After school the next day, Ana rushed to her locker to get her phone. She checked her email. Last night she had emailed Caitlin to ask for advice on tryouts.
Caitlin had replied!
You should definitely try out for the team! You’ll learn a lot and it will be a great way to meet more people since you’re still pretty new in town. Don’t expect to be the star right away, but do your best!
Ana smiled to herself. Inside her backpack were workout clothes and her softball glove. After changing in the bathroom, she headed out to the field.
* * *
About thirty girls were outside. Ana wondered how many were eighth graders who had been on the team last year and how many were seventh graders like she was.
She put her hands up to shield her eyes from the sun and looked for Laura and Mali. They were standing with a few other girls. Ana walked up to them. I hope Laura really meant that I should try out. This will be awkward if she didn’t really want me to come, she thought.
“Ana!” Laura said cheerfully. “You came! You decided to try out!”
Ana nodded.
“Hey,” Mali said.
“Everyone, this is Ana,” Laura said. “Ana, this is . . . everyone.” The other four girls in the group introduced themselves.
Ana stood silently while everyone chattered about who they thought would make the team. “There are so many eighth graders here I bet none of us will make it,” a girl named Shireen said.
Mali shook her head. “That’s not fair. They have to take the best players. Just because someone is older doesn’t mean they deserve to make the team more than we do.”
“That’s not very nice, Mali,” Shireen said. But before she could say more, a whistle blew.
“Bring it in, ladies!” a woman called. Everyone ran over to circle around her.
“Hi, everyone,” the woman said. She had warm brown skin and an even warmer smile. “For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Coach Robinson. Welcome to softball tryouts! I’m glad you’re here.”
Some girls cheered. Coach Robinson smiled at them. Girls began passing around name tags and pens. Ana wrote her name on one and stuck it to her shirt.
“OK, here’s what’s going to happen,” she said. “These young women to my right are Nadia, our starting batter, and Kay, our second baseman. They will lead you in warmups. Then we’ll divide into groups to test your fielding and hitting. Remember softball is a team sport. You should all be helping each other to look good as well, not getting in each other’s way or making a bad throw. Ready? Everyone find a spot on the field to warm up.”
Everyone turned and spread out.
“OK, everyone!” Nadia yelled across the field. “High knees!”
Ana and a few girls looked around in confusion. When everyone else began running in place, getting their knees up as high as they could and close to their chests, Ana did the same.
A few moments later, Kay yelled, “Touch your heels!” Now everyone kicked their feet behind them while running in place, tapping their heels as they came up behind them.
Next, Nadia shouted, “Jumping jacks!” All the girls on the field jumped in unison. “A little faster when you can!” she added.
They went on that way until Coach was satisfied. “OK, everyone!” she called. “If you’re on my right, get your gloves and follow Nadia to the outfield. If you don’t have a glove, there are some in the dugout you can use for today. If you’re on my left, come with me and Kay to home plate.”
The groups separated. Laura headed toward home plate. Ana grabbed her glove and went out to the field. She noticed Mali was in her group. She wished it was Laura instead.
Ana stayed to the back of the group while Nadia explained what they would be doing. “We’re going to start with grounders,” she said. “I’ll throw them. You catch and throw it back to me as fast as you can. Each of you will get three, then the next girl will go. We’ll do two rounds. Got it?”
Everyone nodded. Nadia was all business. They lined up, and somehow Ana ended up in front. She walked up to face Nadia. “Here’s your first one,” Nadia called.
The ball came rolling toward Ana so fast, she barely had time to put her glove on. The ball went right through her feet. She was shocked they had started so fast. She thought Nadia might want to ask her name or something. Or give her a little warning, at least.
“Sorry!” she called.
She ran and picked up the ball, then threw it back to Nadia. When Nadia immediately threw it back, Ana was ready. She spread her legs into a V, set her glove on the ground, and scooped up the ball.
They continued on for a couple more rounds. On the Nadia’s last throw to Ana, the last ball bounced right over her glove. But Ana reacted quickly, retrieved the ball, and threw it back to Nadia.
Nadia’s face was expressionless. “Next!” she called.
Ana watched everyone else closely. She wanted to see their technique, and she also wanted to know if everyone was more experienced at softball than she was. A few girls looked like they hadn’t played before either. Or maybe like Ana, they hadn’t played since elementary school.
Soon it was Ana’s turn again. She caught all three of Nadia’s balls this time, but one of the ones she threw back went far over Nadia’s head. As she followed it with her eyes, she saw Coach standing nearby, watching. Ana hung her head. That probably ruined my chances, she thought. Maybe I shouldn’t even stay for the rest of tryouts.