Abelard, Peter, 120
Académie de Dijon, 185
Adeimantus, 47
Adkins, W. H., 6
Agitators, 205
Alembert, Jean Le Rond d’, 182
Allestree, Richard, 171
Altruism, 186, 234
Antigone (Plato), 99
Antisthenes, 101
Apology (Plato), 23
A priori, 192
Aristippus of Cyrene, 101
Arrow Against All Tyrants, An (Richard Overton), 153
Articulation, 75
Asceticism, 119, 202
Ataraxia, 109
Atomism, 107
Atonement, theory of, 117, 202
Austen, Jane, 94
Authority, 138
Autobiography (R. G. Collingwood), 255
Bacchae, The (Plato), 99
Bad, defined, 9
Beattie, James, 177
Beauty, 40
in religion, 111
in religion, 110
Bentham, Jeremy, 2, 232–235
Bernstein, Eduard, 214
Blackstone, Sir William, 234
Blame, 68
Bloy, Léon, 110
Boredom, 216
Borgia, Cesare, 127, 224
Boswell, James, 171
Bourgeois society, 212
Bradley, F. H., 244–248
Brown, John, 204
Brown, Thomas, 177
Burke, Edmund, 227, 228–230
Caird, Edward, 121
Candor, 127
Capitalism, 103, 214
Carlyle, Thomas, 183
Carritt, E. F., 240
Categorical imperative, 194, 196–197
Catholic Christianity, 202
Censorship, 99
Charity, 118
Charles I, 230
Christian morality, 111
Christianity, 199, 217–218, 219, 223
Cicero, Marcus Tullius; 102
Clarity, 141
Cleanthes, 104
Collingwood, R. G., 93, 255
Color words, 90
Commentaries on the Law of England (Sir William Blackstone), 234
Common interest, 97
Compassion, 184, 222
Compulsion, 69
Conclusions, 72
Condescension, 78
Conscience, 166, 187–188
Constant, Benjamin, 195
Constantinian bureaucrats, 111
Contract, 136–137, 155, 157–158
Counter Reformation, 126
Courage, 39, 65, 68, 77, 106, 206, 263
Cowardice, 65
Critique of Pure Reason (Immanuel Kant), 190, 236
Cromwell, Oliver, 153
Cultures, 10
Curiosity, 67
Cyclical periods, of universe, 105
Death, 132
Deception, 77
Deeds, 85
Deficiency, 65
Defoe, Daniel, 150
Deity, 105
Deliberate action, 74, 204
Democracy, 45–46, 127, 130, 158, 189
Deontology (Jeremy Bentham), 235
De Quincey, Thomas, 230
Descartes, René, 178
Desire, 31–32, 52, 98, 184, 199, 200–201
Dewey, John, 253
Diogenes Laërtius, 101, 102, 106
Discourses on Livy (Machiavelli), 128
Disillusionment, 207
Divine right, doctrine of, 132
Du Contrat Social (Jean-Jacques Rousseau), 185
Duty, 84, 86–87, 93, 192–193, 197, 198, 208, 233, 236
Either/Or (Sören Kierkegaard), 216
Elements (Euclid), 130
Emile (Jean-Jacques Rousseau), 185
Enchiridion Ethicum (Henry More), 160–161
Encyclopédie (Denis Diderot), 182
Enlightenment, The, 181, 182–183, 190
Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals (David Hume), 169, 186
Enslavement, 184
Epicureanism, doctrine of, 100, 102, 104, 107, 108
Equality, 115, 231
Essay Concerning Human Understanding (John Locke), 160
Eternity, 141
Ethical Studies (F. H. Bradley), 245, 246
Eudaemonistic contemplation, 88
Evaluative predicates, 12
Evaluative truths, 95
Excess, 65
Experience, 190–191
Explicitness, 75
Fabianism, 238
Fable of the Bees, The, or Private Vices Public Benefits (Bernard de Mandeville), 162
Factual assertions, 143
Factual premises, 172
Fairness, 77
Faith, 118
Fallibility, 76
False consciousness, 206–207
Farther Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, The (Daniel Defoe), 151
Feeling, 73
Felicity, 138
Figgis, J. N., 124
Findlay, Professor J. N., 208
Foot, Philippa, 263
Freedom, 26, 143, 144–145, 196, 202, 203–205, 211–212
Freedom and Reason (R. M. Hare), 260–261
Frustration, 73
Function, differentiation of, 84
Galileo, 132
Geach, Peter, 263
Genealogy of Morals (Fredrich Nietzsche), 223
Generosity, 127, 206
Glaucon, 47
Goals, 76, 199
God, 55, 111–114, 118–119, 141, 142, 196, 199
Godwin, William, 229, 230–232
Good, 6, 11, 29, 32, 53, 57–59, 61, 84, 87, 223, 249–252
Grace, 119
Greek tragedy, 99
Green, T. H., 244–248
Grotius, Hugo, 120
Grumbling Hive, The, or Knaves Turned Honest (Bernard de Mandeville), 162
Guilt, 144
Happiness, 57, 59, 61–62, 140, 167, 195–196, 207, 236–238
Hare, R. M., 260–264
Hate, 144
Hebraic tribalism, 111
Hedonists, 109, 207
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm, 121, 199–210
Heine, Heinrich, 218–219
Hellenistic monarchy, 111
Helvétius, Claude-Adrien, 181–182
Heteronomy, 195
Heterosexual love, 52
Historical narrative, 91
Historical relativism, 96
History of the Peloponnesian War (Thucydides), 130
History of Philosophy and Religion in Germany (Heinrich Heine), 218
Hobbes, Thomas, 2, 130–140, 204
Holiness, 110
Homosexual love, 52
Honesty, 127
Hope, 118
Human actions, 85
Human nature, 105, 139, 148, 184, 221–222
Hume, David, 152, 168–169, 172–174, 204
Hunger, 184
Hutcheson, Francis, 163
Hypothetical imperative
of prudence, 194
of skill, 194
Identification, 202
Illusion, 140, 200, 212
Immortality, 196
Impulses, 182
Inclination, 86, 192–193, 195
Inculcation, nature of, 54
Independence, 101
Indignation, 66
Individual, The, 124–125, 128, 200
Individualism, 199
Infinity, 141
Inhibition, 73
Injustice, 98
Insecurity, 102
Instinct, 73
Intellectual virtues, 64
Intention, 106, 206
Intuition, 254, 255
Ireton, Henry, 153
Irony, 68
Irrationality, 73
James II, 137, 228
Jealousy, 66
Jesus, 115, 194–195, 224
Judgment, 140
Justice, 10, 11–12, 15–16, 21, 33, 34–35, 39–40, 46–48, 51, 106, 179–180, 241
Kant, Immanuel, 190–198, 203, 204, 224
Kautsky, Karl Johann, 214
Kelsen, Hans, 99
Keynes, J. M., 256
Kierkegaard, Sören, 215–218
Knowledge, 22–23, 41, 191, 253
Labor, division of, 84
Laches (Plato), 23
Language, 96
Language of Morals, The (R. M. Hare), 260–261
Language, Truth, and Logic (A. J. Ayer), 255
Leisure, 82
Liberality, 68
Liberation, 189
Life of Jesus (D. F. Strauss), 210
Light of Nature Pursued, The (Abraham Tucker), 167
Logic, 77
Logic (Georg Hegel), 209
Logos, 105
Louis XVI, 230
Love, 216
Magnesia, 56
Magnificence, 68
Maistre, Joseph Marie de, 189
Malebranche, Nicholas de, 170
Mandeville, Bernard de, 162–163
Manifesto (Karl Marx), 213
Mann, Thomas, 226
Mansfield Park (Jane Austen), 94
Marriage, 116, 216
Marx, Karl, 121, 149, 151, 188, 210–214
Meaning, theory of, 43
Meanness, 66
Meekness, 67
Melos, 12
Meno (Plato), 26
Merit, 123
Mill, James, 235
Mill, John Stuart, 204, 235–243, 251
Miltiades, 31
Milton, John, 151
Miracles, 150
Modesty, 68
Monotheism, 112
Montesquieu, Baron de La Brede et de, 170, 178–181
Moore, G. E., 249–253, 256
Moral beliefs, 116
Moral concepts, 1–3, 13, 24–25, 43, 116, 268
Moral depravity, 184
Moral environment, 100
Moral evaluations, 97
Moral freedom, 196
Moral imperative, 194
Moral judgments, 13, 140, 148, 161, 162, 169, 213, 224, 255
Moral law, 106
Moral precepts, 111–112, 176, 192
Moral rules, 126, 135, 148–149, 175, 179
Moral-sense, 163
Moral standards, 147
Moral truths, 161
Moral virtues, 64
Moral weakness, 76
Morality, 85, 107, 197, 200, 208, 213–214, 220, 223, 245
Morals, theory of, 139, 172, 191
More, Henry, 160
Motives, 206
Murder, 65
My Early Beliefs (J. M. Keynes), 256
Natural law, 234
Nature, law of, 16, 106, 117–118, 119, 133, 157, 193
Newton, Sir Isaac, 190
Nicholas, Tsar, 230
Nicomachean Ethics (Aristotle), 57, 98, 99
Niebuhr, Reinhold, 189
Nietzsche, Fredrich Wilhelm, 222–226
Nocturnal Council, 56
Nonvoluntary actions, 69
Novalis, 141
Number concepts, 88
Obedience, 113, 133–134, 183, 194
Obfuscation, 130
Opinion, 41
Oppression, 184
Oresteia (Plato), 99
Pain, 184, 216, 234
Paine, Tom, 227
Paley, Archdeacon William, 167–168
Parmenides (Plato), 53
Passions, 143
Paternalism, 198
Pathological love, 194
Peace of mind, 107
Perception, 71, 190–191
Pericles, 31
Perplexity, 96
Persecution, 149
Personality, 64
Pessimism, 189
Phenomenology of Mind (Georg Hegel), 200, 201, 209
Philosophy, history of, 199–200, 204
Philosophy of History (Georg Hegel), 205
Philosophy of Right (Georg Hegel), 200
Physical nature, 132
Plato, 2, 11, 14–15, 19, 21, 35–38, 40, 51–56
Pleasure, 47, 59, 80–82, 234, 235–236, 238–240
Plekhanov, Georgi, 141
Political authority, 138
Political freedom, 139, 204
Political rebellion, 126
Political standards, 147
Politics, and ethics, 129
Polybius, 108
Popper, Professor Karl, 34
Power, 130, 224
Praise, 68
Prejudice, 228, 230
Price, Richard, 175, 227–228
Prichard, H. A., 84–85, 86, 254
Pride, 78
Prince, The (Niccolo Machiavelli), 128
Principia Ethica (G. E. Moore), 249, 254, 256
Prodigality, 66
Prolegonmena to Ethics (T. H. Green), 247
Promise, 136, 193
Prosperity, 127
Puritanism, 150
Rainborough, Colonel Thomas, 153
Rameau’s Nephew (Denis Diderot), 182
Rashness, 65
Realists, 103
Reasoning, 37–38, 39, 55, 72, 73, 82, 126, 140, 143, 145, 169, 205
Redemption, theory of, 117
Reflections on the Revolution in France, Political Justice (Edmund Burke), 229
Reid, Thomas, 177
Religion, 141
Religion of Nature Delineated, The (William Wollaston), 170
Religious morality, 113–114, 150
Republic (Plato), 20, 26, 33–50, 51, 55, 98
Restraint, 77
Review of the Principal Questions and Difficulties of Morals (Richard Price), 175
Rigor, 141
Ritual, 110
Role description, 93
Roman imperial proletariat, 111
Roman religion, 198
Ross, Sir David, 254
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 151, 182–189
Rules, 241–242
Ruling class, 98
Santayana, George, 3
Sartre, Jean Paul, 269
Satisfaction, 30
Schopenhauer, Arthur, 220–222
Self-assertion, 35
Self-consciousness, 201
Self-improvement, 189
Self-interest, 221
Self-preservation, 132
Self-regarding motives, 136
Self-sufficiency, 83, 101, 102
Seneca, Marcus Annaeus, 106
Sensations, 181
Sense perception, 15
Serfdom, 115
Sex, 126
Shamelessness, 65
Sidgwick, Henry, 243, 244
Simonides, 12
Slavery, 115
Smith, Adam, 151, 168–169, 176
Social change, 147
Social identity, 126
Social order, 129, 187–188, 211–212, 213
Social rules, 134
Social standards, 147
Social unity, 97
Social virtues, 175
Socialism, 238
Socrates, 14, 18–25, 26–28, 30–32
Sovereignty, 130
Speculation, 82
Spencer, Herbert, 223, 251
Spontaneity, 75
Stealing, 170
Stevenson, C. L., 255, 257–259
Stewart, Dugald, 177
Stoical, 107
Stoicism, doctrine of, 100, 102, 104, 106, 108, 202
Strauss, D. F., 210
Suicide, 175
Superstition, 108
Supplement to Bougainville’s “Voyage” (Denis Diderot), 182
Syllogism, practical, 71
Tabu, 86
Terror, 99
Theatetus (Plato), 14
Theocracy, 132
Theognis of Megara, 9
Theology, 168
Thrasymachus, 47
Tolstoy, Leo, 75
Tragedy, 99
Tranquility, 107
Transcendental object, 61
Treatise of Human Nature (David Hume), 169, 174
Two Treatises of Government (John Locke), 157
Tyranny, 46
Ugly, 40
Unchastity, 175
Unmoved mover, 63
Utilitarianism, 240–241
Utilitarianism (J. S. Mill), 239
Utility, 174
Vicaire Savoyard (Jean-Jacques Rousseau), 187
Vico, Giovanni, 179
Virtue, 7–9, 11, 21, 22, 36, 39–40, 55, 63–64, 84, 106, 114, 144, 206, 207
Virtuous choice, 65
Voltaire, François, 183
Voluntary actions, 27, 68–70, 204
Warnock, May, 262
Weakness, moral, 76
Weber, Karl, 178
Whichcote, Benjamin, 160
Whole Duty of Man (Richard Alles tree), 171
Will, freedom of, 139, 220
William of Occam, 119
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 48, 233
Wittiness, 68
Wollaston, William, 170
Wollstonecraft, Mary, 230
Zeno, 104