 1 Sam 18:17–19


Third son of Levi, Gen 46:11

———Descendants of, called Merarites:

Duties in the tabernacle, Num 3:35–37

Cities assigned to, Josh 21:7, 34–40

Duties in the temple, 1 Chr 26:10–19

Assist Ezra after exile, Ezra 8:18, 19


perceives that her m Prov 31:18

house a house of m John 2:16


set it in a city of m Ezek 17:4

have multiplied your m Nah 3:16

m were the great men Rev 18:23


for His m are great 2 Sam 24:14

and His tender m Ps 145:9

give you the sure m Acts 13:34

the Father of m 2 Cor 1:3


LORD, the LORD God, m Ex 34:6

He is ever m Ps 37:26

God be m to us and Ps 67:1

Blessed are the m Matt 5:7

saying, ‘God be m Luke 18:13

For I will be m Heb 8:12

compassionate and m James 5:11


but showing m to Ex 20:6

and abundant in m Num 14:18

m endures forever 1 Chr 16:34

to Your m remember me Ps 25:7

I trust in the m Ps 52:8

shall send forth His m Ps 57:3

You, O Lord, belongs m Ps 62:12

m ceased forever Ps 77:8

M and truth have met Ps 85:10

M shall be built Ps 89:2

m and truth go before Ps 89:14

m is everlasting Ps 100:5

I will sing of m Ps 101:1

For Your m is great Ps 108:4

is full of Your m Ps 119:64

the LORD there is m Ps 130:7

Let not m and truth Prov 3:3

who honors Him has m Prov 14:31

cruel and have no m Jer 6:23

Lord our God belong m Dan 9:9

For I desire m and not Hos 6:6

do justly, to love m Mic 6:8

‘I desire m and not Matt 9:13

And His m is on those Luke 1:50

“I will have m Rom 9:15

of God who shows m Rom 9:16

that He might have m Rom 11:32

m has made trustworthy 1 Cor 7:25

as we have received m 2 Cor 4:1

God, who is rich in m Eph 2:4

but I obtained m 1 Tim 1:13

that he may find m 2 Tim 1:18

to His m He saved us Titus 3:5

that we may obtain m Heb 4:16

judgment is without m James 2:13

God, looking for the m Jude 21


Another name for Mephibosheth, 1 Chr 8:34


Supreme deity of the Babylonians, Jer 50:2

Otherwise called Bel, Is 46:1


Sends ambassadors to Hezekiah, Is 39:1–8

Also called Berodach-Baladan, 2 Kin 20:12


m heart makes a Prov 15:13

eat, drink, and be m Eccl 8:15

we should make m Luke 15:32


Name given to Mishael, Dan 1:7

Advanced to high position, Dan 2:49

Remains faithful in testing, Dan 3:13–30


Son of Japheth, Gen 10:2

His descendants, mentioned in prophecy, Ezek 27:13; 32:26; 38:2, 3


Home of Abraham’s relatives, Gen 24:4, 10, 15

Called Padan Aram and Syria, Gen 25:20; 31:20, 24

Israel enslaved to, Judg 3:8–10

Jews from, present at Pentecost, Acts 2:9


I have heard a m Jer 49:14

For the m of the cross 1 Cor 1:18


is a faithful m Prov 25:13

“Behold, I send My m Mal 3:1

‘Behold, I send My m Matt 11:10


until M the Prince Dan 9:25

“We have found the M John 1:41


Oldest man on record, Gen 5:27


Prophet, contemporary of Isaiah, Is 1:1; Mic 1:1

MICAIAH (or Michaiah)

Prophet who predicts Ahab’s death, 1 Kin 22:8–28

———Contemporary of Jeremiah, Jer 36:11–13


Chief prince, Dan 10:13, 21

Disputes with Satan, Jude 9

Fights the dragon, Rev 12:7–9


Daughter of King Saul, 1 Sam 14:49

Loves and marries David, 1 Sam 18:20–28

Saves David from Saul, 1 Sam 19:9–17

Given to Palti, 1 Sam 25:44

David demands her from Abner, 2 Sam 3:13–16

Ridicules David; becomes barren, 2 Sam 6:16–23


Site of battle with Philistines, 1 Sam 13:5, 11, 16, 23

Scene of Jonathan’s victory, 1 Sam 14:1–16


Son of Abraham by Keturah, Gen 25:1–4

———Region in the Arabian desert occupied by the Midianites, Gen 25:6; Ex 2:15


Descendants of Abraham by Keturah, Gen 25:1, 2

Moses flees to, Ex 2:15

Join Moab in cursing Israel, Num 22:4–7

Intermarriage with incurs God’s wrath, Num 25:1–18

Defeated by Israel, Num 31:1–10

Oppress Israel; defeated by Gideon, Judg 6; 7


God is in the m Ps 46:5

that I am in the m Joel 2:27

I am there in the m Matt 18:20


‘My power and the m Deut 8:17

shall speak of the m Ps 145:6

the greatness of His m Is 40:26

man glory in his m Jer 9:23

their m has failed Jer 51:30

‘Not by m nor by Zech 4:6

in the power of His m Eph 6:10

greater in power and m 2 Pet 2:11

honor and power and m Rev 7:12


coming after me is m Matt 3:11


to shake the earth m Is 2:19

which works in me m Col 1:29


He was a m hunter Gen 10:9

for they are too m Num 22:6

How the m have fallen 2 Sam 1:19

is wise in heart and m Job 9:4

The LORD m in battle Ps 24:8

their Redeemer is m Prov 23:11

Woe to men m at Is 5:22

great in counsel and m Jer 32:19

m men are made red Nah 2:3

m has done great Luke 1:49

He has put down the m Luke 1:52

the flesh, not many m 1 Cor 1:26

the working of His m Eph 1:19

from heaven with His m 2 Thess 1:7


Solomon went after, 1 Kin 11:5

Altar destroyed by Josiah, 2 Kin 23:12, 13


Paul meets Ephesian elders here, Acts 20:15–38

Paul leaves Trophimus here, 2 Tim 4:20


for water, she gave m Judg 5:25

honey and m are under Song 4:11

come, buy wine and m Is 55:1

and whiter than m Lam 4:7

shall flow with m Joel 3:18

have come to need m Heb 5:12

m is unskilled in the Heb 5:13

desire the pure m 1 Pet 2:2


be grinding at the m Matt 24:41


Fort at Jerusalem, 2 Sam 5:9

Prepared by Solomon, 1 Kin 9:15

Strengthened by Hezekiah, 2 Chr 32:5

Scene of Joash’s death, 2 Kin 12:20, 21


m were hung around his Matt 18:6

a stone like a great m Rev 18:21


put wisdom in the m Job 38:36

perfect peace, whose m Is 26:3

nor have an anxious m Luke 12:29

m I myself serve the Rom 7:25

who has known the m Rom 11:34

Be of the same m Rom 12:16

convinced in his own m Rom 14:5

“who has known the m 1 Cor 2:16

you are out of your m 1 Cor 14:23

Let this m be in you Phil 2:5

to m your own 1 Thess 4:11

love and of a sound m 2 Tim 1:7


is man that You are m Ps 8:4

The LORD has been m Ps 115:12

for you are not m Matt 16:23

is man that You are m Heb 2:6


people change their m Ex 13:17

put My law in their m Jer 31:33

I stir up your pure m 2 Pet 3:1

He who searches the m Rev 2:23


to make you a m Acts 26:16

for he is God’s m Rom 13:4

you will be a good m 1 Tim 4:6

a M of the sanctuary Heb 8:2


But the child m 1 Sam 2:11

a thousand thousands m Dan 7:10

As they m to the Lord Acts 13:2


angels spirits, His m Ps 104:4

for they are God’s m Rom 13:6

commend ourselves as m 2 Cor 6:4

Are they m of Christ 2 Cor 11:23

If anyone m 1 Pet 4:11


are differences of m 1 Cor 12:5


I magnify my m Rom 11:13

But if the m of death 2 Cor 3:7

since we have this m 2 Cor 4:1

and has given us the m 2 Cor 5:18

for the work of m Eph 4:12

m which you have Col 4:17

fulfill your m 2 Tim 4:5

a more excellent m Heb 8:6


For you pay tithe of m Matt 23:23


saying, ‘Show a m Ex 7:9

no one who works a m Mark 9:39

that a notable m Acts 4:16


God worked unusual m Acts 19:11

the working of m 1 Cor 12:10

Are all workers of m 1 Cor 12:29

with various m Heb 2:4


Sister of Aaron and Moses, Num 26:59

Chosen by God; called a prophetess, Ex 15:20

Punished for rebellion, Num 12:1–16

Buried at Kadesh, Num 20:1


I will test you with m Eccl 2:1

is in the house of m Eccl 7:4

joy is darkened, the m Is 24:11


eat the bread of a m Prov 23:6


m that are coming James 5:1


would forget your m Job 11:16

and remember his m Prov 31:7


But the Egyptians m Deut 26:6

those who are m Heb 13:3


m his father and Prov 19:26


widow putting in two m Luke 21:2


Site of covenant between Jacob and Laban, Gen 31:44–53

———Town of Benjamin; outraged Israelites gather here, Josh 18:21, 26; Judg 20:1, 3

Samuel gathers Israel, 1 Sam 7:5–16; 10:17–25

Residence of Gedaliah, 2 Kin 25:23, 25


Son of Lot, Gen 19:33–37

———Country of the Moabites, Deut 1:5


Descendants of Lot, Gen 19:36, 37

Join Midian in cursing Israel, Num 22:4

Excluded from Israel, Deut 23:3–6

Kindred of Ruth, Ruth 1:4

Subdued by Israel, 1 Sam 14:47; 2 Sam 8:2; 2 Kin 3:4–27

Women of, lead Solomon astray, 1 Kin 11:1–8

Prophecies concerning, Is 11:14; 15:1–9; Jer 48:1–47; Amos 2:1–3


m sadly like doves Is 59:11


I will m when your Prov 1:26

Fools m at sin Prov 14:9

to the Gentiles to m Matt 20:19


at noon, that Elijah m 1 Kin 18:27

“I am one m by his Job 12:4

knee before Him and m Matt 27:29

deceived, God is not m Gal 6:7


Wine is a m Prov 20:1


that there would be m Jude 18


others had trial of m Heb 11:36


He who m the poor Prov 17:5


with propriety and m 1 Tim 2:9


God of the Ammonites; worshiped by Solomon, 1 Kin 11:7

Human sacrifice made to, Lev 18:21; 2 Kin 23:10


consume them in a m Num 16:21

In a m they die Job 34:20

face from you for a m Is 54:8

in a m, in the 1 Cor 15:52

which is but for a m 2 Cor 4:17


does not put out his m Ps 15:5

m answers every Eccl 10:19

be redeemed without m Is 52:3

and you who have no m Is 55:1

of the m changers Matt 21:12

and hid his lord’s m Matt 25:18

promised to give him m Mark 14:11

Carry neither m Luke 10:4

I sent you without m Luke 22:35

the m changers doing John 2:14

be purchased with m Acts 8:20

not greedy for m 1 Tim 3:3

m is a root of all 1 Tim 6:10

not greedy for m Titus 1:7


me up like a m Jer 51:34

of Egypt, O great m Ezek 29:3


until the m is no more Ps 72:7

morning, fair as the m Song 6:10

sun and m grow dark Joel 2:10

m will not give its Mark 13:24


Esther’s guardian; advises her, Esth 2:5–20

Reveals plot to kill the king, Esth 2:21–23

Refuses homage to Haman, Esth 3:1–6

Honored by the king, Esth 6:1–12

Exalted highly, Esth 8:15; 9:4

Institutes feast of Purim, Esth 9:20–31


God commands Abraham to sacrifice Isaac here, Gen 22:1–13

Site of Solomon’s temple, 2 Chr 3:1


the eyelids of the m Job 41:18

Evening and m and at Ps 55:17

the wings of the m Ps 139:9

looks forth as the m Song 6:10

Lucifer, son of the m Is 14:12

established as the m Hos 6:3

very early in the m Luke 24:1

the Bright and M Star Rev 22:16


or eaten my m by Job 31:17

Better is a dry m Prov 17:1

Esau, who for one m Heb 12:16


sin reign in your m Rom 6:12

and this m must put 1 Cor 15:53


m may be swallowed 2 Cor 5:4


with idolatrous m Ps 26:4


Born; hidden by mother; adopted by Pharaoh’s daughter, Ex 2:1–10

Kills Egyptian and flees to Midian, Ex 2:11–22

Receives call from God, Ex 3:1–4:17

Returns to Israelites in Egypt, Ex 4:18–31

Wins Israel’s deliverance with plagues, Ex 5:1–6:13; 6:28–11:10; 12:29–42

Leads Israel out of Egypt and through the Red Sea, Ex 13:17–14:31

His song of praise, Ex 15:1–18

Provides miraculously for the people, Ex 15:22–17:7

Appoints judges, Ex 18

Receives the law on Mount Sinai, Ex 19–23

Receives instructions for tabernacle, Ex 25–31

Intercedes for Israel’s sin, Ex 32

Recommissioned and encouraged, Ex 33; 34

Further instructions and building of the tabernacle, Ex 35–40

Consecrates Aaron, Lev 8:1–36

Takes census, Num 1:1–54

Resumes journey to Canaan, Num 10:11–36

Complains; 70 elders appointed, Num 11:1–35

Intercedes for people when they refuse to enter Canaan, Num 14:11–25

Puts down Korah’s rebellion, Num 16

Sins in anger, Num 20:1–13

Makes bronze serpent, Num 21:4–9

Travels toward Canaan, Num 21:10–20

Takes second census, Num 26

Commissions Joshua as his successor, Num 27:12–23

Receives further laws, Num 28–30

Commands conquest of Midian, Num 31

Final instructions, Num 32–36

Forbidden to enter Promised Land, Deut 3:23–28

Gives farewell messages, Deut 32; 33

Sees Promised Land; dies, Deut 34:1–7

Is mourned and extolled, Deut 34:8–12

Appears with Christ at Transfiguration, Matt 17:1–3


His mouth is m sweet Song 5:16

on your m holy faith Jude 20


m will eat them Is 50:9

where m and rust Matt 6:19


because she was the m Gen 3:20

like a joyful m Ps 113:9

the only one of her m Song 6:9

m might have been my Jer 20:17

leave his father and m Matt 19:5

“Behold your m John 19:27

free, which is the m Gal 4:26

The M of Harlots Rev 17:5


come up to M Sinai Ex 19:23

you like M Carmel Song 7:5

they shall m up with Is 40:31

for this Hagar is M Gal 4:25


Prophets gather at, 1 Kin 18:19, 20

Elisha journeys to, 2 Kin 2:25

Shunammite woman comes to Elisha at, 2 Kin 4:25


Cursed by God, Deut 11:29

Joshua builds an altar on, Josh 8:30


Mount of blessing, Deut 11:29; 27:12

Jotham speaks to people of Shechem here, Judg 9:7

Samaritans’ sacred mountain, John 4:20, 21


Men of Israel slain at, 1 Sam 31:1

Saul and his sons slain at, 1 Sam 31:8


Gideon divides the people for battle at, Judg 7:3


Lord speaks to Moses and Aaron on, Num 20:23

Aaron dies on, Num 20:25–28


Sons of Israel stripped of ornaments at, Ex 33:6

The same as Sinai, Ex 3:1




Lord descends upon, in fire, Ex 19:18

Lord calls Moses to the top of, Ex 19:20

The glory of the Lord rests on, for six days, Ex 24:16


Deborah sends Barak there to defeat Canaanites, Judg 4:6–14


Survivors shall go out from, 2 Kin 19:31


to Horeb, the m Ex 3:1

“But as a m falls Job 14:18

You have made my m Ps 30:7

of many peaks is the m Ps 68:15

let us go up to the m Is 2:3

image became a great m Dan 2:35

Who are you, O great m Zech 4:7

you will say to this m Matt 17:20

with Him on the holy m 2 Pet 1:18


He removes the m Job 9:5

Surely the m yield Job 40:20

m will bring peace Ps 72:3

excellent than the m Ps 76:4

m were brought forth Ps 90:2

m melt like wax at the Ps 97:5

m skipped like rams Ps 114:4

m surround Jerusalem Ps 125:2

m shall depart and the Is 54:10

in Judea flee to the m Matt 24:16

that I could remove m 1 Cor 13:2

m were not found Rev 16:20


and you m at last Prov 5:11

a time to m Eccl 3:4

are those who m Matt 5:4

Lament and m and weep James 4:9

of the earth will m Rev 1:7


we m to you Matt 11:17

and have not rather m 1 Cor 5:2


This is a deep m Gen 50:11

m all the day long Ps 38:6

m shall be ended Is 60:20

men break bread in m Jer 16:7

I will turn their m Jer 31:13

shall be a great m Zech 12:11

be turned to m and James 4:9


heavily, as one who m Ps 35:14

The earth m and fades Is 24:4

for Him as one m Zech 12:10


“Who has made man’s m Ex 4:11

Out of the m of babes Ps 8:2

The m of the righteous Ps 37:30

m shall speak wisdom Ps 49:3

iniquity stops its m Ps 107:42

knowledge, but the m Prov 10:14

m preserves his life Prov 13:3

The m of an immoral Prov 22:14

and a flattering m Prov 26:28

m speaking pompous Dan 7:8

the doors of your m Mic 7:5

m defiles a man Matt 15:11

m I will judge you Luke 19:22

I will give you a m Luke 21:15

m confession is made Rom 10:10

m great swelling words Jude 16

vomit you out of My m Rev 3:16


and the earth will m Is 13:13

the mountain shall m Zech 14:4

in Him we live and m Acts 17:28


shall never be m Ps 15:5

she shall not be m Ps 46:5

spoke as they were m 2 Pet 1:21


m study is Eccl 12:12

m better than wine is Song 4:10

to whom m is given Luke 12:48

M more then Rom 5:9


sorrows shall be m Ps 16:4

of the disciples m Acts 6:7

word of God grew and m Acts 12:24


“Be fruitful and m Gen 1:22

m your descendants Gen 16:10

m my days as the Job 29:18

m the descendants Jer 33:22


stars of heaven in m Deut 1:10

Your house in the m Ps 5:7

m that kept a pilgrim Ps 42:4

In the m of words sin Prov 10:19

In a m of people is a Prov 14:28

compassion on the m Matt 15:32

with the angel a m Luke 2:13

“love will cover a m 1 Pet 4:8

and behold, a great m Rev 7:9


“You shall not m Ex 20:13

‘You shall not m Matt 5:21

threats and m against Acts 9:1

You m and covet and James 4:2


sons of those who m Matt 23:31

Jesus whom you m Acts 5:30

one and m his brother 1 John 3:12


He was a m from the John 8:44

and asked for a m Acts 3:14

of you suffer as a m 1 Pet 4:15

his brother is a m 1 John 3:15


in it, but now m Is 1:21

and profane, for m 1 Tim 1:9

abominable, m Rev 21:8


evil thoughts, m Matt 15:19

envy, m, drunkenness Gal 5:21


So David played m 1 Sam 18:10

m are brought low Eccl 12:4

the house, he heard m Luke 15:25


while I was m Ps 39:3


Or who makes the m Ex 4:11

m who does not open Ps 38:13

I was m with silence Ps 39:2

I was m Ps 39:9


beware of the m Phil 3:2


by the m faith both Rom 1:12


“You shall not m Deut 25:4

“You shall not m 1 Tim 5:18


to you to know the m Matt 13:11

and understand all m 1 Cor 13:2

the spirit he speaks m 1 Cor 14:2


today is not too m Deut 30:11


given to know the m Mark 4:11

wisdom of God in a m 1 Cor 2:7

Behold, I tell you a m 1 Cor 15:51

made known to us the m Eph 1:9

This is a great m Eph 5:32

m which has been Col 1:26

the m of godliness 1 Tim 3:16


Captain in the Syrian army, 2 Kin 5:1–11

Healed of his leprosy, 2 Kin 5:14–17

Referred to by Christ, Luke 4:27


Refuses David’s request, 1 Sam 25:2–12

Escapes David’s wrath but dies of a stroke, 1 Sam 25:13–39


Murdered for his vineyard by King Ahab, 1 Kin 21:1–16

His murder avenged, 1 Kin 21:17–25


Eldest of Aaron’s four sons, Ex 6:23

Takes part in affirming covenant, Ex 24:1, 9–12

Becomes priest, Ex 28:1

Consumed by fire, Lev 10:1–7

———King of Israel, 1 Kin 14:20

Killed by Baasha, 1 Kin 15:25–31


King of Ammon; makes impossible demands, 1 Sam 11:1–15


Grandfather of Abraham, Gen 11:24–26

———Son of Terah, brother of Abraham, Gen 11:17


Inspired prophet to Judah concerning Nineveh, Nah 1:1


n it to the cross Col 2:14


Village south of Nazareth; Jesus raises widow’s son here, Luke 7:11–17


Prophets’ school in Ramah, 1 Sam 19:18, 19, 22, 23


And they were both n Gen 2:25

knew that they were n Gen 3:7

N I came from my Job 1:21

Isaiah has walked n Is 20:3

I was n and you Matt 25:36

and fled from them n Mark 14:52

shall not be found n 2 Cor 5:3

but all things are n Heb 4:13

brother or sister is n James 2:15

poor, blind, and n Rev 3:17


of Canaan, saw the n Gen 9:22

or famine, or n Rom 8:35

often, in cold and n 2 Cor 11:27

n may not be revealed Rev 3:18


Abram called on the n Gen 13:4

Israel shall be your n Gen 35:10

This is My n forever Ex 3:15

shall not take the n Ex 20:7

are called by the n Deut 28:10

glorious and awesome n Deut 28:58

by My n will humble 2 Chr 7:14

and he has no n Job 18:17

excellent is Your n Ps 8:1

n will put their trust Ps 9:10

be His glorious n Ps 72:19

n is great in Israel Ps 76:1

do not call on Your n Ps 79:6

to Your n give glory Ps 115:1

above all Your n Ps 138:2

He calls them all by n Ps 147:4

The n of the LORD is a Prov 18:10

A good n is to be Prov 22:1

what is His Son’s n Prov 30:4

make mention of Your n Is 26:13

the LORD, that is My n Is 42:8

be to the LORD for a n Is 55:13

be called by a new n Is 62:2

Everlasting is Your n Is 63:16

who calls on Your n Is 64:7

it shall be to Me a n Jer 33:9

and made Yourself a n Dan 9:15

we will walk in the n Mic 4:5

They will call on My n Zech 13:9

n shall be great Mal 1:11

to you who fear My n Mal 4:2

you shall call His n Matt 1:21

hallowed be Your n Matt 6:9

prophesied in Your n Matt 7:22

righteous man in the n Matt 10:41

n Gentiles will trust Matt 12:21

together in My n Matt 18:20

will come in My n Matt 24:5

“My n is Legion Mark 5:9

The virgin’s n was Luke 1:27

“His n is John Luke 1:63

and cast out your n Luke 6:22

who believe in His n John 1:12

comes in his own n John 5:43

his own sheep by n John 10:3

through faith in His n Acts 3:16

there is no other n Acts 4:12

suffer shame for His n Acts 5:41

which is above every n Phil 2:9

deed, do all in the n Col 3:17

a more excellent n Heb 1:4

blaspheme that noble n James 2:7

reproached for the n 1 Pet 4:14

you hold fast to My n Rev 2:13

n that you are alive Rev 3:1

having His Father’s n Rev 14:1

and glorify Your n Rev 15:4

n written that no one Rev 19:12


saved them for His n Ps 106:8

forgiven you for His n 1 John 2:12


let my name be n Gen 48:16

I have n you Is 45:4


Widow of Elimelech, Ruth 1:1–3

Returns to Bethlehem with Ruth, Ruth 1:14–19

Arranges Ruth’s marriage to Boaz, Ruth 3; 4


Son of Jacob by Bilhah, Gen 30:1–8

Receives Jacob’s blessing, Gen 49:21, 28

———Tribe of:

Numbered, Num 1:42, 43

Territory assigned to, Josh 19:32–39

Joins Gideon’s army, Judg 7:23

Attacked by Ben-Hadad and Tiglath-Pileser, 1 Kin 15:20; 2 Kin 15:29

Prophecy of great light in; fulfilled in Christ’s ministry, Is 9:1–7; Matt 4:12–16


“Enter by the n gate Matt 7:13

n is the gate and Matt 7:14


Son of David, 2 Sam 5:14

Mary’s lineage traced through, Zech 12:12

———Prophet under David and Solomon, 1 Chr 29:29

Reveals God’s plan to David, 2 Sam 7:2–29

Rebukes David’s sin, 2 Sam 12:1–15

Reveals Adonijah’s plot, 1 Kin 1:10–46


One of Christ’s disciples, John 1:45–51


make you a great n Gen 12:2

You slay a righteous n Gen 20:4

priests and a holy n Ex 19:6

dealt thus with any n Ps 147:20

exalts a n Prov 14:34

lift up sword against n Is 2:4

that the righteous n Is 26:2

a small one a strong n Is 60:22

n that was not called Is 65:1

n changed its gods Jer 2:11

I will make them one n Ezek 37:22

since there was a n Dan 12:1

n will rise against Matt 24:7

for he loves our n Luke 7:5

those who are not a n Rom 10:19

tribe, tongue, and n Rev 13:7


father of many n Gen 17:5

mother of n Gen 17:16

itself among the n Num 23:9

Why do the n rage Ps 2:1

I will give You the n Ps 2:8

n shall serve Him Ps 72:11

n shall call Him Ps 72:17

n shall fear the name Ps 102:15

is high above all n Ps 113:4

All n before Him are Is 40:17

n who do not know Is 55:5

the wise men of the n Jer 10:7

the Desire of All N Hag 2:7

n shall be joined Zech 2:11

witness to all the n Matt 24:14

disciples of all the n Matt 28:19

house of prayer for all n Mark 11:17

who was to rule all n Rev 12:5

the healing of the n Rev 22:2


women exchanged the n Rom 1:26

the men, leaving the n Rom 1:27

did not spare the n Rom 11:21

n man does not receive 1 Cor 2:14

It is sown a n body 1 Cor 15:44

not first, but the n 1 Cor 15:46


for what is against n Rom 1:26

n itself teach you 1 Cor 11:14

We who are Jews by n Gal 2:15

by n children of wrath Eph 2:3

of the divine n 2 Pet 1:4


Jesus to be called, Matt 2:23

Descriptive of Jesus’ followers, Acts 24:5


Town in Galilee; considered obscure, John 1:46

City of Jesus’ parents, Matt 2:23

Early home of Jesus, Luke 2:39–51

Jesus rejected by, Luke 4:16–30


the vow of a N Num 6:2

N to God from the womb Judg 13:5


that has God so n to it Deut 4:7

But the word is very n Deut 30:14

The LORD is n to all Ps 145:18

upon Him while He is n Is 55:6

know that it is n Matt 24:33

kingdom of God is n Luke 21:31

“The word is n Rom 10:8

to those who were n Eph 2:17

for the time is n Rev 1:3


now our salvation is n Rom 13:11


Babylonian god, Is 46:1

———Summit of Pisgah; Moses dies here, Deut 32:49; 34:1, 5


Monarch of the Neo-Babylonian Empire (605–562 B.C.); carries Jews captive to Babylon, Dan 1:1–3

Crushes Jehoiachin’s revolt, 2 Kin 24:10–17

Destroys Jerusalem; captures Zedekiah, Jer 39:5–8

Prophecies concerning, Is 14:4–27; Jer 21:7–10; 25:8, 9; 27:4–11; 32:28–36; 43:10–13; Ezek 26:7–12


Nebuchadnezzar’s captain at siege of Jerusalem, 2 Kin 25:8–20

Protects Jeremiah, Jer 39:11–14


mouth more than my n Job 23:12

and thus it was n Luke 24:46

burden than these n Acts 15:28

I found it n to write Jude 3


have provided for my n Acts 20:34

and again for my n Phil 4:16


n is laid upon me 1 Cor 9:16

not grudgingly or of n 2 Cor 9:7


smooth part of his n Gen 27:16

and grace to your n Prov 3:22

n was an iron sinew Is 48:4

were hung around his n Matt 18:6

ran and fell on his n Luke 15:20


stiffened their n Neh 9:29

with outstretched n Is 3:16

who risked their own n Rom 16:4


in nakedness, and in n Deut 28:48

a prowler, and your n Prov 24:34

the things you have n Matt 6:8

‘The Lord has n Matt 21:3

each as anyone had n Acts 4:35

hand, “I have no n 1 Cor 12:21

who ministered to my n Phil 2:25

supply all your n Phil 4:19

to help in time of n Heb 4:16

sees his brother in n 1 John 3:17

The city had no n Rev 21:23


your poor and your n Deut 15:11

They push the n Job 24:4

n shall not always be Ps 9:18

He will deliver the n Ps 72:12

and lifts the n Ps 113:7

to rob the n of Is 10:2

n will lie down in Is 14:30

a strength to the n Is 25:4


n the gift that is 1 Tim 4:14

if we n so great a Heb 2:3


n the weightier Matt 23:23

their widows were n Acts 6:1


Jewish cupbearer to King Artaxerxes; prays for restoration of Jerusalem, Neh 1:4–11

King commissions him to rebuild walls, Neh 2:1–8

Overcomes opposition and accomplishes rebuilding, Neh 4–6

Appointed governor, Neh 5:14

Participates with Ezra in restored worship, Neh 8–10

Registers the people and the priests and Levites, Neh 11:1–12:26

Dedicates the wall, Neh 12:27–43

Returns to Jerusalem after absence and institutes reforms, Neh 13:4–31


you shall love your n Lev 19:18

for better is a n Prov 27:10

every man teach his n Jer 31:34

gives drink to his n Hab 2:15

‘You shall love your n Matt 5:43

“And who is my n Luke 10:29

“You shall love your n Rom 13:9


and make its n Job 39:27

n is a man who wanders Prov 27:8

though you set your n Obad 4

that he may set his n Hab 2:9


me with His n Job 19:6

have hidden their n Ps 35:7

They have prepared a n Ps 57:6

an antelope in a n Is 51:20

catch in their n Hab 1:15

I will let down the n Luke 5:5

to them, “Cast the n John 21:6


Servants of the Levites, Ezra 8:20

Possible origins of:

Gibeonites, Josh 9:23–27

Solomon’s forced laborers, 1 Kin 9:20, 21

Mentioned, 1 Chr 9:2; Ezra 2:43–54; 7:24; 8:17; Neh 3:31; 7:46–60, 73; 10:28, 29; 11:21


in Me shall n thirst John 6:35

in Me shall n die John 11:26

Love n fails 1 Cor 13:8

n take away sins Heb 10:11

“I will n leave you Heb 13:5

prophecy n came by 2 Pet 1:21


Now there arose a n Ex 1:8

the LORD creates a n Num 16:30

They chose n gods Judg 5:8

and there is nothing n Eccl 1:9

Behold, I will do a n Is 43:19

For behold, I create n Is 65:17

when I will make a n Jer 31:31

n every morning Lam 3:23

wine into n wineskins Matt 9:17

of the n covenant Matt 26:28

n commandment I give John 13:34

tell or to hear some n Acts 17:21

he is a n creation 2 Cor 5:17

n man who is renewed Col 3:10

when I will make a n Heb 8:8

n heavens and a n 2 Pet 3:13

n name written which Rev 2:17

And they sang a n Rev 5:9

And I saw a n heaven Rev 21:1

I make all things n Rev 21:5


also should walk in n Rom 6:4

should serve in the n Rom 7:6


heard this bad n Ex 33:4

soul, so is good n Prov 25:25

him who brings good n Is 52:7


One of the first seven deacons, Acts 6:1–5


Pharisee; converses with Jesus, John 3:1–12

Protests unfairness of Christ’s trial, John 7:50–52

Brings gifts to anoint Christ’s body, John 19:39, 40


Group teaching moral laxity, Rev 2:6–15


One of the first seven deacons, Acts 6:5


darkness He called N Gen 1:5

It is a n of solemn Ex 12:42

pillar of fire by n Ex 13:22

and the n be ended Job 7:4

gives songs in the n Job 35:10

n reveals knowledge Ps 19:2

awake through the n Ps 119:148

and stars to rule by n Ps 136:9

desired You in the n Is 26:9

and perished in a n Jon 4:10

and continued all n Luke 6:12

man came to Jesus by n John 3:2

n is coming when no John 9:4

came to Jesus by n John 19:39

The n is far spent Rom 13:12

as a thief in the n 1 Thess 5:2

We are not of the n 1 Thess 5:5

there shall be no n Rev 21:25

there shall be no n Rev 22:5


Hebrew children drowned in, Ex 1:22

Moses hidden in, Ex 2:3–10

Water of, turned to blood, Ex 7:14–21

Mentioned in prophecies, Is 19:5–8; 23:3; 27:12; Jer 46:7–9; Amos 9:5


Ham’s grandson, Gen 10:6–12


where are the n Luke 17:17


he not leave the n Matt 18:12

n just persons Luke 15:7


Capital of Assyria, 2 Kin 19:36

Jonah preaches to; people repent, Jon 3:1–10; Matt 12:41

Prophecy against, Nah 2:13–3:19; Zeph 2:13–15


Son of Lamech, Gen 5:28–32

Finds favor with God; commissioned to build the ark, Gen 6:8–22

Fills ark and survives flood, Gen 7

Leaves ark; builds altar; receives God’s promise, Gen 8

God’s covenant with, Gen 9:1–17

Blesses and curses his sons; dies, Gen 9:18–29


City of priests; David flees to, 1 Sam 21:1–9

Priests of, killed by Saul, 1 Sam 22:9–23


whatever things are n Phil 4:8

not blaspheme that n James 2:7


voice of n was hushed Job 29:10

king is the son of n Eccl 10:17

n have sent their lads Jer 14:3

your n rest in the Nah 3:18


Place (east of Eden) of Cain’s exile, Gen 4:16, 17


The n of a multitude Is 13:4

people who make a n Is 17:12

of Egypt, is but a n Jer 46:17

They have made a n Lam 2:7

away with a great n 2 Pet 3:10


n the breath of life Gen 2:7

breath of God in my n Job 27:3

breath is in his n Is 2:22


urge you, brethren, n Rom 16:17

n those who so walk Phil 3:17


For now you are n Job 6:21

rich, yet has n Prov 13:7

“It is good for n Prov 20:14

before Him are as n Is 40:17

their works are n Is 41:29

I can of Myself do n John 5:30

Me you can do n John 15:5

men, it will come to n Acts 5:38

bring to n the things 1 Cor 1:28

For I know of n against 1 Cor 4:4

have not love, I am n 1 Cor 13:2

love, it profits me n 1 Cor 13:3

Be anxious for n Phil 4:6

For we brought n 1 Tim 6:7

complete, lacking n James 1:4

name’s sake, taking n 3 John 7


n prisoner called Matt 27:16


“I have n and Is 1:2

n and knit together Col 2:19

n in the words of 1 Tim 4:6


n and cherishes it Eph 5:29


not a n, lest being 1 Tim 3:6


if a man could n Gen 13:16

that I may know the n 2 Sam 24:2

things without n Job 5:9

For now You n my steps Job 14:16

n the clouds by wisdom Job 38:37

teach us to n our days Ps 90:12

He counts the n Ps 147:4

which no one could n Rev 7:9

His n is 666 Rev 13:18


are more than can be n Ps 40:5

God has n your kingdom Dan 5:26

‘And He was n with Luke 22:37