
absorption, 91

act, intentional, 22, 24

action(s), 86 ff.

mechanical, 95

of false self, 97–8

adjustment, failure of, 27

adolescents, self-awareness in, 106–7

agoraphobia, 54

analogies, 22 ff.

biological, 22

anxiety(-ies), 65, 75 ff., 90, 92, 138, 150

and self-consciousness, 108


agencies, 158

destroyer, 194

Arieti, S., 42 n.

attitude, psychiatrist’s, 28 ff., 45

autism, 85, 178

autonomy, 44–5, 49, 52–3, 58, 77, 173–4, 185, 198

dread of loss of, 75

lack of, 56

lesion in sense of, 75

awareness, 127

fugitive, 110

reflective, 197–8

of self, see self-consciousness

baby, 41 ff.

‘demanding’, 183–4

schizophrenic (Julie) as, 183 ff.

Bacon, Francis, 41

‘bad’, 181 ff., 188, 192–3

baptism, self-, 148

Beckett, Samuel, 41


of patient and psychiatrist, 28

personal and organismic, 23

verbal, 21–2


denial to preserve, 150

experienced reality/unreality of, 41–2

-for-oneself, 190

-for-oneself and for-the-other, 35

for-others, 130

man’s, 20 ff.

relatedness and, 26

split, 161–2

structuralization of, 77

-with-others, 139

being-in-the-world, 17, 19–20, 25, 32, 79, 94, 205

dual mode of, 146

belle indifférence, 96

Binswanger, L., 38 n., 94 n., 146, 164

biography, schizophrenic’s, 179 ff.

biological analogy, 23

birth, 40–41

Blake, William, 77, 162 n., 189, 198

Bleuler, 28

blushing, 106


ambiguous position of, 131

experience of, 66–8

and false-self system, 143

schema, 140

severed from self, 162

Boss, Medard, 50, 146–7

boundary, 197

Brierley, M., 23

Buber, Martin, 189

bully, 99–200

Bultmann, R., 32, 66–7 n.

camouflage, 110

castration, 149

anxiety, 108, 128

catatonic, 102, 105, 163

cave, 169 ff.

character, 77

structure, schizoid, 77

child, murdered, 179, 183, 194

common sense, ability of, 193

complaints, variety of, 25

compliance, of false self, 96, 98 ff.

concentration camps, 78 ff.

conscience, 198, 201

consciousness, as scanning mechanism, 113

continuity, personal, in time, 39, 42, 67, 77

danger, self-consciousness and, 107

Dante, 162 n.

death, existential, 205

death-in-life, 138, 175–6, 195, 205

death ray(s), 103, 113

deflation, 90

delusions, 193

nihilistic, 178

of omnipotence, 178

of persecution, 178

dementia praecox, 154, 195 n.


of self, 200

vocabulary of, 27

dependency, ontological, 53

depersonalization, 22 ff., 46–7, 50, 76, 109 ff, 119, 178

derealization, 78–9, 109, 178

despair, 38, 75

destructiveness, 93, 178, 188

in phantasy, 8

deterioration, 89

schizophrenic, 156

Deutsch, H., 94 n.

Dilthey, W., 31, 33

disconnexion, 127, 128, 131

disintegration, 89, 162

dissociation, 144

self-body, 69 ff., 78 ff.

see also splitting

doll, Julie’s, 188, 194

Dooley, L., 109

dreams, 49 ff., 79, 141–2

of black triangle, 50

of buses, 79

of car crash, 125

of engulfment by fire, 50 ff.

of petrification of family, 50 ff.

of self as clam parasitic on wife, 48

of self-driven car, 79

of travelling atoms, 157

dualism, 24

mind-body, 22

self-body, 65 ff.

duality, 26, 83, 117

pseudo-, 82

eccentricity, 140,

echolalia, 102

echopraxia, 102

Empson, W., 133

engulfment, 43 ff., 58, 73, 75, 77, 80, 83, 92, 163

envy, 91

evasion, 95

exhibitionism, 58, 114–15

concealed, 108

existence, objective and subjective, 95

existential phenomenology, see phenomenology

existential position, see position

eye, evil, 110

Ezekiel, 27

Fairburn, W. R. D., 94 n.

faith, bad, 95–6

families, schizophrenogene, 190

Farber, Leslie, 38 n.

fear, in false self, 99

Federn, P., 42n., 112, 197

fire, as image, 45

flexibilitas cerea, 102


dread of loss, 75

and inaccessibility, 113

of patient, in psychotherapy, 61 sense of, 86

Freud, S., 25, 31, 115 ff., 146–7, 185

Fromm-Reichmann, F., 35 ff., 42 n.

futility, 74 ff., 81 ff., 104, 125, 132, 163

gaucherie, social, 181

‘good, being’, 98, 181–2

Gorky, Maxim, 178

guilt, 85–6, 93, 145, 153, 157

authentic and unauthentic, 132

false, 93, 129 ff.

in hysterics, 97

primary, 176

in schizoids, 92–3

and self-consciousness, 107–8

true, 93, 129 ff.

unconscious, 56, 174

Guntrip, H., 94 n.

hallucination(s), 158, 198, 199

auditory, 178

hatred, 103–4, 167–8, 187–8

in false self, 100

Hayward, M. L., and Taylor, J.

E., 160 ff.

hebephrenic, 102, 163, 178

Hegel, 87–8, 187

Heidegger, M., 39 n., 52, 94 n., 125, 132

hieroglyphics, 31

Hill, L. B., 42 n.

Hoelderlin, 146

homosexuality, 146–7, 157–8

honesty, inner, 83

Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 91

humiliation, 84

hypomanic person, 94

hysteric, 94 ff., 196

and self-awareness, 112

‘I’, 172


of self with phantasied other, 117

transitory, 104–5


inner, 139–40; desire to preserve, 172

loss of, 83, 91, 172, 174

mutual recognition of, 35 ff.

need of sense of, 44

for others and for oneself, 95

preservation of, 138–9

sense of, 111 ff., 138–9

in time, 109; see also continuity

imago(s), 69, 77, 84 ff., 143

impersonation, 72

impingement, 77, 83, 138

of reality, 45

implosion, 45–6, 58, 75, 77, 83, 138, 163

impotence, 149

phantastic, 176, 203

impoverishment, 75

inner, 90

of affects, 178

inaccessibility, 196

incongruity, of thought and affect, 199

indifference, 76; see also belle indifférence

insecurity, ontological, 39 ff., 65, 90 ff., 108–9, 111

intentions, reciprocal, 25

interaction, it-it, 82–3

interpretation, 31–2

negative reaction to, 45

invisibility, 109 ff.

isolation, man in, 19, 44, 76, 83–4, 87, 89, 91

it-processes, 22

jamming, 199

Janet, P., 196–7

Jaspers, Karl, 27

Jonah, 49

Jung, C. G., 165

Kafka, F., 40–41, 78, 90, 108–9, 119, 146

Keats, John, 40

Kierkegaard, S., 38 n., 74, 83 n., 94 n., 125

Kinsey report, 87

Kraepelin, E., 29 ff.

Kuhn, Roland, 94 n.

Life, 203

Tree of, 199, 203

longing, 91

love, 34, 45, 93

need of, 119

the physician’s, 165

terror of, 163

MacMurray, J., 23

mad’, 181 ff.

magic, 140–41, 145

mask, man without a, 95

masturbation, 106, 123, 124, 130, 132

Mayer-Gross, W., Slater, E., and Roth, M., 29

meaningless, 68, 81; see also futility

memory, 197

mergence, 175, 198–9

Merleau-Ponty, M., 31

Minkowski, E., 85, 137, 145, 152

mirror game, 115 ff.

monism, 24

Moore, Marianne, 85 n.

mother, 98, 101, 103–4

bad internal, 200

loss of, 116

schizophrenic’s (Julie), 180, 183 ff.

schizophrenogenic, 189

narcissism, 57, 112, 114

negativism, catatonic, 193

neurosis, and non-being, 111

Nietzsche, F. W., 51

nightmares, 165; see also dreams

non-being, 111, 131–2

desire for, 139, 176

nonentity, 119

chaotic, 77, 166, 195, 196

normal person 95

not-self, 92–3

obedience, 187–8

automatic, 102

Oberndorf, C. P., 51, 111

objectivity, 24–5

omnipotence, 75, 84, 133, 176, 178, 203

ontology, 39 n.

Ophelia, 195 n.

organism, and person, 21 ff.

oscillation, 53, 90, 113

Othello, 99

other, the, 19, 74

as person and organism, 21 ff.

self and, 80

sharing ideas with, 140

pain, 145

paralysis, hysterical, 97

parents, schizophrenic and, 181 ff.

part-selves, 73

Pascal, Blaise, 40

peek-a-boo game, 118

perception, 89, 198

need of, 118–19

persecution, 79–80, 100, 147, 179, 198

Perseus, 76, 110


failure to become, 178

reification of, 23–4

science of, 21 ff., 23

persona, see self, false


assumption of alien, 58 ff., 73, 104

fragmented, 195

and self, distinguished, 71 ff.

petrification, 46 ff., 50–51, 75 ff., 112–13

phantasies(-y), 56–7, 84 ff., 94, 108, 124–5, 127–8, 129–30, 132–3, 138, 141–2, 156

end-of-the-world, 178

of invisibility, 113

patient’s, of therapist, 35

of stealing, 92

phantom(s), 173, 190, 203

magical, 141

warring, 158


existential, 17, 20–21, 25, 31

phenomenological method, 20

Plato, 92 n.


existential, 34, 37–8, 57, 108, 137

ontological, 186

possession, by alien personality, 58 ff.

pretence, 163–5

privacy, 37, 163–4

Prometheus, 174

psyche, 24

psychopathology, approach of, 23–4

psychosis, 99, 129, 137 ff.

case of (Julie), 178 ff.

examples of onset of, 148–9

as maladaptation, 27

three stages in evolution, 181 ff.

psychotherapy, 26 ff.


‘cures’ of, 148–9

schizophrenic as pretended, 163


negative therapeutic, 45

patient’s, 35


defence against, 90

impingement of, 45

loss of feeling of, 138

magical acquirement of, 145

recapturing, 151–2

testing of, 142

see also realness

realization, self, 37

realness, 144–5, 162

reciprocal intentions, 26, 76

recognition, moment of, 114

redemption, 66 n.

reference, ideas of, 128–9, 178

reification, 50, 76, 143; see also depersonalization

relatedness, 26, 42, 67, 175

dread of, 44


creative, 75, 83 ff., 90–91, 132

dialectical, 92, 139

guilty to self, 157–8

inter- and intra-personal, 74–5, 180

magical, 149–50

to organism and person, 21–2

sado-masochistic, 83

self-self, 158

sterile, 82

varieties of, 24–6

responsiveness, failure of, 116

Rimbaud, Arthur, 189

Sartre, Jean-Paul, 39 n., 47, 52, 84–5, 94 n., 95, 120

schizoid, 73, 75 ff.

false self of, 94 ff.

self-awareness in, 106, 112

transition to psychosis, 137 ff.

use of term, 17–18

vulnerability of, 76


as nonsense, 164–5

simplex, 154, 157


incomprehensibility of, 163

study of (Julie), 178 ff.

understanding, the, 33–4, 162

use of term, 18

Schreber, D. P., 149

Scott, W. Clifford M., 67 n.

Searles, H. F., 180


ontological, 39 ff., 52, 57, 83, 112, 189

threshold of, 42–3

Segal, H., 56 n.


aloneness of, 37

and body, scission between, 78

compliant, 166

desire to preserve, 77

destruction of, 77

disembodied, 162

as divorced from body, 42, 69, 78–9, 161

embodied, 175

embodied and unembodied, 65 ff.

false, 69, 71, 73–1, 78, 82–3, 88, 93, 94 ff., 124, 126, 176; three forms of, 95 ff.; see also system

fragmentation of, 157, 194

identity of, 85

imaginary, 84–5

inner, 69, 72, 73, 78 ff., 93, 95, 99, 102–3, 106, 124, 142, 162, 200; changes in, 139–40; division of, 132–3, 162-in-phantasy, 143

loss of, 42–3, 91–2, 111, 149

murder/killing of, 149–50, 151, 153, 158, 161

observing, 117

oral, 145, 161

original, 158

real, 37, 73, 84–5, 150, 163–4, 166, 175

‘stolen’, 92, 152

temporal, discontinuity of, 109

true, 59–60, 69, 73–4, 75, 78, 82–3, 114, 124, 126–7, 138, 141, 147, 176, 202–3; phantasticized, 141

unembodied, 69 ff., 74, 78, 87, 150

self-affirmation, 130

self-annihilation, 129, 157

self-condemnation, 68

self-consciousness, 74, 76, 103, 106 ff.

self-recognition, 138

self-scrutiny, 112

separateness, 26, 175

settings, existential, two basic, 67

Shakespeare, W., 40, 99

‘shutupness’, 74, 84, 125, 147

shyness, 107

significance, need of, 54

signs of disease, 28–9, 32 ff., 44, 165

sleep, 119

smell, 120, 122, 127, 130

Socrates, 68

Soviet psychiatry, 181

speech, schizophrenic’s, 163

splits, molar and molecular, 196

splitting, 17, 23, 195–6

mind-body, 65

secondary, 83

of self, 158

self-body, 78–9, 162, 166, 174–5

see also depersonalization; dissociation

stealing, 83, 92, 199

La Strada (film), 155

‘subjective’, use of term, 25

Sullivan, Harry Stack, 34, 42 n., 172

sun, black, 200, 204

system, false-self, 73–4, 138, 142, 168, 174, 187

history of, 148

See also self, false

terminology, see vocabulary, technical,

terror, 145

thinking, compulsive, 59

Tillich, P., 39n., 111

Trilling, Lionel, 39 ff., 70 n.


existential, 87, 179, 193

‘real’ and ‘existential’, 37–8

unconscious, the, 56–7

uncoupling, 127, 129, 131

understanding and explanation, 32 ff.

unity, personal, 23, 65, 197

unreliability, 59

vacuum, 45, 75, 77, 80, 90, 168

van den Berg, J. H., 27

verbal behaviour, 21–2

visibility, danger of, 110–11

vocabulary, technical, 19–20

weaning, 185

whole, unitary, concept of, 19

Wiener, N., 195

Winnicott, D. W., 45, 67 n., 94 n.

Wittgenstein, L., 19

Wolberg, A. R., 94 n.

Wolf, A., 94 n.

word-salad, 196


feasible, 189

man and, 19–20

shared, 138

Yeats, W. B., 137


D., Mrs, 59 ff., 111

David, 69 ff., 74, 101, 103, 111

James, 47 ff., 52–5, 91, 97, 98, 102, 111, 113–14, 140 ff., 143–4, 146, 157

Joan, 160–61, 164 ff.

Julie, 178 ff.

Marie, 153 ff.

Peter, 86 n., 111, 120 ff., 139, 153, 157

R., Mrs, 54 ff., 114, 119

Rose, 92, 145, 150 ff., 158