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Absolute zero, 101
Aches and pains, weather and, 209–10
Acid fog, 45
Acid rain and acidic earth, 220–22
Aerovanes, 107
Air masses, 72–78
Air pressure
aches, pains and, 209–10
causing wind, 60–61
elevation/atmosphere height and, 15, 60, 61. See also Atmosphere
isobars and, 62–63
making wind, 61–62
measuring, 60. See also Barometers
why air moves and, 60–61
Altocumulus clouds, 42
Altostratus clouds, 42
Andrew, hurricane (1992), 179–83
Aristotle and weather, 12–13
Asthma, 208
Atmosphere. See also Air pressure
about: overview of, 35
composition of, 35
equilibrium and instability, 47–48
layers and their characteristics, 35–38. See also Stratosphere; Troposphere
stable or unstable, 47–48
Atomic bombs, Hiroshima/Nagasaki and, 25–26
Autumn and autumn colors, 97
Axis/rotation of earth, 93, 98–100
Balloons, radiosondes and, 109
first used to predict weather, 104
invention and development, 15, 104
vacuums and, 15
Blizzard, black, 137
Blizzards, snow, 53–54
Blue jets and elves, 129–30
Butterfly effect, 119
Cars, weather safety and, 191, 197, 201
Caterpillars, weather forecasting using, 111
Celsius, Anders, and Celsius scale, 16–17, 102
Centesimal system, 16–17
Cirrocumulus clouds, 42
Cirrus clouds, cirrostratus and, 41–42, 44, 68
Civilization, weather and, 12–13
CLIMAP (Climate: Long-range Investigation, Mapping, and Prediction) project, 227
Climate, categories of, 33–34
Climate change. See also Pollution, humans and
apocalyptic perspectives, 230, 231–32
benefits of global warming, 234
carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and, 218, 230, 233–35
causes of global warming, 233–39
continental drift/shifting landmasses and, 229–30
cosmic influences, 235–39
energy balance and, 225
gamma ray bursts (GRBs) and, 238–39
greenhouse effect/gases and, 33, 85, 218, 226, 231, 233–36
humans, pollution and, 230–31
positive feedback mechanisms and, 228
spin cycles of earth and, 227–28
Sun and, 235–37
varying opinions on, 233–35
warming trend and temperatures, 226–28, 231–32
Climatology, defined, 33
altocumulus, 42
altostratus, 42
cirrocumulus, 42
cirrus, cirrostratus and, 41–42, 44, 68
condensation nuclei and, 46
cumulonimbus, 44, 48, 51, 52, 69, 123, 126
cumulus, 42, 43–44, 48–49, 53, 154
formation (building) of, 46–50
ice crystals and, 41–42, 48–49
levels and characteristics, 41–45
mare’s tails, 42
stratocumulus, 43
Computer modeling. See Forecasting weather
Condensation, clouds, precipitation and, 40, 46, 47, 48, 68. See also Clouds; Fog; Rain
Condensation, dew point and, 106
Condensation nuclei, 46
Constant height charts, 63
COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), 209
Copernicus, Nicolaus, 14
Coriolis effect, 62–63, 82, 141
Coronal mass ejections (CMEs), 91, 115
Cumulonimbus clouds, 44, 48, 51, 52, 69, 123, 126
Cumulus clouds, 42, 43–44, 48–49, 53, 154
Dalton, John, 17
D-Day, weather and, 23–24
Donora disaster, 223–24
Doppler effect and Doppler radar, 30–32, 157–58, 159, 160
Droughts, 136–39
causes of, 136
dust, soil and, 137–38
forecasting, 138–39
frequency and severity of, 138–39
ripple effect of, 136
ways of measuring, 138
Dust, drought and, 137–39
Eddies, turbulence, and breezes, 74–77
El Niño and La Niña, 83–88
El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), 84–85, 86–88
Elves and blue jets, 129–30
Evaporation, 39–40, 43, 45, 55, 105, 228, 232
Exosphere, 38
Fahrenheit, Daniel Gabriel, and Fahrenheit scale, 16, 101
Fawbush, Ernest, 155–57
Flooding, 134–35, 169–71. See also Hurricanes
Flooding, safety precautions, 194–97
Floyd, hurricane (1999), 184–87
Fog, 45, 80, 105. See also Smog
Folklore, weather and, 13
Forecasting weather, 110–15. See also History of forecasting weather
butterfly effect and, 119
caterpillars and, 111
chaos theory and, 118–20
computer modeling/supercomputers for, 116–22
doing the math for, 116–17
drought forecasts, 138–39
economic impact of, 122
ENIAC computer and, 112–13
filling in data gaps for, 120–21
Global Climate Observing System and, 121–22
historical conditions and, 121
history and evolution of, 121–22, 240–47
homespun forecasting, 110–11
increasing accuracy of, 112–15
as inexact science, 110
Joint Numerical Weather Prediction Unit and, 113
long-range, improving, 120–22
models for, 116–22
observing nature and, 111
satellites and, 113–15
technology, TV, and apps for, 243–47
tornadoes, 155–58
Franklin, Benjamin, 132–33
Freezing rain (sleet), 58–59
Frontal passages, 54
about: overview of, 68
air masses and, 72–78
faltering, 71
occluded, 70
pushy weather and, 69–70
temperature shifts and, 69–70
warm and cold, 66, 68–71, 97, 153
wave cyclones and, 71
Frostbite, 211–12
Fujita Scale, Ted Fujita and, 150–52
Fulgurites, 123
Galveston, Texas, hurricane (1900), 172–75
GCOS (Global Climate Observing System), 121–22
GOES satellites, 115
Gulf Stream, 80–82
Gustnadoes, 154
Gyres, 81–82
HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program), 27–28
Health, weather and, 207–10
about: overview of, 9–10
aches, pains and, 209–10
frostbite and hypothermia, 211–12
heat-related maladies/issues, 213–15
moods, depression, and SAD, 215–16
respiratory issues, 208–9
Sun, vitamin D, and skin protection, 214–15
Heat-related maladies/issues, 213–15
History of forecasting weather
evolution of meteorology, 14–17
first seasonal crop forecast, 12
first use of barometer to predict weather, 104
forecasting, 12–13, 121–22, 240–47
“meteorology” term origins, 12
Sun-centered universe and, 14
Holm, John Campanius, 16
Hot zone, 37–38
Humidity/moisture. See also Rain; Water
hygrometer to measure, 14, 105
relative humidity, 17, 105, 109
sling psychrometer and, 105
water cycle and, 39–40
Hurricanes, 140–47
about: overview of, 140
ancient, study of, 11
far-reaching range of, 142
feeding frenzy of, 142–43
flooding, deaths, and devastation, 146–47, 172–75, 179–83, 184–87, 188–89
insurance and, 203
Longfellow poem on, 140
right front quadrant (RFQ) of, 147
safety precautions, 203–6
season for, 140
shoreline, ocean bottom and, 147
staying vs. leaving area during, 204–5
storm surge dangers, 146–47
tide levels and, 147
tornadoes compared to, 141, 142, 149, 150
wind hazards, 205–6
wind shear and, 142
wind speed defining, 143
wind speed ranges by category, 144–45
Hurricanes, by name
Andrew (1992), 179–83
Dennis (1999), 184
Floyd (1999), 184–87
Galveston, Texas (1900), 172–75
Sandy (2012), 189
hail and, 50, 51–52, 58, 123, 198
seasons and, 97–98
sleet/freezing rain and, 58–59
snow and, 52–55
Ice caps, on Mars, 93
Ionosphere, 37–38
Isobars, 62–63
Johnstown flood (Pennsylvania), 169–71
Joint Numerical Weather Prediction Unit, 113
Katrina, hurricane (2005), 134, 188–89
Kite, Ben Franklin/lightning and, 132–33
Krakatoa volcano, 164–65
Landspouts, 154
LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), 75
about: overview of exotic types, 128
ball of (St. Elmo’s fire), 126–27
big flash-bang, 125–26
blackouts/brownouts from, 130–31
dart leaders, 125–26
distance precaution, 126
electrical voltage from, 193
fires from, 130
fulgurites from, 123
getting hit by, 192–93
heat, defined, 126
how it’s created, 123–26
looking at in slo-mo, 124–25
most common type, 123
NLDN and, 131
safety precautions, 190–93
sheet, defined, 126
sprites, elves, and blue jets, 128–30
stepped leaders, 124–25
taming, with lightning rods, 132–33
Lightning rods, 132–33
Manipulating weather, 27–28
Mare’s tails, 42
Mesocyclones, 50, 150, 157, 159, 160, 198
Mesosphere, 36
Meteorologica (Aristotle), 12–13
Meteorology, origin of term, 13
Milankovitch, Milutin, and Milankovitch cycles, 227–28
Military, weather and
Germans, Russians and, 20
HAARP, manipulating weather and, 27–28
Napoleon, Russians and, 18–20
radar and, 29
World War II and, 21–26
Miller, Robert C., 155–57
Moisture. See Humidity/moisture; Rain
Mount Pinatubo volcano, 163–64, 168
Mt. St. Helens volcano, 162–63, 167–68
Napoleon, Russians and, 19–20
NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), 76, 114, 121, 128, 130, 245
NCAR (National Center for Atmospheric Research), 59, 159
Neumann, John von, 112–13
Nimbostratus clouds, 43, 44–45, 68
NLDN (National Lightning Detection Network), 131
NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration), 87, 91, 115, 158, 227–28, 244
NOAA Radar Pro app, 244
Nor’easter storms, 56–57
NSSL (National Severe Storms Laboratory), 158
about: overview of, 79
circling currents (gyres) in, 81–82
currents and wandering flows, 81–82
El Niño, La Niña and, 83–88
Gulf Stream and, 80–82
orbits and, 94–95
rivers in the sea, 79–80
Sargasso Sea and, 81
Orbits, oceans and, 94–95
Pascal, Blaise, 15
Ploesti raid, weather and, 22–23
Polar vortexes, 57
Pollution, humans and, 217–24. See also Climate change
acid rain, acidic earth and, 220–22
Bhopal disaster and, 219
categories of pollutants, 217–18
Donora disaster, 223–24
HAPs, VOCs and, 218–20
sulfur dioxide (SO2) and, 164, 168, 219–20
visibility problems and, 223
Positive giants, 126
Precipitation. See Rain; Snow and snowstorms
Predictions. See Forecasting weather
Pressure. See Air pressure
Prognostic charts, 117
cloud formation and, 46–50
development of, 29
Doppler effect and Doppler radar, 30–32, 157–58, 159, 160
weather applications, 29–30, 31–32
Radiation, solar, 36, 81, 93–95, 164, 214–15, 225, 227, 236–37
Rain. See also Humidity/moisture
acid, 220–22
creation of, water cycle and, 39–40
drought dangers, 136–39
flooding and, 134–35, 169–71, 194–97
freezing, or sleet, 58–59
measuring, gauge for, 107–8
temperature, pressure and, 17
water cycle and, 39–40
Rain gauges, 107–8
Respiratory diseases, weather and, 208–9
Revolutionary War, weather and, 18–19
Rocky Mountains and weather, 66, 176
Rotation/axis of earth, 93, 98–100
Russian military, weather and, 19–20
Safe room, 202
Safety precautions, 190–206
for floods, 194–97
for frostbite and hypothermia, 211–12
for hurricanes, 203–6
for lightning, 190–93
for tornadoes, 197–203
Sandy, hurricane (2012), 189
Sargasso Sea, 81
Satellites, 113–15
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), 215–16
Skin, Sun and, 214–15
Sleet (freezing rain), 58–59
Sling psychrometer, 105
Smog, 223–24
Snow and snowstorms, 52–55
air temperature and, 55
blizzards, 53–54
formation of, 52
freezing rain/sleet and, 58–59
insulating effects of, 54–55
“lake effect,” 54
Nor’easter storms, 56–57
polar vortexes and, 57
rain beginning as, 52
whiteouts, 53
Spring, 98
Sprites, elves, and blue jets, 128–30
St. Elmo’s fire lightning, 126–27
Storm chasers, 49, 148, 150–51
Doppler radar and, 30–32, 157–58
supercells, 49–50, 51, 148, 150, 154, 159–60
Storm surges, hurricanes and, 146–47
Stratocumulus clouds, 43
Stratosphere, 36, 44, 129, 139, 163, 165, 236
Sulfur dioxide (SO2), 164, 168, 219–20
Summer, 96–97
about: overview of weather and, 89
ancient calendars and, 99, 100
climate change and, 235–37
coronal mass ejections (CMEs) from, 91, 115
layers/temperatures of, 89–91
looking at, precaution, 89
radiation from (solar radiation), 36, 81, 93–95, 164, 214–15, 225, 227, 236–37
skin protection tips, 214–15
thermosphere, ionosphere and, 37–38
Vitamin D and, 214
water cycle and, 39–40
wind from, 91–92
Supercells, 49–50, 51, 148, 150, 154, 159–60
Supercomputers, 116–17, 118–19, 122
Tambora volcano, 165–66
Technology, TV, and apps, weather forecasts and, 243–47
absolute zero, 101
frostbite and, 211–12
measuring. See Thermometers
seasons and, 96–100
solar radiation and, 93–94, 95, 164, 225, 227
Thales of Miletus, 12
Theophrastus, 13
Celsius vs. Fahrenheit scales, 16–17, 101–3
development of, 101–3
Galileo’s thermoscope and, 14–15, 101
sling psychrometer and, 105
Thermosphere, 37–38
formation of, 44–45
frequency and duration, 48
supercells, 49–50, 51, 148, 150, 154, 159–60
TIROS 1 satellite, 114
Tools of meteorology, 104–9. See also specific tools
Tornadoes, 148–61
in America, 149
capital of the world, 149
chaser’s view of, 148
conditions spawning, 153–54
damage/intensity levels, 151–52
Doppler radar and, 157–58
duration of, 149
dust devils and, 149
formation of, 153–55
Fujita Scale (F-scale) and its origins, 150–52
ground speed of, 149
gustnadoes and, 154
hurricanes compared to, 141, 142, 149, 150
landspouts and, 154
mesocyclones and, 50, 150, 157, 159, 160, 198
safe room for, 201–3
safety precautions, 197–203
shelters for, 201–3
spin direction of, 149–50
super outbreak of 1974, 176–78
VORTEX observation projects, 158–61
warning centers for, 157
waterspouts and, 154–55
width of, 149
Torricelli, Evangelista, 15
Tropical storms
defined, 143
first pictures of, 113
formation of, 97
predicting, 114
wind speeds, 143
Troposphere, 35, 40, 41, 42, 44
Valley Forge, weather and troops, 18–19
Vidie, Lucien, 104
Vlahos, Petro, 242
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), 219
Volcanoes, 162–68
climate impact, 163–65
Krakatoa, 164–65
mother of all (Tambora), 165–66
Mt. St. Helens, 162–63, 167–68
predicting, 166–68
seismicity and, 167
sulfur in atmosphere from, 164
VORTEX tornado observation projects, 158–61
Wars and weather. See Military, weather and
Washington, Gen. George, 18–19
Water. See also Humidity/moisture; Rain
in the air. See Clouds; Humidity/moisture
as coolant, 39
cycle, explained, 39–40
drought dangers, 136–39
evaporation of, 39–40, 43, 45, 55, 105, 228, 232
Waterspouts, 154–55
Wave cyclones, 71
about: overview of, 7–8
civilization and, 12–13
complex, dynamic process of, 9
economic effects, 10–11
gods and, 12
impact and effects of, 9–11
manipulating, 27–28
this book and, 7–8
Weather maps
early drum maps, 241–42
faltering fronts on, 71
isobars and, 62–63
occluded fronts on, 70
prognostic charts, 117
surface vs. upper-air, 64
3-D mapping, 243
warm/cold fronts on, 68–71
Weather systems
isobars and speed of, 62–63
Rocky Mountains and, 66, 77, 176
rotation of, Coriolis effect and, 62–63
Weather/wind vanes, 106–7
Wind. See also Air pressure
air pressure creating, 60–62
boundary/friction layer, 63, 74
constant height charts for, 63
direction, measuring, 106–7
eddies, turbulence, and breezes, 74–77. See also Wind shear
El Niño, La Niña and, 83–88
measuring speed of, 14, 106, 107
mesoscale, 76–78
microscale, 74
special location-/type-based names, 77–78
speed, isobars and, 63
speed, measuring, 14, 106, 107
Sun affecting, 91–92
wind/weather vanes, 106–7
Wind shear, 49–50, 75–76, 142, 153
Winter, 97–98
Woolly bear caterpillars, weather predictions and, 111
World War II, weather’s role, 21–26