   Preface to the First Edition
1   The Philosophical Point of the History of Ethics
2   The Prephilosophical History of “Good” and the Transition to Philosophy
3   The Sophists and Socrates
4   Plato: The Gorgias
5   Plato: The Republic
6   Postscript to Plato
7   Aristotle’s Ethics
8   Postscript to Greek Ethics
9   Christianity
10   Luther, Machiavelli, Hobbes, and Spinoza
11   New Values
12   The British Eighteenth-Century Argument
13   The French Eighteenth-Century Argument
14   Kant
15   Hegel and Marx
16   Kierkegaard to Nietzsche
17   Reformers, Utilitarians, Idealists
18   Modern Moral Philosophy