Rose drove Craig’s Subaru steadily along the black-soil track into Lewa Conservancy. Through the driver’s mirror, she saw Pearl gazing out at the landscape.
“Oh,” moaned Craig beside her. She laid her hand on his arm. As she’d expected, manoeuvring him into the front seat of the car had been difficult for her and the lodge staff, and painful for Craig. Still, he was in now and she was driving him back to Nanyuki, and the Cottage Hospital where he’d be able to get help.
She drove through the marathon area which was much quieter than the previous day. People wandered around or stood in groups chatting. As she slowed down, she spotted Sam’s sizeable figure, sitting at a table with Thabiti and Constable Wachira, or Judy, as she liked to be called.
She parked, looked across at Craig and asked, “Are you OK for a few minutes? I just want to speak to Thabiti, Sam and Constable Wachira.”
“I’ll be fine,” Craig groaned. “I’ll just have a rest.” He closed his eyes.
“Have you seen Thabiti?” Pearl asked from the back.
Rose and Pearl climbed out of the car. Pearl approached Thabiti whilst Rose greeted Sam and Constable Wachira. She just couldn’t get the hang of calling her Judy.
“Habari, Mama Rose,” said Sam in a guarded tone. “Have you brought more news of the missing English woman?”
“Nina? I’m afraid there was still no sign of her when I left the lodge. Marina’s called round the hospitals and lodges, but nobody’s seen her. No. I’m driving Craig to Nanyuki. He’s had a fall and needs treatment at the Cottage Hospital.”
Constable Wachira placed a hand gently on her arm. “I’m sorry to hear that. Are you all right driving him?”
Rose turned to her. “Thank you. Pearl, Thabiti’s sister, is with us as I’m giving her a lift home.”
Thabiti and Pearl joined them. The taller Pearl locked eyes with the athletic constable until the latter said in a respectful tone, “It’s good to meet you.”
“And you,” replied Pearl in a matching tone.
Thabiti kicked a small stone on the ground and said, “I’m so sorry to hear about Craig. Will he be all right?”
Rose rubbed her chin. “Do you know, I’m not so sure he will be. It’s the pain. There’s only so much he can take, and this injury, on top of the pain and damage from the polio and its secondary disease, well …” She felt her eyes sting with tears.
The group was silent.
She wiped her eyes and said, “But you must continue to look for Nina. I’m not sure if she went off in a car or is still somewhere out in the wild.” She turned to Sam and asked, “What do you suggest we do?”
“If Judy doesn’t mind,” he turned to Constable Wachira, who nodded in acceptance, “I think we should follow Thabiti back to the lodge. We can question the other guests and conduct our own search. It might be worthwhile calling in Reuben and the Lewa tracker dogs, that’s if we still think she might be out in the conservancy.”
Constable Wachira added, “But I’m not sure we’ll get all that done today and return to Nanyuki tonight.”
Pearl added in a casual voice, “So why don’t you stay at the lodge? There’s plenty of space. You can use my room, which was set apart from the others.”
Thabiti looked up at Pearl and then at Sam. “That’s a great idea. And as Mama Rose is leaving, it would be a relief to have someone to head the investigation.”