The Mounts

Holding your hand in front of you, look down across the palm to see the mounts. Larger mounts signify more vitality, caused by brain energy flowing into them. Consider the mounts as hills, the Plain of Mars the valley and the lines as rivers and inlets.


This mount is set on the fleshy part of the thumb and it is the largest mount on the hand. It represents love, passion, libido, and emotion. The family and friendship areas are to be found here too, as are gifts in the social arts.

Large, red Venus mounts belong to those who are over-fond of food and alcohol, and who like their creature comforts. They can be obsessive about sex and will seek new ways to keep their libido energized. These types are sometimes referred to as “body people.”


Medium Venus mounts represent a good balance. These types enjoy the finer aspects of life, as well as enjoying a happy and contented home life where they will make steady and caring parents.

Those with a flat or hard Venus mount have quite cold natures and can be difficult to get to know, as their characters are rather shallow. They don't always enjoy good health, have a lack of resistance to germs, and sometimes have a poor appetite. My grandmother, who taught me old fashioned palmistry, used to say these individuals are prone to being frigid. Narrow and flat mount types are sometimes called “mind people.” A narrow Mount of Venus doesn't denote a lack of interest in sex, although it does indicate an inability to give and receive love easily. A cramped and flat Venus shows an active mind and a person who will fantasize about sex rather than enact it.

In short, the bon-vivant has the large Venus mount while the esthete has the smaller one.



The Jupiter mount sits at the base of the index or Jupiter finger and when over-large, these folk are inclined to expend too much energy on projects that won't get finished. Gambling might be an interest, and they take chances for the sheer hell of it. As they have a taste for the good things in life and a great deal of vanity, their lives can be like a tangled ball of string.

Those who have medium-sized Jupiter mounts are enterprising and become good leaders. They have an ambitious streak. As bosses, they will be fair and like to bring out the best in their staff. They hate bullies. As they have a thirst for knowledge and an interest in languages, they will often study and take exams, even into old age.

When the Jupiter mount is flat, the owner can have low self-esteem and seek out friends who are happy to tell them what to do. They will cling to the family unit and will need others to make decisions for them. Because they take a long time to grow up, they will often lack skills in practical things and have low standards. Many are clumsy, untidy, and forgetful.


The Saturn mount sits at the base of the middle finger, and it is often a flat area or even a valley rather than an actual mount. However, hands vary tremendously, so actual mounts do appear here on occasion. In old-fashioned palmistry, this was classed as the health mount, which is associated with the bones, teeth, spleen, and gall bladder. In some ways, I feel it is better not to have too strong a Saturn mount.


Over-large Saturn mounts suggest pessimism and sombre, doom and-gloom types. When in the company of these people, others feel they have to cheer them up, as they tend to be such wet blankets. These people can sometimes have an interest in the black arts.

Medium-sized Saturn mounts denote those who are constructive. These subjects enjoy meditation, getting messages during dream-sleep, and receiving prophesies. They may believe in UFOs, angels, the spirit world and anything that is New Age rather than religious. Often they will work as healers, aromatherapists, and spiritual coaches.

Flat Saturn mounts are better than raised ones as they indicate well-balanced individuals with a wide outlook on life. Their motto will be carpe diem … seize the day! An optimistic nature will usually bring benefits to this sort because what they send out, they get back three-fold.


Some palmists call this the Mount of the Sun. Either way, it's the mount under the ring or Apollo finger. I class it as a happy mount, as there are so many good things that surround it.


Large Apollo mounts represent people who are talented, inspired, and probably connected with the media or fame. They will shine in anything they pursue, which might be dance, art, music, and writing, while fate will give them lashings of help along the way. Also, with this formation, the owner will love children and parenting.

Medium Apollo mount owners have magnetism, flair, and a sense of fun. They will lighten a party, bring laughter, and will have original ideas.

When the Apollo mount is flat, the owner will lack social graces and can be somewhat gauche. As if to compensate for their lack of talent, they will have a misguided sense of their own importance. These are the kinds of people we see on talent shows who are puffed up and full of self-esteem, only to be knocked down and brought into the real world. Their worst faults are being pompous and attention seeking.



The Mercury mount is found at the base of the little finger and it leans toward the percussion side of the hand. The Mercury mount represents intellect, brainpower, and a thirst for knowledge.

People who have large Mercury mounts have, so to speak, large brain-boxes. Ask them a question and you have your own personal encyclopedia. They will know exactly where Macchu Picchu is on the map, and they may even have been there, because they love to travel. They have an appetite for science and will often make wonderful teachers. They are quick witted, funny, and good communicators.

When the Mercury mount is medium in size the owners will take an interest in their health and make sure they get plenty of fresh air and vitamins. You can't fool them, because they are very shrewd and can see through you and spot your problems and faults in an instant. If the Mercury finger is pointed with a medium mount, we have psychic powers present in the owner.

A low Mercury mount is often found on the hands of those who, as children, had difficulties when learning to read or write and were slower at school than their peer group. They will be a little clumsy and prone to silly accidents and forgetfulness. Their nature will still be positive, but the nervous system will often let them down.



This is also known as the Moon Mount and it is located on the lower percussion, just above the wrist. As the moon is very mysterious, so is this mount. The old-fashioned palmists, like gypsies, would study this in great detail.

A large Luna mount represents an interest in all things mystic and psychic, such as tarot cards, runes, and divination, while trance work connected to mediumship will fascinate them. Many clairvoyants have a raised Luna mount that can often be quite a deep pink color.

A medium Luna mount owner will love water and especially the sea. Often these types will be affected by the moon cycles and will not be able to sleep if the moon is new or full. They tend to seek jobs connected to the sea, such as the navy, the merchant navy, and working on cruise ships. Some will take work as fisherman, divers, and oil-rig workers. At the very least, they will love to travel.

When the Luna mount is flat, the person will have little intuition and a more practical nature, preferring to stick to well-known methods. If at all religious, they will keep to the strict teachings of the church. They will, however, have a protective instinct for their loved ones and will love animals.



A large Neptune mount is quite rare. It is placed just above the wrist and is small and round, like a button.

A large Neptune mount will give protection on the water, so palmists like to see this with fishermen and navy personnel. Owners of a large mount will seek holistic and esoteric knowledge and could have jobs in homeopathic practices, reflexology, shiatsu, aromatherapy, and hypnosis.

A medium Neptune mount belongs on the hands of those who come into such things later on in their lives, perhaps after having a more conventional job. They will soon catch up and might practice the healing arts right up until old age.

When the Neptune Mount is flat, this would be classed as quite normal. It does not portray anything bad, just a normal attitude to mainstream life.


The Lower Mount of Mars

This mount sits in toward the percussion side of the hand, below the head line and in the Quadrangle. It is associated with resistance.

Large Lower Mount of Mars


Those who have a large lower Mars mount are courageous and may choose to work in the police force, the fire service, as paramedics, or in the armed services. Females have tenacity and strength, sometimes outperforming a man.

Medium Lower Mount of Mars

Medium lower Mars mounts predict a rational view of life, someone who can do things on the spur of the moment and whose ideas often turn out well. They have lively personalities and will always stay motivated. We often find this type of person will gravitate toward self-employment.

Flat Lower Mount of Mars

Flat lower Mars mounts people show a lack of energy, are not aggressive, and can often end up being bullied or put upon. Health wise, there might be conditions with the blood, adrenal glands, and kidneys.

Upper Mount of Mars

This mount sits in between the forefinger and the thumb.

Large Upper Mount of Mars

A large upper Mars mount shows good recovery from illness and great stamina. These individuals don't like being inactive; they enjoy getting on with life. They don't sit still for more than five minutes, so they can be restless and bad tempered if illness keeps them tethered.

According to the well-known palmist Malcolm Wright, a large upper Mars mount belongs on the hands of those who like being in the armed forces and other organizations such as the scouts, guides, and sea cadets. My own experience as a palmist has borne this out.

Medium Upper Mount of Mars

Medium upper Mars mounts show up on those who have stamina and will power and those who will not often stray off the beaten path. They are somewhat righteous and single-minded but will have good hearts. Over the three decades I have been a palmist, I have often noticed this formation on the palms of lawyers, magistrates, and prison officers.

Flat Upper Mount of Mars

Flat upper Mars mounts denote low stamina and little resistance to any bugs going about. These people will take time to heal and need plenty of sleep.

The Plain of Mars

The Plain of Mars (shown in the illustration on page 33), sits in the central part of the palm and tells us a lot about the personality of the seekers, also about their trials and tribulations. Most of the major lines of the hand pass through this triangular space, so ancient Vedic palmists would spend hours studying this area to gain maximum information.

When this area is crossed with fragmented lines, crosses, grilles and squares, the owners will face huge obstacles in their lives. Many of these problems will be caused by their own lack of judgment and immaturity, which in turn will make life difficult for their families and partners. I have found in my experience as a palmist that these types are not good at managing money and seldom hold down a job for long. They may rely on others to get them out of trouble and will often sponge off friends and family. If the Plain of Mars is blemish-free, then the subjects will be level headed, healthy, and will put their backs into life.

The Pond

If the central palm is hollow, this is referred to as “the pond.” Often when this formation is present, the owners will be low on energy, not sleeping well, or recovering from an illness. When health is restored, the pond will often plump up to show that their vitality has returned.

Triangular Plain of Mars

When there is an obvious triangular shape in the Plain of Mars, these individuals are suffering from suppressed anger and resentment. Their moods will be unpredictable and they can suddenly lash out. This area will be red, blotchy, and slightly damp. These types have many hang-ups and insecurities and some may have a slightly perverted nature.

A Bony Plain of Mars

When the Plain of Mars is wafer thin and under-developed, these people will lack confidence in their outward appearance and their inner talents and abilities. Sometimes these characters can be very good actors, hiding an inner shyness while presenting a brave face to the world.

Over-Developed Plain of Mars

This will sit quite high up in the palm, and its texture can be hard and fleshy. The owners will be thick skinned and lacking in manners. They don't listen to good advice and will have to learn by their mistakes. In Vedic palmistry, this character would be classed as “a young soul” who has much to learn.