As Marina parked the car at the back of Aureus Lodge, Julius rushed out of the main building. He was red in the face and flapping his hands.
Rose’s mouth tasted sour as she flung open the door. “What’s the matter? Has Nina been found? Is she hurt?”
Julius’s voice was shaky as he replied, “It’s Bwana Hardie. Pole, Mama. It’s all my fault. I must have fallen asleep after eating such a wonderful breakfast. And he must have tried to get up. And then he fell.”
Rose felt a lump rise in her throat and she rushed past Julius into the lodge.
Her legs gave way when she saw Craig lying on the bed. She flopped down beside him. She gently stroked his clammy forehead and looked into his pale face.
“What …” Her voice caught in her throat, so she swallowed and tried again. “What happened? Are you hurt?”
“I’m sorry to be so much trouble,” Craig croaked. “I really needed the bathroom.”
“And Julius had fallen asleep?”
“Yes, I’m sorry.” He shifted his weight to look at her and cried out, “Ow.”
She shook herself. She needed to get up and check Craig. To see if he was injured. To see if he needed to go to hospital.
She took a deep breath and said softly but firmly, “Please try to stay still, and tell me, where did it hurt just then?”
“It’s my hip,” Craig grunted. “My left one. I’m used to it hurting, but it’s worse now. There’s like a stabbing pain.”
She shuffled off the bed and leaned over him. Carefully, she pulled down the top of his pyjama trousers, revealing a bruised and swollen hip. She gently examined it.
“Ow,” Craig cried out again.
“Oh dear, you may have fractured it, which is a common injury when people our age fall. I’m so sorry, but there’s not much I can do. You need to go to hospital to have it examined.”
He grasped her arm and pleaded, “Not Nairobi. Don’t airlift me there. Can you give me some painkillers and drive me to Nanyuki? To the Cottage Hospital?”
Rose clenched her jaw. “Are you worried about the expense? About the cost of the Nairobi hospital?”
Craig screwed his eyes in pain. “It’s not just that. I don’t want to be all the way down in Nairobi when you are up in Nanyuki. And I want to see Chris and be close to our friends.”
She found a blanket and laid it over him. “OK. Let me try to contact Dr Farrukh and see what she says. I do hope she’s taking calls today, as it is Sunday. And she can also recommend what painkillers to give you. I’m not sure what procedure you’ll have when you arrive at the hospital, but they’ll probably start by X-raying your hip.”
There was a tap on the open door and Marina called, “Can I come in?”
“Yes, do,” said Rose as she walked across to the doorway.
Marina handed her a cup of tea. “I thought you might like this.”
Rose took the cup gratefully and sipped the sweetened liquid.
“I hope it’s OK?” whispered Marina. “I added some sugar.”
Rose placed her free arm on Marina’s. “Thank you, my dear. It’s just what I need.”
“How is he?”
“I’m alive,” declared Craig, “And there’s no need to whisper. Ow.”
Rose carried her tea back to Craig’s bedside and squeezed his hand with her free one. Looking at Marina she said, “He’s in quite a lot of pain. I think he’s fractured his hip, so I need to contact the Cottage Hospital.”
Marina tugged at her hair, and said, “You’d better call from my office, as it has the best reception. I can show you where it is, but will Craig be all right on his own?”
Julius’s bowed head appeared around the door. He wore a clean green uniform and was wringing his hat in his hands.
“I would like to make amends for my earlier mistake. Please let me stay with Bwana Hardie.”
Rose examined Julius, who was alert and showed no signs of his earlier fatigue. “Thank you,” she replied, and followed Marina to the lodge office.
Marina picked up a mobile phone and said, “I just called the Cottage Hospital about Nina, but they haven’t admitted any mzungu women today.” She pressed some keys on the phone and handed it to Rose. She whispered, “I’ll be in the kitchen. It’s just over there.” She pointed to a single-storey building with higher walls and less thatching than its neighbours.
Rose nodded as a voice answered her call. “Habari, Cottage Hospital. How can I help you?”
“Oh, hello. Can I speak with Dr Farrukh?” she asked.
“Which one? Dr Jasmine Farrukh is on duty this morning?” The efficient female voice responded.
Rose felt her body sag in relief. “Oh good, that’s exactly who I want to speak to. This is Rose Hardie. My husband, Craig, has had a fall at a lodge in Borana, and I think he’s injured his hip. I’m going to drive him to you, but I wanted to let Dr Farrukh know he’s coming, and ask her what painkillers I can give him.”
The voice answered, “Just a minute. I’ll patch you through.”
The line was silent for several minutes and then Rose heard Dr Farrukh’s calm voice asking, “Is that Rose?”
“Yes, my apologies for disturbing you on a Sunday, but Craig’s had a fall. And I think he’s fractured his hip.”
“I understand you are in Borana? Can you get him here?”
“Yes, I’ll drive him to you. But it may take a couple of hours and he’s in pain. What shall I give him?”
“He can have some paracetamol, but definitely no ibuprofen. I’m going off duty shortly, but phone the hospital when you reach Timau and they can call me back in.”
“Oh, thank you. I’m really grateful,” sighed Rose.
“No problem,” said Dr Farrukh. “Now I must complete my rounds. I’ll see you later, but call the hospital number if you have any problems. As you know, we do have an ambulance, but it’s old and Craig will have a much smoother ride in your car.”
Rose finished the call with relief, but she still felt a fluttering in her stomach. Now she had to try to find the most comfortable way to transport Craig. Probably by reclining the front seat of the Subaru. The hardest part would be getting him in and out. And the road through the Ngare Ndare forest was so damaged and full of potholes.
Marina broke into her thoughts as she asked, “Are you OK?”
Rose shook her head to clear it and answered, “The Cottage Hospital are expecting us. I was just trying to work out the route. Going through the Ngare Ndare is quickest, but I’m worried that the journey will be too arduous.”
“Why not go through Lewa and out onto the Isiolo road?” suggested Marina. “As you know, that road is tarmacked all the way to Nanyuki. So although it might be longer, it’s probably quicker as you would have to go really slowly though the forest. Do you need someone to come with you?”
Rose hesitated. It would be reassuring to have a companion just in case something happened, or Craig’s condition worsened. But what about Nina? She was still missing and needed to be found.
She replied, “I’m sure we’ll be all right. You’re busy here with your guests and now Nina is missing. Your hands are full. Is there any news?”
Marina’s shoulders slumped. “My call to the Cottage Hospital was the last one. None of the other hospitals have admitted her and there’s been no sighting of her on Borana or at any of the lodges here or on Lewa.” Marina’s voice increased in pitch as she cried, “It’s as if she’s vanished into thin air.”
They walked past the kitchen. The aroma of roast lamb wafted out of the open window and Rose’s stomach gurgled.
Marina exclaimed, “You didn’t have any breakfast.” She stopped and patted Rose’s arm. “Wait here, I’ll just organise something for you to take back with you, and a sandwich for the journey.”
As Marina stepped into the kitchen, Pearl appeared from the main lodge building and asked, “Have you seen Thabiti? I was hoping he might give me a lift home.”
“He’s gone to Lewa, to tell the authorities that Nina’s missing,” Rose replied.
Pearl lowered her head. “Never mind. The others are all staying until tomorrow, but I was hoping to get back to Nanyuki.” She turned back towards the lodge.
Rose started. “Just a minute,” she called. “I could give you a lift and it would really help me out. I’m taking Craig to the Cottage Hospital and I’d love some company on the journey, just in case something happens. It’ll be slow, though, as I’m driving out through Lewa.”
“Ok, thanks. I’ll just go and pack. Are you leaving soon?” Pearl asked.
“Just as soon as I get organised and get Craig into the car,” replied Rose.