

accordion ruffles, 38

acrylic fabric, 16

arched panels on medallions, 102–111

awkward windows, 12–13

awl, 23


balloon shades, 132–135

banding, 38–43

basic techniques, 25–47

bay windows, measuring, 15

bead weight, 22

blackout linings, 17, 21

blackout shades, 122–127

blanket stitch, 29

blinds. See shades and blinds

blind stitch, 28, 29

box-pleated valances, 11, 148–153

box pleats with grommets, 98–101

brush fringe, 35

buckram, 21, 82, 88

bullion fringe, 35

bump cloth, 17, 21

butterfly pleats, 89


café curtains, 93–97

carpenter’s square, 23

cartridge pleats, 89

casual swag valance with pleats, 176–180

chalk markers, 22

chintz, 16

circular saw, 23

clamps, 23

cloud shades. See balloon shades

cords, 36–37

cord safety, 45–47

cord shrouds, 114

cornices, 10, 181–191

upholstered cornice board, 181–185

upholstered soft cornice with inset banding, 186–191

cotton fabric, 16

cotton flannel, 17

covered welt cord, 36–37

crinoline, 82

curtains and draperies, 49–111

arched panels on medallions, 102–111

basic curtain panel, 50–51

basic curtain panel with lining and interlining, 52–53

café curtains, 93–97

flat styles, 10, 54–69

gathered curtains, 10, 70–81

grommet curtains, 10, 58–61

hanging and dressing, 202

Italian strung curtains, 55–57

pleated curtains, 11, 82–101

rod pocket with tiebacks, 70–73

ruched curtains, 78–81

shirring tape, 74–77

tab-top curtains, 66–69

wave curtain with clip-on rings, 62–65

curved needles, 22

cutting fabrics, 26–27

cutting tools, 23


decorative cords, 36–37

dim-out linings, 17, 21

Domette, 17

double-fold headings, 84

draperies. See curtains and draperies

dressing curtains, 202

drills, 23

drop repeat, 30, 31


Euro pleats, 88, 89



cutting, 26–27

“hand” of, 16

hemming, 28–29

home décor, 16

lining, 17

making trims from, 36–43

matching pattern motifs, 30–34

seaming, 28, 32–34

selecting, 16–17

styles, 16

weave types, 16

working with, 26–34

fabric glue, 22, 35

fiber content, 16

flannel, 17

flat banding, 36

flat curtain styles, 10, 54–69

grommet curtains, 58–61

Italian strung curtains, 55–57

tab-top curtains, 66–69

wave curtain with clip-on rings, 62–65

folding fabric, 27

French blackout method, 17

French pleats, 11, 88, 89

French seams, 28

fringe, 35–36

fullness, 44

fusible tape, 28, 29, 32–33


gathered curtains, 10, 70–81

rod pocket with tiebacks, 70–73

ruched curtains, 78–81

shirring tape curtains, 74–77

gathered double swag, 170–175

gathered ruffles, 37

gathered valance, 158–161

gimp braid, 35

goblet pleats, 88, 89

grommet curtains, 10, 58–61

box pleats with grommets, 98–101


hand-quilting thread, 22

hand-sewing supplies, 22

hardware, 194

hard window treatments, 10

heading, 50

hemming, 28–29

home décor fabrics, 16

hook-and-loop tape, 21


inset banding, 40

installation, 193–202

hanging and dressing, 202

hardware, 194

mounting boards, 195–199

tools and tips, 200–201

interfacing, 21

interior decoration, 7

interlinings, 17, 21, 52–53

inverted pleats, 90–91

iron-on fusing web, 22

irons, 23

Italian strung curtains, 55–57


jabot patterns, 167

jabots, 169

jigsaw, 23


knife-pleat ruffles, 38


ladder stitch, 29

lift cord, 114


blocking, 17

diffusion, 17

linen fabric, 16

linings, 17, 21, 52–53

London shade, 136–141

low-bulk method, 82, 85

low-tack tape, 22


machine-sewing supplies, 22

manufactured fibers, 16

markers, 22

master carriers, 83

materials, 21

measuring, 14–15

measuring tools, 23

moiré fabric, 16

mounting boards, 195–199

attaching to, 196–198

covering, 195

sewing top band for, 198–199


natural fibers, 16

needles, 22


one-way draw, 83, 86–87

overlap, 83


panels, 50

arched panels on medallions, 102–111

basic, 50–51

basic, with lining and interlining, 52–53

paper patterns, 103–107

pattern motifs, matching, 30–34

pattern repeats, 30

pelmet boards. See cornices

pinch pleats, 88

pin hooks, 22

pins, 22

piping, 21

piping cord, 36–37

pleated curtains, 11, 82–101

box pleats with grommets, 98–101

double-fold headings, 84

hardware for, 82–83

low-bulk headings, 85

pleats and spaces, 82–87

scalloped spaces, 93–97

sewing pleats, 88–91

pleated ruffles, 38

pleated valances, 147

pleating tape, 21

pleats, 11

butterfly, 89

cartridge, 89

Euro, 88, 89

French, 11, 88, 89

goblet, 88, 89

inverted, 90–91

sewing, 88–91

styles of, 88–91

polyester fabric, 16

project planning, 9–17

proportions, 12–13

purpose, of window treatments, 13


rayon fabric, 16

relaxed Roman shade, 128–131

RingLocks, 114

rod-pocket valance, 158–161

rod pocket with tiebacks, 70–73

Roman shades, 10

basic, 114–121

blackout, with ribs, 122–127

hanging and dressing, 202

relaxed, 128–131

ruched curtains, 78–81

ruffles, 37–38

rulers, 23


safety standards, 45–47, 114

sausage weight, 22

scalloped spaces, 93–97

scalloped valance with horns, 154–157

scissors, 23

screwdrivers, 23

seams, 28, 32–34


basic techniques, 25–47

tools and supplies, 21–23

sewing machines, 21, 23

sewing room, 20

shade rings, 114

shades and blinds, 113–141

balloon shade, 132–135

blackout Roman shade with ribs, 122–127

London shade, 136–141

relaxed Roman shade, 128–131

Roman shades, 114–121

shade sewing supplies, 22

shawl valance, 145–147

shears, 23

shirring tape, 21, 74

shirring tape curtains, 74–77

side hems, 28

silk fabric, 16

slipstitch, 29

soft window treatments, 10–11

split draw, 83

stack-back, 82

stapler, 23

stiffeners, 82

straight banding, 41–43

styles, 10–11

supplies, 22

swag patterns, 163–166

swags, 11, 162–180

casual valance with pleats, 176–180

gathered double swag, 170–175

traditional swag and jabots, 162–169

synthetic fibers, 16


tabling allowance, 26

tab-top curtains, 10, 66–69

tack hammer, 23

tack strip, 22

tapes, 21, 22, 28, 29, 32–33

tassel fringe, 35

techniques, 25–47

thimbles, 22

thread, 22

thread pulling, 26

three-pass blackout, 17

tiebacks, 70–73

tools and supplies, 21–23

top treatments, 143–191

cornices, 10, 181–191

dressing, 202

swags, 11, 162–180

valances, 11, 144–161

traverse rods, 83, 86, 194

trims, 35–43

twist cord, 36

two-story windows, measuring, 15

two-way draw, 83, 86


upholstery-weight fabric, 16


valances, 144–161

box-pleated, 11, 148–153

casual swag valance with pleats, 176–180

gathered, 158–161

pleated, 147

scalloped valance with horns, 154–157

shawl, 145–147

viscose fabric, 16


wave curtain with clip-on rings, 62–65

weave types, 16

weights, 22

weight tape, 22

welt cord, 21, 36–37


arched, 102

awkward, 12–13

bay, 15

measuring, 14–15

two-story, 15

window treatments

creating own, 7

curtains and draperies, 49–111

fabric for, 16–17

fullness, 44

gallery of, 204–210

hanging and dressing, 202

hardware for, 194

installing, 193–202

planning, 9–17

proportions for, 12–13

shades and blinds, 113–141

styles of, 10–11

top treatments, 143–191

trims for, 35–43

use and purpose of, 13

workroom allowance, 26

workspace setup, 20

worktables, 20


yardstick, 23