ABATE (American Bikers Aimed toward Education), 56
Aermacchi, 22
aesthetic appreciation
as comparative, 106
and disinterest, 105
nature of, 104–05
aesthetic theory, limitations of, 66–67
Alexander the Great, 38
American Chopper (TV show), 84
Anaximenes, 127
Anger, Kenneth
Scorpio Rising (film), 159
Anselm, Saint, 136
Aristotle, 131
high versus low, 110–11
Institutional Theory of, 65
and mass production, 109
modern, paradox of, 103
representational versus abstract, 64
as undefinable, 64–65
The Art of the Motorcycle (exhibit), 63, 102
Ball, Hugo, 112
the barbarian, image of, 146
Barger, Sonny, 81, 86, 122, 149, 175
Hell’s Angel, 86
Bauhaus School, 64, 73, 115, 116
Benedek, László (director)
The Wild One (film), 80, 82, 146, 152, 158, 160, 177
Biker (magazine), 172
biker bars
ground rules for, 30–31
and music, 29
philosophy at, 31–43
versus coffee houses, 27–28
Biker Boyz (film), 165
biker chick, stereotype of, in films, 175
biker culture. See also outlaw biker
and autonomy, 57
and clenched fist, 53–54
dialectic in, 51
and feminism, 70
and Futurism, 71
skulls in, 86–87
social divisions in, 47–48, 57–58
evolution of, 53–54
sources of, 55
and leather, 157–160
biker gear, as commodity fetish, 164
biker image, 145
as badass, 148–49
commodification of, 145
in films, 146
and middle-class society, 152–53
origin of, 145
as Rousseauvian, 152–53
social role of, 146
stereotyping of, 167–68
biker rights organizations, 56
biker sexuality, deployment of, through power centers, 168–170, 172–74, 176, 178, 180
bikers. See motorcyclists; see also outlaw bikers
bikes. See motorcycles
Blake, William, 15
Bleeker, Kathie, 80
Boccherini, Umberto, 69
Bogdanovich, Peter
Mask (film), 174
Boozefighters, 160
The Born Losers (film), 82–83
Born to Lose Motorcycle Club, 83
Bosch, Hieronymus, 64
Brando, Marlon, 80, 146, 158, 177
Buddhism and ethics, 9
Bush, President George W., 133
Caan, James, 173
The Rebel, 79
Captain America, 22, 129, 131, 175
Cardiff, Jack
The Girl on a Motorcycle (film), 159, 175
Carneades, 34–35
Carter, Jimmy, 134
Cavalli, Roberto, 164
Chadderdon, Teah, 171–72
Charles, Prince, 102
Christo, 67
clenched fist, in biker culture, 53–54
Clever, June, 19
commodity, nature of, 162
Cook Ding, 190
counterfactuals, 22
Cranach, Lucas, 64
creator/creation, duel between, 121
hypocrisy of, 129–130
critical thinking, 128
Currie, Gregory
An Ontology of Art, 108
Cycle Savages (film), 82
Cynicism, 37–38
and hedonism, 38
Dada, 112–13
Daiches, David, 105
Dalai Lama, 17
“Dangerous Motorcycle Gangs”
(police course), 82
Danto, Arthur C., 112
dao, 185
Davidson, Arthur Walter, 120, 121
Davidson, Willie G., 84
Dawkins, Richard, 119, 120, 131
Daytona’s Bike Week, 85–86, 87, 159
Death Riders (film), 82
Deleuze, Gilles, 126
Proust and Signs, 75
Descartes, René, 126
design, nature of, 114–15
Devils’ Angels (film), 82
Dewey, John
Art as Experience, 71
dialectic, 49
Dickie, George, 65–66
Diogenes of Sinope, 38
disinterest, as aesthetic attitude, 105
Disney, Walt, 16
Dolce & Gabbana, 164
design of, 115–16
Fountain, 103
Dogen, 5
Shobogenzo, 7
Dylan, Bob, 36
Easy Rider (film), 17, 22, 119, 174
Harley-Davidsons as central to, 122–23
humans as stereotypical in, 126
language in, 124–25
machines as dominant in, 124–26, 132
story line of, 123
symptoms of critical philosophy
in, 129
Easyriders (magazine), 172, 175
Easy Wolf, 174
My Bed, 103
Epictetus, 41
Epicurus, 32
exchange value, 162
Existentialism, 78
role of, 157
and sexuality, 158
fetishism, 160
fetish object, 160
and consumerism, 162
Fiell, Charlotte
Design of the 20th Century, 114
Fiell, Peter
Design of the 20th Century, 114
Foucauldian discourse, 168
Foucault, Michel, 168, 169, 171, 176, 178, 180, 181
as absence of constraint, 134–35
appeals to, 133–34
circumstantial constraints on, 93–94
concept of, 89–90
legal constraints on, 91–92
limits of, 130
metaphysical constraints on, 90–91
rational-order view of, 135–39
critique of, 138–39
French Revolution, 51
Freud, Sigmund, 81, 88, 160, 161
Frost, Robert, 25
Futurism, and biker culture, 71
Futurist Manifesto, 69–70
Futurists, 69
Gans, Herbert
Popular Culture and High
Culture, 110
Gar, 174
gay motorcyclists, tactical discourse of, 180
genes, as driving evolution, 120
genetic engineering, 120
and conceptuality, 7
and Harleys, 6
and motorcycle maintenance, 7–9
and motorcycle riding, 5–6
Gibson, Mel, 17
Girl on a Motorcycle (film), 159, 175
The Godfather (film), 146
Greenway, Evelyn, 180
Gropius, Walter, 73
Guevara, Che, 27
Guggenheim museum. See Solomon
R.Guggenheim museum
Guthrie, Woody, 17
Harley culture
and clenched fist, 55–56
contradictory social relations of, 49–50
and fashion trends, 57
and Harley-Davidson Motor Co., 58
social divisions in, 47–48, 56, 57
traditional vs. popular, 57
Harley-Davidson insignia, as fetish object, 163–64
Harley-Davidson and the Marlboro
Man (film), 174
Harley-Davidson Motor Company, 18–19
competition against, effects of, 55–57
marketing strategies, 57, 84, 89, 173
and nihilism, 84
Harley-Davidson motorcycles
and concept of freedom, 94, 95
Easy Rider chopper, 103
and feeling of freedom, 95–97
and freedom, 89
and genjokoan, 6
individualization of, 184
influence of, 119
Low Rider, 84
90 cc bike, 21–22
and sensory experience, 98
Sportster, 183
Sportster XL, 104
vibration of, 172
as works of art, 74
Harley Mystique, 173
Harley Owners Group (HOG), 173
Harley riders, camaraderie of, xiv
Harleys. See Harley-Davidson motorcycles
Hegel, Georg, 48, 49, 50, 52, 54, 121, 135
dialectic of, 49–51
Heidegger, Martin, 13, 14, 25, 37, 75
Hellenistic Platonism, 31
Hell’s Angels, 81
Hell’s Angels on Wheels (film), 152
Henry, Patrick, 134
Hesse, Hermann, 37
Leviathan, 147–48
Honda Gold Wing, 106
and middle-class values, 19–20
Hopper, Dennis, 22, 122, 123–24
Hughes, Robert, 180
Idol, Billy, 167
images, social role of, 146
Indian motorcycles, 18
Iron Horse (magazine), 172
Johns, Jasper, 103
Jung, Carl, 37
Kant, Immanuel, 105, 126, 128, 131, 135
Critique of Pure Reason, 127
Katz, Jack, 148
Kerouac, Jack, 29
Klein, Calvin, 164
koan, 8
Kramer, Stanley (producer)
The Wild One (film), 80, 82, 146, 152, 158, 160, 177
Krauledat, Joachim, 37
Krens, Thomas, 67
Lagerfeld, Karl, 164
Laughlin, Tom, 82
in biker fashion, 157–160
as fetish object, 160
Led Zeppelin, 24
Leibniz, Gottfried W., 119, 127, 131
Leonardo da Vinci, 108
Leviathan (Hobbes), 147–48
Lewis, Hershell Gordon, 176
li, 186
Mackie, Bob, 165
Mahayana Buddhism, 9
Mahler, Gustave, 64
das Man, 25
Mann, David, 123–24
Marcus, Aurelius, 41
Marinetti, Filippo T., 69
Marx, Karl H., 48, 49, 50, 52, 55, 58, 162–63
Capital, 162
dialectic of, 51–53
Mask (film), 174
May, Brian, 110
McCartney, Paul, 102
memento mori, 86
metaphysical freedom, 91
Metropolis (film), 124
Mona Lisa, 108
Mondrian, Piet, 113
Monroe, Marilyn, 138
Montana, Claude, 164
Moschino, 164
Moto Psycho (film), 82
Motorcycle and Bicycle Illustrated (magazine), 180
motorcycle choice, and personal identity, 24–25
motorcycle club, as Rousseauvian, 151, 152
motorcycle fashion. See biker fashion
motorcycle jacket
in fashion design, 164–65
as fetish object, 164
motorcycle maintenance, and genjokoan, 7–9
motorcycle manufacturers,
competition between, 54–55, 58
and American Indians, 68
and architecture, 114
and cars, differences between, 74–75
commodification of, 54
as cultural icon, 77
experiences on, 72–73, 74–75, 183, 185, 188
fantasies on, 167
as fashion accessory, 165–66
and high art, 110
influence of, 119
mass-produced, 108
and paintings, difference
between, 109
and restrictions on freedom, 92
speed of, 67–68
as works of art, 63, 65–66, 71, 73–75, 102, 104–05, 107, 111, 113–14
and Zen, 3
“The Motorcycle Syndrome” (article), 169
as sexually charged, 167–68
wuwei of, 191
images of, development of, 168
and middle-class society, 152–53
primitivist image of, 152
stereotypes of, 167
Motor Maids, 162
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 110
MV Agusta F4, 101
Naked under Leather (film), 159
Napoleon, 122
nature’s child, 37
Nautilus submarine, 123
Nemo, 123
Nero, 31
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 78, 79, 82, 83, 88, 121
American responses to, 79–80
irony of, 87–88
marketing, 87
noble savage, 150
Oahu, landscape of, 188
obesity, and value judgments, 138–39
gaps between, 130
independent role of, 126–27
influence of, 121–22
one-percenters, 87
ontology, 13
fundamental, 14–15
Orange County Choppers, 86, 114
Orwell, George, 135
outlaw biker culture, 81–82
commercialization of, 77, 84–87
irony of, 87
and nihilism, 78, 80–81, 82–83
skulls in, 86–87
outlaw bikers, shunning of, 87
Passion of the Christ (film), 17
Peter, Paul, and Mary, 24
Phaedrus, 9
Picasso, Pablo, 121
Les Demoiselles d’Avignon, 103
Guernica, 102
Pinocchio, 134
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, 3–4
Pisarev, Dimitri, 83
Apology, 184
Philebus, 94
Republic, 119
the “plausible impossible,” 16
Popper, Karl R., 135
Postmodernism, 80
postmodern pagans, 44
postmodern philosophy, 128
power center, in Foucauldian discourse, 168, 169
the primitive
versus the civilized, 152–53
Pyrrho of Elis, 34–35
Pythagoras, 127
qi, 189
queer male biker imagery, 177
“the Question” (Heidegger), 13–14
“rambling without destination,” 185, 187
Raw Thunder, 178
Rebel without a Cause (film), 158
Red Baron, 160
Robin Hood, 167
Robinson, Dot, 161–62
Rolling Sculpture (book), 66
Rolling Stones (band), 24
Rothko, Mark, 113
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 135
on civilization, development of, 150–51
Discourse on the Origin and
Foundations of Inequality among
Men (The Second Discourse), 147, 149–150
on property, 151
Sartre, Jean-Paul, 185
Nausea, 109
the savage, image of, 146
Schoenberg, Arnold, 64
Schwitters, Kurt, 67
scooter tramp stereotype, 174
Scorpio Rising (film), 159
Seagram Building, 115–16
The Second Discourse (Rousseau), 147, 149–150
die Seinsfrage (Heidegger), 14
Seneca, 41
Severini, Gino, 69
Sextus Empiricus, 34
sexuality, deployment of, 168, 171, 180
She-Devils on Wheels, 176
Shelley, Mary
Frankenstein, 120
shengren, 187
Sisyphus, 79
Skepticism, 34
skulls, in biker culture, 86–87
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, 63, 102
Spears, Britney, 167
Spector, Phil, 125
speed, as essence of modern culture, 67, 69
Spider, 174
Spielberg, Steven
Duel (film), 123–24
sport bike, as fashion, 165
Springsteen, Bruce, 13, 16, 17, 19, 25, 29, 45
Steele, Valerie, 158
Steppenwolf (band), 24
stoicism, 41–42
Stoics, 136
Suzuki motorcycles, 18
tactical discourse
of gay motorcyclists, 180
and motorcycling, 179–180
Tamburini, Massimo, 101, 102, 109
taste, problem of, 106–07
Teenage Gang Debs (film), 175
third space feminism, 178
Thompson, Hunter S.
Hell’s Angels, 83
tian, 189
Torque (film), 165
transgression, as sign of intellectual, 128
Tron (film), 124
ultimate reality, in Zen, 4–5, 9
and conceptualization, 10
universal recognition, 51
use value, 162
van der Rohe, Mies, 115
Verne, Jules, 123
Victory of Samothrace, 70
Victory Motorcycle, 84
Villa, Pancho, 167
Wagner, Richard, 64
Wai‘anae coast, motorcycling on, 184, 188–190
Wallach, Theresa, 160
Warhol, Andy, 64
Brillo Boxes, 103
Marilyn, 103
Watson, J.M., 153
Whitehead, Alfred North, 126, 130
The Wild One (film), 80, 82, 146, 152, 158, 160, 177
Wolfe, Tom
The Painted Word, 66
Wolff, Robert Paul, 137
Wollheim, Richard, 108
women motorcyclists, sexual stereotyping of, 170–72, 174–75
wuwei, 191
xing, 189
Yamaha motorcycles, 18
Zack, Char, 178
zazen, 5
Zen, 3
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle
Maintenance (Pirsig), 3–4
Zeno of Citium, 41
Zeuxis, 64
Zito, Chuck, 148
Zolov, Eric
Refried Elvis: The Rise of the Mexican Counterculture, 177