Note: Bold page numbers refer to tables; italic page numbers refer to figures.
abstract factory 187
accreditation board for engineering and technology (ABET) 5, 239, 250–251
accreditation criteria 5
adapter 187
agile processes 29–30
alpha testing 79
analyst, software 8–9
appraisal cost 57
architect, software 9
architecture, software design
allocation view 164
code view 166
component and connector (C&C) view 164
conceptual view 165
definitions 160
deployment view 163
development view 164
documenting decisions 161
entities referred 160
execution view 166
importance 159–160
Krutchen’s view 163–164
logical view 163
4+1’s logical view 165–166
physical view 163
pipe and filter style 167–168
process view 163
quality attributes 160–161
Siemens four-views approach 165–166
and stakeholders 162
styles of 167–170
use cases view 164
views 161–166
beta testing 79
black box techniques, unit testing 75
Booch, G. 181
bridge 187
British computer society (BCS) 239
Brooks, J. 238
builder 187
burnup chart 271
business risks 106
Canadian engineering accreditation board (CEAB) 239
case study
appropriate set of views selection, DH 192
architectural style selection, DH 192–193
architecture development, DH 193–194
assessing customer needs 20–21
code review 84–85
cost of quality experiences 80–81
design concepts and principles 191
design patterns application 197–198
design quality measurement 194–196
development strategy, DH 46–47
documenting, software design 198–199
effective team formation 45
eliciting requirements, DH 144–145
ethical issues, DH 251–253
evaluating a software process 45–46
goal/question/metric, DH 82–83
integration test planning 86–87
legal issues, DH 254
maintenance costs estimation, DH 233–234
maintenance process determination, DH 233
potential maintenance problems identification, DH 231–232
quality attribute specification 143–144
quality measurement strategy, DH 82
re-engineering effort, DH 234–235
requirements inspection 83–84
security attacks 79–80
security requirements 148–149
software quality assurance planning 81–82
standards determination, DH 253–254
team member hire, DH 250
team problems 17–20
unit test planning 85–86
use case modeling, DH 146–147
writing software requirements 147–148
chain of responsibility 188
changeability 5
Chidamber and Kemerer metrics 182–184
Chidamber, S. R. 182
client groups 3
COCOMO see constructive cost model (COCOMO)
code restructuring 230–231
collective ownership, extreme programming 37
competitor 2
complexity 5
composite 187
computer emergency response team (CERT) 214
concept of operations (ConOps) document 16–17
configuration management see software configuration management (SCM)
conformity 5
construction principles
buffer overflow problem 219–220
coding standards 211–212
computer emergency response team (CERT) 214
design diagram, DH 205
fundamentals 206–208
GCD pseudocode 210–211
java code conventions 211–212
pseudocode 209–211
secure coding 215
test-driven development (TDD) 209
unified process 35
unit testing 209
constructive cost model (COCOMO) 100–101
content coupling modules 158
continuous integration, extreme programming 37
controlled centralized decision 27
controlled decentralized decision 28
copyrights 248
critical-path method (CPM) 102–103
curriculum, software engineering programs criteria 240
customer satisfaction, quality metrics 65
daily scrum 38
data coupled modules 158
decorator 187
defect tracking 60–61
defects, software engineering 4
Delphi software estimation method 98–99
DeMarco, T. 182
democratic decentralized decision 27
design, concepts and principles; see also object-oriented design
abstraction 155
assuring design quality 181–182
cohesion 157
component and module 153
coupling 158
definition 153
design documentation 189–190
design verification 181–184
information hiding 157
object-oriented design 171–181
phases, DH 152
quality assurance 181–184 (see also software quality assurance (SQA))
security 158–159
software architecture (see architecture, software design)
design restructuring 230
development team 8–10
DigitalHome (DH) system
appropriate set of views selection 192
architectural style selection 192–193
architecture development 193–194
business rules 297
change history 287–288
communication center 14
concept of operations 16–17
cost of quality experiences 80–81
customer need assessment 17
design concepts and principles 191
design patterns application 197–198
design quality measurement 194–196
development constraints 291
development process script 40–42
discussion, debate and decisions 2–3
functional requirements 293–296
general requirements 293
GQM technique evaluation 82–83
high-level requirements definition 13–14
maintenance costs estimation 233–234
maintenance process determination 233
maintenance requirements 297
management requirements 295
master control device 14
needs assessment 12–13
non-functional requirements 296–298
operational environment 292–293
performance requirements 296
product description and scope 290
programmable power switch 15
project team 10–13
prototype features 14–16
quality attribute specification 143–144
quality measurement strategy 82
re-engineering effort 234–235
reliability 296
safety requirements 297
security engineering 79–80
security system 14
sensors 14
smart features 1–2
software quality assurance plan 81–82
team project information 289–290
trend presentation 2
users description 290–291
writing software requirements 147–148
dynamic evaluation 66
earned value tracking 103–104
ease of use, quality metrics 65
elaboration, unified process 35
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society (IEEE-CS) 5, 242
eliciting requirements
endurance test 77
engineering accreditation commission (EAC) 239
ethics; see also professionalism
European network for accreditation of engineering education 239
expert judgment method 98
extreme programming (XP) 35–37
façade 187
faculty, software engineering programs criteria 240
Fagan inspection process
Fagan, M. 70
failure cost 57
flyweight 187
formal specification languages 140
formulating plans 2–3
forward engineering 231
functional structure project management 95
function point 98
high-level requirements definition (HLRD) 13–14
IEEE Code Ethics 244
IEEE computer society 242
IEEE standard, software quality assurance process 59–60
IEEE Std 830-1998 246
IEEE Std 1012™-2012 247
IEEE Std 1016™-2009 246
IEEE Std 12207-2008 246
IEEE Std 14764-2006 247
impact analysis 228
implementation languages 157
inception, unified process 35
increment releases, unified process 35
inspection, quality assurance
intellectual property (IP) 248
interpreter 188
invisibility 5
ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765 246
iterator 188
Japan accreditation board for engineering (JABEE) 239
Kaizen 274
Kemerer, C. F. 182
knowledge areas (KA), SWEBOK 6–8
Kruchten, P. 163
Krutchen’s view architecture 163–164
launch process, software project
Lawford, M. 249
legacy system 229
legal issues
liability legal issues 249
lines of code (LOC) 98
adaptive maintenance situation 223
analyzability 226
backlog management index 225
categories 222–223
changeability 226
code restructuring 230–231
corrective maintenance 222–223
costs 225
definition 222
design restructuring 230
document restructuring 230
forward engineering 231
impact analysis 228
inventory analysis 230
legacy system 229
measurement 225–226
migration 227
modification implementation 227
objective of 222
perfective maintenance situation 223
preventive maintenance situation 223
problem and modification analysis 226
process implementation 226
re-engineering process 229
restructuring 230–231
retirement 227
reverse engineering 231
review/acceptance 227
and software evolution 222
stability 226
testability 226
vs. hardware maintenance 222
market research 2
mathematical notation 140
McCabe, T. J. 183
mediator 188
memento 188
metaphor, extreme programming 37
metrics, quality
milestone setting 26
models and methods
object constraint language 140
object-oriented analysis diagrams, SRS 140
object-oriented design 171
aggregation relationships 172
association relationships 172
behavioral patterns 188
Chidamber and Kemerer metrics 182–184
class diagram 172–174
coupling between object classes (CBO) 183
creational design patterns 187
cyclomatic complexity 183
define semantics 179
design external interfaces 179
design patterns 184–188
develop operational scenarios 179
documentation 179
establish dependencies 179
evaluate design 180
exit criteria 180
identify packages and classes 178
lack of cohesion of methods (LCOM) 184
measure quality 182–184
modeling language 171
modules 171
object class 171
package 171
process script 178–180
response for a class (RFC) 183
revise design 180
software reuse 184–188
state machine diagrams 176–177
weighted methods per class (WMC) 182–183
observer 188
organizational structure project management 95–96
pair programming, extreme programming 37
Parnas, D. L. 249
patents 248
perfective maintenance situation 223
performance test 77
phases, software development process
pipe and filter architectural style 167–168
plan-driven processes 29–30
planning game, extreme programming 36
planning manager 10
prevention cost 57
preventive maintenance situation 223
pricing-to-win 99
process metrics, quality 64–65
product backlog, scrum process 37
product metrics, quality 64
professional advancement 5–6
project management
definition 91–92
earned value tracking 103–104
functional structure type 95
key activities 93–94
matrix structure type 96
organizational structures 95–96
planned value (PV) 103–104
planning activities 96–97
project structure type 95
risk management 105–109
software estimation 97–101
task plan and schedule 105
project metrics, quality 64
project risks 106
project team formation; see also team building
proof of concept 3
proxy 187
pseudocode 209–211
Putman, L. 101
quality assurance see software quality assurance (SQA)
quality attribute
quality manager 9
quality metrics
rational unified process 35
re-engineering process 229
refactoring, extreme programming 37
regression test 76
reliability, quality metrics 65
requirements engineering
agreement of 124
analysis phase tasks 124
analyzing 132–137
characteristics 127–128
conceptual design 132
context diagram 132
definitions 125
eliciting 129–132
emergent requirement 125–126
functional vs. non-functional 125
interviews 130
prototyping 131
quality attribute 125–128
role playing 130
shadowing 130–131
specifying 137–141
storyboarding 131
validating 141–143
retirement 227
retrospective meeting 273–274
risk management
Royce, W. 31
scrum development process
backlog items 261
backlog list 261–264
cross-functional team 256
epics 261
estimation process 264–265
initiation phase 258–259
kaizen 274
key roles 256–257
meeting types 256
planning meeting 37
principles 256
product backlog 37
product backlog item (PBI) 261
product owner 256–257
refinement/grooming, backlog 263
relationship of 262
retrospective 273–274
scrum master 256–257
stories 261
team 257
themes 261
tracking progress 270–271
T-shaped person 257
T-shirt sizing technique 264
security design 56
security engineering
security requirements engineering 55–56
security risk management 55
security test 77
security verification 56
Siemens four-views architecture 165–166
simple object-based architectural design(SOBAD) 178–180
singleton 187
small releases, extreme programming 36
software configuration management (SCM)
software development life cycle (SDLC) 30–34
software engineering
software engineering body of knowledge (SWEBOK)
software engineering code of ethics and professional practice (SE Code) 5, 244–245
software engineering process
software estimation
analogy 99
business-driven techniques 99
constructive cost model (COCOMO) 100–101
Delphi method 98–99
estimating to available capacity 99
expert judgment method 98
fundamental principles 97
pricing-to-win 99
size estimates 97–98
software life cycle management (SLIM) 100–101
statistical/parametric methods 99–101
software life cycle management (SLIM) 100–101
software quality assurance (SQA)
characteristics, measurement strategy 61
cost and project schedule 53–54
cost of quality 57–58
cost, requirement defect removal 67
data analysis 59
defect life cycle 56
defect rate 53
development phase metrics 63–65
importance 52
leaving defects 54
managers role 52–53
oversight activity 58
planning activity 58
post release metrics 65
processes associated 58–59
quality measurement and defect tracking 60–61
quality reviews 67–72
record keeping 58
reliability 53
reporting data 59
requirements phase 53–54
security engineering 55–56
software testing 72–79
technical review 68–69
validation and verification 66
and V-Model SDLC 54–55
walk-through 68
software requirements specification (SRS); see also requirements engineering
software & systems engineering standards committee (S2ESC) 245
software testing
special interest group on software engineering (SIGSOFT) 242
sprint, scrum process
stakeholders 162
standards, software development
state 188
state machine diagrams 176–177
static evaluation 66
strategy 188
stress test 77
structured hierarchical style, SRS 140
team building
team formation 3
team leader 8
team problems
technical review 68–69
technical risks 106
template method 188
trade secret 248
traffic management system (TMS)
transition, unified process 35
Turner, R. 29
unified modeling language (UML) 133
unified process (UP) 35
unit testing techniques
usability test 77
use case, DH system
configuration 305–306
control DH environment 327–329
definition of 131
diagram 303
humidistat set plan parameters 316–318
login/logout 311–312
manual parameters set 329–330
modify/view, month plan 321–323
monitor sensor values 325–326
monthly planner management 312–315
month report preparation 323–325
operation state change 310
power switch set plan parameters 319–321
read sensor values 326–327
security set plan parameters 318–319
set default parameters 308–309
temperature set plan parameters 315–316
user accounts management 307–308
users 302