Seeking the Help of a Professional
Parents of teens often feel confused about knowing how and when to look for professional help. Are we overreacting? What if it will all go away? Fortunately, adolescent therapy can be very helpful and successful these days, and there are some good guidelines for knowing what to do.
When Should I Seek a Therapist’s Help?
You should seek professional help when:
Your teen is in crisis. Problems such as drug use, serious violence, cutting or burning, and thoughts of hurting oneself require someone with experience who can keep your teen out of danger.
All other attempts haven’t worked. These include your own interventions, support, guidance, encouragement, rules, and consequences. They may also include the school system and your church’s youth leaders. If you have tried various avenues and given your teen a reasonable amount of time to change, but change hasn’t occurred, it’s likely time to bring in a professional.
How Can I Find a Good Therapist?
The best way to find a good therapist is to ask the people who frequently refer adolescents to see therapists. For example, school counselors and youth pastors likely know of good adolescent specialists in your area. Because of their work with teens and families, they get feedback about which counselors can effectively work with teens struggling with specific issues. Find the gatekeepers and get their advice.
I also recommend that your teen undergo a complete medical exam. Some behavioral problems can be influenced or worsened by underlying medical or biological issues, and your teen may need to be treated by an adolescent psychiatrist or a physician who is experienced in adolescent problems. Issues such as attention deficit disorder (ADD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and bipolar disorder may improve significantly with the correct medications, and these improvements can translate to improvements in behavior and attitudes.