Chapter 11

Map Investigative Workflows


All suspicious events detected throughout the organization must be reviewed to determine the impact and the potential risk to business operations. In every instance, depending on the level of risk identified, a decision needs to be made for how different incidents will be handled throughout the organization.


Escalation; Incident management; Investigative workflow; Roles and responsibilities


Forensic investigations can be triggered from many different types of events generated by a variety of security controls. Whether they originate as a result of human watchfulness, rule matching in an intrusion prevention system, or modification of data alerted on file integrity monitoring (FIM), organizations must demonstrate an acceptable level of due diligence by ensuring they review each event as they are generated.
While reviewing events, security analysts need to quickly assess the level of risk to the organization and make a decision of whether a full forensic investigation needs to be initiated. The criteria for deciding when an event becomes an investigation should not be simply left to the judgment of the security analyst, a series of policies and procedures must be established to clearly define when this escalation is performed. At the point an investigation is initiated, governance documentation should already be in place and include detailed information for how to proceed and whom to involve.

Incident Management Lifecycle

A forensic investigation can be initiated from several types of events or incidents. Similar to how the digital forensic readiness model, as illustrated in Figure 11.1, provides a consistent and repeatable workflow for conducting a forensic investigation, the way in which organizations manage their incidents should also follow a consistent, repeatable, and structured workflow framework.
Incident management consists of several phases through which specific activities are performed to mitigate the impact of the incident by containing it and ultimately recovering from it. Illustrated in Figure 11.2, there are four major phases within the incident management lifecycle, each containing a subset of activities and steps that must be performed. Typically, the phases of an incident management lifecycle are completed in sequence and, similar to that of the digital forensic readiness model, may require that preceding phases are revisited as new events or findings are detected, making it very much a lifecycle.

Integrating the Digital Forensic Readiness Model

Those members of the incident response team (IRT) responsible for performing forensic activities need to have knowledge of the principles, methodologies, procedures, tools, and techniques that apply throughout each phase of the incident management lifecycle. Not only does having this knowledge facilitate more efficient and effective response to incidents, it also ensures that the actions taken during incident handling and response will not interfere with the authenticity and integrity of digital evidence.
Included throughout the sections below, the integration points between each incident response phase and digital forensics have been specified.

Incident Handling and Response

There are four major phases included as part of the incident management lifecycle, including:
• Preparation (initiation)
• Respond (detection and analysis)
• Restore (containment, eradication, and recovery)
• Learn (postincident)
The activities and steps performed in some phases are common to all security incidents, such as when a detected incident has been validated and the IRT moves toward containment actions, while in some incidents there are activities and steps that may not be performed, such as when a detected incident has been invalidated and the IRT moves toward recovery actions. Making effective use of the incident management lifecycle requires that organizations minimize the number of impromptu decisions and subjective judgments being made during an incident. Not only will this facilitate in reducing stress related to potentially making an incorrect decision, but it also provides organizations with a comprehensive methodology that is demonstrably consistent and repeatable when challenged in a court of law.

Phase #1: Preparation

The incident management lifecycle starts by completing activities that ultimately enables the organization to effectively respond and handle incidents. This is the most critical phase of the entire lifecycle because it establishes a foundation for how the subsequent phases will be executed within the capabilities throughout the organizations.

“Event” Versus “Incident”

Policies, Plans, and Procedures

Organizing an effective incident handling and response capabilities requires organizations to establish formal incident management policies, plan, and procedures before an incident occurs.
This series of documentation must emphasize how interactions throughout the organization, as well as with external parties such as law enforcement, will be conducted.
At the highest level, policies are built as formalized blueprints used to describe the organization goals specific to incident management. These documents address general terms and are not intended to contain the level of detail that are found in the plans and procedures that are created afterward.
While the contents of these documents will be subjective to the organizations individual incident management needs, the following elements are commonly used across all policy implementations:
• Statement of management commitments to incident management
• Purpose and objective for creating the policy
• Scope of whom, how, and when the policy applies
• Prioritization or severity ranking of incidents
• Escalation and contact information
• Organizational structure including, but not limited to, roles and responsibilities, chain of command,2 and information sharing rules
• Service level objectives (SLO)1 used to measure performance
• Roadmap for maturing incident management capabilities
Standard operating procedures (SOPs) should be created and maintained based on the organizations implementation of governing policies, plans, and staffing models. Contained within these SOP documents should be comprehensive and detailed technical processes, checklists, and forms that will be used for handling and responding to an incident that align with digital forensics principles, methodologies, and techniques.
The goal for creating these SOP documents is to provide a consistently repeatable process, relevant to all incidents that can be accurately applied to all forensic activities. Suggested components for an SOP document, including the requirements for digital forensics, have been presented throughout the incident handling and response phases in the sections to follow.

Team Structure and Models

An IRT should always be readily available for anybody who identifies or suspects that an event within the organization has occurred. Beyond the availability of incident management documentation, the success of the IRT to analyze events and act appropriately depends on the involvement of key individuals through the organization. Generally, the IRT is responsible for:
• developing appropriate incident management documentation
• retaining resources necessary to perform incident management activities
• investigate the root cause of detected incidents
• manage digital evidence gathered and processed from the incident
• recommend countermeasures and security controls (administrative, technical, or physical)
Roles and Responsibilities
It is important that there is participation of stakeholders throughout the organization to provide their expertise, judgment, and abilities throughout the incident management lifecycle. While the duties performed by each of these stakeholders may not have direct involvement in conducting incident response or handling related activities, their cooperation is essential to ensuring that the policies, plans, and procedures are consistently followed.
Depending on the size of the organization, not all business areas specified in the list might exist. Where this is the case, it is important to identify people who are experienced and knowledgeable in these subject matters so that when an incident occurs there will be no knowledge gap with how to proceed under certain circumstances.
Management is ultimately accountable for establishing incident management documentation, budgets, and staffing. They are also held responsible for coordinating incident response and handling capabilities among stakeholders and dissemination of information.
Information security resources provide supplementary support during different stages of the incident response and handling activities, such as validating security controls (ie, firewall rules).
Information technology (IT) support and administration resources have the most intimate knowledge of the technology they manage on a daily basis. This expertise is important to have when ensuring that appropriate actions are taken for affected assets, such as the proper sequence for shutting down critical systems.
Forensic practitioners who are knowledgeable in the scientific principles, methodologies, techniques of digital forensics. These individuals must be equipped with proper tools to ensure that incident response activities maintain the forensic viability and admissibility of digital evidence for eventual use in a court of law.
Legal experts should review all incident management documentation to ensure the organization is compliant with applicable laws, regulations, guidance, and the right to privacy. Furthermore, their expertise should also be sought when it is believed that an incident will have some form of legal ramifications, such as prosecution of perpetrators or the creation of binding agreements for external information sharing.
Public and corporate affairs will facilitate, depending on the nature and context of the incident, the communication and sharing of information with external parties (ie, media) and the public.
Human resource and employee relations serve as mediators for disciplinary proceedings where an employee is suspect of being involved with the incident.

Communication and Escalation

When an incident occurs, those individuals throughout the organization who have an invested interest in the process must be kept readily informed of what is happening. This requires that throughout each phase of the incident management lifecycle, the IRT must ensure they provide adequate and timely information about the incident.
Communication plans should account for the dissemination of information to a wide variety of audiences, across many different delivery channels (ie, in person, e-mail, paper), and be formatted based on the intended audience (ie, other IRTs, management, stakeholders). Not only should information be communicated on a periodic basis (ie, hourly updates, daily summary), but it should also be made available when requested on a “need to know” basis.
Recording and distributing information about an incident should be limited to specific IRT members, sometimes referred to as scribes, whose responsibility is focused solely on communication and escalations. These individuals work closely with other members of the IRT team(s) to document the activities, steps, and progresses through the incident management lifecycle and ensure that accurate and appropriate information is provided to those need it.
External Information Sharing
From time to time, organizations may need to communicate and share information with a variety of external parties such as law enforcement, media, industry experts, and so on. When required, key stakeholders—such as legal, executive management, and public/corporate affairs—should always be consulted prior to the dissemination of any information to external parties. Without having these teams involved to determine how and what level of detail information can be shared, there is a risk that sensitive or confidential information could be disclosed to unauthorized individuals.

Escalation Management

When required, the IRT may need to escalate specific activities about the incident to highlight issues so that appropriate individuals can respond and provide the required level of resolution. Most commonly, escalations are used during incident response to reprioritize, reassign, or monitor specific activities or actions so normal business operations, functions, and services can be restored as quickly as possible. Escalations can typically be grouped into one of the following categories.
Hierarchical Escalation
Illustrated in Figure 11.4, an example of this can be seen during security monitoring where the first level analysts complete the initial event triage and if they are unable to resolve the issue it is escalated to the second level analysts, and so on until it is resolved.
Functional Escalation
Functional escalations are used to ensure that issue resolution is achieved within a given SLO.1 During a functional escalation, the focus is placed on the priority for resolving the issue as a result of the combined importance and urgency.
Illustrated in Figure 11.5, a priority matrix demonstrates how priority can be determined to resolve issues within a given SLO.
Escalations should not be predominantly used as a means of deviating away from established incident management documentation. This typically happens when an organization incorrectly or vaguely defines when an escalation is to be used during the incident management lifecycle. If this occurs, the IRT will not know under what circumstance they should initiate an escalation, with whom they need to communicate, and how they are to perform the escalation. Examples of when an escalation can be triggered under both categories specified previously include the following:
• Evidence of a reportable crime exists
• Evidence indicates a fraud, theft, or other loss
• Estimate of possible damage exceeds the specified threshold
• Potential for embarrassment or reputational damage exists
• Immediate impact to customers, partners, or profitability is imminent
• Recovery plans have been invoked or are necessary
• Incident is reportable under legal or compliance requirements
The use of escalations should be limited to specific circumstances as defined in the incident management documentation. To ensure escalations are only performed when required, the IRT should include a decision maker, such as the incident manager, who will decide whether an escalation is required.

Phase #2: Respond

While the established SOP documentation supports a consistent and repeatable process for responding to all incidents, the way in which organizations handles each incident varies.
Contained with the scope of this phase, activities and steps performed are focused primarily on the detection and analysis of incidents as they are received.


Precursor incidents are those events that imply that an incident may occur in the future.
Indicator incidents are those events that signify that an incident has or is occurring now.


Where initial validation corroborates that the existence of an incident, the IRT must work quickly to prioritize and understand the context to surrounding the incident. The following techniques are examples of recommended techniques that can effectively reduce the complexity of incident analysis:
Profiling is the capability to characterize activity so that unknown or abnormal activity can be more easily identified. Examples of profiling techniques that can be used during incident analysis include file integrity monitoring (FIM) (chapter Establish Legal Admissibility) or misuse, anomaly, and specification-based detection (chapter Enable Targeted Monitoring).
Maintaining information knowledgebase, such as a centralized incident and case management solutions, should be readily available for the IRT to reference quickly during an incident. The knowledgebase should contain a variety of information that can be used to assess an incident including the following:
Observables are the resulting outputs that might be or have been seen across an organization (eg, service degradation)
Indicators describe one or more observable patterns that, combined with other relevant and contextual information, represent artifacts and behaviors of interest (eg, file hashes)
Incidents are distinct instances of indicators that are affecting an organization accompanied by information discovered or decided upon during an investigation
Adversary tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTP) describe the attack patterns, tools, exploits, infrastructure, victim targeting, and other methods used by the adversary or attacker
Exploit targets describe a vulnerabilities, weaknesses, or configurations that might be exploited
Courses of action are specific countermeasures taken as corrective or preventative response actions to address an exploit target or mitigate the potential impact of an incident
Campaigns are instance of threat actors that are performing a set of TTPs or incidents potentially seen across an organization


Following the analysis and assessment of an incident, the most critical decision to be made by the IRT is establishing the incident priority. As a rule of thumb, incidents that have been assessed should be handled by its priority and not on a first-come-first-serve basis; similar to how a hospital’s emergency room might operate. Prioritizing incidents can be achieved by using the following factors.
Functional Impact

Table 11.1

Functional Impact Prioritization

NoneNo effect to business operations, functions, or services
LowMinimal effect to business operations, functions, or services; no critical services have been impacted
MediumModerate effect to business operations, functions, or services; a subset of critical services have been impacted
HighSignificant effect to business operations, functions, or services; all critical services have been impacted
Informational Impact

Table 11.2

Informational Impact Prioritization

NoneNo information was exfiltrated, lost, or otherwise compromised
Privacy breachSensitive information was exfiltrated, lost, or otherwise compromised (ie, personally identifiable information)
Proprietary breachInternal information was exfiltrated, lost, or otherwise compromised (ie, architectural diagrams)
Integrity breachSensitive or proprietary information was exfiltrated, lost, or otherwise compromised (ie, financial records)
Recoverability Impact

Table 11.3

Recoverability Impact Prioritization

RegularRestoration time is predictable and can be achieved using existing resources
SupplementedRestoration time is predictable but requires additional resources
ExtendedRestoration time is unpredictable and requires assistance from existing, additional, and external resources
Not recoverableRestoration time is unpredictable and not realistically possible

Phase #3: Restore

Once an incident has been responded to, appropriate actions must be taken to mitigate further impact and the organization can begin working to recover business operations, functions, and services.
While the established SOP documentation supports a consistent and repeatable process for restoring business operations, functions, and services, the ways in which organizations contain and eradicate each incident can vary.


Before an incident can intensify further, organizations need to determine the appropriate strategies for controlling the impact of the incident beyond the assets and resources it has currently affected. Every incident varies in context, and because of these variations there is no single containment strategy that can be used unanimously. Ultimately, deciding which containment strategy works best for controlling impact beyond the currently affected assets and resources requires organizations to understand the context under which the incident occurred. Examples of criteria that can be used to select an appropriate containment strategy include the following:
• Functional, informational, and recoverability prioritization
• Potential damage to or theft of assets and resources
• Effectiveness of the containment strategy
• Time required to implement the containment strategy
Although the IRT’s primary goal is to select a containment strategy that will assist to eradicate and recover from the incident, careful consideration must be given to the need for preserving potential digital evidence in preparation for legal proceedings. Once the containment strategy has been selected, such as shutting down systems or isolating network segments, the IRT must ensure potential digital evidence is gathered and preserved in the order of the data’s volatility rating.
Generally, the more volatile data within a system the more challenging it is to forensically gather it because it is only available for a specific amount of time. The ability to gather potential digital evidence prior to implementing a containment strategy comes with the inherent risk whereas the longer it takes to make the decision, the greater the risk of the incident intensifying and digital evidence being lost.

Eradication and Recovery

After a containment strategy has been implemented, work can begin to remove the elements of the incident from where it exists throughout the organization. At this time, it is important that all affected assets and resources have been identified and remediated to ensure that when containment measures are removed, the incident does not come back or propagate further through the organization.

Table 11.4

Order of Volatility

Life SpanStorage TypeData Type
As short as a single clock cycleCPU storageRegisters
Until host is shut downSystem storageRAM
Kernel tablesNetwork connections
Login sessions
Running processes
Open files
Network configurations
System date/time
Until overwritten or erasedNonvolatile dataPaging/swap files
Temporary/cache files
Configuration/log files
Hibernation files
Dump files
Account information
Data files
Slack space
Removable mediaFloppy disks
Optical disc (read/write only)
Until physically destroyedOptical disc (write only)
OutputsPaper printouts


Phase #4: Learn

Every incident varies in context and can potentially include a new threat, attack vector, or threat actor that the IRT has not previously accounted for in their incident management program. However, the most commonly overlooked and disregarded phase of the incident management lifecycle involves learning from the incident.
By holding a “lessons learned” meeting with all stakeholders after an incident, the organization can identify additional controls to improve the organizations security posture and enhancing the IRT’s capabilities for future incidents. This meeting is the organizations opportunity to formally close work being done on the incident and begin reviewing specific details about the incident including:
• What happened and at what time(s)?
• How well did stakeholders and the IRT deal with the incident?
• Were incident management processes and procedures followed?

Investigation Workflow

The logical flow from the time when the initial event occurs requires organizations to follow a consistent and repeatable incident handling and response process that encompasses several stages of information gathering (ie, preserving digital evidence, conducting interviewing), communication (ie, stakeholder reporting, escalations), and documentation (ie, SOPs, incident/case management knowledgebase).
The goal of following a logical investigative process, made up of clear and concise workflows, is to reduce the potential for impromptu and uninformed decisions to be made during incident handling and response. However, understanding that the context of every incident is different, the investigative workflow should still provide those involved with the ability to make the best and most educated decision for what actions are performed next.
Before an incident is escalated into an investigation, the IRT should have collected sufficient information to assess the impact of this decision on the organization, including the following:
• Can an investigation proceed at a cost that is proportional to the size of the incident?
• How can an investigation reduce the impact to business operations, functions, and services?
Understanding that each organization is subjective in how they will build their investigative workflow, the diagrams provided in the Templates section of this book can be used as a reference for starting to build a logical investigative workflow process.
