

Part I: The Top Natural First Aid Remedies

The Top Ten Natural Medicine First Aid Remedies

Natural Medicine Runners-Up

Honorable Mentions

Part II: Natural Medicine First Aid Remedies for 102 Common Conditions

1. Abscess

2. Acne

3. Allergic Reaction

4. Anxiety

5. Athlete'sFoot

6. Backache

7. Bacterial Infection

8. Bad Breath

9. Bed-Wetting (Childhood)

10. Black Eye

11. Bladder Infection (Cystitis)

12. Blister

13. Body Odor

14. Boil

15. Bone Fracture (Healing Support)

16. Bone Spur (Heel Spur)

17. Bronchitis and Other Upper Respiratory Infection

18. Bruise

19. Bunion

20. Burn

21. Bursitis

22. Canker Sore

23. Cold Sore (Fever Blister)

24. Colic (Infant)

25. Common Cold

26. Conjunctivitis (Pinkeye)

27. Constipation

28. Cough

29. Cuts and Scrapes

30. Dandruff

31. Dental Abscess

32. Depression

33. Dermatitis (Eczema)

34. Diaper Rash

35. Diarrhea

36. Dizziness (Vertigo)

37. Ear Infection

38. Eczema

39. Edema (Water Retention)

40. Eye Problems (Eyestrain, Bloodshot, Dry Eyes, Circles)

41. Fatigue

42. Flu

43. Food Poisoning

44. Fungal Infection (Athlete's Foot, Jock Itch, Nails, Oral Thrush)

45. Gas (Flatulence)

46. Gingivitis

47. Gout

48. Hay Fever

49. Headache

50. Heartburn / Indigestion

51. Hemorrhoids

52. Hiccups

53. Hives (Urticaria)

54. Hot Flashes (Menopausal)

55. Inflammation (Natural Anti-Inflammatories)

56. Insect Bites and Stings

57. Insomnia

58. Jet Lag

59. Jock Itch

60. Joint Soreness

61. Kidney Stones

62. Laryngitis

63. Memory Problems

64. Menstrual Cramps

65. Migraine

66. Motion Sickness

67. Muscle Aches and Pains

68. Muscle Cramp / Spasm

69. Nail Problems (Brittle, Ingrown)

70. Nausea and Vomiting

71. Nosebleed

72. Pain (Natural Pain Relievers)

73. Poison Ivy / Oak Rash

74. Psoriasis

75. Puncture Wound

76. Rash

77. Ringworm

78. Sciatica

79. Shingles (Herpes Zoster)

80. Shock

81. Sinus Congestion / Infection

82. Sore Throat

83. Sprain / Pulled Ligament

84. Stomachache

85. Strep Throat

86. Stye

87. Sunburn

88. Surgery (Pre-op and Post-op Support)

89. Swollen Glands

90. Teething

91. Tendonitis

92. Thrush (Oral)

93. Tinnitus (Ringing in the Ears)

94. Tonsillitis

95. Tooth Extraction (Pre-op and Post-op Support)

96. Toothache

97. Ulcer (Stomach)

98. Urinary Tract Infection

99. Vaginal Yeast Infection

100. Vaginitis

101. Viral Infection

102. Wart

Part III: About the Therapies

Essential Oils

Flower Essences

Food Therapy

Herbal Medicine


Nutritional Supplements


Stone / Crystal Therapy

Appendix A: Professional Degrees and Titles

Appendix B: Resources



About the Author