
alternate (AWL-tur-nit)
a person who takes the place of another when necessary
concentrated (KAHN-suhn-tray-ted)
focused thoughts and attention on something
drill (DRIL)
a repeated exercise that teaches a skill or technique
honorary (ON-uh-rer-ee)
given as an honor without the usual requirements or duties
observant (ob-ZUR-vuhnt)
good at noticing things
passionate (PASH-uh-nit)
having or showing very strong feelings
precision (pri-SIZH-uhn)
the quality or state of being very accurate or exact
recruited (RI-KROOT-ed)
worked to get an athlete to join a certain team
statistician (stat-i-STISH-uhn)
a person who records and tracks a team’s numerical information, for example batting averages
technique (tek-NEEK)
a method or way of doing something that requires skill
unison (YOO-nuh-suhn)
the state of two or more people doing something together