Air Force investigations of crash sites, 85-86
Air Force Regulations, 219-222
Air Force, Flatwoods case and the, 112
Albert, Major John E., statement made by, 128-132
alien symbols, the first, 140-141
Arnold, Kenneth, 33-34
Ashland, Nebraska, uniform symbols, 142-144
audio witnesses, 52-54
Baca, Rick, 245
Berlin, Germany, sighting, 106-110
Brooksville, Florida, recovered documents, 145-151
burns from a UFO encounter, 44
Capital Airline sightings, 38
Chavez, Sergeant Sam, 25-27
circular burn marks, 43
Condon, Edward, 203-204
Corona, New Mexico, crash in, 141-142
DeGraw, Ralph, 60
Delphos, Kansas,
a precursor to, 197-199
landing in, 199-208
drawing made by Lonnie Zamora, 27
Emenegger, Robert, 87-88
evidence, physical, 225-238
Flatwoods, West Virginia, sighting, 112-122
Gallegos, Orlando, 81-82
geometric symbols found on an I-beam, 141-142
Great Airship sightings, 142
Grinder, Opal, 63
Groves, Howard, 185-186
Gwinner, North Dakota, landing, 195-197
Hall, Richard, 233
history of the UFO projects, 213-219
hoax, Socorro as a, 167-183
hoaxes, 92-97
Holder, Captain Richard T., 55
Holloman Air Force Base UFO landing, 86-90
Holloman Air Force Base, 30
Hynek, Dr. J. Allen, 53, 100, 134-135
image of, 72
impressions, size of, 30
imprints, broken stones inside of, 75-76
Iowa landings, the opposite of, 191-195
Johnson, Robert, 199-208
Kecksburg, Pennsylvania, crash near, 151-155
Kelly-Hopkinsville, Kentucky, sighting, 122-134
Kies, Paul, 59
Klass, Philip, 202-206
Kratzer, Larry, 59
La Medera, New Mexico, landing, 85
pad imprints, 26
Lonnie Zamora and the, 23
on the south side of Socorro, 226
landings, other, 185-208
Lankford, Glennie, statement made by, 132-134
Las Vegas UFO crash, The, 45-49
Laxson, William E., 103-106
Levelland Sightings, The, 40-45
lone witness, the, 239-241
Lorenzen, Coral, 25, 28, 53, 59, 69, 71, 77, 79, 83-89, 135, 139, 157-159, 163, 226-227, 242
UFO hoaxes and, 93-95
Marcel, Jr., Dr. Jesse, 141
Martin, Robert, 42
May, Kathleen, 113-115
metallic remains, 232-238
modern era of UFO sightings, 33
Nellis Air Force Base, sighting at, 45
New Mexicans for Science and Reason, 180
New Mexico sightings, 91-92
New Story City, Iowa, crash in, 187
outside of a craft, symbols on the, 151-155
physical evidence, 225-238
Pittsburgh, Kansas, sighting, 100-103
Project Blue Book, 19
Captain Edward Ruppelt, 39
Hector Quintanilla and, 181-182
the end of, 222-224
Project Blue Book and Socorro, 209-224
Project Blue Book files, 19, 28-29, 37, 39, 43, 45, 55, 63, 72, 79, 81, 85, 87, 91, 95, 99, 101, 103, 106, 109, 112, 123, 125, 134, 148, 158, 162,164, 168, 177, 195, 197, 209, 211, 215, 221, 226, 240, 248
conflicts in the, 65-66
handwritten note in the, 46
Kenneth Arnold and, 34
projects, history of UFO, 213-219
psychological solutions, 111-138
Quintanilla, Hector, Project Blue Book and, 181-182
recovered documents in Brooksville, Florida, 145-151
Reeves, John, 145-151
remains, metallic, 232-238
Ruppelt, Captain Edward, Project Blue Book and, 39
samples, soil and other, 229-232
Saucedo, Pedro, 40-45
Shartle, Paul, 88-90
sighting, Lonnie Zamora’s drawing of the, 27
soil and other samples, 229-232
solutions, psychological, 111-138
Squyers, William, 100-103
Standford, Ray, 73-74
Steiger, Brad, 189-191
Stokes, James, 44-45
student hoax, Socorro as a, 173-180
Stull, Sharon, burns suffered by, 93-94
symbol seen by Lonnie Zamora, 157-166
inside craft, Antonio Vilas-Boas and, 144-145
on the outside of a craft, 151-155
symbols, UFO, 139-155
Temple, Oklahoma, sighting, 103-106
Tin Can Man, The, 134-137
tourist attraction, Socorro crash as a, 171-173
uniform symbols, Ashland, Nebraska, 142-144
Vigil, Captain Martin E., 83-84
Vilas-Boas, Antonio, symbols inside craft and, 144-145
Washington Nationals, The, 38-40