‘Every soul enters life as a tiny baby in the womb. Before birth, the soul has full conscious awareness of who she is and what she has accomplished in past lives. Most important, she knows what she needs to accomplish in her next life to make the greatest possible spiritual progress.’
— Elizabeth Clare Prophet
The Spiritual Significance of Pregnancy
The mystery of life has riddled mankind since its inception. Today, it is widely accepted that there is more to existence than just a physical body. Call it by any name—consciousness, spirit or soul—there is something within us that transcends mortality and is able to connect to a universal intelligence far greater than ourselves. To not look at childbirth from a spiritual perspective is to satisfy ourselves with a white lie or a half truth.
A child is an already existing, immortal soul, choosing to descend to the earth plane in a new human body. This embodiment is determined by many factors like time and age, how evolved the consciousness of the soul is and the inspiration of many guiding forces. It is no coincidence that you are chosen to parent an incarnating soul. There is a definite reason for the gift of this opportunity and it is a fact that you have the perfect conditions for enabling this soul’s spiritual evolution. When you do so, you are in turn advancing your own soul on its journey.
In her book Parenting Begins Before Conception, Carista Rosen writes, ‘When the sperm and egg unify to create the zygote, the first cell of the human form, billions of years of history are infused into it and are repeated as that cell continues to divide and multiply, becoming a baby. In this process, along with the original blueprint of the DNA, the cells use energetic phenomenon such as psychological, spiritual, angelic, astrological and cosmological forces.’
Nature of the Soul
Most religions, philosophies and messengers through time immemorial have in different ways expressed the meaning and yearning of the soul. It is the consciousness that exists infinitely and independently of a human personality. The Bhagavad Gita says, ‘For the soul there is neither birth nor death at any time. It is unborn, eternal, ever existing and primeval. It is not slain when the body is.’
Imagine the soul as a light, energy or pure consciousness. Like a cloak, it takes on a body for a life on earth. In each of these lives, the soul shall have a personality, physical attributes, virtues, vices, experience, beliefs, conditioning and karma. It is believed that, eventually, the cloaks disappear, and the soul achieves its highest evolution.
Ask Yourself:
Have I come across an evolved soul, someone whose inner light shines bright through the cloak of the body or personality?
Human Life—A Means for Evolution of the Soul
Spiritual wisdom from ageless and multiple sources suggests that every physical, emotional, mental and spiritual characteristic that is manifested for a soul at birth is perfectly suited to its purpose of evolution. In our limited view of things, we can sometimes see some attributes as an imperfection or shortcoming, but in the larger, perfect picture, everything is part of the purpose and lessons needed to learn in that life.
Once we realize this, we free ourselves of prejudice for people born black or white, rich or poor, able-bodied or not so, prodigious or average, and with any other classification that the world and age assigns. We are freed of the need to grieve a lot of things that may have gone wrong.
Did You Know?
Credible scientists and psychologists have been drawn into examination of past lives and reincarnation, which are already well-established tenets of ancient Vedic philosophy. Today, past life regression through clinical hypnosis is a well-accepted scientific line of treatment, with miraculous results where conventional approaches may have failed.
The Law of Karma
‘There is nothing lost or wasted in this life.’
— The Bhagavad Gita
Karma is a Sanskrit word that means action or deed. Every action or deed, including thought and intention, is registered in the universe as our karma. Every soul has such a karmic record which is an accumulation of what it has done, been, thought, spoken or intended in all of its lives together, until that point. The effect of the karmic record is everything that you shall manifest in your current and future lives. Ultimately, karma is an experiential learning of the principle of cause and effect.
Karma is the vehicle for spiritual growth through iterations of life. A lesson can be called fully internalized, only when it is practiced under a free will. Whatever action we choose to take, we do not escape the consequences of our choices. There is no escape from karma; inaction is also karma.
Reincarnation, An Opportunity to Balance Karma
Reincarnation is the means of balancing karma. Through karma, we balance our debts with other souls, enjoy the fruits of our good deeds and correct all of our past mistakes.
Timeless Treasures: ‘Sanchit, Prarabdha and Agami Karma’
Vedic literature explains the progression of the soul in a beautifully logical and complete way. The total accumulated karma of all past lives is the Sanchit Karma. Out of this, a certain amount of karma is to be worked out in this particular reincarnation, which is called Prarabdha Karma. This karma is ripe for reaping and there is no escape from its experiences, gifts and lessons in this life. Prarabdha Karma is what determines your physical body, environment and circumstances in this life. Agami Karma is what you shall go on to create now in your current life, and reap in the future. Your consciousness can still exercise full control on it.
Reincarnation and karmic law account for differences among people in every facet of life. Our intelligence, looks, health, progress, wealth, gifts and values are a reflection of what we have been. This is not a cause for berating ourselves, but a reason for progress. Progress on the spiritual path is the ultimate indicator of self-love.
It takes many cloaks or personalities, born under differences of caste, creed, religion, fortune, body, beauty, gender, occupation, talent, culture and periods in time, for a soul to make experiential progress. In the intermediate spiritual dimensions, it receives guidance, healing and preparation for these lives.
Each Soul is Guided by Other Evolved Beings
On our spiritual journeys, we are never alone. The physical realm is not isolated or separate, it is simply a part of a larger reality. Do we not feel guided or protected at times? Mediums and innumerable people who go into regression therapies report that we are surrounded by guiding forces.
It is believed that spiritual guides also assist souls before birth. They help to map a soul’s journey by working out what karma it shall experience in a given life, balancing the joys and gifts with the lessons. Guidance is also provided to select the conditions, qualities, relationships, gender, environment and family that shall come to define us.
During our lives, we are guided to other souls with common or aligned purposes. We also experience higher guidance in decisions, ways and circumstances needed to fulfil our purpose.
Karmic Relationships
The key purpose of life is to learn and experience total and unconditional love. Love translates into harmonious relations with other fellow humans. We have a multitude of relationships to practice this. The first group we belong to is our family, and as we grow, we are attracted to religious, social, political, educational and professional groups.
People that are brought together are often directed by the soul’s need to heal relationships from a previous life. Until there are cracks left in relationships with any other souls, a soul cannot become whole. Incarnating souls may have beautiful karmic ties with one or both of the parents, or they may have something from past lives that needs resolution. Both our strengths and imperfections define us, and these could be the reason for being chosen.
An appreciation of the individuality of your child’s soul is enough for you to evolve into supportive parents.
In his book The Seat of the Soul, Gary Zukav writes, ‘Without knowledge of its soul, reincarnation and karma, it is not always possible for a personality to understand the significance or the meaning of the events of its life, or to understand the effects of its responses to them.’
Embracing Motherhood as a Sacred Responsibility
‘The body of a woman who is to conceive is being chosen as a channel for the expression of divinity into materiality.’
— Edgar Cayce
The mother is the portal who transports life from the spiritual realm to the physical. By awakening to how special her role is, she can truly appreciate and value herself. An awakened motherhood cannot be limited to the pregnancy or parenting. It is to choose a life of constant evolution.
A mother who is in touch with her spirit understands the beauty and sacredness of life. She accepts her own life with full faith and does the same for her children. She feels responsible for her choices and exemplifies the same to her children. She embraces her fears and limitations, and teaches her children to live gracefully with them. This is certainly not a day’s work and not the end product of a process. It is itself the process that shall continue for the rest of one’s lifetime.
Your Child’s Soul May Be More Advanced Than You
For a moment, imagine any moment of conflict, big or small, in your life with your child. It could just be a tantrum or a full-blown ego war. Now, despite the situation, perceive your child as a wise soul with divine consciousness that has incarnated to learn some lessons. You will probably experience a shift in your thoughtfulness and response.
We need to bear this attitude of reverence for all souls in our lives, including our children. We are, after all, sparks of the same divine.
It is possible that the soul of your child is more evolved than either you or your partner. You can be a channel for such a soul to fully express her/his abilities and purpose. It belongs as much to the evolving universal consciousness as to you, the parents.
Love Knows No Boundaries
Love is the greatest force and the surest means to improve the quality of life at any stage. This is the reason the onset of pregnancy and parenting can turn our lives around, for parenting is the highest expression of love. When the child’s life is rooted in the love of the parent, it gets the wings to soar, and its soul is able to evolve fully. Love gives us the energy to build our child’s benevolent nature by healing everything and soothing the deepest anxieties.
Allow your baby’s soul to start its new journey with love.
The transition from a soul to a gestating unborn and then to a child is registered and recorded by the soul memory. This memory, according to ancient Vedic texts, is not limited to the brain. It is carried energetically and present in every cell of the being.
In her book Chakras, Anodea Judith writes, ‘The first chakra, Mooldhara, is programmed from the period in the womb to the first year of life after birth.’ This is the chakra representing survival, our foundation or roots in our current earthly embodiment. The parents’ role in creating the foundation is unmistakable.
A Deep Connection with the Baby’s Spirit
Pregnancy seems to be a time of heightened spiritual awareness for many women. Many parents report dreams and visions of their children prior to birth or even conception. Sometimes, the dream or communication could even come indirectly, through someone else. Being open to our experiences opens many doorways for us to understand our own reality better.
It is not unusual for pregnant women to feel drawn to activities or things they did not have any interest in, due to the influences and energy of the incoming soul. You can make use of relaxing pregnancy meditations and visualization to enable the spirit of your child to experience your love and reveal its own truths to you intuitively, once the connection is established.
Mythology and art have many themes on the mother-baby connection and communication well before birth.
In the book Soul Bonding, Pamela Sue Hickein and Bridget Luise Esswein write, ‘Mothers and children form an intimate bond of telepathy—a wordless communication using mental images, thoughts and feelings and messages back and forth. When this begins in the womb, a wonderful bond is made—one which we describe as being from soul to soul since it involves our most private, inner person.’
Such a connection becomes possible when a mother also feels a connection and deep love for her own soul. As you feel the intention to do so for your baby, also make it a point to slowly nurture your own soul.
This early bond will help both of you operate in a supportive symbiosis, even after your baby is born.
Communion with the Higher Power
Pregnancy is a time for experiencing the connection with the ultimate source or the spirit of the universe. After all, it is creating through you. Even if you never have, pregnancy is the best time to begin praying.
Call your source of faith by a name or understand it as an energy; being one with it will empower you. Prayer will give you the strength and courage to powerfully deal with your fears and maintain your peace of mind.
By believing that God or universal wisdom has a purpose behind everything and that it is there for us always, we feel less isolated or powerless in life. You can ask for higher guidance on your parenting journey, placing your life and your family into God’s hands.
As you immerse your baby into prayer, her/his spiritual senses will be sharpened. Your prayer can help your child create a deep, lifelong connection with God. The essence of prayer is faith and hope, and these are great legacies to give to our children.
For some prayers during pregnancy, please refer to Appendix G on Prayers in Pregnancy.
Prepare for Parenting by Healing Your Soul
‘Look back at yourself when you were a child – what kind of parents would have been the best? Remember what it was like to be a child, and you will clearly know.’
— Sadhguru
As human beings, we accumulate so much pain, trauma and hurt in the normal course of our lives that a continuous commitment to heal ourselves is prerequisite to our harmony and enrichment. In our childhood, we may have registered our unmet needs, pain and suffering into our energy bodies.
Constantly ask your evolving spiritual self on what is the better way to resolve conflicts, even if things go wrong sometimes.
The Path to Self-actualization
The greatest need for a human being, once well fed, clothed, protected, provided for and loved is that of self-actualization. Throughout their childhood and early adulthood, it is the responsibility of the parents to support children in recognizing their true inclinations.
Self-actualizing provides us with the opportunities and experiences that enable us to balance our karma and learn our lessons. Whatever be the purpose of an incarnating soul, it has the potential to fulfill it. We need to remember that many of the child’s experiences shall be her/his own and that we may have no control on some of her/his lessons.
Your Child’s Karmic Progress is Her/His True Progress
‘Karma is something you are doing within yourself. It is not what life is doing to you.’
— Sadhguru
Past karma becomes present reality. An acceptance of our reality frees us from judgement and allows us to take action. Karma can be transformed, or completely broken out of altogether.
Living under your parenthood, your child’s beliefs, personality, actions, thoughts and patterns shall be influenced and moulded by you. If you introduce spiritual enquiry and perspective in your child’s life, she/he shall grow into a holistic state of being, the karma being supportive of her/his ultimate progress.
A feeling of being safe and a belief in the world around us allows for more freedom to connect with one’s inner life. When parents expose children to spiritual gifts that the world has to offer, like music, art, commune with nature, literature, etc., a natural resonance is induced with the spirit of the child that allows it to show and express more.
As parents, we can sometimes tend to overlook the amount of communication and shaping that happens energetically and indiscreetly, yet it is far more powerful than anything you may convey in words.
We are all perfect beings in the perfect place in our present reality, and all working towards common goals, no matter which path we tread. By understanding that we need not judge, our energies are free to engage in true inner work.
Summing Up: