All URLs in the Preface accessed 23 March 2020.
1. National Centers for Environmental Information, ‘Assessing the global climate in January 2020’, News release, 13 February 2020:
2. Nassos Stylianou and Clara Guibourg, ‘Hundreds of temperature records broken over summer’, BBC News, 9 October 2019:
3. Joanna Partridge, ‘Storm Dennis damage could cost insurance companies £225m’, The Guardian, 20 February 2020:
4. Tom Griffiths, ‘The language of catastrophe’, Griffith Review 35:
5. Colin Gourlay, Tim Leslie, Matt Martino and Ben Spraggon, ‘How heat and drought turned Australia into a tinderbox’, ABC News, update 24 February 2020:
6. Prime Minister of Australia, ‘National Royal Commission into Black Summer bushfires established’, Media release, 20 February 2020:
7. Mike Carlowicz, ‘Extreme rain douses fires, causes floods in Australia’, NASA Earth Observatory, 12 February 2020:
For all chapters, unless otherwise indicated, translations from French to English have been made by Vincent Liegey. All URLs for chapters 1–4 accessed 20 January 2020; URLs for chapter 5 accessed 20 March 2020.
1. P. Ariès, La Décroissance: Un Nouveau Projet Politique, Villeurbanne: Editions Golias, 2007.
2. E.F. Schumacher, Small is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered (25 years later … with commentaries), Point Roberts/Vancouver, BC: Hartley & Marks, 1999 [1973].
3. Sally J. Matthews, ‘Postdevelopment theory’, Oxford Research Encyclopedia of International Studies, New York: International Studies Association and Oxford University Press, 2018 (28 August update):
4. ‘Ecological footprint’, Global Footprint Network:
5. Cited in Graham Maxton, ‘We’re all economists now … just don’t expect difficult questions’, Commentary in World Economics Association Newsletter 2(5), October 2012:
6. Dennis Meadows, Donella Meadows, Jørgen Randers and William W. Behrens III, The Limits to Growth: A Report for the Club of Rome’s Project on the Predicament of Mankind. New York: Universe Books, 1972.
7. Cited in translation in footnote 10 of Federico Demaria, François Schneider, Filka Sekulova and Joan Martinez-Alier, ‘What is degrowth? From an activist slogan to a social movement’, Environmental Values 22(2), 2013, pp. 191–215, esp. p. 195, referring to M. Bosquet (André Gorz), Nouvel Observateur, Paris, 397, 19 June 1972, p. IV. Proceedings from a public debate organised in Paris by the Club du Nouvel Observateur.
8. J. Grinevald and I. Rens, Demain la Décroissance: Entropie-Écologie-Économie. Lausanne: Pierre-Marcel Favre, 1979.
9. Défaire le Développement, Refaire le Monde! Un numéro spécial exceptionnel, L’Ecologiste 6, Winter 2001:
10. The programme of the colloquium can be found at:
11. Serge Latouche, ‘A bas le développement durable! Vive la décroissance conviviale!’, S!lence 280, February 2002. Full text:
12. Ibid.
13. G. Rist, The History of Development: From Western Origins to Global Faith, 3rd edn, London: Zed Books, 2008 [1996]; the quote is from Institut d’études économiques et sociales pour la décroissance soutenable, ‘Historique: Histoire du mot décroissance’:
14. Post-growth 2018 Conference, Brussels, Belgium, 18–19 September:
15. Here we allude to choices between socialism and barbarism that seem to have been raised first by Marxist Karl Kautsky but gained prominence with their use by Rosa Luxemburg. See Ian Angus, ‘The origin of Rosa Luxemburg’s slogan “socialism or barbarism”’, in his Ecosocialist Notebook Comments and Commentary at the Climate & Capitalism website, 22 October 2014:
16. Jeroen C.J.M. van den Bergh and Giorgos Kallis, ‘Growth, a-growth or degrowth to stay within planetary boundaries?’, Journal of Economic Issues 46(4), 2012, pp. 909–20.
17. Anon. (1990) Queers Read This. Leaflet. New York: Queers, June:
18. See Participants in the Economic De-growth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity Conference, ‘Declaration of the Paris 2008 Conference’, 18–19 April:
19. Barbara Muraca and Matthias Schmelzer, ‘Sustainable degrowth: Historical roots of the search for alternatives to growth in three regions’, in Iris Borowy and Matthias Schmelzer (eds) History of the Future of Economic Growth: Historical Roots of Current Debates on Sustainable Degrowth, Abingdon: Routledge, 2017, pp. 174–97, esp. p. 188.
1. Herman Daly, ‘Growthism: Its ecological, economic and ethical limits’, real-world economics review 87, 19 March 2019, pp. 9–22:
2. All quotations in this section are from Nicolas Georgescu-Roegen as cited in Mauro Bonaiuti (ed.), From Bioeconomics to Degrowth: Georgescu-Roegen’s ‘New Economics’ in Eight Essays, 1st edn, Abingdon: Routledge, 2014. Data about Georgescu-Roegen is drawn from Jacques Grinevald in Vincent Liegey and Debora Blake, Décroissance: Hommage à Nicholas Georgescu Roegen, 2008:
3. Simon Kuznets, ‘How to judge quality’, The New Republic, 20 October 1962.
4. International Energy Agency, ‘Data tables’, Global Energy and CO2 Status Report: The Latest Trends in Energy and Emissions in 2018, Paris: IEA, 2019:
5. Hugues Ferreboeuf, Lean ICT – Towards Digital Sobriety, The Shift Project, March 2019, pp. 4, 8:
6. T. Parrique, J. Barth, F. Briens, C. Kerschner, A. Kraus-Polk, A. Kuokkanen and J.H. Spangenberg, Decoupling Debunked: Evidence and Arguments against Green Growth as a Sole Strategy for Sustainability, Brussels: European Environmental Bureau, 2019:
7. R. Heinberg, Peak Everything: Waking Up to the Century of Declines, Gabriola Island: New Society Publishers, 2007.
8. This translation from Ivan Illich, ‘Le Genre Vernaculaire’ in Oeuvres Complètes, vol. II, Paris: Fayard, 2005, appears in Serge Latouche, ‘The wisdom of the snail’, trans. Ronnie Richards, Slow Food, 22 March 2017:
9. Serge Latouche, L’Autre Afrique: Entre Don et Marché, Paris: Albin Michel, 1998.
10. Harry S. Truman, ‘Inaugural address of Harry S. Truman’, The Avalon Project, 20 January 1949:
11. Animata Traore, Le Viol de l’Imaginaire, Paris: Fayard/Acte Sud, 2002.
12. Eduardo Galeano, Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent, New York: Monthly Review Press, 1973; Céline Pessi, Sezin Topçu and Christophe Bonneuil, Une Autre Histoire des ‘Trente Glorieuses’: Modernisation, Contestations et Pollutions dans la France d’Après-Guerre, Paris: La Découverte, 2013.
13. For a recent critique, see Jason Hickel, ‘The sustainable development index: Measuring the ecological efficiency of human development in the Anthropocene’, Ecological Economics 167 (January 2020):
14. Majid Ranhema, Quand la Misère Chasse la Pauvreté, Paris: Fayard/Actes Sud, 2003.
15. Eric De Ruest and Renaud Duterme, La Dette Cachée de l’Économie, Paris: Les Liens qui Libèrent, 2014.
16. Ivan Illich, Tools for Conviviality, New York: Harper & Row, 1973.
17. Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries, ‘September 2019 new vehicle sales figures announced by FCAI’, Media release, FCAI website, 3 October 2019:
18. Serge Latouche, Jacques Ellul et le Totalitarisme Technicien, Paris: Le Passager Clandestin, 2013.
19. Serge Latouche, Bon Pour la Casse: Les Déraisons de l’Obsolescence Programmée, Paris: Les Liens Libèrent, 2015. The original reads: ‘La publicité crée le désir de consommer, le crédit en donne les moyens, l’obsolescence programmée en renouvelle la nécessité.’
20. Hannah Arendt, Eichmann à Jérusalem, New York: Viking Press, 1963.
21. Guy Delande, ‘Évaluation médico-économique du coût de la fin de vie’, Académie des Sciences et Lettres de Montpellier 49, 19 March 2018:
22. Ivan Illich, Medical Nemesis. The Expropriation of Health, London: Calder & Boyars, 1975.
23. André Gorz, Farewell to the Working Class, London: Pluto Press, 1994.
24. Éloi Laurent, Measuring Tomorrow: Accounting for Well-being, Resilience and Sustainability in the Twenty-First Century, Princeton (NJ): Princeton University Press, 2017, pp. 47–8. David Graeber, Bullshit Jobs: A Theory, London: Allen Lane, 2018.
25. Eilis Lawlor, Helen Kersley and Susan Steed, A Bit Rich: Calculating the Real Value to Society of Different Professions, London: New Economics Foundation:
26. See manifesto and details at the student Taking Action for an Ecological Awakening website:
27. Thomas Piketty, Capital in the Twenty-first Century, Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2014.
28. Oxfam, Fighting Inequality to Beat Poverty: Annual Report 2018–2019, Oxford: Oxfam, p. 2:
29. Oxfam, Extreme Carbon Inequality, Media briefing, 2 December 2015, p. 1:
30. Karl Polanyi, The Great Transformation, New York: Farrar & Rinehart, 1944.
31. Serge Latouche, Les Précurseurs de la Décroissance: Une Anthologie, Paris: Le Passager Clandestin, 2016.
32. Giacomo D’Alisa, Federico Demaria and Giorgos Kallis, Degrowth: A Vocabulary for a New Era, London: Routledge, 2015.
1. ‘Le PPLD a été créé comme un parti. Mais depuis plusieurs années déjà, il n’est plus un “parti”. Il est dorénavant nommé Parti-e-s Pour La Décroissance (PPLD)’, PPLD, 2019:
2. George Souvlis and Charlie Post, ‘Class, race and capital-centric Marxism: An interview with Charlie Post’, 19 January 2018, Salvage:
3. Kristin Ross, Communal Luxury: The Political Imaginary of the Paris Commune, London: Verso, 2015.
4. Marina Sitrin, Horizontalism: Voices of Popular Power in Argentina, Oakland, CA: AK Press, 2006.
5. David Graeber, Bullshit Jobs: A Theory, New York: Simon & Schuster, 2018.
6. For example, in France, a survey showed that two-thirds of the respondents had moved to more ethical and environmentally friendly consumption habits: Harris Interactive, ‘Une étude Harris Interactive pour L’Observatoire Cetelem’, Harris Interactive website, 21 February 2018: Moreover, an Australian Wellbeing Index Survey conducted by Deakin University found that the well-being of retired Australians was ‘significantly higher than non-retirees’, attributable to post-work time available to them to cultivate and enjoy friendships, shared interests and mutual care: ‘Wellbeing Index finds Australians are happiest in retirement’, Media release, Deakin University, 6 September 2019:
7. Corinna Burkhart, Matthias Schmelzer and Nina Treu (eds) Degrowth in Movement(s): Exploring Pathways for Transformation, Hampshire: Zero Books, 2020, p. 11.
8. Elliott W. Martin and Susan A. Shaheen, Greenhouse Gas Impacts of Car Sharing in North America, MTI Report 09-11, San Jose, CA: Mineta Transportation Institute, 2010.
9. For examples, see Anitra Nelson, Small is Necessary: Shared Living on a Shared Planet, London: Pluto Press, 2018.
10. See ways that the degrowth movement uses such alternative multi-media at the ‘Get involved’ section of the Degrowth Web Portal:
11. Residents of le Moulin de Rohanne, la Rolandière, les 100 noms, la Hulotte, Saint-Jean du Tertre, les Fosses Noires, la Baraka and Nantes within the Conseil Pour le Maintien des Occupations, The ZAD Will Survive, ZAD Forever website, p. 6:
12. Ibid., p. 11.
13. Ibid., p. 10.
14. For details see ‘Biennial international conferences on degrowth for ecological sustainability and social equity’, Research and Degrowth (R&D) website: and Support Group, ‘Reflections on a decade of degrowth international conferences’:
15. See the 2018 EU Post-growth Conference:
16. Eduardo Gudynas in Aaron Karp, ‘Contribution to “Roundtable on Vivir Bien’’, Great Transition Initiative, 2018:
17. For example, see Degrowth Conference Budapest 2016, ‘Principles of the conference’:
18. Giorgos Kallis, Vasilis Kostakis, Steffen Lange, Barbara Muraca, Susan Paulson and Matthias Schmelzer, ‘Research on degrowth’, Annual Review of Environment and Resources 43 (October 2018), pp. 291–316.
19. ‘Open letter to François Hollande: Let’s transform Aulnay-Sous-bois social tragedy into an ecological and economic transition opportunity for a desirable future’, 19 July 2012, PPLD:
20. See Earthworker Cooperative:
1. ‘The Frog and the Ox’, Fables of Aesop: A Complete Collection, 27 March 2019 update:
2. Cornelius Castoriadis, Philosophy, Politics, Autonomy: Essays in Political Philosophy, trans. and ed. D.A. Curtis, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991; John Holloway, Change the World Without Taking Power, London: Pluto Press, 2010.
3. Adam David Morton, Unravelling Gramsci: Hegemony and Passive Revolution in the Global Economy, London: Pluto Press, 2007.
4. For this 1987 speech by Thomas Sankara delivered in French, see AfricaMediaTV, Thomas Sankara – Discours Sur La Dette [Sommet OUA, Addis Abeba] Partie 1/2 (AMTv – AFRIQUE):
5. See Appendix 1, this volume, for ‘A platform for degrowth’, sourced from the PPLD website:
6. Angelique Chrisafis, ‘France braces for gilets jaunes anniversary marches’, The Guardian, 15 November 2019:; K. Willsher, ‘Black-clad youths clash with police as gilets jaunes mark anniversary’, The Guardian, 17 November 2019:
7. Hannah Arendt, Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil, London: Penguin Classic, 2006 [1963].
8. Among other works on these topics, these types of models are discussed in various chapters in these collections: A. Nelson and F. Schneider, Housing for Degrowth: Principles, Models, Challenges and Opportunities, Abingdon: Routledge, 2018; A. Nelson and F. Edwards (eds), Food for Degrowth, Abingdon: Routledge, forthcoming.
9. S. Abuelsamid, ‘New vehicles keep getting heavier – or are they?’, Forbes, 3 January 2019; S.C. Walpole, D. Prieto-Merino, P. Edwards, J. Cleland, G. Stevens and I. Roberts, ‘The weight of nations: An estimation of adult human biomass’, BMC Public Health 12(1), 2012, pp. 439ff; T. Trigg, ‘Cities where it’s faster to walk than drive’, Scientific American, 16 May 2015.
10. Patrick Piro, ‘Décroissance: Une révolution silencieuse?’, 17 February 2016:
11. A quote from Odoxa, ‘Barometre economique d’octobre français plus ecolos jamais’ [‘The French are more “green” than ever’]: ‘Pour préserver l’environnement, les Français sont même devenus des adeptes de la décroissance (54% vs 45%) plutôt que d’une croissance “verte”’ [‘To preserve the environment, French even become degrowth fans (54% vs 45%) rather than support “green” growth.’] Odoxa, 3 October 2019:
12. See Philippe Moati, ‘L’utopie écologique séduit les Français’, 22 November 2019: ‘Clairement, l’utopie écologique semble ainsi s’être départie des imaginaires négatifs qui pouvaient être associés à l’idée de décroissance’:
13. For details: l’ObSoCo, ‘3 scénarios pour une utopie – Philippe Moatil’, Observatoire Société et Consommation, 23 June 2016:
14. IMDb, Tomorrow (2015); Demain (original title)’, IMDb:
15. Some key points made in the 2019 IPBES report are that ‘most of the globe has now been significantly altered by multiple human drivers, with the great majority of indicators of ecosystems and biodiversity showing rapid decline’; that ‘Human actions threaten more species with global extinction now than ever before’; and that ‘loss of diversity, including genetic diversity, poses a serious risk to global food security by undermining the resilience of many agricultural systems to threats such as pests, pathogens and climate change’. S. Díaz, J. Settele, E.S. Brondízio, H.T. Ngo, M. Guèze, J. Agard, A. Arneth, P. Balvanera, K. A. Brauman, S.H.M. Butchart, K.M.A. Chan, L.A. Garibaldi, K. Ichii, J. Liu, S.M. Subramanian, G.F. Midgley, P. Miloslavich, Z. Molnár, D. Obura, A. Pfaff, S. Polasky, A. Purvis, J. Razzaque, B. Reyers, R. Roy Chowdhury, Y.J. Shin, I.J. Visseren-Hamakers, K.J. Willis, and C.N. Zayas (eds), Summary for Policymakers of the Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services, Bonn: IPBES Secretariat, 2019, pp. 11–12.
16. John Mecklin, ‘Closer than ever: It is 100 seconds to midnight’, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 23 January 2020:
1. On distinctions between degrowth and the steady state economy (and room for alliances) see: Joan Martínez-Alier, Unai Pascual, Franck-Dominique Vivien and Edwin Zaccai, ‘Sustainable de-growth: Mapping the context, criticisms and future prospects of an emergent paradigm’, Ecological Economics 69, 2010, pp. 1741–47, esp. pp. 1743–44; I. Cosme, R. Santos and D.W. O’Neill, ‘Assessing the degrowth discourse: A review and analysis of academic degrowth policy proposals’, Journal of Cleaner Production 149, 2017, pp. 321–34, esp. pp. 328–29.
2. V. Liegey, S. Madelaine, C. Ondet and A. Veillot, ‘Neither protectionism nor neoliberalism but “open relocalization”: The basis for a new International’, originally published in French in Bastamag, 4 November 2015, 2019, English translation by Dan Golembeski, Un Projet de Décroissance website:
3. Ashish Kothari, A. Salleh, A. Escobar, F. Demaria and A. Acosta, Pluriverse: A Post-Development Dictionary, Delhi: Authors Up Front and Tulika, 2019, especially for terms such as ‘radical ecological democracy’, ‘ecological swaraj’, ‘buen vivir’ and sumak kawsay that emphasise autonomy, a right to basic needs, respecting Earth and a life of dignity.
4. Corinna Burkhart, Matthias Schmelzer and Nina Treu (eds), Degrowth in Movement(s): Exploring Pathways for Transformation, Alresford, Hants: Zer0 Books/John Hunt Publishing, 2020.
5. Nuno Videira, François Schneider, Filka Sekulova and Giorgos Kallis, ‘Improving understanding on degrowth pathways: An exploratory study using collaborative causal models’, Futures 55, 2014, pp. 58–77, esp. p. 59.
6. Vincent Liegey, Stéphane Madelaine, Christophe Ondet and Anne-Isabelle Veillot, Un Projet de Décroissance: Manifeste pour une Dotation Inconditionelle d’Autonomie [Degrowth Project, Manifesto for an Unconditional Autonomy Allowance], Paris: Éditions Utopia, 2013, see Un Projet de Décroissance website:
7. Jason Hickel, ‘Degrowth: A theory of radical abundance’, Real-World Economics Review 87, March 2019, pp. 54–68.
8. Voting as at 22 February at ‘Climate, inequality, hunger: Which global problems would you fix first?’, The Guardian, 15 January 2020:
9. Matthew Taylor, ‘Climate crisis seen as “most important issue” by public, poll shows’, The Guardian, 19 September 2019:
10. Giorgos Kallis, ‘You’re wrong Kate. Degrowth is a compelling word (A response to Kate Raworth)’, 2 December 2015 post at Oxfam blog ‘From Poverty to Power’:
11. ‘2020 Edelman Trust Barometer’ (page from which the quotes are taken and where the report can be downloaded), 19 January 2020:
12. For more details on and records of this conference, see:
13. Kothari et al., Pluriverse: A Post-Development Dictionary.
14. M. Fisher, Capitalist Realism: Is There No Alternative? Zer0 Books/John Hunt Publishing, 2009, p. 2; Fredric Jameson, The Seeds of Time. New York: Columbia University Press, 1994; Slavoj Žižek, ‘The spectre of ideology’ in Mapping Ideology, ed. S. Žižek. New York: Verso, 1994.
15. Hickel, ‘Degrowth: A theory of radical abundance’.
16. Diego Andreucci and Salvatore Engel-Di Mauro (2019) ‘Capitalism, socialism and the challenge of degrowth: Introduction to the symposium’, Capitalism Nature Socialism, 30(2), pp. 176–88; also see Burkhart et al., Degrowth in Movement(s), p. 23. An interesting survey, not without certain flaws, is Dennis Eversberg and Matthias Schmelzer, ‘The degrowth spectrum: Convergence and divergence within a diverse and conflictual alliance’, Environmental Values 27, 2018, pp. 245–67.
17. Federico Demara, Giorgos Kallis and Karen Bakker, ‘Geographies of degrowth: Nowtopias, resurgences and the decolonization of imaginaries and places’, Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 2(3), 2019, pp. 431–50, esp. p. 439.
18. Deborah Cowen, The Deadly Life of Logistics: Mapping Violence in Global Trade, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press, 2014.
19. Andrew Jorgenson and Brett Clark, ‘Ecologically unequal exchange in comparative perspectives: A brief introduction’, International Journal of Comparative Sociology, 50(3–4), 2009, pp. 211–14; Prapimphan Chiengkul, ‘The degrowth movement: Alternative economic practices and relevance to developing countries’, Alternatives: Global, Local, Political, 43(2), 2018, pp. 81–95; Beatriz Rodríguez-Labajosa, Ivonne Yánezc, Patrick Bond, Lucie Greyle, Serah Mungutif, Godwin Uyi Ojog and Winfridus Overbeekh, ‘Not so natural an alliance? Degrowth and environmental justice movements in the Global South’, Ecological Economics, 157, 2019, pp. 175–84, esp. p. 180.
20. Kothari et al., Pluriverse: A Post-Development Dictionary; A. Kothari, ‘Earth Vikalp Sangam: Proposal for a global tapestry of alternatives’, Globalizations 17, 2020; Demara et al., ‘Geographies of degrowth’, pp. 440–45.
21. Nelson and Schneider (eds), Housing for Degrowth; Nelson and Edwards (eds) Food for Degrowth.
22. First North–South Conference on Degrowth-Decrecimiento, 3–7 September 2018, Palacio de Medicina (Former School of Medicine), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico (UNAM), Mexico City:
23. Nassim Kahdem, ‘Australia has a high rate of casual work and many jobs face automation threats: OECD’, Australian Broadcasting Commission, 25 April 2019:
24. Angela Y. Davis, ‘Angela Davis: An interview on the futures of Black radicalism’, Verso blog, 11 October 2017:
25. Burkhart et al., Degrowth in Movement(s).
26. Kallis, ‘You’re wrong Kate’.
27. Martial Foucault, Yann Algan, Daniel Cohen, Elizabeth Beasley and Madeleine Péron, ‘Qui sont les Gilets jaunes et leurs soutiens?’, Observatoire du Bien-être du CEPREMAP et CEVIPOF, Sciences Po publications 2019–03, 14 February 2019.
28. Richard Greeman, ‘France at the crossroads’, CounterPunch, 15 January 2020:
29. Cornelius Castoriadis, Postscript on Insignificance: Dialogues with Cornelius Castoriadis, ed. Gabriel Rockhill, trans. John V. Garner. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2011.
30. A. Guttman, ‘Global advertising spending 2010–2019’, Statista, 8 January 2020:
31. Martínez-Alier et al., ‘Sustainable de-growth’, p. 1744.
32. Karl Polanyi, The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time, Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 2001 [1944].
33. We must iterate here that the proposals made in this chapter owe much to the work of Liegey et al., Un Projet de Décroissance.
34. See especially Agrarian Justice in Thomas Paine, Writings, ed. Eric Foner, Philadelphia, PA: Library of America, 1993.
35. Louise Haagh, The Case for Universal Basic Income, Cambridge: Polity, 2019; Ronald Blaschke, ‘Basic income: Unconditional social security for all’, in Burkhart et al., Degrowth in Movement(s), pp. 73–86.
36. Matt Orfalea, ‘Milton Friedman on guaranteed income/negative income tax/basic income’, 26 February 2019:
37. Vincent Liegey, Stéphane Madelaine, Christophe Ondet and Anne-Isabelle Veillot, ‘A springboard for a Degrowth Project: The citizens’ initiative for a basic income’, Un Projet de Décroissance website, 25 June 2013:
38. Vincent Liegey, Stéphane Madelaine, Christophe Ondet, and Anne-Isabelle Veillot, ‘A maximum acceptable income: Beyond the symbolic limits’ (text commissioned by Moins! Le journal Romand d’Écologie Politique [Less! The French-language Swiss Political Ecology Magazine], September 2012), Un Projet de Décroissance website, 7 January 2013:
39. Rupert Neate, ‘Richest 1% own half the world’s wealth, study finds’, The Guardian, 14 November 2017:
40. Hugo Carton, ‘Momentum Institute analyses basic income/unconditional autonomy allowance: “Living income for free and egalitarian societies”’ (drawn in translation from Hugo Carton, Le Revenu d’Existence Pour des Sociétés Libres et Égalitaires, Paris: Institut Momentum, 2013:, Un Projet de Décroissance website, 10 October 2013:
41. On commons and degrowth see: Johannes Euler and Leslie Gauditz, ‘Commons: Self-organized provisioning as social movements’, in Burkhart et al., Degrowth in Movement(s), pp. 128–42; Johannes Euler, ‘The commons: A social form that allows for degrowth and sustainability’, Capitalism Nature Socialism, 30(2), pp. 158–75.
42. Manfred A. Max-Neef, Human Scale Development: Conception, Application and Further Reflections, New York, Apex Press, 1991.
43. Claudio Cattaneo, ‘How can squatting contribute to degrowth?’, in Nelson and Schneider (eds), Housing for Degrowth, pp. 44–54.
44. Natasha Verco, ‘Christiania: A poster child for degrowth?’, in Nelson and Schneider (eds), Housing for Degrowth, pp. 99–108.
45. Nadia Johanisova, Tim Crabtree and Eva Frañková, ‘Social enterprises and non-market capitals: A path to degrowth?’, Journal of Cleaner Production, 38, 2013, pp. 7–16.
46. Jessica Bridger, ‘The Kalkbreite co-op complex and Zurich’s cooperative renaissance’, Metropolis, 29 November 2016:
47. Samba Mbaye and Marialuz Moreno Badia, ‘New data on global debt’, 2 January 2019:
48. Committee for the Abolition of Illegitimate Debt site:
49. Timothy M. Lenton, Johan Rockström, Owen Gaffney, Stefan Rahmstorf, Katherine Richardson, Will Steffen and Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, ‘Climate tipping points – Too risky to bet against’, Nature, 575, 27 November 2019, pp. 592–95.
50. G. Kallis, F. Demaria and G. D’Alisa, ‘Degrowth’, in James D. Wright (editor-in-chief), International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edn, vol. 6, Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 24–30, esp. pp. 28–29.
51. Manuel Castells (ed.) Another Economy is Possible: Culture and Economy in a Time of Crisis, New Jersey: Wiley, 2017; Eduard Nus ‘15M: Strategies, critique and autonomous spaces’, in Burkhart et al., Degrowth in Movement(s), pp. 44–58, esp. p. 53.
52. Andrea*s Exner, Justin Morgan, Franz Nahrada, Anitra Nelson and Christian Siefkes, ‘Demonetize: The problem is money’, in Burkhart et al., Degrowth in Movement(s), pp. 159–71.
1. Immanuel Wallerstein, ‘New revolts against the system’, New Left Review 18, November–December 2020, pp. 29–39, esp. pp. 37–38.
2. This is Gramsci according to Slavoj Žižek, ‘A permanent economic emergency’, New Left Review 64, July–August 2010, pp. 85–95, esp. p 95.
3. Immanuel Wallerstein, ‘New revolts against the system’, pp. 38–39.