Lily Richter’s hands hit the floor. She pushed and launched herself back onto her feet in a perfect back handspring. Her arms snapped straight up to finish the move and then out to her sides as she lunged forward. She spun into a graceful pirouette, followed by another. Then it was back to second position stance.

Without even looking, Lily knew she was in perfect step with her best friend Amy, who danced beside her. Their bodies moved confidently in time with the loud, pumping music.

Hips swaying and shoulders dipping, Lily jazz-walked forward. After seven steps, she stepped to the side and crossed her working foot over her supporting foot. Then she pivoted quickly and took four cross steps to the left.

With a bright smile, Lily thrust her arms out to the sides like a T. She knew that Amy had stepped into place right behind her. Stiffening her body, Lily fell straight back.

Amy caught her teammate smoothly. With their arms linked for support, Lily rolled across her friend’s raised knee with a high double kick.

Perfect, thought Lily as she landed back on the floor.

The two girls marched off in opposite directions to form a circle with the rest of their dance team. Several of the dancers broke into the center, causing the circle to bend into a star formation.

As the last notes of the song blasted out, Lily snapped her hands up high. She stood triumphantly in line with four of her teammates. Amy and the other girls had dropped into a dramatic floor pose in front of them. It was the perfect flourish to end the routine.

Coach Jackson applauded loudly. “Very nice, ladies!” she exclaimed.

Lily felt as triumphant as she looked. Dance camp was always her favorite time of year. It was a time to bond with her teammates, have fun, and get her mind and body in shape for the long dance season — and school year — to come.

This year was even better than most. Lily had her best friend by her side, new dance skills to show off, and a wonderful coach to learn from. Now they were only a week away from the beginning of eighth grade. She felt completely ready to take on the new year and the new season.

The girls broke out of formation. Everyone jumped around happily. Amy linked her arm through Lily’s with a big grin.

“You were awesome!” Amy gushed. “That handspring was perfect!”

“You were amazing too!” Lily replied. She sighed happily. “Dance is the best.”

She and Amy had been taking lessons with a private dance school for years. In sixth grade, they had both joined the Greenville Middle School dance team. Dance was Lily’s life, and she loved being able to share that passion with teammates.

“Good work this morning, team,” Coach said. “Let’s go ahead and break for lunch. I have some announcements to share at the end of the meal.”

The girls ran off to the bunk rooms to wash up and change before the meal. Dance was fun, but it was also a lot of work! Everyone was sweaty and exhausted after a whole morning on the floor. Now, they were also really hungry.

After getting cleaned up, Lily and her friend Kala ran down the stairs. They were the first ones to arrive in the kitchen at the camp house. The two girls started carrying the trays of sandwiches, salads, and drinks out to the buffet tables in the dining hall.

By the time everything was ready, the other girls had formed a line. Lily and Kala each grabbed a plate and joined in. After getting their food, they found a seat at one of the long tables.

“What do you think Coach is going to say?” a tall girl named Dani asked, taking a large bite of her turkey sandwich.

Lily shrugged. “I don’t know, maybe hand out practice schedules and stuff? Actually, I haven’t even gotten my class schedule yet, have you?”

“No,” Dani replied. “I’m really hoping I have Mrs. Kraft for English, though . . .”

Amy plopped down next to Lily with her plate of food. “We’d better have the same lunch period, at least!” she said.

Happy chatter filled the room as the dance team ate and relaxed. Julia, who had brought her guitar, ate quickly and then began playing some music.

Just as everyone was finishing their food, Coach Jackson walked in and clapped her hands to get the team’s attention. The team quieted down. Lily turned around to hear what their coach had to say.

“As you all know, school starts in a week. Practices begin that Tuesday — I’m passing out the schedule now.” She handed some papers to Julia. “Our first performance will be at a school pep rally in four weeks. We’ll need to hit the ground running to get our act together in time.”

The girls at Lily’s table exchanged excited smiles. Everyone was looking forward to the first performance.

“That’s not all,” Coach said. “I have one more important piece of news to share — the name of our team captain!”

Lily nervously gulped down the rest of the cookie she had been nibbling. Being team captain of the Greenville Lions was all she’d ever dreamed about. Would this be the year?

Amy nudged Lily and gave her hand a tight squeeze. “You’ve got this,” Amy whispered.

“I’m so pleased to announce that due to her teamwork, spirit, and excellence on the floor,” Coach continued, “the Lions’ team captain for this year will be . . . Lily Richter!”

Lily gasped as happy tears sprang to her eyes. All the girls in the room started clapping and cheering.

“Told you so!” Amy said with a laugh.

Lily jumped up and threw her arms around her best friend. Soon the whole team was surrounding her in a giant group hug.

Team captain! thought Lily, still a little dazed. Now I know this is going to be the best year yet.