A Final Note From Laarkmaa

W e appreciate Cullen and Pia’s insights in writing this, the tenth chapter. There are three more chapters to write in the book of Remembering:

Chapter 11 on Illumination,

Chapter 12 on Understanding, and

Chapter 13 on Completion, or Full Ascension into

Rainbow form of a completely healed humanity.

We cannot write these chapters, because you have the power of choice, and through that power, you will determine how these chapters of humanity’s evolution are written. However, it is important to note that there are three remaining chapters to be written. Please remember that the energy of three represents creativity, and it is through your use of the power of choice that you can create a healthy and whole new reality. If you choose, you can create the foundation we have suggested, using all of the elements we have explored together in this work that blends our written words with our loving and supportive vibrational energy. We support you with our love . We have great trust that you will now make creative choices from your hearts. We have great compassion for the challenges that you are transcending. And we experience great joy in helping you. It is now up to you, Dear Ones, to finish the book of your own evolution.

We love you. Good Always! LAARKMAA