A variety of protocols exist primarily to allow users to execute commands on remote systems. This section describes the BSD "r" commands, rexec and rex.
The BSD "r" commands (rsh, rlogin, rcp, rdump, rrestore, and rdist) are designed to provide convenient remote access, without requiring the user to type a password, to services such as remote command execution (rsh), remote login (rlogin), and remote file copying (rcp and rdist).
These programs are extremely useful, but as we discuss later in this section, they are safe to use only in an environment in which all of the machines are more or less trusted to play by the rules. While it may be appropriate to use these services within a local area network, it's almost never appropriate to use them across the Internet. It's just too easy for someone to convince these services that they're OK and that the service should perform what's requested.
The difficulty with these commands is that they use address-based authentication. The server looks at the source address of the request and decides whether or not it trusts the remote host to tell it who the user is (this is controlled by the /etc/hosts.equiv and .rhosts files on Unix systems).
An attacker who convinces one of these servers that a connection is coming from a "trusted" machine can essentially get complete and unrestricted access to your system. This can be done by impersonating a trusted machine and using its IP address, by confusing DNS so that DNS thinks that the attacker's IP address maps to a trusted machine's name, or by any of a number of other methods.
If the trusted host check described previously fails (that is, if the user is not coming from a trusted host), most of these services simply deny the client's request and disconnect. The rlogind server, however, will prompt the client for a password if the trusted host check fails. The password entered is sent in the clear over the net, just as with Telnet, so you have to worry about attackers capturing passwords from rlogin sessions, as they can from Telnet sessions. See Chapter 21, for a discussion of ways to address password sniffing attacks.
On some systems, it is possible to disable the trusted host checks with a command-line argument to the servers; even if your server doesn't provide a convenient switch to disable the checks, if you have (or can get) source code for the servers, it's usually a relatively simple fix. However, without the trusted host mechanism, the rshd server is completely pointless because it provides no way to prompt for a password or other authenticator if the trusted host check fails. The rlogind server is still somewhat useful without the trusted host check because it can ask for a password, but it's not much more useful than Telnet.
Windows NT 4 provides clients for rcp and rsh, and the Windows NT 4 Server Resource Kit provides servers for all of the commands except rlogin, which requires a separate server from the rest. Although the Windows NT clients use a slightly different syntax from modern Unix clients, they have the same security implications.
The security implications for the server are somewhat worse in Windows NT than they are in Unix. The basic problem is the same; the server is relying on the client's information about the user. Most clients are not in the least trustworthy (there are a number of ways for somebody with control over a client to take on any identity they please). In addition, since the client is identified only by checking the source IP address, the server is vulnerable to IP address spoofing even if it only trusts carefully chosen clients.
Worse yet, there is a mismatch between rsh and Windows NT's security model. Under NT, a program cannot just assume a user's identity without a password. rsh, however, is incapable of providing a password. The rsh server has to find some way to bridge this gap. Some servers take the straightforward and completely insecure approach of not even trying to assume the user's identity, and running everything with the server's permissions. Others store a mapping between rsh users and Windows NT users, including the Windows NT password. This provides better security when the server is in use, but an attacker who gets access to the mapping data has user and password information.
Because of these problems, running these servers is not advisable.
The "r" commands are TCP-based services. For the server, they use well-known port 513 (rlogin) or 514 (rsh, rcp, rdump, rrestore, and rdist ; these are just different clients for the same server). They are somewhat unusual in that they use random ports below 1024 for the client end.
Using ports below 1024 for the client end is an attempt at a security scheme that allows password-less access to these services as long as the requests come from a trusted host and user, as discussed earlier. The idea is that, if the request comes from a port below 1024 on the client end, then the request must be OK with root on the client machine; if it were not, the client never could have gotten the port below 1024 to use for the request. This notion is completely incorrect on Windows operating systems, where any user can use any port that is not already in use.
Further, some of the clients of the server on port 514 (rsh, for example) use a second TCP connection for error reporting. This second TCP connection is opened from a random port below 1024 on the server to a random port below 1024 on the client; that is, an outgoing rsh command involves an incoming TCP connection for the error channel.
Direction | SourceAddr. | Dest.Addr. | Protocol | SourcePort | Dest.Port | ACKSet | Notes |
In | Ext | Int | TCP | <1024 | 513 | [5] | rlogin, external client to internal server |
Out | Int | Ext | TCP | 513 | <1024 | Yes | rlogin, internal server to external client |
In | Ext | Int | TCP | <1024 | 514 | [5] | rsh/rcp/rdump/rrestore/rdist, external client to internal server |
Out | Int | Ext | TCP | 514 | <1024 | Yes | rsh/rcp/rdump/rrestore/rdist, internal server to external client |
Out | Int | Ext | TCP | <1024 | <1024 | [5] | rsh error channel, internal server to external client |
In | Ext | Int | TCP | <1024 | <1024 | Yes | rsh error channel, external client to internal server |
Out | Int | Ext | TCP | <1024 | 513 | [5] | rlogin, internal client to external server |
In | Ext | Int | TCP | 513 | <1024 | Yes | rlogin, external server to internal client |
Out | Int | Ext | TCP | <1024 | 514 | [5] | rsh/rcp/rdump/rrestore/rdist, internal client to external server |
In | Ext | Int | TCP | 514 | <1024 | Yes | rsh/rcp/rdump/rrestore/rdist, external server to internal client |
In | Ext | Int | TCP | <1024 | <1024 | [5] | rsh error channel, external server to internal client |
Out | Int | Ext | TCP | <1024 | <1024 | Yes | rsh error channel, internal client to external server |
[5] ACK is not set on the first packet of this type (establishing connection) but will be set on the rest. |
The only one of the "r" commands that's widely used across the Internet is rlogin. TIS FWTK provides a proxy rlogin server that uses modified user procedures to provide outbound rlogin.
The other commands rely completely on address-based authentication, and don't allow the user to specify a password at all. They're used so seldom across the Internet that proxies for them are not widely available. All of them allow the user to specify enough data that's passed to the server that it would be possible to write modified-procedures proxies for them. Modifying the rcmd( ) and related functions in the standard Unix library allow you to create clients that use a generic proxy server.
For the most part, the BSD "r" commands will function with network address translation without problems. The rsh error channel, however, is set up from the server to the client, and the server gets the client's IP address from the rsh protocol. Most network address translation systems will not translate this embedded address, and error channel creation will fail, causing rsh to fail. Network address translation systems that change port numbers may also cause connections to fail if they move the client port above 1023.
Don't allow any of the "r" commands across your firewall except outbound by proxy; they're unsafe. Use SSH or alternative protocols such as Telnet, FTP, and so on that can be made more secure.
There is no way to safely provide outgoing rsh service using packet filters, because to do so you would have to allow incoming TCP connections to random ports below 1024 for the error channels.
Because of the mismatch in security models, the rsh server is particularly dangerous on Windows NT; although Windows NT-based rsh clients are reasonably safe, Windows NT-based rsh servers are much more dangerous than Unix-based rsh servers.
If you absolutely have to allow "r" commands, make sure that the trusted host mechanisms are strictly controlled (preferably by disabling that code in the server, which may require command-line options or modifying the source code).
Beware disclosure of reusable passwords when using rlogin, just as when using Telnet.
rexec is a widely run but rarely used server. It's rarely used because almost no operating system provides both the client and the server. It is unclear to us why it is widely run, but almost every Unix system ships with rexecd enabled in /etc/inetd.conf, apparently just in case somebody should be moved to write a local client for it. By contrast, Windows NT 4 machines ship with an rexec client but no daemon (in case you are running Unix machines, perhaps?). The only systems we know of which commonly ship with both a client and a server are Silicon Graphics machines running IRIX, which use rexec as the underlying protocol for the inst software installation program.
rexec is usually lumped in with the BSD "r" commands, but actually it has a slightly more secure design than the others. Rather than providing source-address authentication, it always requires the user to provide a username and password. This advantage is outweighed by the fact that it passes these across the network in the clear, so it has no security advantage over Telnet, for example. Worse yet, most rexec daemons provide no logging whatsoever. This makes rexec a favorite point of attack, since you are unlikely to notice the attackers at any point—while they're trying to break in, or even after they've gotten in.
rexec is a TCP-based service. The server uses port 512. The client uses a random port above 1023.
Direction | SourceAddr. | Dest.Addr. | Protocol | SourcePort | Dest.Port | ACKSet | Notes |
In | Ext | Int | TCP | >1023 | 512 | [11] | Incoming rexec, client to server |
Out | Int | Ext | TCP | 512 | >1023 | Yes | Incoming rexec, server to client |
Out | Int | Ext | TCP | >1023 | 512 | [11] | Outgoing rexec, client to server |
In | Ext | Int | TCP | 512 | >1023 | Yes | Outgoing rexec, server to client |
[11] ACK is not set on the first packet of this type (establishing connection) but will be set on the rest. |
Because very few platforms are widely available with both clients and servers for rexec, no proxies are widely available for it. If you had a client that did use rexec, it would not be terribly difficult to modify it to use a generic proxy like SOCKS. If the rexec clients on a given machine were always accessing the same server, you could also use a generic proxy server like the plug-gw program in TIS FWTK. It would be somewhat trickier, but by no means impossible, to write a dedicated proxy server that would use modified user procedures.
rexec does not use embedded IP addresses, and it will function with network address translation without problems.
rex is an RPC-based service for remote command execution. For an understanding of the problems RPC-based services pose for firewalls, see the discussion of RPC-based services in Chapter 14. There are worse problems with rex, however; in particular, it places all of its security checks in the client (which is a program named on), and anyone can use a modified client that bypasses these checks.
rex is a TCP Sun RPC service; for more information on the packet filtering, proxying, and network address translation characteristics of RPC services, see Chapter 14.
For Windows NT 4, the Windows NT Resource Kit also provides three Windows NT-specific services that allow you to remotely execute commands. They are:
Remote Command Line or REMOTE
Remote Command or RCMD
Remote Console or RCONSOLE
(For Windows 2000, this sort of functionality is handled by the Terminal Server, which is discussed later in this chapter.)
Despite their very similar names, these services do quite different things. RCMD is a fairly standard remote execution service; you start up the server, and clients that connect to it can then execute any command. REMOTE is more limited; you start the command to be run at the same time you start the server, and the client can control only the command you started. Commands that use graphics or complicated input and output methods will not work with either service (this includes a number of standard programs you might want to use from a command line, including most notably edit). Neither service encrypts information.
Remote Console provides more capabilities than either RCMD or REMOTE. It gives you a console on the remote machine exactly as if you were physically logged into the machine and had asked for a command prompt. It takes over video and all input and output, so that any program that normally works in a console window will work correctly. Remote Console does support encryption. By default, it encrypts authentication information. In addition, clients can request that an entire connection be encrypted (the server cannot require encryption). Authentication information is encrypted with DES. The details of the other encryption systems are not documented.
The services also use different security models. RCMD uses normal Windows NT authentication. The user who is running the client must have permission to log in to the server machine interactively, and the commands will run with that user's permissions. (Some early versions of RCMD do not actually correctly run the commands with the user's permissions; you should be sure to run the most recent version.) REMOTE does not by default do any authentication whatsoever, and the command is run with the permissions of the user who started the server. When you start a REMOTE server, it is possible to limit access to a particular group or user.
Remote Console uses its own authentication. By default, only members of the Administrators group can use Remote Console. It is possible to give this ability to other users by making them members of the group "RConsoleUsers"; if you do this, the users will automatically have the privilege "Log on as a batch file". When these users use Remote Console, they will get a console running with their normal permissions, as if they were physically logged in at the console (except that Remote Console does not check to see if they have the "Log on locally" permission that would let them do that).
REMOTE is of limited usefulness and is highly insecure. RCMD is more useful but still not very secure. If you need occasional command-line access to remote machines on a relatively secure network, Remote Console is a reasonable way to provide it. If you need full administration remotely, you will need a more powerful remote access solution; if you need to cross an insecure network, you will need a better protected one. In any case, if you are working remotely between NT machines, Remote Console is preferable to rsh, since Remote Console uses Windows NT user authentication, which is more secure than rsh's source address authentication.
All of these services are based on SMB transactions; the packet filtering, proxying, and network address characteristics of SMB transactions are discussed in Chapter 14.
The secure shell, or SSH, derives its name from one of the commands in the original implementation, which was written by Tatu Ylonen in 1995. SSH can be used as a secure replacement for the BSD "r" commands because it provides all of their functionality but uses strong authentication and encryption. On a Unix system it provides login (slogin), remote shell (ssh), and remote copy (scp) commands. In addition, SSH provides a built-in proxy mechanism that overcomes the problems of using remote X Windows clients (X Windows is discussed in more detail later in this chapter). SSH can also perform arbitrary "port forwarding", routing traffic received on one port on one machine to another port on another machine. Because SSH uses encryption, the port forwarding mechanism can be used as a very limited VPN capability.
SSH servers are widely available for Unix and Windows NT and may be available for other platforms that provide command-line interfaces. SSH clients are available for almost all platforms.
There is a good bit of confusion about the name "SSH". Originally there was a single program called ssh, but over time, several other entities have grown up. There is a package, including the ssh program and others, which is usually called SSH; there is a network communications protocol that the ssh program (and others) are based on, which is also usually called SSH; and there is a company called SSH Communications Security that has other products that use the SSH name.
Currently, two versions of the SSH protocol exist, SSH version 1 and SSH version 2. SSH version 1 is the original. Version 2 has a number of new features, including support for the TLS protocol, which is discussed further in Chapter 14. This protocol (at the time of writing) is not yet an IETF standard, and hence, SSH version 2 is still a work in progress. SSH version 2 is also in the process of becoming an IETF standard.
The original implementation, which is distributed primarily in source code form, has a generous license that makes it available free of charge for most noncommercial purposes. The reference implementation of SSH version 2 by SSH Communications Security is being supported and sold commercially (although it is available free of charge for very limited uses). Multiple programs based on the SSH protocols, some of them commercial and some of them freely available, are also developed by other people.
Because of the multiple implementations and the different licensing and legal restrictions, both versions are in widespread use, and this is expected to continue to be the case for some time. Unless otherwise noted, this discussion applies to both versions of the SSH Communications Security package.
Used correctly, SSH provides protection against a number of risks. Because it uses an encrypted connection for the entire conversation, including user authentication, it protects against eavesdroppers, whether they are looking for passwords or for data. The integrity mechanism that's used prevents session hijacking; an attacker cannot take over an existing connection because the attacker will not be able to correctly generate the integrity checksums.
SSH is a very popular tool for people who break into sites, as well as for administrators, and for many of the same reasons. Because SSH provides encrypted connections, administrators can't tell what information is moving across an SSH connection. Furthermore, SSH provides port-forwarding features (discussed later), which allow you to run all sorts of other protocols across an SSH connection, without any administrative control.
Since SSH is often used for remote administration, it's also a very useful command for attackers to booby-trap. Attackers will often install versions of SSH that function normally but send the attacker all authentication information, as well as the information needed to decrypt a connection (allowing them to snoop on it or hijack it). You should keep careful control over what machines can run SSH, and they should be protected bastion hosts where you will detect changes.
The security of SSH does not come purely from the fact that it uses a specific encryption algorithm, cryptographic hash, or public key cryptography, but from the way the algorithms are used. The important characteristics of a secure private communication session are discussed in Appendix C.
Both version 1 and 2 of SSH meet the characteristics of a secure private communication session because:
The client and server negotiate encryption algorithms (in the case of SSH version 2, negotiation also determines which key exchange mechanism and integrity checksums are used).
The identity of the server to which a client is connecting is always verified, and this identity check is performed before any client user authentication information is sent. This mechanism is discussed in the next section on server authentication.
The key exchange algorithms that are used prevent man-in-the-middle attacks.
At the end of the key exchange, a checksum exchange will detect any tampering with algorithm negotiation.
The server checks the client identity in a number of ways; these mechanisms are discussed later in the section on client authentication.
All data packets exchanged include message integrity checks. An integrity check failure causes a connection to be closed.
An SSH server uses temporary authentication parameters that are discarded after a configurable time period (normally one hour) to prevent recorded sessions from being decrypted at a later time.
As mentioned earlier, SSH clients always verify the identity of an SSH server before sending any user authentication information—the ordering here is critical because it prevents a rogue server from impersonating a real server and capturing user authentication information. The server authentication mechanism does not rely on name service or IP address authentication. If you connect to a machine via Telnet, you are relying on your name service to give you the correct IP address information; if an attacker can feed you bad name service data, you will be connected to the attacker's machine and will happily give it your username and password information.
In both versions of SSH, public key cryptography is used to prove the identity of a server. The first part of checking the identity is to verify that you have a valid public key for the server that you wish to connect to. At the time SSH version 1 was developed, this was a very difficult problem because there was no standard interoperable global infrastructure for the purpose of distributing and verifying public keys. This situation is slowly improving, and SSH version 2 can use a certificate authority to verify a public key (this is one of the features provided by using TLS, which is discussed in Chapter 14). SSH version 2 also supports the mechanism developed for SSH version 1.
The solution SSH version 1 uses is novel; the client retrieves the public key from the server itself, checks to see if it already knows a key for a server having this name, and compares the keys. A mismatch in keys causes a warning to be printed. When the client doesn't already have a key, it also prints a warning and optionally stores the public key for the next time you connect to the server. This system makes the client vulnerable to a hostile server on the first connection, but it does provide significantly more security than having the client vulnerable to a hostile server on every connection.
It is also possible to provide a local system database of keys for servers that users might want to connect to. This protects clients against a hostile server but at the expense of maintaining the local database. Having a local database is effective only if it is possible to know in advance which servers clients are going to connect to.
After checking the validity of a key, SSH then checks the identity of the server by sending a message encrypted using the public key.[13] When the server proves that it successfully decrypted the message, and therefore knows the private part of the public key, the client believes it is talking to the correct server.
The SSH protocol supports a number of client authentication mechanisms:
The rhosts authentication mechanism is exactly the same as for the BSD "r" commands. If the client is using a privileged port and the .rhosts file permits the login, then it is allowed. This mechanism is not enabled by default, and it is not recommended because it is not secure. This mechanism requires that SSH be installed so that it can use a privileged port.
This approach combines .rhosts with public key cryptography. The server first checks the identity of the client host. If the RSA public key for the client host is known to the server and the client can prove it knows the host private key, then .rhosts authentication is performed. Allowing this mechanism is the simplest way to replace the BSD "r" commands without forcing users to set up any new files. This mechanism also requires that SSH be installed so that it can use a privileged port and be able to read the client host private key.
This approach uses only public key cryptography. The client first sends the user's public key to the server. If the server is willing to accept the key, it responds with a challenge so that the client can prove that it knows the user's private key. This mechanism reads only user files and does not require SSH to use a privileged port. SSH can also use an "agent" to hold user private keys. SSH clients, when they need to use a private key, contact the SSH agent to perform cryptographic operations on their behalf. By default SSH clients will automatically set up forwarding to your SSH agent if you have one running. This means that you can chain together multiple SSH connections through several systems without having to copy your private key to multiple systems.
These modes work the same way as other applications that use these systems, which are described in Chapter 21.
The final, and fallback authentication mode for SSH is to prompt for the user's normal login password. This is the same authentication used by programs like Telnet; the advantage is that at the point where SSH asks for the password, it has already established an encrypted connection, so the password is not passed in cleartext the way it is with Telnet or rlogin.
An SSH server may accept or reject a connection based upon a number of conditions in addition to its client and user authentication, including:
One of the important features of SSH is that it prevents session hijacking. Both versions of SSH use a message integrity mechanism to prevent hijacking. This makes it difficult for a third party to take over an open connection and use it because the third party must generate packets that both ends will accept. Versions 1 and 2 use different mechanisms, and each is believed to make it virtually impossible to hijack a session—no successful hijackings have ever been reported. However, the cryptographic techniques used in SSH version 2 (because it uses TLS) are considered to be superior.
SSH has a facility called port forwarding that allows you to run other protocols across an SSH connection. There are two ways of doing port forwarding, "local" and "remote" (see Figure 18.2). Both kinds of forwarding are configured when the SSH client connects to the server, and both of them allow a connection made on one end of the SSH connection to go to the other end and then continue from there, possibly to a completely different host. Port forwarding stops when you close the SSH session to the server.
In local forwarding, the SSH client accepts connections and sends the data to the SSH server, which sends it on to the destination. In remote port forwarding, the server accepts the connections and sends the data to the client. In either case, whenever a connection is made to the listening port, a new TCP connection is made to the target system. Multiple, simultaneous connections are supported. Neither the connection to the listening port nor the connection from the SSH tunnel to the final destination is encrypted or authenticated. The tunnel can be used by other people, not just by the person who set it up; depending on exactly how the tunnel is created, it may be available to any user on the same machine that the listening port is on, or it may be available to any host that can reach the listening port.
Port forwarding is both a useful feature and a very dangerous one. It is useful, for example, if you want to create a simple virtual private network between two servers that you control. Allowing SSH with port forwarding can be an effective way to protect protocols like POP and IMAP that normally exchange unencrypted data.
Port forwarding is dangerous because it can be set up to forward external connections to an internal service, effectively bypassing your firewall. If this occurs, it will be difficult to detect by examining network traffic because the connections will be encrypted. For this reason, you should only allow incoming SSH connections to servers that you control, and you should consider turning off the general port forwarding features for incoming connections. Similarly, you should limit outgoing SSH connections to using SSH clients that you control, preferably with port forwarding turned off. Remote port forwarding will allow apparently outbound connections to carry inbound traffic.
Port forwarding does require some knowledge of how the protocols work and the port numbers that are used. It is therefore not useful to most users. If you receive requests to use port forwarding features, you may wish to consider implementing a real virtual private network. See Chapter 5, for information on virtual private networking.
Both the client and the server provide ways to permanently turn off port forwarding; you can compile them without the port forwarding feature, or use a system configuration file to disable it. However, this will not prevent users from using their own clients (which may ignore the system configuration file).
Inbound port forwarding is configured at the start of an SSH session. SSH can set up forwarding for several different ports at the same time. However, an attacker can only exploit the ports that were set up at the start of a session; additional ports can only be attacked when new SSH sessions are started. For instance, if you set up port forwarding to an IMAP server, that may expose the IMAP server to attackers, but it doesn't allow access to any other services. It is possible to place default forwarding information into the per-user configuration file. This will cause ports to be forwarded automatically whenever an SSH session is started. You may want to disable inbound port forwarding on your SSH server to keep users from opening internal ports to attackers with this feature.
However, if an attacker can do port forwarding to a proxy server, and the proxy server can talk to the internal network, a single port forward can turn into extremely general access. For instance, if a port is forwarded from the outside to a web proxy, the attacker then has access to anything that the web proxy can reach. For various reasons, ranging from laziness to a desire to accommodate bad browser configurations, administrators often set up their external proxy systems so that they can reach internal servers. In this configuration, one single port forward can provide an attacker straightforward access to the entire internal web, and all the information and vulnerable servers that are on it. A SOCKS proxy server can give even more direct and widespread access.
If you allow incoming SSH connections and port forwarding, you should make sure that any firewall proxy services refuse and log connection attempts from those systems. In general, if you are using firewall proxy services, you should configure them to not allow connections to internal systems. This protects you from users using port forwarding on an incoming SSH server and using your proxy servers to access internal or external resources.
SSH has a very useful feature that allows remote X11 Window System applications to be run. This is a special case of port forwarding, which also transparently handles X11 authentication cookies. For more information on the X11 Window System, see the X11 section later in this chapter. We recommend that you enable the X11 features only for systems on which you will be using it. The default setting can normally be made either globally or using individual user configuration files. The documentation for the version of SSH you are using should contain instructions on how to do this.
SSH servers are at TCP port 22; SSH clients need to use a port 1024 below when using .rhost-based authentication methods, but use a port above 1023 when they are not.
Direction | SourceAddr. | Dest.Addr. | Protocol | SourcePort | Dest.Port | ACKSet | Notes |
In | Ext | Int | TCP | Any[14] | 22 | [15] | Incoming SSH connection, client to server |
Out | Int | Ext | TCP | 22 | Any[14] | Yes | Incoming SSH connection, server to client |
Out | Int | Ext | TCP | Any[14] | 22 | [15] | Outgoing SSH connection, client to server |
In | Ext | Int | TCP | 22 | Any[14] | Yes | Outgoing SSH connection, server to client |
[14] SSH clients use a port below 1024 when using .rhost-based authentication methods, and a port above 1023 otherwise. [15] ACK is not set on the first packet of this type (establishing connection) but will be set on the rest. |
It is easy to proxy SSH as it uses a single TCP connection from the client to the server. When not using .rhosts authentication, it does not rely on using a port below 1024 and IP addresses for authentication. A proxy cannot perform any content checks due to the use of encryption in SSH. Under Unix, SSH has compile-time support for either SOCKS v4 or SOCKS v5. Some clients for other platforms also support SOCKS.
SSH does not use embedded IP addresses and will work transparently with network address translation.
If you have to allow inbound connections, SSH is one of the safest ways.
Avoid using the .rhosts-based authentication methods.
Only allow inbound SSH connections to servers that you control.
Consider turning off port forwarding.
Only enable remote X11 support when you need it.
Consider disallowing outbound SSH connections, because they can be used to tunnel inbound connections, and it is difficult to enforce port forwarding restrictions on them.
[13] SSH version 2 does not always use public key algorithms for this. See the description of TLS in Chapter 14, for how server identity is determined.