Chapter Ten


“Now that you know, will you make the right choice?”

Guidelines for Living

L aarkmaa has asked us (Pia and Cullen) to write this chapter, and we are pleased to share our viewpoint here. Throughout this book, we have been reminded that because we are human, we always have a choice in everything we think, say, or do. We may not feel like we have a choice when we are caught up in the dramas of everyday living, but Laarkmaa says choices are always available. We choose our attitudes and our thoughts; we choose to take or not to take responsibility for how we live our lives; we choose which laws to follow (man-made laws or universal laws); we choose our loyalties (loyalty to others or loyalty to our own hearts and the truth); we even choose the manner in which we will ascend, through the traditional process of death by leaving the physical body, as most choose to do, or through moving towards forming a Rainbow body to ascend with the planet. We have a choice.

We can choose to cling to our third-dimensional viewpoint of reality, or we can expand our viewpoints to recognize that we are citizens of the universe. We can open our hearts to realize that our true family consists of those with whom we share similar vibrations. We can honor the principle that true loyalty is only respected when we listen to our hearts and follow universal truth as it expresses through our own guidance. Proceeding through daily life believing that we do not make a difference or that things will never change is a choice. We are not victims. We choose our reality through every decision we make, and through those that we refuse to make, which is often the largest contribution to reality for most humans. Through fear, we are often frozen and unable to make a correct decision in the present moment.

Laarkmaa suggests that we will make better choices when we abandon our human, mentally-based, logical, decision-making processes and begin to make our choices from our hearts. Laarkmaa repeatedly tells us to listen deeply to what we know in our hearts, for true guidance can only come through when we surrender our fears and really trust what is there for us to hear. If we are attached to what we believe, if we place our loyalty towards others before we are loyal to the truth in our own hearts, or if we feel we cannot leave specific places or people that we define as “home or family” through misplaced loyalty, we may miss important signals that guide us to be some “where” else, or more importantly, some “how” else. Our real family consists of other light movers and the beings of light who love and support us, not those to whom we are linked by blood or by law. True connection is made from vibrations of unconditional love. Likewise, Home is not a specific place on the planet; it exists within our hearts, and Laarkmaa has reminded us that our job is to bring Home here to Earth.

Because we have so many questions about parallel lives, healing, ascension, and choice, Laarkmaa has patiently given us a detailed outline of what is required to heal and to ascend with our bodies, telling us that the decision to ascend with the body is a commitment to service, and reminding us that only those of us who are dedicated to the single intention of releasing all fear, who have the courage to surrender all belief systems, and who are willing to change everything in order to be of service to the new earth, will achieve ascension with a full Rainbow body. It is our choice, but we must have a single, fearless and devoted intent in order for that choice to manifest.

The essence of truth in Laarkmaa’s messages is that we are safe, and we can trust in the loving flow of the universe. We need only to trust that everything is all right. We are energy, and waves of universal energy are coming to Earth to meet and support us as we transform. We must simply detach ourselves from any belief systems that involve fear, including our deeply ingrained fear of death. We cannot ascend with our bodies if our sole reason for wanting to do so is that we are afraid of and wish to escape death. Likewise, we must choose to support the body if we wish to ascend with it. We cannot live through separate intentions, wanting to ascend with the body, yet also choosing to consume foods or thoughts that harm us and others. Choosing to participate in judgmental thoughts and belief systems, and ingesting harmful food or drinks, contradicts the choice to ascend with the body. Once we know, we can’t un-know what is the higher choice.

There is no judgment from the universe in a choice to ascend through death rather than to ascend with the body, but, as Laarkmaa has shared with us, choosing to ascend with the body is an act of service and requires the single-hearted intention of trust and acceptance that everything is perfect. With the body, we are able to accomplish more than if we are only existing in etheric form. As Laarkmaa explains, the body is the workplace where we can transmute energy to accomplish more here on Earth. We must recognize that everything is unfolding exactly as it is intended with our participation through the choices we make as co-creators. It is our job to step away from all fear and to make conscious choices in every moment. The choice to ascend with Earth is a choice for service, and those who ascend with Earth will do so because they have done the work that is required. Those who choose otherwise, through their ignorance or through disregarding what they know, will have a different experience—not bad, negative, or less than, just different. Laarkmaa tells us that they love us, and with that love, they remind us over and over again that we always have a choice. Let us join together to choose love and light.

We have noticed that a great deal of what Laarkmaa shares matches spiritual tenets from many different religions. We have selected two of the most common sets of religious guidelines to illustrate similarities with Laarkmaa’s teachings. The Christian religion calls their guidelines for living the “Ten Commandments.” The Buddhist tradition calls their guidelines the “Noble Eightfold Path of Wisdom.” We will briefly look at each of these of guidelines from the vantage point of what Laarkmaa has shared with us. Please notice for yourselves the similarities in these traditional rules for living and the suggestions Laarkmaa has made to help guide us. We will begin with the Ten Commandments.

The “Ten Commandments”

1 ~ Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

In order to step into Who We Are, we must do away with hierarchical beliefs about being connected to God (Love, or Source). God, the one true universal divine energy, is available to each of us, and we do not need to place any one person in the position of being more divine or more knowledgeable about divine truth than any other person. Each individual is part of God (Source); we do not need any other human to intercede for us in our divine connection to God, for each of us is completely divine and has direct access to the wisdom of Source without the direction or assistance of a priest, rabbi, or minister. Most, if not all, religions proclaim that there must be a spokesperson or a guru (who is more educated, enlightened, or responsible for interpreting the truth), who is placed at the top of their religious hierarchy to interpret divine wisdom or to control the form of communication between each person and God. This belief system ignores the truth that each of us is able to connect to Source directly. The commandment to “have no other gods before me” becomes cloudy or confused when we choose to follow another’s guidance and give up our own power to connect directly with Source. We never need to place another ahead of our own divine connection to Love, Source, God.

Laarkmaa would say: Choose love and your own direct connection to Source.

2 ~ Thou shalt not make graven images (idols).

Modern technology has taken us to a place where we have created symbols, icons, and many artificial representations or images of life. Through our unquestioning appetite for technology, we have created an idolatrous, artificial lifestyle that we honor as the most important way to learn and communicate. We have stepped away from direct interaction with Nature, confining ourselves to indoor lives that further separate us from the real and natural world. We have stepped away from personal communication, choosing to dash off a few quick words in an email or to communicate through the false idols of Facebook and Twitter, rather than joining another person face to face. We choose a pretty image on our screensavers rather than taking a walk outside. We have even lost, to some degree, our Nature-based language, choosing a language based on technical terms instead (such as speaking about “receiving a download, ” rather than saying that we received spiritual information). Too many of us spend time looking at and “worshiping” artificial images of Nature, rather than spending time outdoors in Nature, communicating face to face with people, and actively participating with life. We need to change our mistaken view of seeing the world through an artificial lens as a virtual reality, and begin to participate with people in a real way and with the real and natural world.

Modern cultures have also made an idol out of money. We worship money for its own sake, and we have created images that represent money’s artificial value. Americans even choose to place the words “In God we trust” on the images, or idols, of the highly worshiped dollar. Money has become the most important object of value in our current cultures. We need to step away from that false idolatry of making money the god of success and placing artificial values on it. Our shared gifts and talents need to replace money as the means of exchanging energy together. We must begin to trust that the universe can abundantly provide for us if we only choose to honor and participate responsibly with life.

Laarkmaa would say: Choose to trust in what is real and step away from artificially created images of reality.

3 ~ Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord in vain.

Beginning with the premise that each of us is God (an individual divine aspect of Source), we cannot treat each other in vain, or in our words, with disdain and disrespect. Thoughts, words, and the tones we use to speak need to be kind and respectful of one another. In each communication, we need to speak as though we can truly see the divinity in each other. We need to move away from thoughts, words, and tones that deliver a message of judgment, blame, or criticism, and choose instead to “speak ourselves into being” by using words and tones that express love and unity.

Laarkmaa would say: Choose words, tones, and thoughts that are positive, kind, and respectful.

4 ~ Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

While each religion guides its followers to set aside one day to honor and remember holy ideas and principles, we feel that in choosing only one day as holy, we are missing the truth of how special life is every day. Each day should be seen as holy, for each day provides the gift of being here on Earth and offers us opportunities to evolve through the challenges that greet us, and also through the positive things that come our way. We need to honor the truth that not only each day, but each moment can be lived, as a holy moment, with gratitude for all that we are given and in appreciation of life. We need to focus on the holiness of each day, rather than saving our reverence for one of seven days that exists in the future, a day that we have meagerly set aside to be grateful or to be “good.” We need to remember that we, and all others, are holy, and that every moment we experience is a gift. Rather than focusing on what we don’t have, or on the emotions that arise during specific challenges, we should concentrate each day on the positive attributes of what we do have in our lives, and make conscious choices to celebrate that. We may also focus our gratitude each day on what new experiences and greater expanded awareness we may envision and create for ourselves as we become more of Who We truly Are. Appreciation of each day’s specialness will enhance our ability to truly participate in the joy of living.

Laarkmaa would say: Choose gratitude and appreciation in each present moment.

5 ~ Honor thy father and thy mother.

Our true parents are the stars and the earth. The stars and the earth join together in cooperation to create a home for our experience. We are first from the stars, divinely connected to the universal energy of Source. We must honor that connection within ourselves by taking responsibility for our own light energy and cooperating with one another. We are equally part of and connected to Earth. Because we are here on Earth, we must honor our relationship to Nature. Earth is our home at this time; She gives us the vehicle to experience all aspects of duality, and the opportunity to weave them together into a beautiful, harmonic world of cooperation, peace, and unity.

Laarkmaa would say: Choose to honor the Stars and Earth, and cooperate with one another.

6 ~ Thou shalt not kill.

This guideline supports the honoring of all life. It guides us away from killing through aggression, competition, greed, or war. Yet this guideline is not only about murder, or the taking of human life. This guideline is also meant to lead us away from killing for food. There is no such thing as “killing with kindness” or the “humane” taking of life. All life is a gift, and we do not have the right to take the life of any other living being. Because we are all connected, every time we take the life of another (human, animal, or any other life form), we are equally harming ourselves and all others, as well as those we kill. When we eat something we have killed, we are ingesting the energy of death, which never supports life. We need to recognize our continuous connection with All That Is, and refrain from all killing, instead choosing to honor all of life.

Laarkmaa would say: Choose life. Choose a diet and a lifestyle that reject any form of killing and support the highest good for all.

7 ~ Thou shalt not commit adultery.

Intimacy is a special gift of sharing with one another, and intimacy should only be engaged through making a lasting commitment to one person, supported by unconditional love, respect, honesty, and transparency. In the third dimension, only such a committed relationship can offer the safety needed to share our total essence; any other type of relationship does not. We must also be whole within ourselves in order to share completely with another. We cannot expect to fill a lonely void within us by engaging in casual sexual encounters. Adultery is not just breaking the vows of marriage; it is breaking the vow to oneself to honor our own sacredness. This means we must never take from another person in order to fulfill our own needs; we must fill ourselves with love first , and then offer to share that love with another. This exquisite and perfect form of intimacy can only be experienced within the trust of a wholly (holy) committed relationship. Adultery is not only experienced through our physical actions; it is also experienced through any thoughts that separate us from our partner and committed relationship. We are also committing adultery even when we have a desirous thought about another who is outside of our committed relationship. We commit adultery every time we are dishonest with our partners, whether that dishonesty is in thoughts, words, or physical actions. Ultimately, we must be committed to and responsible for all of our choices. Each choice must be made from the heart, for the highest good for all. If it hurts another, it is not a higher vibratory choice.

Laarkmaa would say: Choose to commit to intimacy with appropriate thoughts and behaviors.

8 ~ Thou shalt not steal.

Abundance is always available for all of us; therefore there is never any need to steal. To promote the material realization of our abundance, we must begin to understand and engage in proper energetic exchange. Everything in the universe is comprised of energy, which moves in a universal flow. That flow is freely available to all, yet it is our individual and collective responsibility to give back when we receive, thereby continuing the flow. Humanity has become unbalanced, preferring to receive something that is “free” or to take what we want, rather than honoring the divine flow of universal abundance. We have forgotten the joy of giving. Giving back is comprised of a deep understanding that something of equal value must be exchanged in order to share in universal abundance. When we take something without giving an equal exchange, we are, in effect, stealing. When we steal from one person, we steal from all. Through the energy of stealing, we betray the trust of everyone. When humanity finally understands and fully lives from this principle of proper energetic exchange, poverty, greed, and lack will simply cease to exist.

Laarkmaa would say: Choose to practice giving and receiving through equal, balanced, and proper exchange.

9 ~ Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.

Again we are guided to be responsible for how we “speak” one another into being. We are directed to tell the truth about one another, but when human emotions become entangled with judgmental thoughts, we often make poor choices and say things that are thoughtless, mean, or not entirely true, using heartless and hurtful tones. Rather than judging one another or competing with one another, we need to respect our fundamental differences as important elements of the whole. No one person, community, country, religion, or idea is more important than the unity we all share together, and thinking or speaking through judgment only separates us. Thinking or speaking unkindly about someone lowers the vibrational field of both the speaker and the one being spoken about. It is much easier to be the highest versions of ourselves when others speak about our virtues, rather than focusing upon our faults. We must learn to be kind, honest, and transparent in how we relate with one another.

Laarkmaa would say: Choose to relate with kindness, transparency, and truth.

10 ~ Thou shalt not covet what belongs to another.

This idea relates to comparing ourselves to others and judging the differences. Each of us has unique and differing gifts and talents that are ours alone; those gifts cannot and should not be compared to anyone else’s, as being greater or lesser attributes and contributions. It is useless to wish to own what belongs to another, including wishing for bigger houses, newer cars, higher salaries, better-looking spouses, specific abilities, or anything else that superficially makes us feel that we are superior. What materializes in our own lives is directly related to who we are and the choices that we make. When we become thankful for what is ours, rather than wishing to possess what belongs to another, we experience an internal peace that radiates outwardly as love. True freedom comes when we cease to compare ourselves or others and simply appreciate our differences.

Laarkmaa would say: Choose to appreciate and share all that you are and all that you have.

The “Noble Eightfold Path to Wisdom”

Guidelines from the Buddhist religion are based upon making choices that are balanced and encourage us to behave ethically and with wisdom, and to grow in our understanding. These principles can also be viewed through Laarkmaa’s holistic perspective.

1 ~ Right View

This guideline is related to seeing everything in life accurately. We cannot see the truth if we are seeing through our personal filters or our individual or collective beliefs. We must look beyond the Veil of Illusion to have a correct and balanced view of life.

Laarkmaa would say: Move beyond the Veil of Illusion to see the true reality.

2 ~ Right Intention

This guideline instructs us to take personal responsibility for everything that we think, say, or do. When we are conscious of the choices we make, it helps us to intend the highest outcome for all in any situation. Intention must be part of every conscious choice we make in order to manifest harmony and balance for everyone.

Laarkmaa would say: Be responsible; co-create through responsible intentions.

3 ~ Right Speech

We already know the importance of speaking each other into being. Speech is as important as intention because it is equally necessary for proper manifestation. The power of sound propels our intentions into the world through our speech. Right speech is simply taking responsibility for the words and tones that we use with one another.

Laarkmaa would say: Use tones and words that reflect love to co-create your reality.

4 ~ Right Action

Our actions should be preceded by conscious, responsible, and intentional thoughts. Too often we respond to life in a reactive manner, rather than in a compassionate manner. Our actions contribute to and flavor what we create in our physical world. If we want a world of harmony, then we must always allow our hearts to lead us to make compassionate choices in how we act.

Laarkmaa would say: Choose compassion in all of your actions.

5 ~ Right Livelihood

This principle relates to how we share our gifts and talents. Obviously, we should never engage in activities that are not for the highest good for all, nor should we take from others without giving something in return ourselves. Right livelihood is living every moment through the understanding of proper energetic exchange, and following the Golden Rule: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

Laarkmaa would say: InLak’Ech (“I am another yourself.”) Live through remembering that you are connected to one another.

6 ~ Right Effort

Use your will power to direct your thoughts, so that all of your efforts result in actions that are led by your heart. When your energy is naturally expended with a sense of joy, all of your effort becomes play rather than work and benefits everyone.

Laarkmaa would say: Use your will to direct your intentions through your heart, and you will find joy in all of your efforts.

7 ~ Right Mindfulness

Right mindfulness is very simple. When our thoughts are connected to our hearts, we are in balance and in harmony. Disconnected, chaotic thoughts cannot occur when our hearts are involved. The mind cannot lead our choices without the heart’s wisdom.

Laarkmaa would say: Connect your hearts and minds, and become whole and balanced human beings.

8 ~ Right Concentration

Concentration requires applying responsibility to every thought we have. Without focusing our thoughts to make decisions for the highest good of all, we can never achieve a balanced and healthy state of unity. We need to concentrate on what is truly important, and that is only love and light.

Laarkmaa would say: You are more powerful than you know. Concentrate on truth, trust, love, compassion, and joy to co-create your reality.

While the preceding “Eightfold Path” and the “Ten Commandments” dictate rules that we should follow to live better lives according to the interpretation of specific religions, we feel it is much more powerful to create our own guidelines through our direct connection to divine Source. We are not separating ourselves from God by doing this; rather we are accepting responsibility for the power of our own choice in co-creating reality. Laarkmaa assures us that love is the greatest power in the universe, but reminds us that the greatest power we have as humans is the power of choice.

What we deeply know and trust is that everything we experience is created by and affected through the choices we make, beginning with where we focus our attention, what thoughts we think, and how we utilize our feelings. Laarkmaa has guided us chapter by chapter, through all the elements involved in making higher vibratory choices, interweaving chapter by chapter, all aspects of choice, from mental, mathematical, symbolic, physical, and energetic perspectives. They even matched the information they provided to the mathematical energy of the numbered chapter in which it was placed. Their wisdom brings us to the place where we can finally and fully understand how everything harmoniously blends together in a healthy whole, and how we can co-create a peaceful world in flow and unity.

We will end this book by briefly reviewing all of the aspects Laarkmaa has presented in each chapter, giving you our perspective on the choices we are being offered. Drawing from the wisdom Laarkmaa has so lovingly given humanity, we offer here a somewhat different but equally powerful set of guidelines for living our lives from the space of love. Because Laarkmaa continually tells us that we always have choice, we call these guidelines for living The Ten Choices . We will summarize what Laarkmaa shared in each of the ten chapters, including a choice that connects to each chapter’s wisdom.

The Ten Choices

The First Choice: Choose love.

In Chapter 1 , explaining that everything is energy, Laarkmaa told us that all that is necessary to heal is to remember Who We Are. The number one energetically carries the energy of unity, All That Is, and love. The color pink expresses love and is related to the energy of one and unity.

The Second Choice: Choose trust.

In Chapter 2 , Laarkmaa explained how we have been experiencing life through a Veil of Illusion that creates a dualistic split of opposites. The energy of two represents duality. Laarkmaa explained how when we begin to cooperate rather than to compete with one another, we can use the opposites of duality more effectively. Through the elimination of our belief systems, we can heal all the splits and reconfigure the pieces into a pattern that includes all elements in one harmonic whole. We must set aside our fears and begin to trust in one another and in the goodness of the universe to achieve this new pattern. The color blue infuses us with the energy of trust in order to do this.

The Third Choice: Choose to create new perspectives for cooperation rather than competition.

In Chapter 3 , Laarkmaa explained the energies of creativity, healing, and growth. The number three mathematically represents the vibration of this trinity. They showed us how we have been misunderstanding and misusing the many gifts of the third dimension, and how we can begin our healing process through changing our perspectives. One of the most fundamental perspectives we must change is our belief that we must compete rather than cooperate. The color green carries energies of healing and creativity to support our growth in this process.

The Fourth Choice: Choose to be compassionate.

Laarkmaa gave us a new foundation for building a peaceful world in Chapter 4 . Mathematically, four represents the energy of foundation and stability. The color gold imparts the energies of both compassion and grace. When we are compassionate, grace fills us with light so that we may see how to proceed and we may build our foundation with the energies of compassion, trust, joy, and love.

The Fifth Choice: Choose transcendence.

Chapter 5 is filled with exercises to promote the changes we need to make. In the third dimension, change is the only constant. Life is filled with change; change carries us towards the multidimensional constant of love. The number five carries the energy of change, and use of the color violet helps us to transform, transmute, and transcend whatever needs changing. When we are resistant to change, holding on to old beliefs or old patterns of behavior, we must realize that we are stuck; yet we can transcend anything. When we open to transcendence and transformation, we make higher choices for our own evolution.

The Sixth Choice: Choose truth.

All of us want to know our life purpose. Because we want to know that we are making a difference, we often struggle with questions about how we are spending our precious moments on Earth. We know that we came here for a reason, yet sometimes our third-dimensional perspectives limit our understanding of just what that reason is. In Chapter 6 , Laarkmaa explained our purpose here on Earth from their Pleiadian perspective. The energy of six is mathematically related to flow, and when we are “in the flow,” we are connected to universal love, light, and truth. Laarkmaa has used the color white, which represents the purity of truth, to relate to our ability to flow when we are listening to and in harmony with universal truth. The color white is sometimes called Christ light and is often seen in the auras around enlightened beings who understand the proper flow of energy. We will always know our purpose if we choose to release our own belief systems and open to the flow of universal truth.

The Seventh Choice:

Choose to illuminate your lives with joy.

In Chapter 7 , Laarkmaa offered us the seven components of healing, as seen from their much broader multidimensional perspective. These seven components are energy, movement, water, light, sound, Nature, and liquid time. When we honor these gifts, understand them, and use them together, we gain the ability to heal all imbalances and return to our true state of health. The number seven represents magic and gives us an energetic portal to help us step beyond our third-dimensional limitations. The color yellow expresses joy and illumination. Through the presence of the energies of the color yellow and the number seven, we can eliminate the Veil of Illusion and become illuminated by the truth. That illumination fills us with joy of remembering Who We Are and what we are doing here on Earth. If we simply follow our hearts, we will find joy.

The Eighth Choice: Choose to connect.

Laarkmaa gave us a rainbow of healing essences in Chapter 8 , using the energy of eight to illustrate the infinity of love and our connection to all . Laarkmaa lovingly wove together an intrinsic fabric of color energies that we can wear to heal ourselves. This magical fabric is made of love, trust, creativity, compassion, transformation, truth, joy, and connection. The color silver represents the energy of connection and helps us to join all of the elements we need together in order to heal our planet and ourselves.

The Ninth Choice: Choose harmony.

Chapter 9 is about harmony. The number nine is mathematically aligned with the energy of harmony. Laarkmaa gave us some new principles and explained more clearly some very old principles about Who We Are and how we must engage with one another. Honesty, or transparency, is essential for our healing, for without complete and total honesty (with ourselves first and then with others), we can never achieve the safety we need to be able to completely trust and to fully love. Additionally, rebalancing ourselves by accepting that each of us carries both the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine equally within us, leads us even more into a state of harmony. We are androgynous beings full of love and light, here on a planet that needs the expression of all of our combined energy to bring harmony to the world. When each of us joins all aspects of ourselves into a complete androgynous whole, and we live in transparency with one another, we can finally achieve harmony and peace on Earth. In this state, we can create a real community. Laarkmaa says the energy of nine represents harmony and contains a rainbow of all colors beautifully interwoven together. We can use this rainbow of harmonious energies to guide our choices in each present moment.

The Tenth Choice: Choose to be aware, to be responsible, and to make choices from the heart in every present moment. We need to achieve this to complete our purpose: to heal humanity by remembering Who We Are.

This, the tenth chapter, is about manifestation. Laarkmaa has not given us a specific color to represent manifestation, for it is up to us how we choose to apply the appropriate color energies involved with each co-creation. Mathematically, the energy of ten represents manifestation. We manifest our world through each choice we make, individually and together. Each choice carries an energy that flows out into the world, creating new combinations of energies that offer more and more possibilities, in a constant stream of change that brings us closer and closer to the energy of Home. When we use our human power of choice moment by moment to meld all possibilities into a reality that is for the highest good of all, we will awaken and remember. Thank you for being on this journey with us.

Our Choices for Evolution

The First Choice: Choose love.

The Second Choice: Choose trust.

The Third Choice: Choose to create new perspectives for cooperation rather than competition.

The Fourth Choice: Choose to be compassionate.

The Fifth Choice: Choose transcendence.

The Sixth Choice: Choose truth.

The Seventh Choice: Choose to illuminate our lives with joy.

The Eighth Choice: Choose to connect.

The Ninth Choice: Choose harmony.

The Tenth Choice: Choose to be aware, to be responsible, and to make choices from the heart in every present moment.