Acronyms for English as a second language programs, 5
Adams, Douglas, 6
Alphabet vocabulary lists, 114–115
American Heritage Talking Dictionary, 35
Animals vocabulary lists, 129
Arithmetic vocabulary lists, 118–119
Asher, James, 26
Avery, Tex, 33
Azuela, Mario, 99
Bakery products vocabulary list, 137
Baseball vocabulary list, 140
Benedict, Ruth, 95
BICS (basic interpersonal communication skills), 12–13, 30
Bilingual education (BE), 5
Borges, Jorge, 25
Brain activity during language study, 26–27
California, 6
CALP (cognitive academic learning proficiencies), 12–13
Capitalization, 67
Challenges of teaching English as a second language, 2–3
Chomsky, Noam, 17
Chrysanthemum and the Sword, The, 95
City geography vocabulary list, 133–134
Classroom vocabulary list, 116
Clockwork Orange, A, 30–31, 34
Clothing vocabulary lists, 138
Colors vocabulary list, 108
Comenius, J. A., 22
Compton’s Interactive Encyclopedia, 35
Compulsory education laws, 4–5
Content classes
incidental learning and, 90–91
mainstreaming ESL students into, 88–89
mastery of English before studying, 84
objectives, 85
out-of-class support for ESL students in regular, 92
reasonable and unreasonable modifications in, 91
sample science/vocabulary lesson, 86–87
Controlled conversation, 52
Cummins, Jim, 12
Dairy products vocabulary list, 137
Days vocabulary list, 112
Decoding skills and background knowledge in reading English, 61–62
Dickens, Charles, 92
electronic, 35
picture, 32
Direct method for teaching spoken English, 51
Early literacy, 17
E-books, 147
Electronic dictionaries, 35
Emotions vocabulary list, 139
English as a second language, teaching challenges of, 2–3
and limiting instruction to one year, 14–15
as a mission, 3
pie-in-the-sky goals of, 13–14
various acronyms for, 5
viewed as a remedial class, 3
English Teaching Forum, 148
Erasmus, Desiderius, 22, 25, 41
ESL Café, 147
ESL Partyland, 147
Essential Teacher and TESOL Quarterly, 148
Family vocabulary list, 124
Food vocabulary lists, 135–137
Foreign language teachers, 11
Fruits and vegetables vocabulary lists, 135
Fuentes, Carlos, 25
Funding for ESL materials, 10
Geography vocabulary lists
U. S., 131
world, 130
in mixed ability classrooms, 69–70
using individual education programs (IEPs), 70
basic outline of English, 39–40
implicit and explicit instruction in, 41
matching native language, 38–39
in questions, answers, jokes, and conversation, 42–43
simplicity in English, 38
using sheltered English to teach and practice, 87–88
using tag questions to teach, 43
when to start lessons in, 38
Graphic organizers, 63
Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, The, 6
Home language surveys, 6
Home vocabulary lists, 125–126
Human body/possessive nouns vocabulary list, 123
Idioms, 33
Inclusion and support of ESL students in regular classrooms, 7, 84–92
Individual education programs (IEPs), 70, 82–83
Instant Immersion, 47
International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA), 34, 55
Joys of teaching English as a second language, 1–2
Krashen, Steven, 23
Language acquisition device (LAD), 17
Layered vocabulary learning, 36
Linguistic Funland, 147
Listening skills
computer software for improving, 47
dictation and, 48
minimal pair practice for, 49–50
testing, 74
using English movies to improve, 47–48
using tape recorders and CD players to improve, 46–47
Llosa, Mario Vargas, 25
Mainstreaming ESL students, 88–89
Márquez, Gabriel García, 25
Materials and equipment for teaching ESL, 8–10, 46–47, 88
Meat and seafood vocabulary list, 136
Menard, Pierre, 25
Men’s clothing vocabulary list, 138
Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 35
Metric system, 24
Microsoft Encarta, 35
Months vocabulary list, 113
Motivation of ESL students, 1–2, 16
Native language skills and ESL, 12–13, 32–33
Natural approach to learning English, 23–26
1-10 vocabulary list, 103
1-100 vocabulary list, 109–110
11-20 vocabulary list, 105
hundreds and thousands vocabulary list, 117
ordinal vocabulary list, 132
by tens to 100 vocabulary list, 107
Ordinal numbers vocabulary list, 132
Orozco, Jose Clemente, 97
Oxford Picture Dictionary, 32
Park and playground vocabulary list, 127
Paz, Octavio, 99
Pedro Paramo, 25
People and things vocabulary list, 106
Periodicals, recommended, 99, 148
Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), 9–10
Pets vocabulary list, 128
Picture and word cards for improving writing skills, 66–67
Picture dictionaries, 32
Pie-in-the-sky goals of ESL programs, 13–14
Placement in ESL programs, 5–6
for special needs students, 79
Possessive pronouns vocabulary list, 141–142
Prepositions and their objects vocabulary list, 143–144
Pronunciation, teaching, 54–55
Props for teaching ESL, 9
Punctuation, 67
Reading, recommended, 99, 145–146
Reading English
graphic organizers in, 63
schema in, 62
by students who are struggling readers in their native language, 58
Realia, 9
Recitals, 53
Regular classrooms, inclusion of ESL students in, 7, 15, 88–89
Rosetta Stone, The, 47
Rulfo, Juan, 96
Schema in reading English, 62
School supplies vocabulary list, 120
Self assessments by ESL students, 75–76
SEP students (Someone else’s problem), 6–7
Shapes vocabulary list, 104
Sheltered English content classes, 85–88
Siquieros, David Alfaro, 97
Smirnoff, Yakov, 94
Speaking skills
controlled conversation and, 52
direct method for teaching, 51
practice outside of class, 56
recitals for demonstrating, 53
student-to-student teaching of, 53
testing, 74
using the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) for teaching, 55
Special needs English learners
determining appropriate programs for, 82–83
identifying, 79
individual education programs (IEPs) for, 82–83
learning disabilities in, 79–81
special education departments and, 81
Speech therapists, 11
Students, ESL
inclusion and support in regular classrooms, 7, 15, 84–92
SEP (Someone else’s problem), 6–7
teaching other students, 53
using native languages in the classroom, 18–21
younger, 17, 21, 27, 36, 44, 50, 56, 63, 68, 77, 83
Tag questions, 43
Tale of Two Cities, A, 92
Teachers, ESL
advice and help from school personnel for, 11
communicating with families of students, 100
funding for, 10
keeping up with advances in the field, 98–99
materials and equipment for, 8–10
recommended reading for, 99, 145–146
students as, 53
volunteer help for, 10
Technology, language-teaching, 9–10
Terrell, Tracy, 23
grading and, 72
speaking and listening, 74
vocabulary, 73
Time required to master ESL, 12–16
Time vocabulary list, 112
Total Physical Response (TPR), 26, 32, 45, 52, 83, 85
U. S. currency vocabulary list, 111
U. S. geography vocabulary list, 131
Underdogs, The, 99
Vanishing word technique, 66
building with word blocks, 33
idiom, 33
layered, 36
subtitled movies for building, 31–32
teaching with picture dictionaries, 32
testing, 73
using bilingual dictionaries to build up, 33–35
using electronic dictionaries to build up, 35
Volunteers, 10
Web sites, recommended, 99, 147
Women’s clothing vocabulary list, 138
Word blocks, 33
World geography vocabulary list, 130
Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 80
Written English
dictation for improving, 67
getting started in teaching, 65
myths surrounding, 64
picture and word cards for improving, 66–67
punctuation and capitalization in, 67
spelling skills necessary for, 65–66
vanishing word technique and, 66
Younger students
balancing native language and English in teaching, 21
English writing by, 68
language acquisition device (LAD) of, 17
listening skills of, 50
reading written English, 63
speaking skill exercises for, 56
special needs, 83
teaching grammar to, 44
testing and grading, 77
using natural approaches to language learning with, 27
vocabulary exercises for, 36