Survival Firearms

General survival weapons include firearms, bows and crossbows, knives, machetes, and hatchets. They have multiple uses and can serve a variety of survival purposes. This chapter discusses firearms, while the next discusses other survival weapons.

“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Second Amendment, The Constitution of the United States of America

The Second Amendment

We, as individuals, have the right and responsibility to defend our lives, our families, and our property. The Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution recognizes that right. If a government does not trust its citizens with firearms and tries to disarm them, its motives should be questioned. Of course, with the right to own guns comes the obligation to be responsible for their safe use, handling, and storing.

If conditions such as civil breakdown, failure of law enforcement, or marauding gangs develop, firearms will be a vital survival tool. Even now, in many instances, you are the only one who can guarantee your safety. Having a defensive firearm and knowing how to use it to protect your family may be of even greater importance in the future.

Personally Speaking

Jack was knowledgeable about firearms, skilled in handling them, and a strong supporter of the Second Amendment. As you make preparedness decisions, you’ll need to evaluate and decide what part firearms will play in your survival preparations. I recommend you try to approach your decision about gun ownership rationally and not rule out the possibility because of emotional arguments. Gain knowledge and the requisite skills to be comfortable with gun ownership if you do decide to have them as part of your plan.

Firearm Regulations

Firearm laws vary from state to state. In some states, it is legal to own and shoot fully automatic weapons. In others, most semiautomatic rifles are illegal. Check your local municipal and county laws as well. Some states have preemption of firearm laws, meaning that cities and counties cannot pass their own firearm laws. Some states do not, and you may need to follow more stringent city laws concerning firearms, ammunition, or ammunition magazines. For up-to-date laws, refer to the following two websites: and

Selecting Firearms for a Crisis

Firearms can be divided into two general categories for survival use—defensive guns and working guns. Defensive guns are primarily for self-defense. Working guns are used to provide food, to control predators and pests, and to protect you from dangerous animals, like wild dogs and snakes. Some guns overlap the two areas. Firearms can be further divided into handguns and shoulder-fired.

The Ideal Survival Gun

The ideal survival gun simply does not exist. The gun you need will depend on the specific survival situation and the tasks you require it for. Even the best gun in the hands of an untrained person will not be effective. On the other hand, a person skilled in the use of firearms can be effective with a mediocre firearm. Nevertheless, some guns are better than others for survival situations.

Selecting Firearms by Cartridge Size

Begin by choosing the cartridge sizes you want for your firearms. It will be easier to obtain ammunition for the most popular cartridges and those used by the military and police. Following those guidelines generally limits you to the cartridges listed in table 42.1.

Table 42.1
Recommended Common Calibers

Semiauto Handguns




  • 9 mm Luger (Parabellum)
  • .45 auto
  • .40 Smith & Weston
  • .22 long rifle
  • 357 Magnum
  • .38 Special
  • .44 Magnum
  • .22 long rifle
  • .223 Remington (5.56 NATO)
  • .270 Winchester
  • .308 Winchester (7.62 NATO)
  • .30-06 Springfield
  • 12-gauge shotshell

Take into consideration as you make your selection that some cartridges are interchangeable. For example, a .357 Magnum also shoots .38 Special, while the .44 Magnum also shoots .44 Special. Both are a good choice if you plan to reload because of their straight-wall shells. The fewer calibers you choose, the easier it will be to stock and use ammunition without confusion.

If you limit the number of firearm models, it will also make it easier to stockpile spare parts, and nonworking guns can be scavenged for parts, if necessary. For these reasons, redundancy is recommended.

Recommended Firearms for Preparedness and Survival

Recommendations for firearms will vary with the person making the them. Also, the number and type of firearms to stock in your survival arsenal will depend on your budget, philosophy, and the circumstances you anticipate.

Mel Tappan was an early proponent of preparedness and survival. His general firearm recommendations are timeless. (See Quick Look.)

Table 42.2 lists good choices for survival firearms, both defensive and working, and includes rifles, shotguns, pistols, and revolvers. Of course, you may find others that suit your needs.

Handguns for a Crisis

Pistols and revolvers are the two main types of handguns. Their primary use is self-defense. They have the advantage that they can be concealed. Their range, however, is limited to fifty yards or less. Handguns come in single-action (SA) and double-action (DA, DA/SA), and striker-fired. Handguns, particularly semiautomatics, come with either metal or polymer frames. Metal frames are more traditional, but polymer guns (like Glocks and their clones) have gained immense popularity.

There are advantages and disadvantages to these options. Study their various features to decide which gun or guns are right for you, ultimately choosing the weapon you are most comfortable with. The internet article “Best Handguns for Beginners & Home Defense” at has a good discussion of factors to consider when purchasing your first handgun. Some of you might appreciate this article “The Ten Most Popular Guns for Women” found at

Personally Speaking

If you are buying your first handgun, there are a couple of things I recommend. First, do your homework. Talk to “gun people” you trust—people like my stepson, who loves and owns guns and is knowledgeable about them. Also, do your own research—it’s easy to find informative discussions in gun magazines and online gun sites. Ask yourself why you want a gun. That will help you decide what type of gun you are most interested in. Next, narrow down the possibilities to come up with a couple of options. Now, choose a gun store or a sporting-goods store with a well-stocked gun counter. I recommend going in the middle of the day when the salespeople aren’t rushed and can give you the attention you need. If you can, find a store that lets you test the guns. One of the best ways to experiment with several different handguns is at a gun range that rents handguns. Lastly, make sure to take the time to hold and handle the handgun and be sure it feels comfortable in your hands. Does it feel substantial but not too heavy? Is it smooth and ergonomically compatible with your hand? One gun I inherited from Jack felt fine except for an engraved cross-hatch pattern that irritatingly rubbed the crotch of my thumb when holding it. Little things like that can make a difference. Being a woman, I also especially care about the recoil. Once you have purchased a gun, learn how to shoot it safely and properly. Look for a gun range or a gun club that can help you.

Rifles and Shotguns for a Crisis

Rifles and shotguns are the two main types of shoulder-fired guns that can be used as defensive or working firearms. The two purposes, of course, may overlap. A .223 rifle is a popular defensive/working rifle and is most accurate under 250 yards. Shotguns are generally hunting guns but can be an effective defensive at ranges under forty yards.

The AR-7

The AR-7 is a popular choice because it is lightweight, corrosive resistant, breaks down to only sixteen inches, and uses .22 LR ammunition. It makes an excellent weapon for an emergency evacuation kit or cache.

The AR-15

The popular and adaptable AR-15 has a modular design that lets you build it to suit your preferences. (By the way, AR stands for Armalite Rifle, not assault rifle. Armalite is its original manufacturer.) Building one begins with the lower receiver, which the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) considers to be the actual firearm. The rest of the parts are “accessories” and can be purchased individually. The AR-15 shoots a common round (.223) that is easy to reload. It was designed to be field serviceable, lightweight, and reliable. There is almost no recoil, and so it’s easy for anyone to shoot.

The M4

The civilian M4 is the carbine version of the M16—the military version of the AR-15. It features a 14-inch barrel and a collapsible stock and is versatile and effective in close quarters and urban and indoor environments. Though many consider it the defensive weapon of choice, you can’t buy it legally. But a similar style firearm can be built using the AR-15 platform with a 14-inch barrel and collapsible stock. Legally purchasing a 14-inch barrel requires a background check.

The Mini-14

The popular Ruger Mini-14 semiautomatic rifle is often compared to the AR-15. A scaled-down civilian version of the military M-14, it’s sometimes referred to as a ranch rifle. The Ruger Ranch Rifle has a wood or synthetic stock and a steel barrel. The wood stock makes the Mini-14 look like “just a hunting rifle” and gives it a lower profile than the metal/synthetic AR-15. The Mini-14 is known for its excellent trigger, maneuverability, and accuracy. Like the AR-15, it uses .223 cartridges.

Combination Rifle/Shotgun

The Savage 42 is a combination gun with rifle barrel sitting on top of a single-shot shotgun and is handy for taking care of different kinds of varmints. The earlier Savage 24 is no longer made but may be found at gun shows.

Table 42.2
Recommended Survival Firearms

Defensive Firearms

Working Firearms


  • AR-15 (.233)
  • .223 Ruger Mini-14
  • .308 Winchester


  • .22 LR Ruger 10/22
  • .22 Winchester 9422
  • .22 Marlin
  • .22 Remington
  • .308 Winchester


  • 12-gauge Remington 870
  • Winchester Defender
  • Ithaca 37
  • Savage 42 (combination)


  • 9mm SIG, Glock, Beretta. Ruger, H&K
  • .45 Browning


  • .44 Mag Ruger, Colt
  • .357/.38 Smith and Wesson
  • .22LR Ruger Mark II, Colt

Firearm Accessories

While there are many accessories you can add to a firearm, it’s best to keep it simple. Begin by getting two to six extra magazines for any defensive weapons and good holsters for all handguns.

Shooting Aids

Adding a scope to rifles increases accuracy. A shooting sling provides additional stability to make the area between the rifle and the shoulder more rigid.


Suppressors, also known as silencers, may be a consideration if you want to avoid unwanted attention. Many states now allow their use while hunting. They are legal in forty-two states but require an application with the ATF. You can make your own suppressor, but legally, you’ll need to register it and get preapproval from the ATF.

Modifying a Shotgun for Hunting

Shotguns designed for defense typically have shorter barrels with less choke. This makes them ideal for the closer ranges typically encountered in defensive situations. Shotguns used for bird hunting have longer barrels and tighter chokes to keep the shot closer together at longer distances. A good compromise would be a defensive shotgun with an extra ventilated-rib barrel and variable choke or interchangeable choke tubes. This would modify a defensive shotgun for hunting.

Storing and Caring for Firearms

Locking and Storing Guns

Any guns in your home should be stored safely away from children and to prevent unauthorized use. Besides locking the gun in a closet or gun safe, consider whether trigger or cable locks would work for your situation. Gun cases can physically protect guns but cannot prevent theft. Gun storage boxes attached to a closet wall or even inside a piece of furniture and equipped with a keyed entry pad offer quick access to defensive guns.

Gun Cabinets and Gun Safes

Guns can also be locked in steel gun cabinets or safes. Steel cabinets help prevent theft, are less expensive, and weigh less than a gun safe, but they also offer less protection. A gun safe is expensive, but it offers protection from not only theft but fires and floods. Be sure to purchase a gun safe large enough for your present guns and any guns you intend to purchase. Gun safes are also a good place to store valuable documents, jewelry, gold, etc.

Caching Firearms

Guns can be hidden either on or off-site in lengths of PVC pipe. Optionally, look for large commercial gun-vault burial tubes. Use an auger to dig a deep hole, place the pipe vertically in the hole, fill with the guns, keeping all parts together, and cover with at least one foot of soil. Use a high-quality preservative lubricant or rust preventative on all metal parts prior to placing them in the pipe. Be sure to have a method for locating your cache when needed.

Additional information on caching of weapons can be found in Modern Weapons Caching by Ragnar Benson.

Care and Repair of Firearms

You must take care of your guns if you want them to last. Get in the habit of cleaning your guns after every use.

If you want your guns to last, you’ll need to learn how to care for them. Religiously clean and care for your guns after each use. Any amount of moisture can cause corrosion. Store cleaning kits with rods, tips, and brushes appropriate to your choice of caliber. Also, store plenty of cleaning patches, bore cleaner (solvent), and gun oil. Silicone or Teflon lubricants work best in cold weather.

Spare Parts

It’s always a good idea to have on hand spare parts for each gun to keep it operating. These normally include a spare firing pin, extractor, and assorted springs, but get the advice of a competent gunsmith if in doubt. Store the parts wrapped in an oily cloth.


Store at least two hundred rounds per firearm, more if budget allows. One thousand rounds per firearm would be better, although one thousand rounds of some large-caliber guns would be very expensive. In a crisis where law and order are marginal, all firearms and ammunition will be good barter items with a .22 perhaps being the best. Military-surplus ball ammunition should be boxer-primed so it can be reloaded. Buy high-base #4 buckshot and rifled slugs for defense and #6 shotgun shells for hunting.

Storing Ammunition

Military ammo cans are great for storing ammunition. For additional protection, seal the rounds in plastic before putting them in the can. Cartridges will be useable for decades if they are stored in a cool, dry location away from ammonia and oil-based products. Shotshells are more susceptible to moisture and may not last as long. Wrap them in plastic and store in airtight containers with desiccants.


Another alternative to storing ammunition is reloading—a survival skill worth developing. It can also save on expenses. Hand-loads generally have a shorter shelf life than factory-loads and are not as reliable. Cartridges have a longer shelf life than individual primers and powders. You’ll find a full discussion of reloading equipment and supplies at

Black-Powder Guns and Muzzleloaders

In many ways, muzzle-loading guns compare poorly with modern guns for accuracy, efficiency, and reliability. Muzzleloaders also are extremely slow to load and are single shot. There are some great ways to use a muzzleloader, and they can be quite safe with the use of Pyrodex instead of black powder. They also have massive stopping power. The guns themselves and their ammunition are not very expensive when compared to other modern guns, and muzzleloaders can be purchased without registration in all but a few states. Finally, they are a good backup to conventional firearms because you can cast your own bullets and make your own black powder.

One traditional muzzleloader, the flintlock long rifle, uses a flint-striking ignition system. The beauty of this rifle is its simplicity. It requires just knapped rock and black powder for its ignition. If all other ammunition sources are unavailable, you can make your own black powder from saltpeter, sulfur, and charcoal. If the muzzleloader is not a flintlock, you will need primers.

Air Guns

Air guns have a definite place in your survival arsenal. Effective air-rifle range is mostly in the twenty to fifty-yard range but can be up to about sixty-five yards, while pistols are limited to the fifteen to thirty-five-yard range.

The adult spring-piston type is the only type to consider. It is capable of propelling pellets at over seven hundred feet per second in rifles and over four hundred feet per second in pistols. Although the cost for these types of firearms can exceed $200, they are accurate and powerful enough to kill small game with little noise.

They also can be ordered unrestricted by mail. They are recoilless and provide inexpensive practice. The ammunition is lighter and takes up less space than other ammunitions. For reliability, be sure to buy only high-quality pellets.

Air guns will easily last a lifetime. Stock an oiling needle with some silicone chamber and spring oil. Also, have a spare-parts kit containing replacement mainsprings, O-rings, piston seals, and breech seals if your model uses them.