
35mm film 14


Actions 7677

Adjustment Layers 4647, 100, 121, 156, 157, 158, 159, 169

Black and White 62, 115, 169

Color Balance 106


Camera Raw 131

DNG format 18

Lightroom 40, 45, 124129

Photoshop see Photoshop

Airbrush 66

Analog cameras 1415

Android 24, 25, 26, 27

Aperture Priority 131

Apollinaire, Guillaume 6

Apps 12, 22, 2429, 8083, 8487

choosing 24

compositing 25

distortion 2627

essential editing 24

examples 2829

filters 27, 72

iOS-only 25

manipulation 2627

merging 25

Auto gain 33

Autofocus 40


Bán, Sarolta 166169

Barrier filter 41

Black and White Adjustment Layer 62, 115, 169

Black-and-white conversion 147, 160

Black and White tool 119

Blending 6667, 114, 115, 122, 136, 165

Soft Light 111, 115, 146, 153, 156, 158, 168

Blur 27, 75, 159, 165

Gaussian Blur 90, 146, 147, 168, 169

Lens Blur 101

Motion Blur 75, 115, 138, 178, 181

Zoom Blur 83

Bondart, Andrii 148153, 190

Breton, André 6

Brightness 100, 106 91

Brushes 63, 66, 81, 86, 91, 97, 108, 119, 128, 183

airbrush 66

Healing Brush 149

opacity 66

Burn and Dodge see Dodge and Burn


Camera Fun Free 26

Camera 360 26, 27, 29

Cameraphones 1213, 17


5D Mark III 19


format 18

EF lens 11

EOS 5D 149

EOS 60D 33

EOS 550D 171

EOS Rebel XSi 11, 36, 38, 40, 41

EOS Rebel XTi 125

Rebel T3i 19

S100 13

sensors 19

Cell phones see cameraphones

Channel Mixer 132

Checkerboard background 179

Clipping Mask 62, 115, 158

Clone Stamp tool 92, 108, 111, 114, 137, 173, 184

Cloning 180185

Cloud filter 64

Clouds 36, 41, 64, 108, 145, 146, 168

Cobleigh, Paula 124129, 191

Color 6061

adjustment 185

editing 97

manipulation 122

Replace Color 168

replacing 61

Selective Color 101, 135, 149

Color Balance tool 41, 106, 108, 109, 150, 185

Color Efex Pro 4 159

Color Range 55

Colorize 60

Compact cameras 13, 17, 19

filters 22, 3031

Compact Systems Cameras (CSC/CoSyCa) 1617, 19

Compression artifacts 18

Content Aware Extend 59

Content Aware Move 58

Contrast Adjustment 47, 100, 107

Corbis 20

Corel PaintShop Pro 45

CoSyCa see CSC

Crop tool 100

Cropping 17, 26, 100, 146, 149, 168

Cross-processing 14, 32, 77

CSC 1617, 19

Curves tool 51, 97, 135, 147, 153, 159, 174, 185

Tonal Curves 51, 77

Custom Shape tool 91

CutoutCam Pro 25


Dadaism 6

Dalí, Salvador 6

De Forest, Bethany 140143, 190

De Waroquier, Julie 9497, 191

Defringe 129, 169

Diana cameras 15

Digital zoom 12

Diorama 140143

Distortion 2627

DNG (Digital Negative) format 18

Dodge and Burn 115, 121, 136, 160, 165

Double exposure 33 128

Drop Shadows 6465, 110, 114

DSLR cameras 12, 15, 16, 17, 1819, 82

Dust spots 137

Dybisz, Natalie (see Miss Aniela)


Editing 4269

packages 4445

plugins 44, 159

presets 7075

Einstein, Albert 176

Electronic viewfinder 16, 17

Eraser tool 107, 108, 111, 146, 150, 151, 157, 164, 165

EVIL (Electronic Viewfinder Interchangeable Lens) cameras 16

Exciter filter 41


IR photography 40

long exposures 15, 3839, 41

multiple exposures 14, 33

pinhole camera 143

Eyedropper 61, 111

Facebook 24, 25

False color 41

File types 18

Fill Layer 4849, 169

Film cameras 14

Filter effects 13

Filters 13, 28, 7275

apps 27, 72

barrier 41

Blur 75

Cloud 64

compact cameras 3031

Exciter 41

Frosted Glass 73

Hoya R72 40, 125

IR 10, 11, 40, 41, 102

Lens Correction 171

Motion Blur 75

Noise 115

Plastic Wrap 72

Solarize 73

texture 74

Tilt-Shift blur 75

Twirl 26, 73

UV 41

Filterstorm app 83

Fisheye lens 10, 15, 30, 36

Fit to Image 83

Flatten Image 100, 132, 165, 185

Flickr 25

FocalLab 83 20, 21

Free Transform tool 150, 159, 172

Freud, Sigmund 6

Frosted Glass 73

Fujifilm 32

FX Photo Studio 27


Gaussian Blur 90, 146, 147, 168, 169

Gelios lens 149

Getty 20

GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) 44, 9497, 138139

Gorski, Nikolai 160161, 190

Graf, Janine 8487, 190191

Grain 12, 153, 169

Gungah, Krishan 138139, 191


Hair 101, 108, 111, 120

HDR Toning 132, 133, 173

Healing Brush 149

History of Surrealism 6

Holga cameras 14, 15, 32, 33, 55

Hot mirror 40

Hot spots 41, 128

Hoya R72 filter 40, 125

Hue and Saturation 60, 111, 127, 156, 159, 185


Ilford Delta 400 14, 15, 33

Infrared (IR) 4041, 124129, 131

white balance 126

see also IR filter

Instagram 24

Interchangeable lens cameras 1619

iOS 24, 25, 26, 27

iPhone 5 12

iPhoneography 12, 8083

iPhotoSwirl 26

IR-adapted cameras 40, 131

IR filter 10, 11, 40, 41, 102, 124129, 131

ISO settings 41, 131 20


Jacobsen, Jon 122123, 191

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) 18, 133, 165

Juxtaposer 24, 25, 28, 29, 82, 86


Kaimaki, Maria 102103, 190

Karlsson, Lisa 174175, 191

Kiciak, Christophe 154159, 190

Klimczak, Dariusz 144147, 190


Lasso tool 53, 92, 118, 150, 178

Magnetic Lasso 53, 72, 73, 100, 151

Polygonal Lasso 53

Layer Masks 46, 57, 63, 97, 99, 100, 101, 118, 156, 157, 183

Layers 4649, 90, 96, 97, 121, 136

adjustment see Adjustment Layers

fill layers 4849, 169

merging 107, 120121, 150, 153

Lens Blur 101

Lens Correction filter 171

Lensbaby 37

Lenses 18, 3637

apertures 12

cleaning 13

fisheye 10, 15, 30, 36

Gelios lens 149

hot spots 41, 128

Lomo cameras 15

prime 40, 41

tilt-shift 37

Levels tool 50, 135, 147, 159

Licensed images 21

Light 177

ambient 182

natural light 95

Lighting Effects 65

Solarize 73

Lightroom 40, 45, 124129

Liquify tool 6869, 108, 122, 151, 158

Livesey, Eve 162165, 190

Lo-fi photography 1415

Lomo cameras 15

Lomography 15

Long exposures 15, 3839, 41


Magenta cast 40, 41

Magic Eraser tool 91

Magic Wand 55, 149

Magnetic Lasso 53, 72, 73, 100, 151

Magritte, René 6

Manipulation 10, 11, 13, 2627

Marching ants 89, 90, 100, 118, 183

Marquee tools 52, 106, 107

Marx, Karl 6

Masks 6263, 82

Clipping Mask 62, 115, 158

Layer Masks 46, 57, 63, 97, 99, 100, 101, 118, 156, 157, 183

Quick Mask 53, 56, 57, 109

Refine Mask 53, 57, 172

rubylith mask 56, 57

Megapixels 17

Microsoft Digital Image Suite 2006 125

MILCs (Mirrorless Interchangeable Lens Cameras) 16

Miniaturization 37, 75, 98101

Miró, Joan 6

Mirrorless cameras 16, 17

Miss Aniela (see Dybisz, Natalie) 33, 180185, 191

Montage 25

Moon brush 165

Motion Blur 75, 115, 138, 178, 181

Move tool 90, 96, 150, 163, 164, 183

Multiple exposures 14, 19, 33

Multiplicity 180185

Munson, Tracy 8083, 191


Natural light 95

Nik Software 159


D70 131

D700 131

NEF format 18, 130

sensors 19

ViewNX2 131

Noise 12, 41, 101

Noise filter 115

Nokia Lumia 900 12

O 165


OM-D E-M5 16

SH-25MR 13, 30

Trip 14

Opacity 27, 63, 66, 99, 110, 111, 135, 151, 152, 164, 165, 168, 169

Optical viewfinder 16, 17

Over-exposure 32

Overlay 111, 114, 121, 122, 134, 136


Paint Bucket tool 164

Paintbrush 82

Paint.NET 44

PaintShop Pro 45

Patch tool 117, 149

Paths 89, 183

Paxton, Vanessa 98101, 191

Pen tool 89, 90, 165, 183

Pentaprism 16


K-30 18

Optio WG1 171

Q10 16

RZ18 13

Perspective tool 152

Phoneography 12, 2229 163

Photo Water Reflection app 27

PhotoGoo 81

Photoshop 4269, 7277, 8891, 92, 98101, 104121, 130137, 144159, 162185

CS3 164

CS5 132

CS6 58

Elements 45

Express 2425, 26

PSD format 18, 134, 165, 185

PicBoost 83

PicSay Pro 25

Picture Effect Magic 26

Pinhole body-caps 15

Pinhole cameras 1415, 140143

Pink Floyd 160

Pixelmator 45

Pixels 17, 19

Pixlr-o-matic 27, 28, 83

Plastic Wrap 72

Plugins 44, 159

Polygonal Lasso 53

Presets 7275, 135

Prime lenses 40, 41

PSD format 18, 134, 165, 185

Puppet Warp tool 158


Quadruple exposure 33

Quick Mask 53, 56, 57, 109

Quick Selection 54, 61, 106, 107, 108, 109, 115, 146, 164, 172


R72 IR Transmission Filter 41

Randomize 83

Raw format 13, 18, 131

Ray, Man 6

Red cast 40, 41

Refine Edge/Refine Mask 53, 57, 172

Reflection Magic Filter 30

Reflections 27, 29, 152

Remote release 33

Replace Color tool 168

Resolution 17

Richards, Shon E. 130137, 191

Rights-managed photos 21

Rigley, Jess 33, 116121

Rose, Gwladys 104111, 190

Rowling, J.K. 92

Royalty-free images 21

Rubylith mask 56, 57


Samsung Galaxy S III 12

Saturation see Hue and Saturation

ScratchCam 87

Selective Color 101, 135, 149

Sensors 17

cameraphones 12

comparative sizes 19

Sepia effect 169

Shadow 15, 6465, 97, 108, 110, 114, 127, 134, 136, 158, 165

Shutter lag 13

Shutter speed 38

Shutterstock 20

Sidiropoulou, Stella 170173, 191

Sigma film 33

Smartphone see cameraphones

Snapseed 2425, 29

Soft Light 111, 115, 146, 153, 156, 158, 168

Solarize filter 73

Sommeling, Adrian 112115, 190

Sony NEX-6 16

Splatters 91

Split Toning 127

Spot Healing Brush 137

Spot light 65

Spot Removal tool 129

Stamp tool 82, 157, 158

Stock agencies 20, 21, 163, 192

Stock photography 2021, 122, 163, 177

Stroke Path 90

Subconscious 6

Sunscreen 41

Surrealism 6

Swirl effect 26, 85, 86

Twirl filter 26, 73

Symmetry 27


Texture 74, 83, 153, 169

TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) files 18, 185

Tilt-Shift blur filter 75

Tilt-shift lens 37

Tiny Plant Photos 85, 86

Tonal Curves 51, 77

TouchRetouch 81, 82

Toy cameras 14, 15, 32

Transform tool 90, 99, 105, 109, 133, 147, 156, 179

Transparent effect 168

Tripods 15, 38, 40, 41, 182

Twirl filter 26, 73

Twitter 25


Ultraviolet (UV) 40, 41

Underexposure 32, 33

UV-emitted lights 41

UV-fluorescence photography 41

UV photography 41


Viewfinder 16, 17

ViewNX2 131

Vignettes 101, 121, 152, 185

Visible light 40


Wacom Tablet 104111

Ward, Marc 176179, 191

Warp tool 108, 156, 165

Water My Photo app 27, 29

Water reflections 27, 29, 152

Weber, Amy 8891, 190

White balance 102, 126, 131

Wilson, Megan 9293, 191


Zoom 12, 119

Zoom Blur 83