


32-Bit TIFF 153, 154

360° panorama 108, 109, 130


ACR (Adobe Camera Raw) 20

Adobe Camera Raw (ACR) 20

Adobe RGB 164

AEB (Auto Exposure Bracketing) 13, 32, 139

Akvis Enhancer 199

alignment 179

aperture 12, 13, 54

optimum aperture 101

Auto-crop output 39

Auto ISO 12, 141

Autopano Pro 132

Auto Tone 157

Av (Aperture priority) 139

Av bracketing 13

Average (exposure blending) 171, 180

Average (HDRI generation) 180


batch processing 23, 91, 192

in CombineZM/CZBatch 77

in FDRTools Advanced 192

in Helicon Focus 91

in Photomatix Pro 173

simplified (in Photomatix Pro) 175

Bibble RAW converter 223

black point 158, 159, 166, 184, 186

Black & White 209

blending 61, 92, 93

exposure blending 143

techniques in Photoshop 141

Bridge 154


Calio 131

camera 7, 18

exposure program 13

settings 13

chromatic aberration 43

Clarity 198, 199

Color Efex 216

CombineZM 23, 55, 72

terminology 72

CombineZP 23, 94

Compressor (tone mapping) 184, 187


local contrast 197

microcontrast 24, 172, 187, 197

controlling effect strength 213

conventions used in this book 8


chromatic aberration 43

image geometry 39

lens distortion 42

Create Plane tool 117

Creative (HDRI generation) 181

cross rail 103

cylindrical projection 108

CZBatch 77

CZM (CombineZM) 73

CZMoutputs 77


dcraw 20, 87, 162, 176

Define 45

depth map 72, 77

depth of field (DOP) 53

Details Enhancer (tone mapping) 165, 166

digital single lens reflex (DSLR) 7

DNG 25

DNG Converter 25, 33

DOF (Depth of Field) 56

DOFMaster 222

DOP Detail Extractor 24, 209

DOP EasyD Detail Resolver 24

Do Stack (Macro) 74

downloading images 13


in Photomatix Pro 170

DRI (Dynamic Range Increase) 135

in PhotoAcute 146

in Photoshop 141

DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) 7, 18

dust map 84

DXO Optics Pro 42


effect strength control 213

eliminate moving objects 22, 45

Enhancer 199

dialog 200

enhancing microcontrast 198

using Akvis Enhancer 200

using a USM Filter 198

using DOP Detail Extractor 204

Equalize brightness 39

Equalize Histogram (tone mapping) 157

EV (Exposure Value) 32, 139, 150

EXIF 90, 94, 177

Exifer 94

ExifTool 94

EXIFutils 94

Expand dynamic range 39

Exposure and Gamma (tone mapping) 157

exposure blending 23, 143, 163

Highlights & Shadows 171

using Photomatix Pro 170

exposure value (EV) 32


FDR Compressor 23

FDRTA (FDRTools Advanced) 176

FDRT (FDRTools) 176

FDRTools 23, 176

Advanced 23, 176

batch processing 192

alignment 179

Basic 23, 176

HDRI creation 179

save HDR file 183

save LDR Image 190

tone mapping 184


format 18

HDRI 153

naming 13

filters 27

Fix color fringing 39, 43

flatten image 217

Floating Point TIFF 154

focal length 13

focus stacking 1, 4, 15, 22, 23, 47, 53, 54

preprocessing 60

summary 94

using CombineZM 72

using Helicon Focus 79

using PhotoAcute 66

using Photoshop CS4 91

frames 72


Gigapxl Project 223

global tone mapping 158

gradation filter 143

grouping images 14

group panorama 128

Grunging 207


HDRI (High Dynamic Range Image) 1, 3, 22, 135, 136

file compression 154

file formats 153


using “Average” 180

using “Creative” 181

using FDRTools 179

using Photoshop 149

using “Separation” 180

optimization 154

panorama 131

post-processing 195

process optimization 161

shooting 139

tone mapping 156

using FDRTools 176

using Photomatix Pro 162

HDR View 154

HDR Viewer 164

Helicon Focus 23, 24, 79

batch processing 91

dust map 84

Windows version 84

High Dynamic Range (HDR) 136

High Dynamic Range Imaging (HDRI) 3

Highlight Compression (tone mapping) 157

Highlights & Shadows – Adjust 172

Highlights & Shadows (exposure blending) 171

Highlights & Shadows – Intensive 172

Highlights Smoothing 168

Hugin 131, 132

Hyper-Depth-of-Field 22

hyperfocal distance 102



geometry 39, 42

inspection 14

overlap 102

post-processing 17, 195, 198, 213

preprocessing 13

inspection 14

installing plug-ins, filters and scripts 27

intermediate combination layer 200

IPTC 90, 94

IrfanView 154

ISO speed 13

IVRPA (International VR Photography Association) 223


keywords 14


Lattice density 39


merge layers 217

LDR (Low Dynamic Range) 132, 137, 156

lens correction 119

lens distortion 42

LightZone 220

linear projection 107

Local Adaptation (tone mapping) 158, 159

local contrast 167, 197

localized tone mapping 156, 158, 166

L-plate 103

luminosity 202, 216

LZW compression 154


magnification ratio 55

Mask precision 40

MDR (Medium Dynamic Range) 138

merge layers 114, 217

Merge to HDR 21

microcontrast 24, 172, 167, 168, 187, 197

Akvis Enhancer 199

using USM or a RAW converter 198

Micro tab (Photomatix Pro) 167

mirror lockup 13

moving objects 45

Multiply (layer blending method) 202

multi-row panorama 121

multishot 5

techniques 2

workflow (general) 12


Nik Sharpener 216

nodal point 99

Noise Ninja 45

noise reduction 44

Noiseware 45

no-parallax point 99


opacity maps 84

OpenEXR 138, 153, 154, 184

OpenEXR Viewer 154

optical center 104

optimal aperture 57, 101

for a standard print 57

Overlay (layer blending mode) 209


Panoguide 223


group panorama 128

HDRI panorama 131

multi-row panorama 121

plate 103

spherical 132

vertical panorama 118

PBM (Portable Bit Map) 138

perspective correction 118

perspective plane 117

pfm (Portable Floating Map) 151

PhotoAcute 22, 146

basic usage 34

DRI 146

focus stacking 66

import and export formats 48

noise reduction 44

Preferences 34

preparing images 33

registration 34

specialized corrections 41

Photomatix 220

Photomatix Basic 23, 162

Photomatix Pro 23, 162

batch processing 173

exposure blending 170

HDR Viewer 164

Highlights & Shadows – Adjust 172

Highlights & Shadows – Intensive 172

Micro tab 167

S/H tab 168

Photomerge 21, 22, 109


exposure blending 141

focus stacking 91

HDRI file formats 153

HDRI generation 149

picture series 12

plug-in 27

Portable Bitmap (.pbm) 153

Portable Floating Map (.pfm) 153

post-processing 49, 213

preprocessing 13

Preview 154

profile-based corrections 22

programs used in this book 21

project (FDRTools) 176


cylindrical 108

linear 107


perspective 107

rectilinear 107

spherical 109

ProPhoto RGB 164

PSD-large (.psb) 153

PTGui 131, 132

PTLens 42, 43

PTMac 131


QTVR (QuickTime Virtual Reality) 130

quantization 60


Radiance 138, 154, 184

Radiance (.hdr) 153

RAW to DNG conversion 25

Receptor (tone mapping) 184, 186

reference shot 16

Refresh loupe only (Photomatix) 165


scripts 27

Separation (HDRI generation) 180

Shadows/Highlights 124

Shadows Smoothing 168

Sharpening 215


for focus stacking 58

for HDR Images 139

for stitching applications 98

for super-resolution 32

picture series 12

S/H (Photomatix Pro) 168

Simplex (tone mapping) 184

smart filter 216

smart objects 216, 217

specialized corrections 41

spherical panorama 132

spherical projection 109

spirit level 103

sRGB 164

stack 14, 72

Stitcher Unlimited 132

stitching 1, 4

further programs 130

Super-Resolution 1, 2, 13, 22, 31, 32

Synchronize 16


tonal compression 138

Tone Compressor (tone mapping) 165

tone curve 164

tone mapping 136, 138, 156, 199

black point 158

Compressor 184

Details Enhancer 165

Equalize Histogram 157

Exposure and Gamma 157

FDRTools 184

global 158

global tone mapping 156

Highlight Compression 157

Local Adaptation 158, 159

localized tone mapping 158, 166

local tone mapping 156

Photoshop plug-in 161

Receptor 184, 186

Simplex 184

Tone Compressor 165

using “Compressor” 187

using “Details Enhancer” 166

using “Tone Compressor” 165

white point 158

Tone Mapping (Photoshop plug-in) 23, 161

Tone Reproduction Curve (TRC) 152, 164

TRC (Tone Reproduction Curve) 152, 164

tripod 13


usable aperture 54

USM filter 198


vanishing point 127

Vanishing Point function 117

vertical panorama 118

virtual stack 14


white balance (WB) 13

white point 150, 157, 158, 165, 166, 186

slider 184


xDOF (HDRI generation) 181

XMP 90

XnView 154