confidence (KON-fi-duhns)
the belief in your own abilities and knowing that you can do something
flourish (FLUR-ish)
a fancy way of doing something to add interest and drama; to grow or be successful
formation (for-MAY-shuhn)
the way in which members of a group are arranged; dance formations often make a certain shape or design
intruder (in-TROO-der)
a person who is uninvited or not wanted
limbo (LIM-boh)
the state of being in between two things
routine (roo-TEEN)
a series of planned movements that make up a performance
self-conscious (SELF-KON-shuss)
nervous and embarrassed by what other people might be thinking about you
synchronized (SING-kruh-nizd)
done at the same time and speed
temporary (TEM-puh-rair-ee)
lasting for only a short time