
Cover    i

Title Page    iii

Copyright Page    iv

Dedication    v

Epigraph    vi

List of Sidebars    ix

Preface    xi

Acknowledgments    xv

How to Read This Book    xvii

For Practitioners

For Scholars

Introduction: A Sentimental Education: On Christian Action    1

The End of Christian Education and/as the End of Worship

Situating Intellect: Educating for Action

Imagining the Kingdom

Part 1: Incarnate Significance: The Body as Background    29

1. Erotic Comprehension    31

Perceiving (by) Stories

The Geography of Desire: Between Instinct and Intellect

My Body, My Horizon

Being-in-the-World with Schneider: A Case Study

Erotic Comprehension: On Sex, Stories, and Silence

The Primacy of Perception

2. The Social Body    75

The Critique of Theoretical Reason

Habitus as Practical Sense

Belief and the Body: The Logic of Practice

Incorporation and Initiation: Writing on the Body

Part 2: Sanctified Perception    101

3. “We Tell Ourselves Stories in Order to Live”: How Worship Works    103

Imaginative, Narrative Animals

The Primacy of Metaphor and the Aesthetics of Human Understanding

A General Poetics: Imagination, Metaphor, Narrative

The iPhone-ization of Our World(view): Compressed Stories and Micropractices

4. Restor(y)ing the World: Christian Formation for Mission    151

Sanctifying Perception: Re-Narration Takes Practice

Redeeming Ritual: Form Matters

Redeeming Repetition: On Habituation

Redeeming Reflection: On Liturgical Catechesis and Christian Education

Name Index    193

Subject Index    197

Notes    201

Back Cover    207