
This book wouldn’t have been possible without a number of people.

First, thanks to the crack team of literary blackbelts at HarperCollins Leadership for taking this project on. This includes my fantastic editor, Sara Kendrick, as well as Tim Burgard, Jeff James, Hiram Centeno, Sicily Axton, Natalie Nyquist, and Amanda Bauch. I am also enormously grateful to my agent, Margot Hutchinson at Waterside Productions, Inc., for her belief in the potential for this book and my PR team at Smith PR.

Like anything in life, it takes a village. A number of people took time from their work, families, and interests to help me hammer my raw material into the product you are holding in your hands. This includes Stuart Langridge, Kerri Pike Knapp, Stephen Walli, Ilan Rabinovich, Jeremy Garcia, Mårten Mickos, Neil Levine, and my dad, John Bacon.

Many thanks to Peter Diamandis, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Jim Whitehurst, Ali Velshi, Mike Shinoda, Noah Everett, Jim Zemlin, Alexander van Engelen, and others who also generously shared their insight. Your wisdom helped strengthen the core message of this book.

I am eternally thankful to my family and friends for all the love and support you provide. Thanks to Erica and Jack Bacon, John, Polly, Simon, and Martin Bacon, Joe, Adam, and Danielle Brescia, Sue and Vance Smith, Dalene and Mark Ruhe, Mindy Faieta, Adam Hoffert, Lee Reilly, Federico Lucifredi, Jorge Castro, Tom Draper, Guy Martin, Todd Lewis, and the many more I am leaving out like the inconsiderate clod that I am.

Finally, thanks to my fantastic members.1 Thanks to the thousands of you who I have met over the years on the road and at home: you helped shape my ideas, improve my work and approach, and inspired me to keep learning. There are far too many of you to name, but you all played a critical role in my world. Thanks!