1An example of a Raven’s Progressive Matrices type of Intelligence Test.
2The robotic Puppy. AI Lab, Dept of Informatics, University of Zurich.
3The Yokoi hand. By kind permission of Gabriel Gomez.
4The Held and Hein cradle. Both kittens get the same visual experience, but for only one of them is this linked to their own actions.
5Seal / donkey illusion.
6The integration of Needs, Deeds and See’ds.
7A Kanitzsa illusory pyramid.
8Titchener circles illusion.
9The gerund attacks some peaceful pronouns. From How to Be Topp by Geoffrey Willans, cartoon by Ronald Searle. 1954 © Ronald Searle. Reprinted by kind permission of the Ronald Searle Cultural Trust and The Sayle Literary Agency.
10How language affects memory. Based on Carmichael, Hogan and Walter’s 1937 experiment.
11Example of the eye-white stimuli, from Paul J.Whalen, ‘Human Amygdala Responsivity to Masked Fearful Eye Whites’, Science, 2004.